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Selling Project Management to Senior Executives:

What’s the Hook?

Kam Jugdev, PMP, MEng, MHSA, BSc, BSc, Project Manager, IBM Canada Ltd.
Janice Thomas, Ph.D., MBA, BSc, University of Calgary
Connie L. Delisle, Ph.D. Candidate, MSc, BA, BEd, University of Calgary
Pam Buckle, Ph.D. Candidate, MBA, BA, University of Calgary

Introduction • Identify the compelling arguments of how project manage-

ment benefits the organizations
Worldwide, project management tools and techniques continue • Articulate the practical and political approaches for gaining ac-
to gain acceptance in many industry sectors. Increasingly, com- cess to executives.
panies espouse project management as a core competency. On The paper begins with some background to the research and
one hand, we are noting a growing interest in elements of proj- is followed by a brief introduction to the Phase I methodology,
ect management in virtually every segment of every industry. preliminary findings and recommendations for practitioners.
However, over 30% of projects end up being cancelled in mid-
stream and over half of projects run as high as 190% over bud-
get and 220% over the original time estimate (KPMG, 1997; Background
Standish Group, 1995). Although lost opportunity costs can be
difficult to measure, KPMG’s (1997) survey of over 1,400 senior We set out to explore the project management, marketing and or-
organizations found the lack of top management commitment ganizational literature to provide a framework for understand-
to be a key factor in failed projects. Despite the pervasive high ing the issues around selling project management. The following
failure rate of projects and advocacy of project management by is a brief summary of some of the important issues we used to
practitioners, the serious, long-term investment in project man- frame Phase I of this research initiative.
agement remains a tough sell. The difficulty in selling project Disconnect Between “Selling” and “Project
management internally can be compounded by stiff competition Management”
between firms (i.e., consultants, product sales representatives)
jockeying for senior executives’ time to espouse on the wonders The terms “selling” and “project management” seem discon-
of their project management methodologies over others. nected in the eyes and minds of most project managers.
Over the last 10 years, the topic of selling project management According to the Webster’s dictionary selling means to “pro-
has generated a significant amount of interest both within PMI® mote the sale, acceptance or adoption of ” (1984, pp. 628). A
as evidenced by papers presented at PMI® conferences (see for quick review of the project management practitioner literature
example Block, 1991, 1992) and by PMI’s recent sponsoring of shows that project managers do promote and advocate elements
a research project on the topic. The authors of this paper are con- of project management in the course of their work. Project man-
ducting this research for PMI® and this paper represents the find- agers generally promote project management by describing the
ings from Phase I. The paper presents practical insights gained features of tools and techniques and their inherent project ben-
from interviews aimed at identifying best practices necessary to efits related to the priority triangle of time, cost and scope. Less
build senior management awareness of the value and benefits of frequently do project manager sales strategies tie project man-
project management to their core business. The research team in- agement outcomes to corporate level outcomes and strategies.
terviewed experienced practitioners familiar with selling and What Senior Executives Are Looking For
purchasing project management. A grounded theory approach
was used to identify trends or themes related to successful and Generally, senior executives look for information to help them
unsuccessful sales strategies. Particular attention was paid to make sound business decisions as well as position themselves fa-
the similarities and differences in how the sample groups un- vorably in terms of their personal and professional growth. For
derstood project management and its benefits. example, they look for ways to measure and increase the return
By exploring situations where project management has been on their organization’s investments and reduce expenditures
successfully or unsuccessfully introduced into organizations, we (Dinsmore, 1996; McElroy, 1996). These outcomes are tied to
begin to: corporate strategy not individual project outcomes.

Proceedings of the Project Management Institute Annual Seminars & Symposium

September 7–16, 2000 • Houston,Texas, USA
How Do Sellers and Buyers Interact? project management. Based on this review, we set out to confirm
this and gain some concrete insights into the magnitude and na-
Sellers and buyers act either tactically (short term, quick win) or
ture of the problem by exploring the following two questions.
strategically (long term, slow win). The first level of selling refers to
1. How do “sellers” and “buyers” understand project manage-
tactical approaches that advocate a strong product focus.The second
ment’s functions and value?
level refers to strategic selling where one works with the customer to
2. How is project management sold in organizations?
find the right solutions to business problems. The third level refers
to competitive selling whereby one develops broader business rela-
tionships that help customers achieve their business objectives The Study
(Gardner, Bistritz & Klompmaker, 1996). Over the past 30 years
there has been a noticeable shift in the three levels of sales proficiency We interviewed a total of 23 participants. Initially, participants
toward the second and third stage. Senior executives have less time from the Project Management Advisory Council (PMAC)—
for tactical approaches and are seeking business relationships (companies that advise the Project Management Specialization
(Gardner, Bistritz & Klompmaker, 1996). Developing a relationship at the University of Calgary) served as lead contacts. From this
as a trusted advisor improves the likelihood of a successful sale. beginning we used a snowball technique to identify further in-
Need for Alignment of Values terviewees. Interviewees fit into one of three categories:
Senior Managers (Executives, CEOs, CIOs or Vice Presidents)
Frost (1999) suggests a value continuum for aligning buyers and representing the influential group of individuals making deci-
sellers that builds on the Gardner, Bistritz, and Klompmaker (1996) sions to purchase or not purchase project management (n=9).
model. It portrays value on a continuum, with foundation values Project Managers/Practitioners (Project Management Office
of efficiency (e.g., return on investment, cost reductions, revenue Managers, Project Managers or Directors of Project
generation, increased market share) and effectiveness (e.g., orga- Management) championing/selling Project Management largely
nizational effectiveness, customer satisfaction) at one-end and in- in the context of their organizations) (n=6).
novation values (market expansion, advantage creation) at the External Project Management Consultants/Experts whose
other. Frost’s model portrays the promise-centric values critical to experiences included both successful and unsuccessful attempts
managers and relates them to how they are sold. For example, tac- to sell project management to organizations (n= 8).
tical selling involves both the vendor and customer being focused Participants were asked between 30–35 semi-structured, pre-
on the features of project management in short term, quick fix re- tested qualitative questions. The questions focused on the sim-
lationships. Conversely, strategic selling takes on a consultant/cus- ilarities and differences in how these three sample groups
tomer approach whereby the potential exists for the strategic selling understood project management, project management bene-
of solutions to business problems. Finally, competitive selling in- fits, and the best way to present these. We use a Grounded the-
volves a business-to-business partnership that is more encom- ory approach whereby findings are “inductively derived from the
passing in terms of its focus on both organizations. Sellers generally study of the phenomenon it represents … it does not begin with
craft their messages based on their experiences; successful messages a theory and then proves it but begins with an area of study to
reflect the buyer’s needs as the buyer understands them. allow what is relevant to that area to emerge” (Strauss & Corbin,
Selling and Triggers 1990, pp. 23). The analysis focused on identifying trends or
themes related to successful implementation strategies.
Successful selling strategies include an approach to trigger a Participants represent a diverse set of organizations. 14 (61%)
need in the buyer, a prepared response that situates the product were between 36–46 years, and 9 (39%) were between 46–55
as the best solution and evidence supporting the argument (Don, years. Participants had practiced project management in such in-
2000). Sometimes the need is triggered by events or circum- dustries as oil and gas, information technology, telecommuni-
stances external to the sales effort (e.g., a crisis) but these type of cations, consulting, healthcare, transportation and new product
triggers are not as useful in the sales process as the seller has lit- development. 15 (65%) of those interviewed had between 11–20
tle or no control over their timing or occurrence. Successful years of project management experience and 8 (35%) had under
salespeople attempt to develop trigger strategies for their prod- 10 years of experience. At the time of this research, two partici-
ucts that are more within their control by exploring the needs of pants had their Project Management Professional (PMP) certi-
the buyer and framing the product to address those needs. fication and two were working towards it. In general, the
This review made us speculate that the difficulty in “selling” participants represented an experienced and educated group.
project management may be caused by a misalignment between
buyers and sellers (executives, project managers and consul-
tants) around project management values and how they seek to Findings
buy and sell. If senior executives often receive mixed messages
with respect to the benefits of project management, there may be For the purposes of this paper, we present a summary of the find-
a disconnect between the values used to sell and those used to buy ings under two categories related to the questions we set out to

Proceedings of the Project Management Institute Annual Seminars & Symposium

September 7–16, 2000 • Houston,Texas, USA
Exhibit 1. Common Decision Process for Buying Project Management

Context — External Triggers

Project Failures New Influence Environmental Competition Politics

Consultant Changes Best practices Economy
New staff Mega projects

Organizational Crises

Financial cost reductions needed Efficiency Competitive pressures

External —
Problem Relationships
Recognition Referrals
Information Search
Relational (reactive if in tactical
mode—looking for quick fix)
Internal —
We do PM. We have
tools and techniques.
We are best in class
Need Thank God
Organizational Don’t bring in PM
recognition concern
Black magic

Accidental PM
no real change Denial Acceptance

No internal Grow it Internal
Buy it Decision to go with
help Training
project management

commercial Consultation

Want value — Hire New PMs

buy tactical

answer. First we explore the participant’s understandings of basic understanding of project management appeared to be held
project management and any gaps that may exist and then we in common.
look at the process of selling project management. Once past the initial definition stage, a more varied under-
standing of project management came to light. Some viewed it
Are We Talking About the Same Thing?
as a tool or technique and others viewed it as a lifestyle, some-
thing that was ingrained in them and they believe in it. Some de-
Understandings of Project Management
scribed it as “part of their makeup.” It was described in religious
All the participants initially described project management as per terms on more than a few occasions and interviewees indicated
the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge def- that they had “found the religion of project management” and
initions. “A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to cre- described themselves as “converts.” Most of the executives pro-
ate a unique product or service” (PMBOK® Guide, 1996, pp. 167). vided less passionate or detailed depictions. They tended to de-
“Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, scribe it as a tactical toolbox for getting things done.
tools and techniques to project activities in order to meet or ex-
Value of Project Management
ceed stakeholder needs and expectations from a project” (pp.
167). They did not describe it as a philosophy and none of the To project managers the value of project management related to
practitioners referred to specific methodologies. In general, the being more efficient and effective in their roles, which helped

Proceedings of the Project Management Institute Annual Seminars & Symposium

September 7–16, 2000 • Houston,Texas, USA
them with their track records and career paths. The measures of The impact of these internal and external contexts left the
most interest to them related to being “on time, on budget and companies feeling that they were in “crisis” situations.
on spec.” As such, they focused on tactical strategies in selling Not one interviewee mentioned that project management was
project management (features, attributes) because they tended successfully sold proactively, as a strategic investment. Block’s
to be “heads down, in the trenches” and these were the values of work presented to PMI® in 1991 and 1992 confirms the difficulty
importance to them. To many in this category, the value of proj- of proactively selling project management. In organizations not
ect management was so obvious it almost didn’t bear explaining. rife with crises, the executives seemed disinterested in spending
The value of project management to established consultants money on project management due to the perception that it was
in material terms rested in increasing revenue and establishing overhead and expensive. This explains some of the frustrations
their presence on accounts. They preferred to focus on strategic and challenges internal project managers faced in their efforts to
level outcomes and to sell project management at that level how- sell project management proactively.
ever they were willing to focus on whatever benefits the client Specifically, crisis situations forced executives to consider the
wanted to buy. Smaller consultants tended to sell project man- merits of project management in terms of the business problem.
agement benefits relative to their individual skills and expertise. Recognition that the firm needed to improve the project man-
The value of project management to executives related to agement processes was usually based on the “insurance policy”
being more efficient and effective in their business capacities and value of project management in reducing risk and buying them
ultimately in how it helped them with their careers. They wanted certainty or its contribution to their personal success. Senior
to buy services that were aligned to their strategic business and management’s willingness to pay (WTP) for project manage-
personal goals. They were far more interested in buying tools or ment is associated with their perception of the pay-off—total
techniques that impacted strategic outcomes than those aimed revenue must exceed total cost. They tend to avoid buying proj-
at improving operations. ect management because the tangible benefits seem discon-
nected to the individual’s WTP, especially on a larger project that
In all the interviews conducted, only those at one projectized
takes a long time. Conversely, willingness to accept (WTA) the
firm consistently described project management as providing
loss of PM as an option/strategy in the future becomes much
strategic benefits; all others interviewed described it as a corpo-
more of a compensation issue on a grander scale. In either case,
rate tactic. The rationale given was that business priorities lay
the risk decision may rest on only one variable (typically cost),
elsewhere. Consultants confirmed these views based on experi-
which acts to underestimate value of project management.
ence with the same clients.
Triggered by these “crisis situations” executives began an in-
Gaps formation search. Externally, they reached out to specific proj-
ect management consultants on the basis of prior relationships
Clearly a disconnect exists between perspectives about the value
or referrals; e.g., those that were “top of mind” for specific ser-
of PM and what it should accomplish for organizations. Project
vices or skills. Rarely did the executives seek out new relationships
managers craft their sales message based on their experience; with consultants or establish stronger ties with internal advocates
however, from the literature we know that successful sales mes- of project management. There seemed to be three reasons in-
sages must reflect the buyer’s needs as the buyer understands ternal sources of information were not cultivated. First, execu-
them. Project management must be positioned as a solution to tives tended to view consultants with a different degree of
executives’ central business concerns and backed by evidence, credibility than their own project managers. In many cases the
rather than as a religion or a thing you’re just supposed to do. organizational crisis was in response to poor performance on or-
How is Project Management Usually Sold? ganizational projects. Project managers were usually the ones
blamed or fingered when projects were in trouble and senior
To answer this question, we asked each participant to tell us the managers failed to appreciate the element of shared responsibility
story of a time when they were involved in the “purchase” or (Jugdev & Hartman, 1998). This tended to reduce the credibil-
“sale” of project management within an organization. ity of project management proponents within the organization
Synthesizing these stories results in the needs based decision- at the very time when executives might be ready to listen. Second,
making process depicted in Exhibit 1. another challenge that internal project proponents faced in sell-
From the stories of project management the interviewees in- ing to their executives related to position power and language.
dicated that the triggers to buy project management were related Typically project management proponents were not at a similar
to a combination of internal and external factors as reactions to level in the hierarchy and so did not have access to resources, in-
specific needs. fluence, coalition and sometimes more importantly did not
• Internally, the decision to buy project management was pri- share a common language with the executives. When the proj-
marily related to an extremely troubled or failing/failed project ect managers focused on project minutiae, executives further dis-
or the advent of mega/complex projects. connected in terms of both receiving the message and listening.
• Externally, the decision to buy project management was pri- Understandably, project management is experiential and good
marily related to competition and market share issues. project managers tend to become better project managers on the

Proceedings of the Project Management Institute Annual Seminars & Symposium

September 7–16, 2000 • Houston,Texas, USA
basis of their previous successes and failures. Frequently, partic- Conclusions
ipants stated that “you need years of experience and scars on your
back, and have had a few things go wrong to be a real project Our findings suggest that a disconnect exists between what the
manager.” However, most executives had not necessarily achieved sellers promotes and what the buyers want to hear in the proj-
their senior positions by spending time in the project manage- ect management realm. A naiveté appears around the belief that
ment profession so the granularity that project managers used project management should be valued for its own sake. Thus, se-
to sell it to them did not always work. nior executives fail to see project management’s value connection
Finally, executives often got very mixed messages from their in- with the goals of the organization. In addition, the “sale” of
ternal resources, messages often in direct conflict with those project management at present appears to be the response to in-
being offered by the consultants. Generally, senior executives ternal crisis or changes in the environment instead of occurring
got responses to queries about the state of project management as a proactive business decision. Those interested in being more
in the organization that range as follows: effective at selling project management will benefit from learn-
• We do project management and we do it well so we don’t ing and applying the basics of marketing strategies, listening to
need help. This reaction reflects a resistance to change and ex- their target audience and ensuring that they align the sale of proj-
emplifies denial in terms of project management improvements. ect management to match the executive’s degree of receptiveness
• We don’t need project management. We have managed to do on the value continuum.
projects “the old way for years” and do not need to change our Selling project management to senior executives requires proj-
practices or learn new ways. This reaction indicates an immature ect managers learn different skills and overcome a discomfort
level of project management, and significant resistance to change. with acting in a “sales” capacity. Project managers’ experience
• We need help with project management. Thank goodness we with project management means that they best understand it’s
are receiving help and our concerns are finally being heard. This the value and benefits within their company. They appreciate its
level indicates a moderate level of project management maturity value and benefits when it is used effectively on projects and they
and awareness that improvements are possible. appreciate its need when projects do not go well. Project man-
Executives receiving the first two types of responses are likely agers are excellent ambassadors to promote project manage-
to be either confused or angry in a situation where they have rec- ment in business terms to executives. They can develop skills in
ognized the organizational problems around project manage- putting forth the arguments of how project management bene-
ment. Executives receiving the third type of response are not fits organizations by applying best practices and heightening
likely to turn to this group for advice. Thus internal proponents senior management awareness of the value and benefits of proj-
of project management are severely handicapped by the tendency ect management.
of executives to be triggered to explore project management As with any project, the attempt to “sell” project management
only in crisis situations. Clearly, this group needs to develop at the executive level benefits from careful planning and prepa-
better ways of gaining access and triggering interest in project ration. The results of this phase of the study provide some insights
management more conducive to proactive implementation. into the process necessary to “sell” project management and some
Once the need was recognized and heightened awareness on of the arguments that others have found to be successful.
project management achieved (learning), it usually led to accep-
tance of project management as a potential solution. Then, exec-
utives took action by either buying project management externally Recommendations
from consultants or growing it internally by training their staff, hir-
ing project managers and augmenting this strategy with some con- Our preliminary research findings suggest that the difficulty in
sulting services. These two choices differ in that buying project selling project management at the executive level often results
management services reflects an organizational culture that views from gaps in the marketing relationships. For example, project
project management as a commodity. On the other hand, those managers sell features and attributes when executives want to hear
companies that grow it internally support it as a core compe- about results and benefits. At times project managers and smaller
tency. These companies indicated that it took years to grow proj- consultants are guilty of selling before the need has been identi-
ect management internally and that the progress was incremental. fied let alone agreed to by executives (Goldratt, 1998). These dis-
In the cases where the need for project management contin- connects could be viewed as misalignments between values and
ued to be denied at this stage, the practitioners believed that there expectations. Those involved in selling project management to ex-
would be no change. In these organizations, project management ecutives can benefit from understanding some basics of market-
was simply something anyone could do when the need arises. ing and communication skills (e.g., improving their listening
These project managers were often promoted up the technical skills in terms to learn how to frame the problem executives want
ranks and awarded the title “project manager” although they answered). This will enable them to make the right connections
often did not have the experience or training to fill the role ef- about what executives are receptive to hearing in business terms.
fectively. One interviewee used the term “accidental project man- We suggest using a three-point approach of triggers, responses
ager” to describe these individuals. and proof to explain project management benefits.

Proceedings of the Project Management Institute Annual Seminars & Symposium

September 7–16, 2000 • Houston,Texas, USA
Trigger: Understand what the triggers to buy are for executives. to have and contribute to successful services selling. The insights
Currently, the strongest triggers for the need for project man- from the practitioners provided in this paper can enhance proj-
agement at the executive level appear to be an external crisis or ect management proponents’ competitive edge by aligning their
negative project activity. Buying occurs at a reflexive or invol- selling values to those of the senior executives in the buying mode.
untary level associated with current problems and no real learn- Phase I is an exploratory phase subject to the limitations of the
ing takes place. This situation relegates project management to smaller sample sizes of a distinct population parameter. The re-
a reactive fast fix grounded in delivery of flavor-of-the-month sults should be interpreted within this framework, and thus, the
tactics and bandaid solutions to deep project wounds. In this conclusions generalize specifically to this population. The initial
case, either a positive or negative association develops through phase enabled the development of a more narrow and in-depth
pairing previous experiences with the promotional pitch. This approach for Phase II of the research. Phase II entails a web
cycle perpetuates itself on the underlying belief that project based survey or Delphi study aimed at generalizing and elabo-
management will help control and diffuse external trigger events. rating, challenging and in some respects validating the findings
From a sales perspective this means that sales will always be re- of the first phase. The aim will be to provide concrete descrip-
active. However, until we determine how best to sell project tions of important triggers, responses and evidence to be used to
management at the strategic level where executives respond on support the introduction of PM in organizations. Individuals or
the basis of listening to their internal needs (reducing costs and organizations interested in participating in the second phase
increasing revenue), project management proponents need to be are invited to contact us.
ready to respond to these external triggers.
To increase the potential for proactive sales, project managers
can initiate the trigger by focusing on questions like: What are Acknowledgements
the top five things the executive is trying to do for the company?
What are their priorities? What keeps them up at night? Listen The authors of this study would like to acknowledge the Project
for cues and insights into these areas. For example, the executive Management Institute for visionary directions toward this re-
may be focuses on increasing revenue and decreasing costs. Once search initiative. In particular, we are indebted to Dr. Lew
these are understood, project management can be fit into the ap- Gedansky for his leadership and support. The authors would also
propriate context and sold proactively. like to acknowledge the generous financial support provided by
Response: Sellers need to move away from selling project the following organizations:
management by focusing on specific features (e.g., tools and • University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta
methods) and learn to reframe the information in terms of ben- • IBM Canada Ltd., Calgary, Alberta
efits or values relative to the executive’s priorities. One way of • Project Management Institute—Southern Alberta Chapter,
doing this is by drawing analogies about the impact project fail- Calgary, Alberta
ures have on the business strategy and discussing lessons learned. • Computers in Information Processing Society—Calgary,
The goal being to stimulate deep learning as opposed to associ- Alberta Chapter
ations made out of fear of past mistakes. The authors would like to acknowledge the valuable insights
Proof: It helps to provide anecdotal information or proof of contributed by the study participants. Further details on this re-
the value proposition in the context that executives will relate to; search project or for a copy of the detailed paper that was pre-
e.g., restate the value of project management in terms of effi- sented at the Project Management Institute Research Conference
ciency terms that support the business objective and link to the June 2000 can be requested by contacting Kam Jugdev at
strategy. A tight correlation between business goals and project
management is required (alignment).
Additional pointers from practitioners who market and sell References
services include the following: Block, T.R. (1991). Selling Project Management to Senior Executives.
• People buy from people they have developed good relation- PMI Symposium, Dallas, Texas.
ships with and people they trust. The goal of most marketing and Block, T.R. (1992). Selling Project Management to Senior Executives—
sales staff is to become “trusted advisors.” The Sequel. PMI Symposium, Pittsburgh
• Listen to executives and relate project management to their Dinsmore, P. (1996, June). Toward Corporate Project Management.
agendas and priorities PM Network.
• Build strong relationships (if you don’t click, you don’t win) Don, C. (2000). Personal interview. March17, 2000.
Don, Corey (2000). Personal interview. March 17, 2000.
• Understand the politics of the environment
Frost, J. (1999). Assessing the Strategic Value of IT. Intelligence Unit for
• Don’t waste time selling features, make the connection be- UKP425. IBM Global Services.
tween project management and value (Jugdev & Thomas, 2000). Gardner, A., Bistritz, S., & Klompmaker, J. (1998). Selling to senior ex-
Project management is a tough sell in a competitive environ- ecutives, Part 1. American Marketing Association (sum).
ment characterized by a lack of boundaries and innovative part- Gardner, A., Bistritz, S., & Klompmaker, J. (1998). Selling to senior ex-
nering strategies. Credibility and trust are important advantages ecutives, Part 2. American Marketing Association (fall).

Proceedings of the Project Management Institute Annual Seminars & Symposium

September 7–16, 2000 • Houston,Texas, USA
Heidrick & Stuggles (1998). unpublished research papers
Houle, D. (1998). Video Transcriptions: Persuading the Customer to Buy
(Part One). Http://;
Jacobs, P. (1999). Recovering from project failure. Infoworld
Publications Inc. Vol. 21 (39) pp. 103–107.
Jugdev, K., & Hartman, F. (1998). Project Manager Fears and
Frustrations. PMI Symposium, Long Beach, California.
Jugdev, Kam., & Thomas, Janice. (2000). Effective Services Marketing
and Sales Strategies. (Unpublished paper).
KPMG. (1997). What Went Wrong? Unsuccessful Information
Technology Projects.
McElroy, W. (1996) Implementing Strategic Change Through
Projects. International Journal of Project Management, 14 (6).
PMI® (1996) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge.
Sawy, O., Malhotra, A., Gosain, S., & Young, K. (1999). IT-intensive
value innovation in the electronic economy: Insights from Marshall in-
dustries. MIS Quarterly; Minneapolis.
Standish Group. (1995). The Chaos Report. http://www.standish-
Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research: Grounded
theory procedures and techniques. London: Sage.
Thomas, J. (1997). It’s Time to Make Sense of Project Management.
Unpublished manuscript. The University of Calgary, Project
Management Specialization/Faculty of Management. Email:
Webster’s II New Riverside Dictionary. (1984). Berkley Books, New

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Proceedings of the Project Management Institute Annual Seminars & Symposium
September 7–16, 2000 • Houston,Texas, USA

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