Knowledge Will Give You Power

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Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.

The phrase "Knowledge will give you power, but character respect" comes from a proverb that says
"knowledge is power." Knowledge is, in fact, the path to personal wisdom and overall success. For
example, knowledge about your body can help keep you healthy and prevent future illnesses.
Furthermore, knowing how to implement skills will help prepare you for any task or career. However
knowledge about the world around us helps us make sense of life's complexities and create culture
changes that better our society.

Why do we respect those who are wise? We believe those who have shown a commitment to wisdom
are people who really care about others. They are often humble and will never judge or condemn.
They are always willing to help. And in the face of adversity, they remain optimistic.

So why is character given such little emphasis? In school it's often overlooked as students learn to
regurgitate facts and figures. The word 'character' is seen as outdated and an old-fashioned idea that
doesn't belong in modern society.

It is true that character cannot be taught, but it can be built upon at home and in school if we value
the importance of strengthening it in our children.

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