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August 2019


Guidelines for Use of Insulation Practices

In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has
been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major industrial
users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical requirements
into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering costs to both the
purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice is expected to
incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual applications may involve
requirements that will be appended to and take precedence over this Practice.
Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters or application of the
Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not be made solely on
information contained in these materials. The use of trade names from time to time should
not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather recognized as normal usage in the
trade. Other brands having the same specifications are equally correct and may be
substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines are intended to be consistent with
applicable laws and regulations including OSHA requirements. To the extent these
Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or other applicable laws or regulations,
such laws or regulations must be followed. Consult an appropriate professional before
applying or acting on any material contained in or suggested by the Practice.

This Practice is subject to revision at any time.

© Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The University of Texas
at Austin, 3925 West Braker Lane (R4500), Austin, Texas 78759. PIP Member Companies
and Subscribers may copy this Practice for their internal use. Changes or modifications of any
kind are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express written authorization of
PIP. Authorized Users may attach addenda or overlays to clearly indicate modifications or
exceptions to specific sections of PIP Practices. Authorized Users may provide their clients,
suppliers and contractors with copies of the Practice solely for Authorized Users’ purposes.
These purposes include but are not limited to the procurement process (e.g., as attachments to
requests for quotation/ purchase orders or requests for proposals/contracts) and preparation
and issue of design engineering deliverables for use on a specific project by Authorized
User’s client. PIP’s copyright notices must be clearly indicated and unequivocally
incorporated in documents where an Authorized User desires to provide any third party with
copies of the Practice.

December 1997 Issued as PIP INGG1000 May 2008 Editorial Revision
April 1999 Complete Revision August 2013 Editorial Revision
November 2006 Complete Revision & Renumbering August 2019 Reaffirmation w/Editorial Revision

Not printed with State funds

August 2019


Guidelines for Use of Insulation Practices
Table of Contents
9.1 Summary .......................................... 7
1. Scope ...........................................2 9.2 Practice Contents ............................. 7

2. References ..................................2 10. Hot Insulation Installation Details

Process Industry Practices .......................2 (PIP INIH1000)..............................9
10.1 Summary .......................................... 9
3. Practices Numbering System ....2 10.2 Practice Contents ............................. 9
4. Electronic Entry Data Sheets .....3 11. Hot Service Insulation Materials
5. Application of Practices - and Installation Specification
Overview ......................................3 (PIP INSH1000) ...........................10
11.1 Summary ........................................ 10
6. Insulation Design Guide (PIP 11.2 Practice Contents ........................... 10
INEG1000) ....................................5 12. Installation of Flexible,
6.1 Summary ..........................................5
6.2 Practice Contents .............................5 Removable/Reusable Insulation
Covers for Hot Insulation Service
7. Acoustic Insulation Systems (PIP INSR1000) ..........................12
Specification (PIP INSA1000) .....5 12.1 Summary ........................................ 12
7.1 Summary ..........................................5 12.2 Practice Contents ........................... 12
7.2 Practice Contents .............................6
13. Insulation Inspection Checklist
8. Cold Insulation Installation Details (PIP INTG1000) ..........................14
(PIP INIC1000)..............................6 13.1 Summary ........................................ 14
8.1 Summary ..........................................6 13.2 Practice Contents ........................... 14
8.2 Practice Contents .............................6

9. Cold Service Insulation Materials

and Installation Specification
(PIP INSC1000) ............................7

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1. Scope
This Practice provides guidance to engineers for the application of the PIP insulation Practices.
This Practice describes how to use PIP insulation Practices and supporting documentation for the
execution of a project. A general description of each Practice is provided. Instructions are
provided for the use of the associated data forms.

2. References
Applicable parts of the following Practices shall be considered an integral part of this Practice.
The edition in effect on the date of contract award shall be used, except as otherwise noted. Short
titles will be used herein where appropriate.

Process Industry Practices (PIP)

– PIP INEG1000 - Insulation Design Guide
– PIP INSA1000 - Acoustic Insulation Systems - Materials and Installation Requirements
– PIP INIC1000 - Cold Insulation Installation Details
– PIP INSC1000 - Cold Service Insulation Materials and Installation Specification
– PIP INIH1000 - Hot Insulation Installation Details
– PIP INSH1000 - Hot Service Insulation Materials and Installation Specification
– PIP INSR1000 - Installation of Flexible, Removable/Reusable Insulation Covers for Hot
Insulation Service
– PIP INTG1000 - Insulation Inspection Checklist

3. Practices Numbering System

3.1 The first two characters of an insulation Practice number (IN) designate it as an insulation
3.2 The third letter designates the type of Practice i.e., Engineering Guide (E), Installation
Details (I), Specification (S), or Inspection Requirements (T).
3.3 The fourth character designates the service category.
A - Acoustic insulation
C - Cold insulation
G - General
H - Hot insulation
R - Removable insulation covers
3.4 The fifth through eighth characters designate sequential document numbers.

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4. Electronic Entry Data Sheets

4.1 PIP insulation Practices represent proven practices used by the process industry. Special
requirements are not intended to be covered by these Practices. These Practices require
various data input forms (e.g., data sheets, forms, and reports) for use on projects.
4.2 Data input forms provided with the Practices are available as downloadable electronic
entry data sheets (EEDS) in Word format. The EEDS should be used to specify
requirements (e.g., insulation system data sheets, insulation thickness tables etc) or record
specific information (e.g., inspection reports).
4.3 EEDS may contain default values (in grey shaded areas), which can be changed for
specific project requirements.

5. Application of Practices - Overview

5.1 PIP INEG1000 (Insulation Design Guide) provides general guidance for insulation design.
PIP INEG1000 defines insulation type codes used in the insulation Practices and provides a
summary of insulation material properties, in accordance with corresponding ASTM
material specifications. PIP INEG1000 also provides data forms PIP INEG1000-D002 and
PIP INEG1000-D003 to define hot and cold service insulation design parameters.
5.2 PIP INSH1000 (Hot Service Insulation Materials and Installation Specification) and
PIP INSC1000 (Cold Service Insulation Materials and Installation Specification) provide
insulation material and application requirements for hot and cold services, respectively.
The following data forms should be used within these Practices:
5.2.1 PIP INSH1000-D001 and PIP INSC1000-D001 - Used to identify and collect the
documents and data forms necessary to define insulation system requirements,
including materials, extent, details, and thicknesses.
5.2.2 PIP INSH1000-D002 and PIP INSC1000-D002 - Used to specify the surfaces to
be insulated and the materials to be used. Surface description can be generic or
detailed in accordance with the appropriate level of detail for the project.
Comment: Generic descriptions can include service categories
(e.g., “Steam”) or operating temperature ranges. Detailed
descriptions can include specific surfaces of piping and
equipment such as “Top Head,” “Shell,” or specific pipe runs.
5.2.3 PIP INSH1000-D003 and INSC1000-D003 - Used to specify extent of insulation
by insulation type code. Extent of insulation is defined as those items or systems
that are to be insulated.
5.2.4 PIP INSH1000-D010 through D023, PIP INSH1000-D025, and
PIP INSC1000-D010 through D013 - Insulation system data sheets used to
specify required insulation and accessory materials.
5.2.5 PIP INSH1000-D024 and PIP INSC1000-D014 - Insulation system data sheets
used for purchaser-defined insulation and accessory materials, when not covered
by other data sheets.

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5.2.6 The following blank tables are used to record calculated insulation thicknesses
(US Customary and SI Units):
PIP INSH1000-F001 through F024, PIP INSH1000-F028 through F030,
PIP INSH1000-F001M through F024M, PIP INSH1000-F028M through F030M,
PIP INSC1000-F001 through F012,
PIP INSC1000-F001M through F012M
Comment: Insulation thickness tables must be calculated. PIP INEG1000
provides guidance for insulation thickness calculations.
5.2.7 PIP INSH1000-F025 through F027 and PIP INSC1000-F013 through F015 -
Blank insulation tables used to record calculated insulation thicknesses for
purchaser-defined insulation materials (US Customary and SI Units).
5.2.8 PIP INIH1000 and PIP INIC1000 - Installation detail drawings for the
application, securement, and jacketing of materials used in conjunction with
PIP INSH1000 and PIP INSC1000 for hot and cold services, respectively.
Comment: Specific detail drawings required should be recorded in
PIP INSH1000-D001 and PIP INSC1000-D001.
5.3 PIP INSA1000 (Acoustic Insulation Systems - Materials and Installation Requirements)
provides requirements for design, application and extent of acoustic insulation on piping
and equipment. PIP INSA1000 should be used in conjunction with PIP INSH1000 for
application and material requirements. PIP INSA1000 should also be used in conjunction
with PIP INSC1000 for cold service acoustic insulation. The following data forms should
be used within PIP INSA1000:
5.3.1 PIP INSA1001 through PIP INSA1006 - Installation details specific to acoustic
5.3.2 PIP INSA1000-D001 - Used to identify and collect the documents and data forms
necessary to define acoustic insulation system requirements.
5.4 PIP INSR1000 (Installation of Flexible, Removable/Reusable Insulation Covers for Hot
Insulation Service) provides material and installation requirements for flexible,
removable and reusable insulation covers. This Practice may be used alone or in
conjunction with PIP INSH1000. The following data forms should be used within
5.4.1 PIP INSR1000-D001 – Used to identify and collect the documents and data
forms necessary to define insulation system requirements.
5.4.2 PIP INSR1000-D002 – Blank data sheet used to define project-specific insulation
material system design parameters.
5.4.3 PIP INSR1000-D010 through PIP INSR-D013 – Insulation system data sheets
used to specify required insulation and accessory materials.
5.4.4 PIP INSR1000-F001, PIP INSR1000-F002, PIP INSR1000-F001M, and
PIP INSR1000-F002M – Removable/reusable Insulation Covers for Hot
Insulation Service insulation thickness tables for temperature range up to 538°C
(1000°F) based on Table 1 or PIP INSR1000-D002 design parameters.

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5.5 PIP INTG1000 (Insulation Inspection Checklist) provides guidance to individuals

responsible for ensuring the quality and completeness of an insulation project.
5.6 Addenda (cover sheets) may be used to implement PIP Practices (e.g., corporate
standards, project specifications, etc). Addenda may also be used to modify PIP Practices
(add, delete or modify requirements) in accordance with specific project requirements.

6. Insulation Design Guide (PIP INEG1000)

6.1 Summary
6.1.1 PIP INEG1000 provides guidance for the design of insulation systems.
6.1.2 PIP INEG1000 describes the types of insulation systems that are indicated by the
type code on the Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs), data sheets, and
other design documents.
6.1.3 PIP INEG1000 provides guidance on insulation design criteria, insulation
materials, extent of insulation, determination of insulation thickness, and
insulation material properties. Pre-determined insulation thickness tables are not
included and should be calculated.
6.1.4 PIP INEG1000 contains data sheets PIP INEG1000-D002 and
PIP INEG1000-D003 for defining project-specific design parameters.

6.2 Practice Contents

6.2.1 PIP INEG1000 consists of the text and data input forms.
6.2.2 PIP INEG1000 Table 1 provides a summary of material properties for various
industrial insulation materials, based on properties extracted from governing
ASTM material specifications.
6.2.3 Hot Service Insulation System Project-Specific Requirements Data Sheet,
PIP INEG1000-D002, should be used to specify insulation requirements for a
specific project.
6.2.4 Cold Service Insulation System Project-Specific Requirements Data Sheet,
PIP INEG1000-D003, should be used to specify insulation requirements for a
specific project.

7. Acoustic Insulation Systems Specification (PIP INSA1000)

7.1 Summary
7.1.1 PIP INSA1000 provides requirements for acoustic insulation systems.
7.1.2 PIP INSA1000 describes the requirements for the design, application, and extent
of acoustic insulation on piping and equipment operating at high and low
temperatures. Systems requiring additional insulation specifications beyond PIP
Practices shall be covered by additional documentation.
7.1.3 PIP INSA1000 is intended to be used in conjunction with PIP INSH1000 for
general application and material requirements. PIP INSC1000 may also be

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required to be used in conjunction with PIP INSA1000 for acoustic insulation in

low temperature applications.

7.2 Practice Contents

7.2.1 PIP INSA1000 consists of the requirements text, data input forms, and
installation details.
7.2.2 Documentation Requirements Sheet Documentation Requirements Sheet, PIP INSA1000-D001, identifies
the various data forms available with or used in conjunction with
PIP INSA1000. PIP INSA1000-D001 should be used to identify specific data forms,
including purchaser-format forms, required for a project. Purchaser addenda may also be used to specify data forms required for
a project.
7.2.3 Installation Details The following installation details specific to acoustic insulation
requirements are included in PIP INSA1000:
a. Various Acoustic Insulation Configurations, PIP INSA1001
b. Piping-Layer Staggering and Overlapping of Absorptive Barrier,
c. Piping-Sheet and Mastic Barrier Layer Attachment, PIP INSA1003
d. General Arrangement - Piping Insulation, PIP INSA1004
e. Piping-Flange Insulation, PIP INSA1005
f. Valves without Extended Bonnets, PIP INSA1006 Additional insulation installation details from PIP INIH1000 and
PIP INIC1000, as well as purchaser-provided details, may also be used
if deemed appropriate.

8. Cold Insulation Installation Details (PIP INIC1000)

8.1 Summary
PIP INIC1000 provides details for installing cold insulation systems on piping, valves,
horizontal and vertical vessels, and heat exchangers.

8.2 Practice Contents

8.2.1 PIP INIC1000 consists of the text and the individual details.
8.2.2 Purchaser furnished installation details may be used if appropriate. The
additional details may require addenda to clarify use of the details.

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8.2.3 Documentation Requirements Sheet Documentation Requirements Sheet, PIP INSC1000-D001, should be
used to specify installation details required for a project. Purchaser addenda may also be used to specify data forms required for
a project.

9. Cold Service Insulation Materials and Installation Specification

(PIP INSC1000)

9.1 Summary
9.1.1 PIP INSC1000 provides requirements for materials and installation of cold
service insulation systems on the external surfaces of piping and equipment,
ambient to ­179°C (-290°F).
9.1.2 PIP INSC1000 describes requirements for cold service insulation materials and
accessories, storage and handling of materials, insulation application, extent of
insulation, and documentation.
9.1.3 Use of PIP INSC1000 for a project requires that specific choices be made and the
assembly of additional supporting documents.

9.2 Practice Contents

9.2.1 PIP INSC1000 consists of the requirements text and the data input forms.
9.2.2 Documentation Requirements Sheet Documentation Requirements Sheet, PIP INSC1000-D001, identifies
the various data forms available or used in conjunction with
PIP INSC1000. PIP INSC1000-D001 should be used to specify data forms, including
purchaser-format forms, required for a project. Purchaser addenda may also be used to specify data forms required for
a project.
9.2.3 Project-Specific Requirements Data Sheet Cold Service Insulation System Project-Specific Requirements Data
Sheet, PIP INSC1000-D002, should be used to specify insulation
requirements for a specific project. Requirements may be provided for general categories (e.g., piping with
insulation type CC for operating temperature to -170°C (-275°F)
insulated with polyisocyanurate using thickness table PIP
INSC1000-F004) or specific items. Purchaser-format cold service insulation requirements data sheet may
also be used if appropriate. The insulation requirements data sheet, including purchaser-format,
required for a project should be indicated on Documentation
Requirements Sheet, PIP INSC1000-D001.

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9.2.4 Extent of Insulation Data Sheet Extent of Cold-Service Insulation Data Sheet, PIP INSC1000-D003,
should be used to specify for a specific project whether specific piping and
equipment component parts require insulation by insulation type code. PIP INSC1000-D003 provides default values for component parts
based on common industry practice. However, these values may be
changed in accordance with specific project requirements. Purchaser-format extent of insulation data sheet may also be used if
appropriate. Extent of insulation data sheet, including purchaser-format, required
for a project should be indicated on Documentation Requirements
Sheet, PIP INSC1000-D001.
9.2.5 Insulation Material System Data Sheets Cold Service Insulation Material System Data Sheets,
PIP INSC1000-D010 through D013, should be used to specify
insulation material system requirements for a specific project. The material system data sheets should be used to specify the
following for a specific project:
a. Approved Manufacturers - The approved insulation material
manufacturer(s) and brand name(s).
b. Accessories - Accessory materials associated with the insulation
material system and if appropriate, the approved accessory
manufacturer(s) and product brand name(s). The material system data sheets provide default values for accessory
categories and descriptions based on common industry practice.
However, these values may be changed in accordance with specific
project requirements. The jacketing thicknesses must be specified on
the material system data sheets, as this is the only place where
thicknesses are defined. The material system data sheets may also have material type options
that should be selected (e.g., minimum density under ASTM C591
shown on PIP INSC1000-D011). Purchaser-format insulation material system data sheets may also be
used if appropriate. Insulation material system data sheets, including purchaser-format,
required for a project should be indicated on Documentation
Requirements Sheet, PIP INSC1000-D001. User-Defined Insulation System for Pipe and Equipment,
PIP INSC1000-D014, is a blank data sheet used for purchaser input, as
follows (in addition to input defined under
Insulation Specification - Description of insulation material,
including reference to ASTM specification, when applicable.

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9.2.6 Insulation Thickness Tables Insulation thicknesses should be calculated for a specific project by
insulation service (insulation type code CC, CP, or combined) and
material type. Blank Insulation Thickness Tables, PIP INSC1000-F001
through F015 and PIP INSC1000-F001M through F015M, should be
used to record calculated thicknesses. PIP INEG1000 provides additional information regarding design basis
and calculation methods for determining insulation thicknesses. Insulation thicknesses for CC should be calculated on the basis of heat
gain only (e.g., maximum heat gain or economic analysis). Insulation
surface temperature should not be considered for CC thicknesses. Insulation thicknesses for CP should be calculated on the basis of
insulation surface temperature only, as required to control surface
condensation. Insulation heat gain should not be considered for CP
thicknesses. Combined insulation thicknesses should use the greater of CC or CP
thicknesses, based on line size and operating temperature. This is the
most commonly used table for CC purposes for a specific project
because it satisfies both design criteria. Purchaser-format insulation thickness tables may also be used if
appropriate. Insulation thickness tables, including purchaser-format, required for a
project should be indicated on Documentation Requirements Sheet,
PIP INSC1000-D001.

10. Hot Insulation Installation Details (PIP INIH1000)

10.1 Summary
PIP INIH1000 provides details for installing hot insulation systems on piping, valves,
horizontal and vertical vessels, and heat exchangers.

10.2 Practice Contents

10.2.1 PIP INIH1000 consists of the text and the individual details.
10.2.2 Purchaser furnished installation details may be used if deemed appropriate. The
additional details may require addenda to clarify use of the details.
10.2.3 Documentation Requirements Sheet Documentation Requirements Sheet, PIP INSH1000-D001 should be
used to specify installation details required for a project. Purchaser addenda may also be used to specify data forms required for
a project.

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11. Hot Service Insulation Materials and Installation Specification (PIP INSH1000)

11.1 Summary
11.1.1 PIP INSH1000 provides requirements for materials and installation of hot service
insulation systems on the external surfaces of piping and equipment, ambient to
649°C (1200°F).
11.1.2 PIP INSH1000 describes requirements for hot service insulation materials and
accessories, storage and handling of materials, insulation application, extent of
insulation, and documentation.
11.1.3 Use of PIP INSH1000 for a project requires that specific choices be made and the
assembly of additional supporting documents.

11.2 Practice Contents

11.2.1 PIP INSH1000 consists of the requirements text and the data input forms.
11.2.2 Documentation Requirements Sheet Documentation Requirements Sheet, PIP INSH1000-D001, identifies
the various data forms available or used in conjunction with
PIP INSH1000. PIP INSH1000-D001 should be used to specify data forms, including
purchaser-format forms, required for a project. Purchaser addenda may also be used to specify data forms required for
a project.
11.2.3 Project-Specific Requirements Data Sheet Hot Service Insulation System Project-Specific Requirements Data
Sheet, PIP INSH1000-D002, should be used to specify insulation
requirements for a specific project. Requirements may be provided for general categories (e.g., piping with
insulation type HC for operating temperature to 149°C (300°F)
insulated with expanded perlite using thickness table
PIP INSH1000-F015) or specific items. Purchaser-format hot service insulation requirements data sheet may
also be used if appropriate. The insulation requirements data sheet, including purchaser format,
required for a project should be indicated on Documentation
Requirements Sheet, PIP INSH1000-D001.
11.2.4 Extent of Insulation Data Sheet Extent of Hot-Service Insulation Data Sheet, PIP INSH1000-D003,
should be used to specify for a specific project whether specific piping
and equipment component parts require insulation. PIP INSH1000-D003 provides default values for component parts
based on common industry practice. However, these values may be
changed in accordance with specific project requirements.

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Guidelines for Use of Insulation Practices August 2019 Purchaser-format extent of insulation data sheet may also be used if

appropriate. Extent of insulation data sheet, including purchaser format, required
for a project should be indicated on Documentation Requirements
Sheet, PIP INSH1000-D001.
11.2.5 Insulation Material System Data Sheets Hot Service Insulation Material System Data Sheets,
PIP INSH1000-D010 through D025, should be used to specify
insulation material system requirements for a specific project. The material system data sheets should be used to specify the
following for a specific project:
a. Approved Manufacturers - The approved insulation material
manufacturer(s) and brand name(s).
b. Accessories - Accessory materials associated with the insulation
material system and if appropriate, the approved accessory
manufacturer(s) and product brand name(s). The material system data sheets provide default values for accessory
categories and descriptions, based on common industry practice.
However, these values may be changed in accordance with specific
project requirements. The jacketing thicknesses must be specified on
the material system data sheets, as this is the only place where
thicknesses are defined. The material system data sheets may also have material type options
that should be selected, such as ASTM material type designation
(e.g., ASTM C547 Type II or Type III shown on
PIP INSH1000-D012). Purchaser-format insulation material system data sheets may also be
used if appropriate. Insulation material system data sheets, including purchaser format,
required for a project should be indicated on Documentation
Requirements Sheet, PIP INSH1000-D001. User-Defined Insulation System for Pipe and Equipment,
PIP INSH1000-D024, is a blank data sheet used for purchaser input, as
follows (in addition to input defined under
Insulation Specification - Description of insulation material,
including reference to ASTM specification, when applicable.
11.2.6 Insulation Thickness Tables Insulation thicknesses should be calculated for a specific project by
insulation service (insulation type code HC, PP, or combined) and
material type. Blank Insulation Thickness Tables, PIP INSH1000-F001
through F030 and PIP INSH1000-F001M through F030M, should be
used to record calculated thicknesses.

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Guidelines for Use of Insulation Practices August 2019 PIP INEG1000 provides additional information regarding design basis

and calculation methods for determining insulation thicknesses. Insulation thicknesses for HC should be calculated on the basis of heat
loss only (e.g., economic analysis, maximum heat loss, or percentage
efficiency). Insulation surface temperature should not be considered
for HC thicknesses. Insulation thicknesses for PP should be calculated on the basis of
insulation surface only. Insulation heat loss should not be considered
for PP thicknesses. Combined insulation thicknesses should use the greater of HC or PP
thicknesses, based on line size and operating temperature. This is the
most commonly used table for HC purposes for a specific project,
because it satisfies both design criteria. Purchaser-format insulation thickness tables may also be used if
appropriate. Insulation thickness tables, including purchaser-format, required for a
project should be indicated on Documentation Requirements Sheet,
PIP INSH1000-D001.

12. Installation of Flexible, Removable/Reusable Insulation Covers for Hot

Insulation Service (PIP INSR1000)

12.1 Summary
PIP INSR1000 provides requirements for materials, fabrication, and installation of
flexible, removable/reusable hot service insulation covers, ambient to 538°C (1000°F).

12.2 Practice Contents

12.2.1 PIP INSR1000 consists of the requirements text and data input forms.
12.2.2 Documentation Requirements Sheet Documentation Requirements Sheet, PIP INSR1000-D001, identifies
the various data forms available with or used in conjunction with
PIP INSR1000. PIP INSR1000-D001 should be used to specify data forms, including
purchaser-format forms, required for a project. Purchaser addenda may also be used to specify data forms or
supplemental requirements for a project.
12.2.3 Design Parameters Data Sheet Design Parameters Data Sheet, PIP INSR1000-D002, defines project-
specific design parameters when these are different from Table 1.

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12.2.4 Insulation Material Data Sheets Removable Cover Material System Data Sheets, PIP INSH1000-D010
through D013, should be used to specify insulation material system
requirements for a specific project. The material system data sheets should be used to specify the
following for a specific project:
a. Service Description - The service description, including service
temperature range and applicable insulation thickness table. If two or
more material data sheets are required for a project, this information
can be used to separate the requirements between data sheets.
b. Approved Manufacturers - The approved insulation material
manufacturer(s) and brand name(s).
c. Accessories - Accessory materials associated with the insulation
material system and if appropriate, the approved accessory
manufacturer(s) and product brand name(s). The material system data sheets provide default values for material
descriptions based on common industry practice. However, these
values may be changed in accordance with specific project
requirements. Components and corresponding descriptions may be
added as appropriate for specific designs. Insulation material system data sheets, including purchaser-format,
required for a project should be indicated on Documentation
Requirements Sheet, PIP INSR1000-D001.
12.2.5 Insulation Thickness Table PIP INSR1000-F001 and PIP INSR1000-F001M provide default
values for insulation thicknesses based on design parameters in
PIP INSR1000 Table 1 for personnel protection, using maximum
thermal conductivity for glass fiber felt insulation in accordance with
ASTM C1086. PIP INSR1000-F002 and PIP INSR1000-F002M provide default
values for insulation thicknesses based on design parameters in
PIP INSR1000 Table 1 for personnel protection, using maximum
thermal conductivity for flexible silica Aerogel insulation in
accordance with ASTM C1728. Insulation thicknesses should be calculated for a specific project by
insulation service and material type. Insulation Thickness Tables,
PIP INSR1000-F001 and F002 or PIP INSR1000-F001M and F002M,
may be updated to record calculated thicknesses. PIP INEG1000 provides additional information regarding design basis
and calculation methods for determining insulation thicknesses. The default thicknesses may be changed in accordance with other
design parameters, insulation materials or insulation design basis (HC,
PP, or combination), as appropriate for specific designs.

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Guidelines for Use of Insulation Practices August 2019 Two or more insulation thickness tables may be required for removable
covers for a specific project. Purchaser-format insulation thickness tables may also be used if
appropriate. Insulation thickness tables, including purchaser-format required for a
project should be indicated on Documentation Requirements Sheet,
PIP INSR1000-D001.

13. Insulation Inspection Checklist (PIP INTG1000)

13.1 Summary
PIP INTG1000 provides a checklist for use by individuals responsible for ensuring the
quality and completeness of an insulation system installation.

13.2 Practice Contents

13.2.1 PIP INTG1000 consists of the informational text and the inspection checklist form.
13.2.2 Insulation Inspection Checklist Form Insulation Inspection Checklist, PIP INTG1000-F, identifies the
following categories of inspection points: a) Safety; b) Material;
c) Installation - Insulation; d) Installation - Weatherproofing,
Jacketing, and Fittings Covers; e) Installation - Flanges, Valves, and
Equipment. The line items under each category provide three choices (Yes, No,
and N/A). The form also provides for comments under each category. Each installation category provides a line for ranking workmanship
(good, average and unacceptable). Purchaser-format insulation inspection checklist may also be used if

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