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I. Instruction

1. Design a 4A's lesson on the topic assigned to you.

2. Give a presentation on the assigned topic.
3. The lecture could be a creative presentation (role play, reader's theater, talk show, etc.) or
a simple PowerPoint report.
4. All presenters must take part in the lecture delivery using at least one teaching strategy or
method that you find effective in facilitating a learner-centered teaching.
5. The following topics must be covered in the lecture, but are not limited to:
A. Background information on the subject.
B. Pay attention to the important details.
C. Summary and other important information.
6. Each pair only has 15-20 minutes.
7. Presenters are only allowed 5 minutes to answer questions from the class.
8. You can look up references on the internet. Provide attribution.
9. The presenters will be evaluated using the rubric below.

II. Topic Presentation

Topics Presenter Schedule / Remarks

1. Learning Styles Sabay & Hernandez March 6 - 10

2. Multiple Intelligences Romero & Grancho March 6 - 10

1. Metacognition and Rochino & Gorgonio March 6 - 10

Metacognitive Knowledge
3. Metacognitive Regulation and Poster & Germano March 13 - 17

4. Metacognitive Instruction Pondoon & Enaya March 13 - 17

5. Piaget’s Cognitive Poliquit S. & Enad March 13 - 17

Development Theory
6. Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Poliquit K. & Diez March 20 - 24
Theory of Cognitive
7. Information Processing Theory Paradero & Dielen March 20 - 24

8. Problem Solving and Creativity Panugan & Degamo March 27 -31

9. Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning Pamaybay & De Vera March 27 -31

10. Thorndike’s Connectionism Olohan & Cua April 3 - 7

11. Skinner’s Operant Naungayan & Bongcawil April 3 - 7

12. Neo-behaviorism Najial & Beronilla April 17 – 21

13. Jerome Bruner’s Constructivist Manlosa & Baya April 17 – 21

14. Gestalt Theory Mahinay & Bataan April 24 - 28

15. David Ausubel’s Subsumption Mag-aso & Balili April 24 - 28

16. Cooperative and Experiential Macachor & Apelo May 1 - 5
17. Freud’s Psychosexual Theory Llerin & Ando May 1 - 5

18. Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory Iligan & Amarillo May 8 - 12

19. Kohlberg’s Moral Ulay, Ignacio & Abordo May 8 - 12

Development Theory
III. Rubrics

Criterion 10 8 6 4
Preparedness Student is Student seems The student is Student does not
completely pretty prepared but somewhat prepared, seem at all
prepared and has might have needed but it is clear that prepared to
obviously a couple more rehearsal was present.
rehearsed. rehearsals. lacking.
Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem to
understanding understanding of the understanding of understand the
of the topic. topic. parts of the topic. topic very well.
Stays on Topic Stays on topic Stays on topic most Stays on topic some It was hard to tell
all (100%) of (99- 90%) of the (89%- 75%) of the what the topic
the time. time. time. was.
Enthusiasm Facial expressions Facial expressions Facial expressions Very little use of
and body language and body language and body language facial expressions or
generate a strong sometimes generate are used to try to body language. Did
interest and a strong interest and generate enthusiasm, not generate much
enthusiasm about enthusiasm about but seem somewhat interest in topic
the topic in others. the topic in others. faked. being presented.
Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly and Often mumbles or
distinctly all (100- distinctly all (100- distinctly most (94- cannot be
95%) the time, and 95%) the time, but 85%) of the time. understood OR
mispronounces no mispronounces one Mispronounces no mispronounces
words. word. more than one more than one
word. word.
Vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary Uses several (5 or
appropriate for the appropriate for the appropriate for the more) words or
audience. Extends audience. Includes audience. Does not phrases that are
audience 1-2 words that include any not understood by
vocabulary by might be new to vocabulary that the audience.
defining words that most of the might be new to the
might be new to audience, but does audience.
most of the not define them.
Comprehension Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to Student is
accurately answer accurately answer accurately answer a unable to
almost all questions most questions few questions posed accurately
posed by posed by classmates by classmates about answer
classmates about about the topic. the topic. questions posed
the topic. by classmates
about the topic.
Organization Uses a logical Shows a logical May list ideas or May have random
and Coherence structure progression of ideas arrange them organization, lacking
appropriate to and uses fairly randomly rather internal paragraph
paper’s subject, sophisticated than using any coherence and using
purpose, transitional devices; evident logical few or inappropriate
audience, thesis, e.g., may move structure. May use transitions.
and disciplinary from least to more transitions, but they Paragraphs may lack
field. important idea. are likely to be topic sentences or
Sophisticated Some logical links sequential (first, main ideas, or may
transitional may be faulty, but second, third) rather be too general or
sentences often each paragraph than logic- based. too specific to be
develop one idea clearly relates to While each effective.
from the previous paper’s central idea. paragraph may Paragraphs may
one or identify relate to central not all relate to
their logical idea, logic is not each other.
relations. It guides always clear.
the reader through Paragraphs have
the chain of topic sentences but
reasoning or may be overly
progression of general, and
ideas. arrangement of
sentences within
paragraphs may lack
Visual Aid Creative and Creative but could Visual aids are No visual aids
appropriate with have been better. not creative and
adequate quantity. Needs more visual adequate.
Timeliness Reported on time. Reported on time. Reported on time. Did not report on
of Submit files Submit files on the Submit files after time. Submit files
Submission before the deadline. the deadline. after the deadline.
TOTAL 60 Points
Detailed Micro-Lesson Plan
Using 4 A’s Approach

I. Objectives

a. Cognitive: Identify and use adjective.

b. Affective: Express feelings and reactions in the story.
c. Psychomotor: Dramatize the story

Values: Don’t fool others if you want them to believe you.

II. Subject Matter

a. Title: The Boy Who Cried Wolf

b. Reference: Story book entitiled “The boy who cried wolf” by Harriet Ziefert, 2008
c. Teaching Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Visual Aids, Flashcards

III. Learning Strategies

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Classroom Routine

1. Opening Prayer

Okay Class, Let us all stand for

the opening prayer. Amen...

2. Greetings

Good morning class! Good morning Sir!

Good morning classmate!
Okay, seatdown class! Thank you Sir!

3. Attendance

(Checking of attendance)
Very good class, there is no absent today

4. Review

Class, what did we study last time Sir, we study noun yesterday
What is noun? Noun is a name of human,
animals, thing, place, and
Can you give an example of
Noun? Sir, Mother....Teacher....Mark
(Pupils will give several
Very good!

Alright, it only means that you really

learned from our lesson yesterday

B. Drill

Re-arranged the jumbled words class!

Boy Wolf The Who Cried

Wolf Wolf Wolf

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Wolf Wolf Wolf
Okay class, that is the title of the story that
we are going to read later.

Why do you think it is entitled like that? (Pupils will give an idea)

C. Activity

1. Pre-reading
Learning Vocabulary
Match the following words in column A to column B.

1. Shepherd Fool
2. Deceive Little
3. Petty Sheep man
4. Yell Shouted
5. Assailed Call

Can you use those unfamiliar words in your

own sentence. (Pupils will answer)

Very good!

2. Reading Activity
Okay class, today we are going to
read a story entitled “The boy who cried wolf”
by Harriet Ziefert
Let’s find out what is it all about! (Pupils will read the story)

D. Analysis

Now, let us answer the following questions

1. Who is the main character in the story? Sir, Tom

2. What tom watches when he is not in school? Sheep
3. The father of Tom is a ________. What? Shepherd
4. What does Tom yelled to have a little fun? “A wolf is trying to eat our
5. What happened to Tom when others
didn’t believe him? Their sheep was ate by the wolf.

Okay class, I have here a set of sentences

Please read! (Pupils will read)

1. Tom is industrious.
2. Little lady is beautiful.
3. The air in the farm is fresh and cold.
4. Tom and his family owned 11 healthy sheeps.
5. Tom is a handsome boy.

Class, what have you noticed on the underlined

words in each sentence? They are all describing
Very good!

Class, those words are example of adjective

E. Abstraction

Class, in the story a while ago, What do you think

is the message or the moral lesson of the story? Sir, “If you want other to
believe you, you should
always tell the truth.”
Very good
Okay class, Adjective is part of speech that
describe noun and pronoun.
Do you understand class? Yes sir!

F. Application

Form two groups, each group will perform a

play using the story we read a while ago (The pupils will perform)
Very good!

Class, anyone, give an example of adjective Big, small, reddish, tall

Very good!
Now give an example of adjective and use
it in your own words. (Pupils will answer)

Very good class, you really understand our lesson

IV. Evaluation

To determine if you really learned from our

lesson, I will give you a quiz. (Pupils will answer)

V. Assignment

For your assignment, give an example of adjective

and use it in your own words. (Pupils will copy)

Prepared by: Markhill V. Tiosan,BEED-III student Submitted to: Mr. Raymund C. Francia
Edtech 2 Instructor

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