Rasheed Melik Talbot - Plan of Investigation Draft 2

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Candidate Name: Rasheed Talbot

Candidate: Number

Subject: English A

Topic: how does drug effect athlete performance

Teacher: Heather Robertson

Topic: English A

Theme: Drugs and its impact on the performance of athletes

Plan of investigation

The topic I selected for the school base assessment is sports. Under the topic I select the theme I
will be brainstorming on which is the Drugs and its impact on the performance of athletes. The
topic for the SBA where discuss with students and the teacher, the topic I choose is sports. When
I selected that topic, I started to think which specific area in sports should I brainstorm on. I
already had a computer on my desk watching the 1-mile world record and the athlete he was in
front looked powerful seeing how fit that athlete was. It came to me. I chose doping in sports as
my topic. The reason I selected it was because of that athlete’s performance and how strong this
athlete looked.

The way this research could benefit me as an athlete most is learning about how drugs could
really impact the world of sports and understanding why professional athletes proceed to dope.
Not only this research could benefit me as an athlete but as a student of English Language too by
learning new words, helping me with spelling and upgrading my vocabulary.

To assist me with the school base assessment I selected a picture, article and a poem.
The picture I used to help me with my plan of investigation is an Olympic gold medal with
doping needles on it to symbolism cheating in sports.
Artifact 1

To help with my research I brainstormed through the internet and came across an article on the
internet titled Effects of performance-enhancing drugs, by Travis T. Tygart (2023).
Of Doping and Lifetime Bans

If Lance Armstrong isn’t King of Cheaters

He’s most certainly on the royal court.
No soul to sell, that former world-beater
Poster boy for putting self before sport.

The town’s old sheriff, asleep at the wheel

Cheaters get a tiny slap on the hand
Much more than laurels the swindlers do steal:
People’s respect for all sports in the land

Now think of a world record that’s been set

Or a gold medal won, do you figure—
When was the last time you were confident
Physiology hadn’t been jiggered?

I say throw cheaters out for evermore

For how else will people ever believe
That sport’s integrity has been restored
And the whole world is not being deceived?

The human potential, heart, and effort

The only measure, else there is no sport.

By Tom Quigley

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