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Validation of “Academic Integrity on the Assessment of Bachelor in Physical and Health

Education Major Students in Philippine Normal University North-Luzon Campus”

Dear Experts, 
This survey contains 7 domains and _ items related to our study “Academic Integrity on the
Assessment of Bachelor in Physical and Health Education Major Students in Philippine
Normal University North-Luzon Campus”. We need your expert judgment on the degree of
relevance of each item to the measured domains. Your review should be based on the
definition and relevant terminologies that are provided to you. Please be as objective and
constructive as possible in your review and use the following rating scale:

Degree of relevance: 
          1 = the item is not relevant to the measured domain.
          2 = the item is somewhat relevant to the measured domain.
          3 = the item is quite relevant to the measured domain.
          4 = the item is highly relevant to the measured domain.

Domain 1: Academic misconduct/s that emerge under the implementation of assessment. 

A. Teachers Competence

Definition: Competencies are the requirements of “competency-based” teacher education

and include the knowledge, skills, and values a teacher-trainee must demonstrate to
complete a teacher education program (Houstan, 1987).

Tested items  Relevance

The faculty’s understanding of the guidelines in giving an assessment of o 1 234

KAsBK Framework?

Teachers’ application of these guidelines?  1 

 2
 3
 4

 1 
 2
 3
 4

 1 
 2
 3
 4
 1 
 2
 3
 4

 1 
 2
 3
 4

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