2015 Jun CSEC FN P1 With Ans

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| ~/ ‘ooes Loic. | | Which of the following groups of foods is 6. the BEST source of protein? A) Cheese, peanuts, fish, soya beans “(B) Beef, milk, coconut, string beans (C) Beans, milk, double cream, cheese | (D) Beef, eggs, breadfruit, vegetarian cheese 2. Steamed, stewed and poached foods are 7. MOST suitable for the elderly because in this age group (A) theenergy intake should be reduced (B) basal metabolism is lower (©) physical activity dectines ~{D), digestive problems may be present 3. The first milk a mother produces is called (A) plasma a (B) albumin (©) colostrum ‘ “(D) cholesterol 4. Whole-wheat flour is preferred to white flour because whole-wheat flour has (A) more protein 5 (B) — alonger shelf life (C) _ more natural vitamins (D)- ahigher*fibre content 5. A deficiency in which of the following i minerals in the diet of children may cause i rickets? Hl 10. (A) Iron (B) Iodine (C) Sodium @) — Calcium 01221010/F 2015 (A) Tron (B) Protein (C) Iodine (>) Fat Which of the following nutrients is required F in greater quantities by women than by men? Which of the following groups of health’ disorders are classified as deficiency diseases? (A) Bulimia, rickets, sore eyes, jaundice (B) _Pellagra, beri-beri, eczema, arthritis (©) High blood pressure, scurvy, scabies, colour blindness (D)_Protein-energy imbalance, night- blindness, anaemia, rickets Which of the following may be prevented by an adequate intake of foods rich in vitamin A? (A) Scurvy (B) _ Pellagra (©) Beri-beri (D) Night blindness Dietary fibre is important in the diet because it prevents” (A) ‘scurvy (B) constipation ©) anaemia (D) diabetes Which, of the following is NOT an advantage of a gas stove/cooker? (A) The heat of the oven is evenly Os distributed. . (B) ~The surfaces are easily kept clean, (©) _ It cooks faster than an electric stove. (D)_Itallows for economical use of fuel. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE zh 11, 13. 14. 12710. EF -3- A polysacchai of fruits that a called {S¢S Jams and jellies to set is (A) dextrin (B) gelatin ©) pectin (D) cellulose poe of the following instructions r the care and use of th i eae e blender is (A) Rinse the goblet after use. a (B) Run the motor for short periods. (C) Immerse the motor unit in warm water to wash. (D) Wash the goblet with warm water and detergent. Warm temperatures, moisture and improper storage of food may all contribute to (A) an unhealthy diet (B) dehydration of food a _(C)- food contamination (D) accidents in the home Fires in the kitchen can be prevented by (A) __ turning pot handles inwards B) keeping the cooker free from grease (C) _ using pot holders to remove hot dishes (D) using dry hands to operate electrical appliances 18. wah 10/F 2015 ide present in the cell walls 15, Which of the following are the BEST reasons for blanching vegetables before freezing? Ir Helps to maintain colour I Helpsto keep microorganisms alive Tl. To facilitate extended storage (A) Iand Il only (B)__ Land III only (C) Il and III only (D) 1, Mand itl : When bottling foods during preservation, heat treatment can be carried out in I I. TIL. (a) ®) © ©) the oven the sun a water-bath on the hob Tonly Tand II only Tand II only I, Hand II Which of the following information should be included on a food label? I Il. Il. Iv. (A) (B) © (D) The name of the product A list of ingredients The net weight The cost of the product land II only I and III only I, Il and III only I, IL and IV only Which of the following is NOT an + advantage of convenience foods? a) B) © ©) Save fuel Contain chemical additive Easy to prepare Useful for emergencies GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 19, ee cooking a cheese pastry, which of the following coagulates upon heating? (A) Elastin ®) Collagen (C) Legumin ©) Caseinogen 20. The process of adding dry heat to sugar to a point wher it develops into a dark brown liu is known as (A) gelatinizaton (B)__caramelization (©) crystallization {D) dextrinization 21, Which of the following materials are suitable for cooking in a microwave oven?” 1. Glass Ceramic 1, Aluminium foi (A) Land oly Land Ii only (©) Wand tt only (D) Mand 1 22, The process by which oils become solid is known as (A) preservation (B)__ hydrogenation {C) pasteurization (D) homogenization 23, Which ofthe following groups comprises all spices? (A) Nutmeg, chives, min, rosemary (B),,_. Ginger, clove, tumeric, cinnamon (©) Thyme, mustard, basil, cinnamon “(DY Marjoram, bay leaf, parsley, thyme 012210100F 2015 4 26. 26. Which of the following dishes should comprise the MAIN course of one-course meal? (a) Protein, carbohydrate, desset {B) _ Protein, dessert, raw vegetables {C)_ Protein, carbohydrate, ra inon-starchy vegetables (p) Protein, cooked non-starchy Vegetables, raw non-starchy vegetables tem. refers to the following diagram of a place setting, Which pieces of cutlery are correctly placed? (A) Aand Conly (8) BandE only Cand D only LQ (BD) A,Dand E only Which of the following types of batter is ‘used when frying poultry? , (a) Thin . (B) Coating (© Fritter (©) Binding GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 27. Which protein gives‘flour mixtures the 32. ability to stretch and hold their shape? (A) Elastin (B) Gluten (©) Gelatin (D) — Legumin 28. Which of the following is NOT a cereal? (A Sago (B) Rice J (© Wheat J (D) Barley 33, 29. Hors d'oeuvres consist of a variety of colourful, well-seasoned foods served as (A) desserts (B)__ appetizers (C) main dishes (D) accompaniments 34. 30. ‘The MAIN advantage of poached food for : a convalescent is that it is (A) too fatty {B) not spicy (©) easy to digest “WY rich in vitamins Hazel is preparing to deep fry chicken z when she observes a burstof flames in the saucepan. 31. The temperature which the fat reached when it burst into flames is referred to as the (A): flash point (B) ~ frying:point {C) smoke point (D) _ boiling point 01221010/F 2014 Item 31 refers to the following statement, 35, Peter has limited time in which he must prepare and serve & lunch menu and also clean the freezer. Which of the following work simplification methods would BEST ensure Peter's timely completion of his tasks? (A) Clustering (B) Overlapping (©) Dovetailing D) Sequencing Which of the following minerals when deficient in the diet leads to the disease osteoporosis? (A) Iron (B) Iodine (©) Sodium —(B)} Calcium Which of the following persons would require a recommended daily intake of 2 500 calories? (A)__A teenage boy (B) An overweight girl (©) A10-month-old infant () A 75-year-old woman with a sedentary lifestyle - Which of the following does NOT result in the poor nutritional status of pre-school children? I Foods deficient in iron IL Diets deficient in calories Ul. Use of powdered milk IV. Inappropriate nutritional education (4) Land Il only (B) Wand Ionly (C) 1, Wand IV only. (®) 1,0, Mandtv GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 36. Which of the meals listed below is BEST Suited fora vegan or strict vegeta “ rian? A)__ Rice and pigeon peas, tomato salad tame . Pizza with cheese and sa i salad mein (©) Yogurt, ham sandwich, stewed guavas @) Split pea soup, peanut butter sandwich, egg custard 37. Which of the following is the BEST source of dietary fibre? 2. (A) Cupcakes and fruit punch (B) Polished rice and fruit salad (C) Stewed chicken and macaroni pie —(D) — Whole-wheat sandwich and fruit salad 38. Tohelppreventanemia,expectantmothers 43. should take increased amounts of (A) __liverand kidney ~(B) milk and cheese (©) bread and butter (D) oranges and coconuts 39. A suitable nutritious snack for an obese person is (Ay paw paw (B) potato chips (©) coconut cake 4 (D) chocolate fudge 40. Which of the following is NOT a correct. ‘© guideline for the care of a heat-resistant lass dish? (A) Putdish ina microwave oven. (B) Wash dish with mild detergent. (©) Remove food with a plastic spatula. ~D)_Donot put hot dish on cold surface. 01221010/F 2015 ‘Which of the following features of a stove or a cooker would be MOST useful for a busy, working mother? 1 1 M1. (A) By © (@) Which ofthe followingis LEAST important Self-cleaning oven Built-in griddle Automatic timer Land I1 only Land Il only Mand Il only 1, Hand Hl when choosing a cooker? @) B) (Cc) (D) Ease of cleaning Colour of the cooker Kind of fuel available Durability of material Which of the following is the correct sequence for preparing green beans for freezing? 1. Blanch and drain T, —-Clean, wash and trim MI. Cutinto suitable sizes ) Lnm @) Lm {QT 0) Which of the following i8NNOT important in ensuring food safety when purchasing food? (a) (B) © @) MMT, i I ‘Choose foods that look fresh, Buy from reputable suppliers, Check for the expiry date on packets and cans. Select expensive foods since these are of a better quality / GO ON TO, THE NEXT PAGE 45. 46. 47 ‘Which ofthe following is the BEST method fora homemaker to presen ° cucumbers? nS SUPIS OF (A) Pickling (B) Freezing ©) Drying (©) Caning $0. ems 46-47 refer to following ways by hich a family can spend wisely. (A) Buying in bulk (B) Comparative shopping (©) Preparing a shopping list (D) Investigating new products Inanswering tems 4647, each option may $1 ‘be used once, more than once or not at al Which of the above ways is given the MOST consideration when different brands of the same food are sold at supermarkets? ie items are used in large quantities? Item 48 refers to the following frst aid ‘treatments, 1. Cover area with a clean cloth to reduce the risk of infection. Tl, Cool the whole area with cold water to reduce the risk of blistering. Il, Remove jewellery if possible, as the area may swell, IV. Protect blisters, donot burst them. ‘The activities are MOST likely used to treat 52, (a) act (B) bleeding (C)__ anelectrical shock AD} ascald and burn yyiniam me Bread rolls, croutons, dumplings and potato chips are accompaniments for (A) fish- (B)__soups (© meas (0) sauces Which of the following is the MOST suitable fr frying doughnuts? (A) Butter (8) Comoil “© Margarine {D) Ground nut oil Which of the following combinations is ‘an appropriate source of protein fora low- income family? = (A) Ham and turkey (B) Cheese and shrimp (C)_ Eggs and fresh fish (D) Beans and canned sardines Item $2 refers tothe following layout of a tens ‘The layout of the kitchen in the diagram may BEST be deseribed as (A) open 8) galley (©) parallel ©) wshaped GOON TATHE evr non ____ne 53 Which of the following meals could be 54. Prepared using the LEAST amount of fuel? (A) Stewed chicken, baked potatoes, tossed salad, steamed custard (8) Grilled fs, baked potatoes, tossed Which of the following breakfast menus is written in the CORRECT order? (A) Hot chocolate, buttered bread, ‘orange juice, fried egg (B) Orange juice, fried egg, buttered salad, steamed pudding = bread, hot chocolate (C) Fried fish, buttered green bananas, (©) Buttered bread, orange juice, hot coleslaw, fruit salad chocolate, fried egg, (D) Roast chicken, rice and peas, (D) Orange juice, buttered bread, fried coleslaw, sweet potato pudding ‘egg, hot chocolate tem $5 refers tothe following herbs which are used in food preparation. : } Ww ®) © 55. Which of the above herbs is commonly called thyme? Item 56 refers tothe following typical luncheon menu. ; Stewed Beet Baked Chicken Cured Chicken Dumplings Boiled Rice Roti (Shells/Skins) Stewed Lentils, Stewed Pigeon Peas Curried Potato or |) Channa or Chickpeas. ‘The menus above may be improved by adding a vegetable soup ‘vanilla milk shake : raw vegetable salad | serving of an additional staple ea uy BOMATX: avai0iae 9015 GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE Item $7 refers to the following men 1 59. The function of eggs in fish cakes is to Baked FishyTo, (A) bind mato Sauce (B) lighten Ve (©) thicken ‘Betable Rice (D) emulsify Garden Salad . 60. Which of the following should first be }olden Apple Pie considered when planning lunches for large iB ‘groups? 57. hes of the following is MOST suitable _(A) Main dish ‘or enhancing the presentation ofthe meal? (BY Dessert item (C) Salad item (A) Lime butterflies, chopped parsley, (D) Appetizer glacé cherries (B) Lime wedges, chopped onions, sliced tomatoes (©) Breadcrumbs, sliced tomatoes, mayonnaise (D) Tomato cups, chopped parsley, ~ French dressing 58. Which of the following nutritional needs are closely linked to the growth spurt in * adolescents? (A) Iron and protein (B)_ Phosphorus arid protein (C) __ Fatand.carbohydrates (D) Vitamin C and iodine END OF TEST 01221010/F 2015 IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST.

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