ORR - W030036-031323 - Local Gov T Officer Conflicts Disclosure Statement

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LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICER CONFLICTS DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Form CIS (Instructions for completing and fling this form are provided on the nextpage,) This questionnaire reflects changes made to the lew by H.8, 23, Oth Leg., Regular Session. ‘OFFICE USEONLY This is the notice to the appropriate local governmental entity that the following local ‘goverment officer has become aware of facts that require the officer to file this statement inaccordance with Chapter 176, Local Government Code. Name of Local Government Officer : Daisy Campos-Rodriguez fe otee Hela City of Laredo Council Member District 2 [s Name of vendor described by Sections 176.001(7) and 176.003(a), Local Government | Code Celestina Rios de Campos [a Description of the nature and extent of each employment or other business relationship and each family relationship with vendor named in item 3. Mother 5 List gifis accepted by the Tocal government officer and any family member, Iaggregate value of the gifts accepted from vendor named in item 3 exceeds $100 during the 12-month period described by Section 176.003(a)(2)(B). Date Gift Accepted Description of Gift Date Gift Accepted Description of Date Gitt Accepted Deseription of Gi {attach adcitional forms as necessary) 1S SIGNATURE | swear undor ponaly of pany fat fe shove Satamant fs tue and caved Tacenawedge tha fe Gecosure apples to each family membor (as detined by Secon 176.001 (2), Lacal Government Code) of ris local goveenment ffir. 1 an etc ta etn cove emath pad asad by Sn A Local ‘Goveramont Code a gdp) ‘ceNTina LAURA RU, ‘Sqnajire of Local Pavement Offa Notary 1 #125783605 Please complete either option below: NOTARY STAMP/SEAL ‘Swom fo and subsorbed before me by Darsey Campos Redeieuee tis tne 2 aay of £2. UA 20 ‘to carly which, winess my hand and geal of office. if at he Catia L La Notary Tends tcteracrinmete co Z 2 ofnear administering oath (2) Unsworn Declaration My name is, ‘and my date of bith is My adress is (street) (ey) (Glale) @ipcode) (county) Executed in County, State of, onthe, day of 20, ont) we ‘Signature of Local Government Offcer (Dedlarant) Form provided by Texas Ethics Commission wor ethos state Us Revised 6/17/2020 Office of the City Attorney MEMORANDUM Date: February 21, 2023 To: Council Member Daisy Campos-Rodriguez ce: Joseph W. Nee, City Manager Tina O. Rodriguez, Internal Auditor From: Doanh “Zone” T. Nguyen, City Attorney ‘Ana Sophia Garcia, Assistant City Attorney &CO Subject: COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program - CDBG Funds ‘The City of Laredo was allocated CDBG Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) and ESG Coronavirus (ESG- CY) funds to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the Coronavirus pandemic, A COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program was implemented to allocate funds to eligible applicants to be used for mortgage/tental assistance. The program is tenant driven. If a tenant applies and is found to be eligible for assistance, then funds are paid directly to the tenant's landlord. A relative of yours within 3 degrees of affinity or consanguinity received funds as a landlord. However, there is no resulting conflict for you as a Council Member. Section 2.01 of the City of Laredo Code of Bthies governs conflict of interests for city officials and employees. Section 2.01(@) provides, “to avoid the appearance of and/or risk of impropriety, an official or employee shall not take any action that he or she knows is likely to affect the ‘economic interests of (1) the official or employee ... (3) his or her outside client.” You as a Council Member have not exercised authority to determine whether your relative’s tenant receives assistance, As such, there is no conflict of interest, Section 171 of the Texas Local Government Code, prohibits # local public official from voting ‘on or participating in a matter involving a business entity or real property in which the official has a substantial interest. Your relative ~ not you — possesses the substantial interest, However. if.a conflict arises jn the future. then you will be advised to recuse yourself from taking an action, Section 176 of the Texas Local Government Code requires a disclosure statement for a local government officer if a vendor enters into a contract with a local governmental entity and the vendor has a family relationship with the local government officer. Because the vendor is your relative, you need to file a conflicts disclosure statement (attached). Conclusion: The attached Section 176 disclosure statement just needs to be filled out to disclose the vendor's relationship to the Council Member. There is no conflict that benefits your relative ina distinguishable way from the general public. However, ifin the future a conflict does atise, then you will be advised to recuse yourself from taking any action. CORRECTED a hi STATEMENT OFFICE USE ONLY GOOD-FAITH AFFIDAVIT "Nols: APPS fled with te Texas Ethics Commission mus be fled electronically. The only exception i for Indvicuals appointed to office. See the PFS Instruction Guide for more wformaton. Atach Any Part of Your Financial Statement Form Needed to Report and Explain Corrections FILER NAME (FIRST, Ml, LAST) FER D vero Toes. ‘ADDRESS /PO BOX: APT/ SUITE CITY, STATE: ZIP CODE, 2106 Okane Street Laredo, Texas 78043 [2 (CHECK IF FILER'S HOME ADDRESS) “The corecion(s) fed with is sida apply toy ancll statorentcoverng te single calendar yoor January 1 theughDacomber 31, 222 "EXPLANATION OF CORRECTION Jon December 17, 2020, a logal opinion by Valeria Reyes, Assistant Ciy Attomey stated no confit of interest existed between myself Jor business entites | am involved in and the COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program-- CDBG Funds. Tonants applied for the sistance and as landlord, taxable payment was received on behalf ofthe tenant. My business eniias (Magnolia Property Invesiments, LLC end ALTOR Properties, Inc.) and have received taxable incoome of mare than $2,500.00 inthe proceeding twelve (12) month period. ue fo the lege opinion provided, | was informed a disclosure statamant was not necessary, However, out of an abundance of caution, | personally have abstained from any participation or vole regarding COVID-19 Rental Assistance Programs-~ ICOBG Funds agenda items before City Council Jon February 15, 2023, upon consulting with Doan T. Nguyen, City Atlomey, he recommended | fi @ nancial disclosure statement to avoid the appearance of any impropriety. Based on the new legal opinion, 1am now filng this corrected financial statement ang good-faith affidavit ‘Signature MARTHA. NAVARRO Notary 1 #133578494 sy Commission Expies February 8, 2026 ar Please complete either option below: (Affidavit NOTARY STAMP /SEAL vom fo ard stacbad bore mo ty __Mnerts “Tienes tle. this bea oy of _Ezaucacg 20_23__, tocarify which, witness my hand anc seal office. waht Von owiehe Veen elon Asst ‘Signore of ofceradrinisteng oath ed name of ofcer admins sf fcr adi (2) Unsworn Declaration My name's 4 nd my dat of bith My addrose ie : : : (wrest) a (tate) ip code) (county) Executed in County, Siatocf____yonthe_dayor_ 20. (meni) ‘yen Signature of Fler (Declarant) Form provided by Texos Etics Gonmission ‘wor ies Sala bee Revised 107212000 Office of the City Attorney MEMORANDUM December 17, 2020 Mayor Pro Tempore, Alberto Torres, Jr. Valeria E. Reyes, Assistant City Attorney Subject: COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program — CDBG Funds Issue: You ask whether a tenant for a property which you are a landlord of may apply to the COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program and whether there is a potential conflict of interest. Short Answer: No. There is no conflict of interest in the tenant applying for the program and in funds being distributed to the tenant if they meet the eligibility requirements so long as the city official has no decision-making power on the disbursement of funds or programs. Background: The City of Laredo was allocated CDBG Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) and ESG Coronavirus (ESG-CV) funds to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the Coronavirus pandemic. A COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program was implemented to allocate funds to eligible applicants to be used for mortgage/rental assistance. Analysis: The COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program is governed by the conflict of interest provision found in 24 CFR 576.404 which states “no person... who exercises or has exercised any functions or responsibilities with respect to activities assisted under the ESG program...may obtain a financial interest or benefit from an assisted activity.” There is no conflict of interest present when a Council Member is a landlord for a tenant that receives rental assistance so long as the Council Member has not exercised authority in determining which tenants receive assistance. The disbursement of CDBG-CV and ESG-CV funds is based on a set of criteria determined by the Community Development Department which allows for anyone to apply to the program and funds are allocated to eligible applicants as determined only by the Community Development Department. Additionally, Section 2.01 of the City of Laredo Code of Ethies governs conflict of interests for city officials and employees. Section 2.01(a) provides, “to avoid the appearance of and/or risk ‘of impropriety, an official or employee shail not take any action that he or she knows is likely to affect the economic interests of (1) the official or employec;...(3) his or her outside client.” In this case, the elected official is not exercising authority in determining whether the tenant receives the assistance and as such there is no confit of interest. In this situation, there is no conflict of interest as defined by 24 CFR 576.004 and the City of Laredo Code of Ethies as the Council Member is not exercising any authority in determining which tenants receive assistance. Page Lot L CORRECTED FINANCIAL STATEMENT OFFICE USE ONLY GOOD-| FAITH. AFFIDAVIT Note: APFS fled wih the Texat Ethics Commission must ba fla elaczonialy. Tha anly axcenton is for individuals appointed to office. See the PFS Instruction Guide for more information, ‘tach Any Pert of Your Finsnclal Statement Form Neoded to Report and Explain Corrections FILER NAME (FIRST, Ml, LAST) FUER Albert Torte Jt "ADDRESS /PO BOX, APT /SUNTE®, CITY; STATE, 2 GOODE 2106 Okane Street Laredo, Texas 78043 Tl (CHECK IF FILER'S HOME ADDRESS) ‘Thecorecton(s)Rledwiththis /icanca statement covengthe single calendar year January 1 tweugh Decam DeLMNATiON oF conrcTION Jon December 17, 2020, a legal opinion by Valera Reyes, Assistant City Atomey slated no conflict of interest existed between myself [or business entties | am involved in-and the COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program CDBG Funds. Tenants applied for the assistance and as landlord, taxable payment was received on behalf of the tenant. My business entitles (Magnoila Property Investments, LLC and ALTOR Properties, Inc.) and | have received taxable incocme of more than $2,500.00 in the proceeding twelve (12) month period. Ove to the legal opinion provided, | was informed a disclosure statement was not necessary. However, out of an [abundance of caution, | personally nave abstained from any participation or vote regarding COVID~19 Rental Assistance Programs ‘CDBG Funds agenda items before City Council (On February 15, 2023, upon consulting with DoanlhT. Nguyen, City Atforney, he recommended } file afinancla disclosure statement to avoid the appearance of any impropriety. Based on the new legal opinion, | am now fling this corected financial statement and. good-faith affidavit. Signature ARTA A NAVARA TAS notary #133572454 LGig) ay commisstn pies Ne)" retruay 8, 2026 Sips ot Far ey Pease complete either option below: () atta, NOTARY STAMP/ SEAL ‘Swom to ard subsctbed before me by _AL c 20_3-2_ tooprttywhich, wines my hand and seal oie. baits £ V cous Meili L Mawews Sx tebe sh “lavas of tea cistern tad name oar aan a Tie of oftsr adminstareg oa (2) Unsworn Declaration My name is fend my date of bith is. My address is co 7 (sists) Ep codey (country) Executed in County, State of oath cay of 20 (won) (yea ‘Signatur of Fr (Declarant) Form provided by Texas Ethics Commission ‘wera tate Bue Revised 102020 Office of the City Attorney MEMORANDUM Date: December 17, 2020 To: Mayor Pro Tempore, Aiberto Torres, Jr. From: Valeria E, Reyes, Assistant Cily Attorney Subject: COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program — CDBG Funds Issue: You ask whether a tenant for a property which you ere a landlord of may apply to the COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program and whether there is a potential conflict of interest. Short Answer: No. There is no conflict of interest in the tenant applying for the program and in finds being distributed to the tenant if they meet the eligibility requirements so long as the city official has no decision-making power on the disbursement of funds or programs. Background: The City of Laredo was allocated CDBG Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) and ESG Coronavirus (ESG-CV) funds to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the Coronavirus pandemic. A COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program was implemented to allocate funds to eligible applicants to be used for morigage/rental assistance. Analysis: ‘The COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program is governed by the conflict of interest provision found in 24 CFR 576.404 which states “no person...who exercises or has exercised any functions or responsibilities with respect to activities assisted under the ESG program...may obtain a financial interest or benefit from an assisted activity.” There is no conflict of interest present when a Council Member is a landlord for a tenant that receives rental assistance so long as the Couneil Member has not exercised authority in determining which tenants receive assistance. The disbursement of CDBG-CV and ESG-CV funds is based on a set of criteria determined by the Community Development Department which allows for anyone to apply to ‘the program and funds are allocated to eligible applicants as determined only by the Community Development Department. Additionally, Section 2.01 of the City of Laredo Code of Ethics governs conflict of interests for city officials and employees. Section 2.01(2) provides, “to avoid the appearance of and/or risk of impropriety, an official or employee shall not take any action that he or she knows is likely to affect the economic interests of (1) the official or employee;...(3) his or her outside client.” In this case, the elected official is not exercising authority in determining whether the tenant receives the assistance and as such there is no conflict of interest. In this situation, there is nv conflict uf interest as defined by 24 CFR 576.004 aud the City of Laredo Code of Ethics as the Council Member is not exercising any authority in determining which tenants receive assistance. Poge lof L

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