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How many hours I must study to be a good drumer?

If you're reading this, chances are you want to become a good drummer. Maybe you've been
inspired by your favorite drummers, or maybe you just like hitting things with sticks. Either
way, you're probably wondering how many hours you need to study to achieve your
drumming goals.

Well, the answer is not so simple. Drumming is an art form that requires dedication, passion
and practice. There is no magic number of hours that will make you a good drummer
overnight. However, there are some habits that can help you improve your skills and become
a better drummer over time.

Here are some of them:

- Practice regularly: This may sound obvious, but it's crucial. You can't expect to become a
good drummer if you only play once in a while. You need to set a consistent practice
schedule and stick to it. Try to practice at least 20 minutes every day, or several times a week
if that's not possible. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you'll
become on the drums.

- Master the basics: Before you try to play complex rhythms and fills, you need to master the
basic drum patterns and rudiments. These are the building blocks of drumming that will help
you develop your technique and coordination. There are 40 essential rudiments that every
drummer should know by heart. You can practice them on a drum kit or on a practice pad.

- Emulate your favorite drummers: One of the best ways to learn drumming is by listening
and playing along with your favorite drummers. You can pick up their style, groove and tricks
by studying their songs and solos. Try to emulate their sound and feel as much as possible,
but don't forget to add your own personality and flair.

- Play with other musicians: Drumming is not only about playing by yourself; it's also about
playing with others. Playing with other musicians will challenge you to adapt your playing to
different styles and situations. It will also help you develop your timing, dynamics and
communication skills. Look for opportunities to jam with friends, join a band or attend open
mic nights.

- Learn different styles: While it's good to focus on one or two styles that suit your taste and
goals, it's also beneficial to learn different styles of drumming. This will expand your musical
vocabulary and expose you to new techniques and influences. You can learn from online
tutorials, books or videos that cover various genres such as rock, jazz, reggae or punk.

- Take care of your fitness: Drumming is not only mentally demanding; it's also physically
demanding. You need stamina, strength and flexibility to play the drums well for long
periods of time. That's why it's important to take care of your fitness as well as your
drumming skills. Eat well, drink water, exercise regularly and stretch before and after

- Have fun: Last but not least, don't forget to have fun while drumming! Drumming should be
an enjoyable activity that makes you happy and fulfilled. Don't get too stressed out about
being perfect or comparing yourself with others; just focus on expressing yourself through

So how many hours do you need? many as it takes! The more hours you put into
studying drumming (and having fun), the better drummer you'll become!

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