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Subject: ESP 4 Date: MARCH 9, 2023

Learning Targets: After the lesson, the learners should be able to…
a) Describe how peace shapes our world;
b) discuss how peace is linked with other responsibilities; and
c) Illustrate their own definition of peace.

Teacher Activity Student Activity

A. Introduction
Good Afternoon Class Good morning teacher it’s nice to see you again!

I have here a set of pictures and I want you to
identify what are they trying to tell


What can we see in the picture?


By having these in our life, what do we attain?

B. Interaction

When we say Peace, What comes into your mind? Peace is something that makes people unite and no
conflict at all
Peace means that a person does not have to worry
There are people that has their views about peace
1st is the general definition

Peace is derived from the original Latin word pax

which means a pact, an agreement to end any conflict
between people.
Because we can see peace if there’s no conflict.
do you agree with this why?

According to the American military history, the word

peace essentially means the absence of war.

Do you agree with this?

do you agree with this why?

According to Albert Einstein’s view, peace is not only

an absence of war, but it means the presence of
justice, law, and order.

do you agree with this why?

C. -Integration
How about you? How do you define peace?

What can we do to achieve peace:

a) in this classroom

b) In the world
If you would become a leader( like a president), how
will you make sure that the counry will achieve

For you, What is peace?. make a simple drawing
illustrating how do you see peace. You can refer to
the images in front
Direction: Draw a Happy face X if the statement shows Peaceful situation and Sad Face X if not. Draw it in the
box provided
1. Philippines and Indonesia trade goods with a good deals to help their countrymen.

2. Eric lives in a very quiet place, far from the city noises.

3. With a heavy heart, the defending champion gladly turned over the crown to the new champion.

4. The war between the countries seems getting worse.

5. Melisse and Robert decided to apologize for what they did that hurt each other so they got along
6. The crime rate in the city rose after the city mayor sat on his positon.

7. The students inside the classroom are shouting and playing even though there is a teacher.

8. The concert ended with a stampede because too many people became greedy just to see their
9. My sister and I help each other especially when trying times.

10. We went to a vacation after a stressfull school year.


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Signature over Printed Name of Cooperating Teacher Date Time

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