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31-MM34 Metaheuristics

Video 0: Course Organization

Prof. Dr. Kevin Tierney
Professor for Decision and Operation Technologies
Bielefeld University

Last updated: Summer 2022

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Prof. Dr. Kevin Tierney

(≥ 2018) Professor Universität Bielefeld (< 2018) Asst. Professor Uni Paderborn

Ph.D. IT University of Copenhagen

Sc.M. Brown University

B.S. Rochester Institute of Technology

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Daniel Wetzel

André Hottung

PhD Students Uni Bielefeld

B.S./M.S. Universität Paderborn

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Course goals

You will learn. . .

I how to solve difficult, real-world optimization problems,
I how to use and advance state-of-the-art metaheuristic techniques,
I about a wide range of optimization problems and how to solve them.

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Course schedule: Metaheuristics

Videos Topic
0–2 Heuristics
3–6 Designing heuristics 1
6–9 Designing heuristics 2
10, 11 Neighborhoods 1
11 – 13 Neighborhoods 2
14 Large neighborhood search
15 Variable neighborhood search
16 Genetic algorithms
17 Ant colony optimization
18 Project scheduling
19 Multi-objective heuristics
20 – 22 Continuous optimization
23 – 25 Delta evaluation & programming
- Project presentations

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Grading (31-MM34 Module)

I Homework [40%]
I Four homework assignments (One Metaheuristics / Three Combining OR and Data
Science1 )
I Project [25%]
I Group project in Metaheuristics lecture
I Exam [35%]1
I Exam focuses only on the ORM lecture

Data Science students are graded on the one homework and project.
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Course “rules” and expectations

I The course language is English. All non-private communication must be
conducted in English.
I Join our online meetings prepared. Read literature in advance, do the exercises,
I Do ask questions

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This course builds off of the lecture Operations Research Models. If you did not take
that course yet, you either can:
I Take it in the winter and wait to take this one, or
I Learn the contents yourself.

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Course resources

I “Stochastic Local Search”

by Holger H. Hoos and Thomas Stützle
I See detailed syllabus in LernraumPlus

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