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Candidate Name: Rasheed Melik Talbot

Name of school: Alpha Christian Academy

Subject: Mathematics
Teacher name: Mrs. Kellier
Topic: How much money do high school students spend on a daily basis
Centre number:
Candidate number:
Year: 2023
Table of Content

Title Page

The project Title ……………………………………………………………………………..1


Method of Data Collection…………………………………………………………………...3-4

Presentation of Data………………………………………………………………………….5-6

Analysis of Data………………………………………………………………………………9

Discussion of Findings……………………………………………………………………….10

The project Title

How much money do high school students spend on a daily basis?


The topic the researcher wants to investigate is how much money does high school students
spend on a daily basis. To begin the project, the researcher used a questionnaire to collect all the
data the researcher needed for the SBA. 5th and 6th formers who assisted the researcher with the
data collection by giving the researcher answers, the researcher was able to start up the
investigation of the project how much money student spend on a daily basis.

The researcher wants to discover:

● How much money do students bring to school

● How much they spend daily
The Method of Data Collection

The instrument the research used to collect the data is a questionnaire. What is a questionnaire
you might ask? A questionnaire is a printer sheet with questions and choices for research or
survey to gather data. A questionnaire doesn’t have to be a printed sheet of paper, but questions
could be done online with computers and cellphone, but the research used a printer sheet.

● The question is easy to plan and execute
● Easy feedback


Hello, my name is Rasheed Talbot, I am a final year student at Alpha Christian Academy. This
questionnaire is created to investigate how much money high school students in my school
spend on a daily basis as a component of my Mathematics school-based-assessment. The
questionnaire is anonymous hence your name is not required.  
Thank you for participating.  

1. What is your gender?  


2. What is your age? 


3. What’s your nationality? 

4. Do you have a job? 


5. If not, how much money do your parents/guardians often give you to carry to school on a daily

6. If you do have a job how much money do you often carry to school daily? 

7. Do you carry lunch to school? 

☐Yes ☐ No

8. If not, how much do you pay for lunch at school? 

9. What’s your mode of transportation to and from school? 

☐own Car 
☐Personal vehicle  

10. If taxi how much do you pay? 

☐5 other _______ 

11. If car how much do you pay for gas? 

12. How much money do you spend in total at school daily basics?
Presentation Of Data

Pie chart showing the number of male and female participants.

How much participants who do and don’t carry lunch to school

The measure of money the participants carry to school

Question Answer

What’s your mode of transportation to and Personal vehicle= 6

from school?
Own car= 4
Taxi= 4
Walk= 1

If taxi how much do you pay? The choices for the question are 2,3,5 and
others but all the participants select 2.

If own car how much you pay for gas? The participants price for gas ranges from

Analysis Of Data

On the pie charts shown above there are .15 participate with 6 males and 9 females. There are 12
persons who pack lunch to school and 3 persons who don’t carry lunch. With those 3 persons
that don’t pack lunch buy lunch from the shop or canteen, the 3 participate answer where they
spend $7-$15 a day at school, but it does not mean the rest of participates don’t carry money to
school showing by the data above there are price range of money the participate carry to school.
5 participants bring 5 dollars, 4 participants bring 7 and 3 bring 15 to school.

Question 9 the participants mode of transportation is personal vehicle 6 participants, own car 4
participants, taxi 4 participants and walking 1 participant. To find out how much money students
spend, the researcher starts from the beginning of the participants day where some participants
exchange money for transportation and also car owners who are still in high school pay for gas.
personal vehicle is when your parents provide transport for you, so personal vehicle and walk do
not need money.

Question 10 If taxi how much do you pay? 4 participants select taxi, all of the participants
answer where 2 dollars move from point A to point B so that means they spend 4 dollars a day
and 20 dollars a week.

Question 11 If own car how much do you pay for gas? There are 4 participants who select their
own car. The price range for car owners is 2- 50. With 2 participants with $20, 1 participant with
30, 1 participant with $50 and $2.
Discussion of Findings

With this research it was able to conclude that:

● Most of the money spent has been invested in transportation.

● The participant who invests in lunch and transportation the sum of money will increase
● The participants that walk, pack lunch and parents owned personal vehicles sum of
money spent will decrease.
From the investigation the researcher gave out 15 sheets of questionnaire, the opinions, and the
response were different. By studying the analysis data, the researcher but the investigation to a
close on how much many students spend on the daily basis. By taking one participant and
calculating the sum.

The total sum goes to $40 dollars a week $160 dollars a month and $1,920 dollars a day.

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