Physics Work Set 13th Dec 2021

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Physics work set 13th Dec 2021

9.00 IB22H6
1. Do the capacitor calculations Q68 – 71 on back of sheet given last lesson.

Use the equation on the previous page and the hints underneath the questions.

Answers included in red.

2. Start working through ‘Nuclear, particle and quantum long questions’ on the Quantum and
nuclear physics tab on OneNote. Get as far as you can during the lesson time.

10.00 IB22S3
Spend the lesson reviewing your notes on the Waves topic in preparation for Tuesday’s revision
lesson. Be ready with any questions you might have.

11.15 IB23S2
1. Using the gradient of the your graph from last week’s practical, calculate the specific heat
capacity (c ) of the solid you were heating as follows:

c = VI/m x gradient
V = voltage (volts)
I = current (amps)
m = mass (kg)

Can you determine why this equation is used? Hint: look at the equation given on the work
sheet you were given for the practical (also on Practical work tab in OneNote). Electrical
power = VI.
Power = energy/time

Note for brass m = 1003g, for iron m = 1005g

Compare your answer to the actual values:

cbrass= 900 Jkg-1K-1
ciron= 450 Jkg-1K-1

2. Read the following pages on the Practical work tab on OneNote:

 7. Summary - dealing with errors and uncertainties as far as Significant

 More about precision and accuracy.

Be ready in the next lesson to explain the terms: random errors, systematic errors, precision,
3. With any time left, start to make a list of the weaknesses in last week’s practical. This can
include any aspect which led to the specific heat capacity value you calculated being
different form the actual value. Aim to list at least 4.

13.15 IB23H4
1. Read about evaporation in your textbook and answer the following questions:

What happens during evaporation?

Why does evaporation cause cooling?

How is evaporation different to boiling?

What factors affect the rate of evaporation?

2. On the Thermal physics tab on OneNote, answer the questions on the page called ‘Thermal
physics questions’. Worked solution will be added to OneNote later this week.
Note the comments in red underneath questions 12 and 13.

15.15 IB23H5
1. Using the gradient of the your graph from last week’s practical, calculate the specific heat
capacity (c ) of the solid you were heating as follows:

c = VI/m x gradient
V = voltage (volts)
I = current (amps)
m = mass (kg)

Can you determine why this equation is used? Hint: look at the equation given on the work
sheet you were given for the practical (also on Practical work tab in OneNote). Electrical
power = VI.
Power = energy/time

Note for brass m = 1003g, for iron m = 1005g

Compare your answer to the actual values:

cbrass= 900 Jkg-1K-1
ciron= 450 Jkg-1K-1

2. Make sure that you have finished and understood questions 1-7 on the specific heat capacity
3. Try question 8 which is about a change of phase and uses this equation Q = mL (given in last
theory lesson).
Hint: Power (P) = energy /time (t)
So Q = Pt
4. With any time left, start to make a list of the weaknesses in last week’s practical. This can
include any aspect which led to the specific heat capacity value you calculated being
different form the actual value. Aim to list at least 4.

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