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There’s a blind cat that sleeps by the oldest campus tree. If you can brave the hissing long enough to
pet him, he’ll lick your fingers and mark you as his own. You are his now, under his protection.

Lean in close, he’ll whisper when and how you’ll die.



Midnight. I get a passenger.

Nothing unusual – I helped her strap on her helmet, got on, and went on our way.

We arrived safe and sound. She gives me back the helmet as she joyfully walks away.

In my hand was the helmet.

With her head still intact.




I remember listening to Lola’s radio. It would always play her favorite songs. Lola and I would dance
along to the tunes.

When she died, I tried asking mom what station it was. She told me that she had no idea since we
kept listening to static.


Martha Phillips – One Year Later

“Good morning, Eva.”

“Morning, Sheryl.”

“So how’s your garden doing?”

“Growing like a weed!”

They laughed.

“I’m sure it’s given you a lot of comfort since Henry disappeared,” said Sheryl kindly.

“Actually,” said Eva. “I often feel he never really left me at all.”

Her roses were unusually large that summer.


Nathaniel Nauert – Rude Interruption

I began writing my 55 Fiction story when suddenly a loud humming arose outside. I opened the door
to find – a space ship!

Four tiny creatures emerged. I invited them in for tea. I told them my story idea. They said it was
boring and that I should write about them instead, so I did.


Ross Lesko – At the Autopsy

“Victim’s blood is completely drained, apparently through two small puncture wounds in the neck,”
said the coroner.

“Hey... you don’t suppose it’s, you know, the real deal?” asked his assistant.

“No, just some psycho.”

“You sure?”

They stared at each other for a moment, then burst out laughing – but stopped when the corpse
laughed, too.

Ernie Glenesk – Death Trap

The growing hatred between Mary and Robert was such that a killing was inevitable.

Mary had a plan, baiting Robert incessantly in the hope that he would kill her.

The note he found after he shot her read, “Thank you, Robert. Doctors had given me only two
months. I hope you rot in prison forever.”


Jeffrey Whitmore – Bedtime Story

“Careful, honey, it’s loaded,” he said, reentering the bedroom. Her back rested against the
headboard. “Is this for your wife?”

“No. Too chancy. I’m hiring a professional.”

“How about me?”

He smirked. “Cute. But who’d be dumb enough to hire a lady hitman?”

She wet her lips, sighting along the barrel.

“Your wife.”


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