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Propagation by cuttings: Principles Advantages of cuitingy Y It isa simple, cheap and convenient method of plant propagation ¥ It involves minimum expenses ¥ Much technical still is not required v The complex problems of stock scion relations can be avoided because of rootstocks are not involved in thb method Y There bs no problem of graf incomputibility Y Rapid multiplication Is possible within a short time Y The uniform planis can be produced through cuttings without any genetic changes ¥ Mach space is not required for cutting ~ Transportation af cuttings are easier Disadvantages > Cuttings of some plants do not reat casity > ‘The desirable benefits uf rooisiock on a sciom variely cannot be exploited Rooting of cuttings > For plant propagation through cuttings, it is highly essential that proper root & shoot system should develop » In fact, rogencration of a plant part (means cutting) into catire plant stracturc basically depends on two fundamental properties of a plant ccll % Totipotency “the capacity of an individual living plant cell to reconstitute all plant functions” OR “The sum total of genetic information needed to produce the fall sized plant” © Dedifferentiation “Changes in structure and functions of cells and tissues during growth” OR “The capacity of matare cells ti rotura tos meristentatic condition and develop into a new growing point” So, for transforination of a plant part iuto a full-Medged plant, it has required some manipulations for inducing root and shoot system in the cuttings } ‘The anatomical and physiolegical basis involved in the process of rooting of cuttings Anatomical basis of rooting of cuttings + The roots developed om stem, root or leaf cuttings but they all have internal origin in their parcat structures The internal origin of roots ts called as enclogenows and found most of the plant species In Tamarix (ornamental plant), firstly root develop exogenously on the stem and them these are connected to the internal tissues of the stem + The first study on anatomical basis of rooting was done by a French dendrologist, Duhamel du Monecau i 1758 Callus formation and rooting 2 “Callus Js 2 mass of undifferentiated parenchymatus cells” > Ifwhen cuttings are placed in a suitable medium, then callus developed at the base of the cutting and root Initiation process from this place > The callus formation is necessary for rooting of cuttings > ‘The excess callus formation may be hinder rool inilintion in some species Presence of preformed root initials > “Dormant rood initials are called ay preformed” OR" “latent root initinly™ > Root initials developed in the intact stem of certain woody plants and these root initials remain dormant in the stem > Ef cuttings made from such stems are placed in favorable environmental conditions, so these root imitials become active und rovls are developed rapidly und easily from them © Occurrence of root initials is quite common in hydrangea, poplar, jasmine, current and citron Stem structure and rooting > The cortain type of stem structure OR tissue relationship plays vital rolc in adventitious root formation In cuttings “adventitious reot- those roots which arise from any plant part other than the seedling root aud its branches” > Continuows development of sclerepchyma ring and lignified tissue between phloem and cortex of stem is generally considered as an anatomical barrier to rooting of cuttings in olive and in some leaf cuttings > The presence of sclerenchyma fibres in the cortex of stem may cause difficulty in rooting of cuttings- English Ivy and Hedera kelix Physiological basis of rooting of cuttings } Many physiological factors more often are related to resting of cuttings Hormonal factors Y Growth regulators like; auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid and ethylene influence rooting of cuttings Y The other various outural occurring promoters and im itors ulfect the root initiation process Auxins = IBA Gindole butyric acid) and NAA (aphthalene acetic acid) were found to be more effective in inducing rooting In cuttings © Acontinuous supply of auxins is basically required for the first 3 to 4 days of initintion of rvoting in cuttin + Discontinuation in aust supply during root clongation process, docs not affect the rooting pracess at all * ‘The cullinyy do not respond to exogenous application of auxins afer rooting process bus initiated ytokinins = | Cytolcinins are responsible for growth and differentiation of the cells = Kinetin, zeatin and 6-benzyl adenine have cytokinin activity = In gencral, cuttings having high endogenous level of cytokinins have more difficulty to root than those having low cytokinin activity * Cytokimins at very low concentration promote root initiation process, while high concentration inbibits it = Cytoksinins strongly promote bud initiation in root cuttings of some species like Bryophyllum Gibberellins » The higher concentrations of gibberellins usually inhibit root initiation process in cuttings but lower concentration promotes it > ‘The inhibitory effect of higher doses of GA3 is mainly due to prevention of early cell division > Many gibbereliin antagonist chemicals like Alar, Arest or abscisic acid usually promote rooting in cuttings Factors affecting rooting of cuttings: The rooting of cuttings is influenced by internal and external factors 1. Physiological condition of the mother plant } Physiological condition of the mother plant from which cuttings are made, can exert « dramatic influence on rooting of cuttings For example, cuttings taken from the plants deficient in water often show reduced rooting Ifeuttings taken in the early morning hours give better roots The nutrient status of the stock plant also exerts a strong influence on development of roots and shoots from the cuttings Plants supplied with excessive N have luxuriant growth and cuttings taken from such plants, they produce poor roots Tf low N and high carbohydrate balance in stock plant is necessary for cuttings For blocking carbohydrate reserve in stock plant by the girdling technique Girdling blocks the downward movement of carbuhydrates, hormones and other root promoting factors and there by induce rooting process in cuttings readily. Girdling hay been found to be very uxeful in routing of cuttings in citrus, hibiscus und water onk and apple > Internal factors of stock plant, such ws auxin level und carbohydrate influence the root initiution process of cuttings > The girdling process of shoots performed prior to their use ax cuttings (it is useful for stimulation of rooting) vv vy wv rv

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