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AWS Certified

Cloud Practitioner

Design and deliver by Acuity Educare

AWS CloudFront
CloudFront – Origins
CloudFront at a high level
CloudFront – S3 as an Origin
CloudFront – ALB or EC2 as an origin
CloudFront Geo Restriction
CloudFront vs S3 Cross Region Replication
CloudFront Caching
CloudFront – Maximize cache hits by
separating static and dynamic distributions
CloudFront Geo Restriction
CloudFront and HTTPS
CloudFront Signed URL / Signed Cookies
CloudFront Signed URL Diagram
CloudFront Signed URL vs
S3 Pre-Signed URL
CloudFront Signed URL Process
CloudFront - Pricing
CloudFront – Price Classes
CloudFront – Multiple Origin
CloudFront – Origin Groups
CloudFront – Field Level Encryption
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9

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