Lecture Slides - Nov 23 - Lesson 8 Exercises PDF

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Lesson 8b: Reading 1

December 4, 2021

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Lesson 8b: Reading 1 1 / 17

No. 1a

अिस्त किस्मिं श्चदजुर्नवृक्षे बकदम्पती प्रितवसतः स्म |

1a. asti kasmiṃścid arjunavṛkṣe bakadampatī prativasataḥ
sma |

Once upon a time (asti) in a certain Arjuna-tree a

heron-couple are living.

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Lesson 8b: Reading 1 2 / 17

No. 1b

तत्र च तद् वृक्षिववरानुसारी महाकायः सपोर् याविन्त बकापत्यािन भविन्त

तावन्त्येवासं जातपक्षािण भक्षयित स्म |१|
1b. tatra ca tad vṛkṣavivarānusārī mahākāyaḥ sarpo
yāvanti bakāpatyāni bhavanti
tāvanty evāsaṃjātapakṣāṇi bhakṣayati sma |1|

And there then, going through a hole in the tree, a

strong-bodied serpent, however many heron-offspring
there are, that many indeed, not having developed
wings, he is eating.

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Lesson 8b: Reading 1 3 / 17

No. 2

तेन च िनवेर्देन नष्टसं ज्ञ आहारिक्रयामुत्सृज्य सरस्तीरं गत्वा बको िवमनस्क

आस्ते |२|
2. tena ca nirvedena naṣṭasaṃjña
āhārakriyām utsṛjya
sarastīraṃ gatvā
bako vimanaska āste |2|

And insane from this depression, having let go of (i.e.,

given up) action to get food, having gone to the
lake-shore, the heron sits disturbed.

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Lesson 8b: Reading 1 4 / 17

No. 3a

अथ तत्रैकः कु लीरकस्तं दृष्ट्वाह |

3a. atha tatraikaḥ kulīrakas taṃ dṛṣṭvāha |

Then a crab having seen him said there:

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Lesson 8b: Reading 1 5 / 17

No. 3b

माम िकमद्योिद्वग्नो भवािनित |

3b. māma kim adyodvigno bhavān iti |

‘Uncle, why today (are you) depressed, sir?’

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Lesson 8b: Reading 1 6 / 17

No. 3c

स तु तस्मै यथावृत्तमपत्यभक्षणमाख्यातवान् |३|

3c. sa tu tasmai yathāvṛttam apatyabhakṣaṇam ākhyātavān

But he related to him how the offspring-eating


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Lesson 8b: Reading 1 7 / 17

No. 4a

कु लीरकस्तु तं समिर्थतवान् |
4a. kulīrakas tu taṃ samarthitavān |

But the crab thought about him.

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Lesson 8b: Reading 1 8 / 17

No. 4bc

भद्र | अहमुपायां तद्वधाय ते कथयािम |

4bc. bhadra | aham upāyaṃ tad vadhāya te kathayāmi |

O friend! | I tell you a trick for getting rid of this.

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Lesson 8b: Reading 1 9 / 17

No. 4d

येयं नकु लवसितः | एतत्प्रभृत्यिविछन्नपरंपरया सपर्िववरं यावन् मत्स्यिपिषतं

प्रकीयर्ताम् |४|
4d. yeyaṃ nakulavasatiḥ |
etat prabhṛty avichinnaparaṃparayā sarpavivaraṃ yāvan
matsyapiṣitaṃ prakīryatām |4|

What(ever) is this mongoose-dwelling, from that let

however much fish-bits be spread out in a row with an
unbroken sequence to the serpent hole.

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Lesson 8b: Reading 1 10 / 17

No. 5a

ततस्तदाहारलुब्धैनर्कुलैरयमागत्यात्र द्रष्टव्यः |
5a. tatas tad āhāralubdhair nakulair ayam āgatyātra
draṣṭavyaḥ |

Then this (hole) must be going to be seen by the

mongooses, greedy for that same nourishment, having
come here.

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Lesson 8b: Reading 1 11 / 17

No. 5b

स्वभाविवद्वेषाद्व्यापािद्यतव्यश्च |५|
5b. svabhāvavidveṣādvyāpādyitavyaśca |5|

From (their) hatred-character he must be going to be

killed also.

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Lesson 8b: Reading 1 12 / 17

No. 6a

तथा चानुिष्ठते नकु लैमर्त्स्यमांसमागार्नुसािरिभः पूवर्वैरिक्रयामनुस्मरिद्भः

13a. tathā cānuṣṭhite
nakulair matsyamāṃsamārgānusāribhiḥ
pūrvavair akriyām anusmaradbhiḥ

And this having been brought about, by the

mongooses going along the fish-flesh-path,
remembering about (their) earlier enmity,

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Lesson 8b: Reading 1 13 / 17

No. 6b

सपर्ं व्यापाद्य पूवर्दृष्टमागर्म् आधाविद्भस्तद्वक्ष

ृ े बकावासं गत्वा बकापत्यािन
भिक्षतािन |६|
sarpaṃ vyāpādya
pūrvadṛṣṭamārgam ādhāvadbhis
tadvṛkṣe bakāvāsaṃ gatvā
bakāpatyāni bhakṣitāni |6|

having killed the serpent, having run hither along an

earlier-seen-path, in that same tree having gone to the
heron nest, the heron offspring were eaten.

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Lesson 8b: Reading 1 14 / 17

No. 7

अतो ऽहं ब्रवीिम |

7a. ato ’haṃ bravīmi |

From this I say:

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Lesson 8b: Reading 1 15 / 17

No. 7b

उपायं िचन्तयेत्प्राज्ञो ह्यपायमिप िचन्तयेत् |

7a. upāyaṃ cintayet prājño hy
apāyam api cintayet |

A wise man indeed would consider a plan, also he

would consider the aftermath:

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Lesson 8b: Reading 1 16 / 17

No. 7b

पश्यतो बकमूखर्स्य नकु लैभर्िक्षताः सुताः ||

7b. paśyato bakamūrkhasya
nakulair bhakṣitāḥ sutāḥ ||

the children of the seen (in the story above)

heron-idiot (were) eaten by the mongooses.

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Lesson 8b: Reading 1 17 / 17

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