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You shall not take the name of the

Lord your God in vain Ex 20:7;DT.

 The faithful are required to honor the name of God. It makes sense
that if you’re to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength,
then you’re naturally to respect the name of God with equal passion
 vigor.
In the Old Testament, the name of God represents the presence of
God himself. Thus, when the name of God is worshipped, God himself
is worshipped. God making known his name is God making known his
person. In answer to Moses’ question about his name, God replies, IAM
WHO AM. Through this name God made known His dominion and power
over history and time – past present, and future
“Biblical meaning of the name”
 In the New Testament, God fully revealed himself as Father.
Son and Holy Spirit.
 Jesus revealed God as Father- a name that most profoundly
express the very essence of God whom Jesus experienced as
 In the Gospels Jesus healed the sick, cast out demons &
worked all kinds of miracles. Jesus thus acted according to the
essence of his name, which means “One who saves”
 The name of God should only be used to bless, praise & glorify God.(CCC
 The faithful should bear witness to the Lord’s name by confessing the faith
without giving way to fear. Preaching and catechizing should be permeated
with adoration and respect for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (CCC 2145)
 It forbids the abuse of God’s name i.e., every improper use of the name of
God, Jesus Christ, of the Virgin Mary, and all the saints. (CCC 2146)

 By taking God’s name in vain is meant that the name of God or the holy name
of Jesus Christ is used without reverence or respect.
Three (3) things necessary to make an
oath lawful:

1. We must have good reason for taking an

2. oath.
We must be convinced that what we say under oath is
3. We must not swear or take an oath to do what is
Sins against the 2ndcommandment:
1. Perjury- a person sins by perjury when he deliberately calls
on God to bear witness to a lie. In courts adults swear in
God’s name to tell “the truth and nothing but the truth.”
But how many cases are still not solved due to false
2. False, rash unjust and unnecessary oaths – using God’s
name to confirm a false statement
3. Blasphemy- insulting language which expresses contempt for
God, either directly or indirectly or through his saints and
holy things.
Offenses against 2ndCommandment
4. Cursing- the calling down of evil on a person, place or thing.
5. Profane words (Profanity)- is a disrespectful use of God’s name,
using the name of God or Jesus to express anger, fear or surprise.
Ex. Some Filipino are fond of using the term like “Dios ko” to express anger or
“Susmariajosep” ( a contraction of “Hesus, Maria y Jose” to express surprise.)

These similar expressions and the imprudent use of the name of

Jesus in ordinary conversation may seem unimportant & small. But if
we really want to revere God, we cannot afford to utter it carelessly
& thoughtlessly.
 To use the name of God in vain is to act against the very person
of God, for his name, he is made present.
 Using religion for purposes other than worshipping God and
loving and serving others is an abuse and desecration of religion
 Beyond using the name of God in coarse, vulgar, & foul
language, the worst sins against the 2ndcommandment are sins
that directly attack his very person & majesty of his authority
like cursing, blasphemy, false .
The name of the Lord is holy!

To witness to the name of the Lord means to proclaim his name without fear.
Preaching and catechizing, proclaim the Gospel that others may know Christ and
be saved in his name. When the name of God in Christ is proclaimed, his name
must be spoken with great reverence. To speak his name is to worship his
The prohibition of disrespecting and abusing the name of God includes all the
names of those who have been specially graced by God like the Blessed Virgin
Mary, St. Joseph, and the
Questions for Reflection:

What is the basic value that the Second

Commandment is protecting? What does it
command us to do?
How is the name of persons sacred? Explain.

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