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PROPAGATION BY GRAFTING: PRINCIPLES » Many horticultural plants are propagated by grafting » In grafting, the desired cultivar can be raised on other plants (reotstocks) for achieving the desirable benefits ¥ Propagation by grafting involves some principles, which are important for us » Grafting is a technique of propagation in which scion stick (shoot containing more than one bud) and rootstock is connected im a manner such that they may unite and subsequently grow and develop as a successful plant >» Grafting utilizes rootstock and scion which ultimately constitutes one plant » The rootstock of 1-2 year age having pencil thickness and desired attributes is selected for grafting The different parts of a plant » The formation of graft union is basically a process of healing of wounds and in this process, the parts of graft that are originally prepared and placed in close contact > The union is accomplished entirely by cells that grow and develop after the actual grafting operation has been done >Further, in a graft union there is no intermingling of the cell contents of stock and scion and cells maintain their own identity Formation of a graft union The principal steps involved in the healing process and formation of the graft union are as under Establishment of a direct contact between the cambial region of both stock and scion Establishment of a direct contact between cambial layers of stock & scion is the first and foremost step in healing process of graftage i.e., cambial layers of stock and scion must be matched closely It is necessary that the cambial layers of stock and scion be close enough, so that the parenchymatous cells of stock and scion produced in this region can become interlocked Two badly matched or mismatched cambial layers may prevent the formation of a successful graft union >It is essential that two components of a graftage (stock and scion) must be tied firmly with wrapping material, so that there do not dislodge’ for this, stock and scion should be of same thickness, the cut should be smooth and uniform on stock and scion, matching will each other firmly (stock and scion) to avoid any free passage between them and lead to the formation of a successful union Environmental factors more especially temperature and RH also favour the healing process > Usually a temp. range of 15-30°C is considered ideal for establishing good cambial contact and for rapid growth of the cambial cells ¥It is essential to keep the region of graft union free from pathogenic organisms as the thin walled cells of graft union are highly susceptible to attack of pathogens under high rainfall and temperature conditions, which are highly harmful to successful healing of graft union >It is important that cut surfaces of stock & scion are not dehydrated, so for this, waxing of graft union is essential to prevent desiccation of cells and disease infection Production of new cambial cells >In callus bridge of stock and scion, there are certain parenchymatous cells, which differentiate into new cambial cells after 2-3 weeks of grafting and development of cambial cells which result in formation of continuous cambial connections between stock and scion and this is a good indication of formation of successful graftage Formation of new vascular tissues > After the formation of continuous connection between stock and scion through callus bridge (cambial activity which results in formation of new xylem inside and phloem outside) >The new xylem tissues generally originate from the activities of scion tissues rather than from the stock >Production of new xylem & phloem tissues permits vascular connection between stock and scion continiously upto the life of a grafted plant Factors affecting the healing of graft union >The formation of graft union is basically a process of healing of wounds » The healing process is influenced by many factors which affecting the success or failure of graft union and they are influence the formation of a successful graft union, briefly described- Production and interlocking of parenchymatous cells During the grafting operation, living cells of stock & scion are damaged by knife which resulting in the formation of necrotic plate and they separates stock and scion from each other >» However, under the dead/damaged cells, some living cells also exist, which initiate the formation of callus from the parenchymatons cells of phloem and xylem tissues >Parenchymatons cells mainly comprise of spongy tissue, which penetrates the thin necrotic layer and soon fill up the gap between stock and scion; and become intimately interlocked »The interlocking of cells provides a mechanical support to the graftage and allows the passage of nutrients and water between stock and scion > Initially, there is development of a brown line between the callus of stock and scion but it disappears gradually »The old vascular tissue of both components is sealed off with a deposit of gum & thereby accelerates the healing process Compatibility between the stock and the scion: »Compatibility between stock and scion is first and foremost pre- requisite for the formation of a successful graft union >The compatible stock & scion form perfect union, while incompatibility between stock & scion results in complete failure of graft union >The ability of two kinds of plants to form a successful graft union is related largely to their natural relationship while distantly related plants show incompatibility/ very slow healing of graft union and vice versa »The plants like apple, pear, mango and sapota can easily be grafted, whereas walnut and oaks are difficult to propagate by grafting Plant type: » The success or failure of grafting depends upon the kind of plant > Some plants form successful union easily, whereas others do not compatible » Top working of apple and pear with any simple technique do well but difficulties appear while top working in stone fruits like peach, plum and apricots > Top working of peaches with compatible species of plum or almonds is more successful than working with peaches itself >In walnut, desiccation and death of tissues near the graft union takes place readily, resulting in graft failure >The some plants produce wound gum, which plugs the xylem elements after grafting operation and prevent the excessive desiccation and death of the tissues >Exudation of latex or resin may be auto-inhibitory in walnut, which prevents the healing process Environmental conditions: > Optimum temperature, moisture and O, supply is necessary during & after the grafting operation for the formation and healing of graft union » The environmental factors are necessary for initiation and production of callus tissue >» Optimum conditions usually vary from plant to plant >In apple, little or no callus is formed below 0°C and above 40°C, the optimum being 24-27°C and for walnut, it is 25-30°C >For better healing, high humidity is essential to avoid drying and desiccation of thin walled > Highly turgid cells favour proliferation of callus mass than those in wilt conditions > The spring and monsoon seasons are best for grafting in India >The growth activity of stock and scion has strong influence on the success or failure of a graft union Grating method: > Budding or grafting technique influences the healing of graft union > The grafting methods vary in different plant species +A highly successful method of grafting for one plant species may be a completely failure for other species >The stone grafting is a highly successful propagation method for mango in Konkan region but not in North India +Inarching is the best propagation method of mango in South India but veneer grafting is most successful in North India >The errors in grafting technique such as poor or delayed waxing, loose tape, large or uneven cuts or desiccation of scion etc can also aid in failure of graft union Incidence of insect-pests and diseases > Infection of scion sticks by viruses, insect-pests (borer) & diseases may result in poor healing of graft union, so scion wood not to take from infected stock »Thus, it is advisable to maintain 100 % RH for abundant callus formation and healing of graft union >The optimum temperature and supply of O, is equally important >» Optimum O, supply helps in rapid cell division, which is necessary for callus enlargement and healing process >Waxing and white washing of the graft union also help in healing process by protecting the graft union from the infection of pathogens and extremes of heat »The optimum temperature, RH & O, during and after grafting should be maintained for better and early healing of the graft or bud union Growth of the stock and the scion: »The growth condition of stock and scion during budding or grafting plays a vital role in healing process >If plants are in active growth, they would heal soon otherwise they may take some more time for healing » The success in bark grafting chiefly depends on slipping ability of bark > The callus proliferation occurs more readily in spring >In veneer grafting of mango, scion sticks are prepared by forcing (defoliation) them on the mother plant for a week to encourage bud break

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