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CATHOLIC * Marria e Wer a EFFECTIVE MARRIAGE MINISTRIES SHOULD BE BALANCED. Each marital program does not have to be balanced across all three areas. However, to be most effective, there should ae a aa ee Sl ee een IEW Tein ue ie Loge Samu ee VISION The vision part centers around laying out God's plan and teachings for marriage. We want the Church to be vocal about what God teaches, what the Scripture say, and what Christ has to say about ‘marriage. Examples include: + Jesus’ command to "LOVE ONE ANOTHER as | have loved you.” + UNCONDITIONAL LOVE in marriage + INDISSOLUBILITY of marriage + COVENANT versus contract + MUTUAL SUBMISSION + Importance of FORGIVENESS + Concept of LEAVING & CLEAVING SKILLS Marriage education is about operationalizing the Gospel. With a skills-based program we show “how to” love one another. Stills are designed to change or improve behavior. Examples include "How to...” * Speak sos tobelistened to» Understand thoughts, feelings,» Express and release anger, + Listen for Understanding ‘concerns, and desires frustration, and disappointment in + Show Appreciation * Communicate thoughts, feelings, healthy ways. + Apologize and ask Forgiveness concerns, and desires + Develop and show interest in people + Forgive each other + Develop a Budget {and things that interest spouse + Resolve Conflicts + Financial Planning for the future + Solve Problems meeting needs and + Show Respect to and for spouse Meet Core Emotional Needs desires of both + Cherish our spouse + Reguiate own emotions * Support spouse in desire for change * Change our own habits + Bond deeply with spouse (no nagging) + Follow through on decisions + Show ovein the way that matters» Change actcism into “complaint + Parent/co-parent effectively most to spouse with a request for change SUPPORT When teaching skills, support is usually provided through COACHING. This includes in-class coaching and Zoom coaching provided between sessions. Providing MENTORS is another example Of support. A lot of premarital programs use mentors who are also available afterwards. Mentors are also beneficial in marriage enrichment, SMALL GROUP programs are a great form of support Providing AFTER-CARE in @ program, whether it's immediately after the program or longer term, an be very valuable. Another example of support is having a PERSON or a CONTACT FOR CRISIS COUPLES IN A PARISH to go to who is warm and welcoming and KNOWLEDGEABLE OF RESOURCES that are available. Support is part of normalizing the fact that all marriages go through ups and downs. {at say, there isa coupe that has gone through a mariage education program a year ago and now ‘hey ate experiencing rocky patch. If there is suppor in a parish the parish will welcome them back. and say, "were glad you came back, Let's brush up those skill. Or let's go do another program? 6 Steps to Teaching Skills | Present the THEORY Tun uted PROCESS the practice & provide additional teaching is Provide the STEP by STEP INSTRUCTIONS 02 06 evs Participants PRACTICE the ‘SKILL with COACHING provided eos <> = ey (eee siu-7 ORO, MODEL Dele cckur oer (elu fesierceg answer questions MARRIAGE PREPARATION MARRIAGE PREPARATION SESSIONS. 1. Engaged Encounter weekend. Contact Harold & Elvina Wellington (632-4472) 2. Asevér=week course held at the Parish Hall, St Joseph. Contact Terrance and Maria Awai (662-0318) DOCUMENTS NEEDED AA copy of your computerized birth certificate. a ‘opy of your ID card/Driver’s Permit/Passport. eal marriage license (obtained from your respective Warden’s Office). 4. ARECENT copy of your baptism certificate. 5. Your marriage preparation certificate (obtained at the end of the seven-week course or encounter weekend). 6. Information on the two witnesses: a) Names b) Address ©) Phone contact numbers 4) Copy of their ID card/Driver’s Permit/Passport e) Identification number f) Date of Issue (of the ID given) g) Date of Expiry (of the ID given) h) Date of Birth CHOIR 1. Songs used during the service ought to be in keeping with our faith. 2. You may bring your own choir or you may contact: a} Sheldon Akai 320-2515/221-9656/761-6624 b) Gregory Pantin 663-1866/499-9388 c) Stantey Peter 662-2164/704-6934 d) Mark Peter 297-6116 FLOWERS 1. Please contact AnnMarie Spring Renn at 487-3237 STIPEND A stipend of $500.00 is to be paid before the Wedding day, this goes to the Clergy Pool at Archbishop’s House, Vee t aucun _hereeMhuu ee view - Seefy a op | } i | t T | | i t Ft | / a ¥ Se ~ J baled el He Laeaee ¢ Vey ae a : x wits a, atid aL ha hte | - 7 7 : = ~ Submitting Marriage Documents for registration At the back of the Duplicate of Marriage Register, check for the following: That correct ID Information for each Witness is recorded — © Name as per ID presented © Address (Should include house # or nearest LP #) © Form of ID and 1D Number © Date of Birth Date of Issue ° At the front of the Duplicate of Marriage Register — Brite the wedding party’s names (Bride, Groom, Witness 1, Witness 2) © Ensure that the Marriage Officer ‘s name is clearly written (or stamped), along with his signature at the bottam of the ‘right most’ column (entitled “Signature of District Registr: Marriage Officer and of Witnesses’). nearest LP# included in it’s address. Information in columns 1-5 of the Registrar’s Certificate, should correlate with information in columns 3-7 of the Duplicate of Marriage Register; © Verify that neither bride nor groom has celebrated a birthday since the License was granted — if either party (groom or bride) has, (or both have) , adjust age/s accordingly. e.g if the Bride’s date of birth is July 1", she received her/ their Registrar’s Certificate in May (of that year) and her age at that time was 24 years, but got married on July 16" - she would then be 25years old at the time of her wedding — this difference (from the Registrar's Certificate) should be reflected in the Duplicate of Marriage Register; — When there is an age change (as described above) the D. O. Birth should be inserted at the top of the Duplicate of Marriage Register and cross- referenced to the age noted thereon, by use of a symbol of a (large) | asterisk within a circle. © When there are two separate Registrar’s Certificate for bride and groom, ensure that both are submitted. Once an error is detected in the Registrar's Certificate, the Parish should advise the couple, and have same corrected prior to the wedding ‘© Recently, certain professions/ callings are proving problematic (e.g. electrician, mechanic, engineer), where the Registrar's office is asking for specifying what type (of electrician etc.) and causing a delay in the couple getting their Marriage Certificate (in spite of the fact that the warden’s office has made the error — unfortunate) ° Some parishes send a copy of each ID presented/ recorded, for members of the wedding party - this is however not required but certainly a 2, please present the Marriage For ease of submission to the Registrar's of documents in the following order: o **Copies of IDs {if being submitted) are stapled to the back of Registrar’s Certificate/s © The Duplicate of Marriage Register is then attached to the back of these documents with a paper-clip. When marriage documents have to be returned to the originating Parish for | correction, the document are scanned at the Chancery, and the originals (marriage documents) are sent to the Parish with an explanatory cover letter. END of DOCUMENT Prepared October 2015 (Updated June 2017) ~ by the Chancellor’s Office Cemetery Plots Columbariums | Individual plots are $4,609, This includes the plot, one (1) headstone and perpetual care. (prices are subject to change.) | A payment plan is available with $600 down, followed by $100 monthly \ installments The following are permite in single é plots: Cremation niches are $3,000, which One (1) casket bua, oF includes 1 open / close, simpie = | One (1) casket burial and engraving and perpetual care. A Saint Joseph Abbey Cemetery fills the ‘one (1) cremation burial OR payment plan is available for niches void of limited Catholic cemetery ‘Two (2) cremation burials ‘vith $600 down, followed by $100 options on the North Shore. While the monthly installments. ‘cemetery first began as a burial place Please note: No burials will be permit- for the Benedictine monks more than “ted until full payment has been made.) Two burials per niche are permitted 100 years ago, since the late 1990s, ro ens (subject to size of urns). Urns are cemetery plots have been available to Caskets are available for purchase at available for purchase at the the public. the Abbey. View them at ‘Xbbey. View them at wow saint osephabbey.comvcaskets The Abbey Cemetery has ample space to accomodate the needs of the local ‘community for generations to come. Every year, the monks bless the cemetery following the All Souls’ Day Mass in November. £ 2 SAINT JOSEPH ABBEY Saint Joseph Abbey Cemeten 75376 River Road, Covington, LA 70457 For mare information or to make an appointment, contact the Cemetery office at 985-367-2253 or abbeycemetery@s) & RENEWAL OF CEMETERY PLOT AGREEMENTS 2021 For the renewal exercise please note the following: 1 we 2 The Archdiocese has reviewed the cemetery plot agreement and has made a few changes. The agreement is now called a License and the person named in the agreement is now called the Licensee. . Only the person who is named in the agreement (i.e. the Licensee) can sign the new agreement. This person must bring with them the following: a. a copy of their National Identification Card, Driver's Permit or Passport b. a Baptism Certificate c. a letter from their Parish Priest certifying and giving details of their status as a practicing Catholic in his/her Parish. . The fee is now $1000 per plot . The new agreement allows for the nominating of three (3) persons (in order of priority and whether Catholic or not) from your family to make all of the necessary arrangements for the Licensee’s burial . The new agreement allows for the nominating of three (3) practicing Roman Catholics from your family (in order of priority) to be considered as prospective candidates for a new License Agreement, in the event that the Licensee dies before the License period expires . Itis recommended that where possible one of the candidates (see 5 above) accompany the license holder to the renewal appointment Administration ‘The Catholic Cemeterie Our Lady of the a = Blessed Sacrament ret ee —_— Catholic Church Catholte Cemeteries Sal theresa Cemetery isthe mat Chae cemetery mainte by Our (Gayo the pssedsacrant athe Church tisoeated ong Wir Ave ea to he Town of West Pins ‘ereterSumn Slope ‘iscemetry wa talib in 182110 Serve the bial neh of Cth parser of ur ay ofthe Bleed ‘Serament Sst Theresa and Sit oho ftom Chuches, ie ice ‘ne ofthe prominent features iocaedin ‘hecener a Sait Theres’ Cemetery largestone cuts wher mans tne| final esting ace of evrend Cena kato ater ot) st stor of Ourtaey ofthe eed Seramert Pater brloved priest who served the pach oer the yas Reverend iis [father son ofthe Misiones the hairy ‘Stlohnof KantiCemeters the rounts fon ery mason ren ur a fhe lend Serre tha churen Therein cme sessed n 1918 on ant ante by Heese tine 3 Ket County, ashene ie uw ater (esas kabowsi (he pastor =a tele tas tater ac dosent Ae’ rave would be mated wit te Poth commanty npr dost and Kemer Siew p35 srould ko beauties with ore ode (on aya, 1935, gtanng se ‘destroyed he msn red Faber Inekdreledna tre the ehh srdtheprsoners nen Sen's der serces 3 Our ay of Bisse Sacrament athe chin West Pmt aed Ses oy. a Baptism Preparation We begin with 3 questions: 1. Do you know the date of your Baptism? 2. Why do you want your child to be Baptized? 3. What is Baptism? Baptism Baptism is the first of seven official Sacraments recognized by the Catholic Church. The Sacraments are Baptism, Confirmation, E rist (Communion), Reconciliation (Confession), Marriage, Holy Orders, Anointing of the Sick. A Sacrament is an outward sign of God's grace within us. It is where we encounter God and his mercy. All Sacraments have their source in Jesus (see diagram). Lenism ¥ In Baptism the wounds of Original Sin are cleansed and healed V Baptism also washes away personal sin ¥ Baptism incorporates us into the Body of Christ which is the Church, Y Through Baptism we share in the priesthood of Christ. ¥ Through Baptism our souls are sealed with the indelible mark of Christ which no sin can wash away. Water is the major sign or symbol of Baptism. Other symbols are the lighted candle and the anointing with oil. The Rite of Baptism Reception of the Child Name — why is your name important? Responsibility — are you living the life of Christ? Hebrews 121 Christian Community ~ Baptism makes us ‘members of the Church. Romans 12:5 Celebration of God's Word ‘The Word forms our community 2 Timothy 3:16 Exorcism & Anointing ‘The Holy Spirit helps us fight against Bvil Ephesians 6:12 Oil of Catechumens - it is believed to strengthen the one being baptized to turn away from evil, temptation and sin. Blessing of Water Water is life. It revives; it cleanses Renunciation of Sin/Profession of Faith Choosing God Our God is a Trinity Matthew 28:19 Baptism — Chrism, White Garment, Candle Used for consecration (set apart) of Kings and Prophets. Anointing with the Holy Spirit White — new clean garment — put on Christ (Christened), reflecting The Light Lighted Candle- share The Light of the World with the world. (We must become light; Mathew 5:16) The Baptismal ceremony should always remind us of e our dignity as children of God, « our responsibility as members of the Church, and « our need-to-know Christ even more, so that we may witness to Him by the way we live. Lenism Fag Lo el — ree ca — — Be Bb er, a dy Ly pes Moi ¥ pepe (a a a = aes hia 8 fom Nephi ERGs. a Gung 4 Gita a- at a bib Cap \ VECUCCCCCCE wld de by Vd be 4 yy mae an ca8 Le | ts te by eh | : yu vv YU YY xt | S at | s ct f s & pt fawn Je As Coed egutcher Sauls. doomber a oli ay fase a - - St. Joseph / Mt. D’Or Parish Community. St. Joseph 662-2827, Celebrating the sift of life... Celebrating the sift of faith... Celebrating the sift of family... The Sacrament Of Baptism 122 ‘The sagraments. of - Christian iitiation—Baptism, Confirmatién, and the Euchiatist=lay the foundations of every Chistian. life... The, faithful are ‘bom ancw by Baption, strengthened’ by the sacrament of Confemation ‘and receive in the Eucharist the food of etemal life, 1213 : 2 Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit (Vitae spiritualis ianua), andthe door, which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and rebom as children of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: "Baptism is the sacrameat of regeneration through water and inthe word.” Rites of the Sacrament. 1234 ‘The. meaning and: grace.of the sacrament of Baptism are clearly seen in the rites ofits celebration. By following the gestures and words of this celebration with attentive participation, the faithful are initiated into the riches this sacrament signifies and actually brings about in each newiy baptized person. 1238 The, sign of the cross, on the threshold of the celebration, marks with the imprint of Christ the one ‘who is going to belong to him and signifies the grace ofthe redemption Christ won for us by his cross 1236 ‘The proslantation of the Word of God calightens the candidates and the assembly with the revealed truth ad elitt the response of faith, which is inseparable from Baptism, Indéed Baptism is "the sacrament of fait" ina particular way since it is the sacramental cntry into the life of faith 1231 Since Baptism signifies liberation from sin and from its instigator the devil, on8,or more exorcisms are pronounced over the candidate. The celebrant then anoints hiner with the oil of eatechumens, or lays his hands on hiner, and he explicitly renounces Satan. Thus prepared, he is able to confess the faith of the Church, to which he/she will be "entrusted" by Baptis, 1238 ‘The baptismal water is consecrated by a prayer of spicksis (cther at this moment or at the Easter Vigil). The Church asks God that through his Son the power of the Holy Spirit may be sent upon the water, so that those who will be baptized in it may ‘be "born of water and the Spirit." 4 | 1239 The essential rite of the sacrament follows: Baptism properly speaking. It signifies and actually brings about death to sin. and entry into the life of the Most Holy Trinity through configuration to the Paschal mystery of Christ. Baptism is performed in the most expressive way by triple immersion in the' baptismal water. However, from ancient times ithas also been able to be conferred by Pouring the water three times over the candidate's head. 1240 In the Latin Church this triple infusion is accompanied by the minister's words: "N., I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Hoty Spirit 1241 . The anointing with sacred chrism, perfumed oil consecrated by the bishop, siguifies the gift of the Holy Spirit-to the newly baptized, who has become a Christian, that is, oite "anointed" by the Holy Spirit, incoxporated into Christ who is anointed priest, prophet, and king 1243 .». The candle, lit from the Easter candle, signifies that Christ has enlightened the neophyte, In, him the baptized are “the light,of the world." i “Numbers gt the head of each paragraph represents the article miumber in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, at } St. Joseph / Mt. D’Or Parish Community. King St. St. Joseph 662-2827. - Celebrating the gift of life... Celebrating the Sift of faith... Celebrating the gift of family... SUPPORTING THE BAPTIZED, Support forthe baptized comes from four main sources: 1. God himself ~ given through the grace of the sacrament, 3 The community of ih into hich 3 peso initiated The parents who provide the Fitee witness co faigh 4 The godparents who help parents in ale Christian responsibiliey. ng Baptism is chessadtatnent lof faith. Buc faith | needs the cominiunityof believers. le is only within the faith of che Church that each of the faithfel cati"believe, The:faith required for Baptism is not a perfect-and mature faith, but a beginning that is called to develop. The catechumen ot the godparent is asked: "What do you ack of God's Church?" The response is: nas4 For all che baptized, children or adults, faith ‘snust grow after Baptism. Fot this reason the Church celebrates each year at the Easter Vigil the renewal of baptismal promises, Preparation for Baptism leads only ¢o the threshold of new life, Baptism is the source of from which the entire ; Christian life springs forth. ass For the grace of ;Baptism eo unfold, the pares help i prea, So aos the oleof the godfather and'godmochey who must be firm’ believers, able and ready to help the newly bapti of adlult—on the road of Christian fi task isa cruly.ecélesial function [officium), The whole ecclesial commumity bears séme responsibility for the development and safeguarding of the grace i sivenat Baptism. 3. Barents are the first witnegses to their children in the ways of faith. Parents must set the example by practicing cheir fith. They must attend and participate in weekend mass, BraY at home, practice charity and live good moral lif. ‘The faich communiey is the second place of witness. The Aglpmunity is where roots are established, friendships are Ged, and one’s sacraméneal life unfolds. Mose people Tupiember, with fondness, ghe place of their baptism, first sBbyunion, confirmation aid marriage. First. Communion classes are held every 2™ andy 4! Saturdays from 9:00am ¢o 00am in the parish Children enroll at 7 years, ‘ ‘Tomorrow's Vibrant Youths’ {{ for chose who have made chet first communion but have fot reached ‘the age 5 confirmation) meee. every 2¥ and 4° Saturday ac che St Jude's Chapel, Me, D’or from 9:d0am to i1:c0am. : oy Confirmation. classes are held every 1 and x” Saturdiys from g:ooam ¢ 00am in the patish hall, Teenagers enroll aci4 years, |; : tt Adule classes (RCIA) are*held from every Friday fist 7:00pm to 9:oopm from the fic Friday of September 3 Pentecose of the following year, Only adules are admitted: THE ROLE OF THE GODPARENT To be chosen as a Godparent ig a special honour. You, above all others, have been entrusted with thé responsibility to participate in this child's Catholic Christian ifé'and education. This privilege offers you the ‘opportunity to develop a mauitually enriching spiritual zelationship - one that will last throughout this 1ifé and, beyond. There are many ways you cart nurture this spiritual * relationship and become a special friend to your godchild,. Among them are: 1, Celebrate the anniversary of this holy day of Baptism each year with a visit, a card ora call, 2, As your god child grows, listen to and share in the struggles and triumphs of living'a Cristian life, and keep yourself informed on Catholic \ Christian doctrine and values, to be able to answer questions as they arise, 3, Bneourage a consistent life of faith through special cards, letters or gifts hick celebrate holy events..Advent -and Christmas, Lent and Basten, Pentécostother important feast days, «and personal growth events, graduation, firet job, and engagement. ( Gift suggestions: a bible, spixitual books, rosary, religious jewellery gift cortifioate for teligious qoods/books. . retreat opportunity.) 4, Participate in, send asauvance prayerias your gadehild receives the other sacraments, particually Fret Communion and Confirmation, which completes initiation into the Church cororaunity, id, 6. And tmost importanths, BECOME A MODEL oF | CHRISTIAN Uvaig FoR Your copcunn, trou DAILY PRAYER VIRTUE AN’ ACTIVE PARTICIPATION IN * PARISH LIFE AND LITURGY, By living a Christian life in Partnership with your godchild, both cf you experience the meat joy of sharing a life of faith. Congratulations and may God blegs you! —iwell pleas ae 4 GODPARENT'S STATEMENT THE ROLE OF THE GODPARENT in infant baptiom ia an awecome responsibility The godparent must be a living example of faith in Jesus Christ and beleive in the Roman Catholic Church, Together with the parents, or thoss who lawfully take the place, the godparenta preaent the child for baptiom and hélp the baptised lead a Christian life and to fulfill his/her responsibility ae 4 Catholic. CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY TO ‘BE CHOSEN : AS A GODPARENT IS cA SPECIAL HONOUR a ral Grant is a lump sum payment Beet the peRonIWHOInetoe cost Of the funeral expenses of a deceaceg insured. The Funeral Grant is a lump sum payment of $7,500.00. @ Who Can Claim? The Funeral Grant is paid to the person or organization shown on the receipt or invoice from the Funeral home as havin, undertaken the funeral expenses of the deceased insured. The Funeral Grant will be paid if the deceased insured person: *Made at least 25 contributions to the National Insurance System while engaged in insurable employment; -- OR *Was in receipt of an Injury Benefit at the time of death; --OR- *Would have been entitled to ; an Injury Benefit but for the fa: death. © What Documents are Required to Ciaim This Benefit? ® * Completed a Grant Form [ + The original Death Cer * All original re expenses, pplication for Funeral NI 8]; ttificate; ceipts for funeral © [tow to Complete the Funeral G Application Form [NI 8]? vant There are two jegctions in this form which € Completex tespective panies, *"4 Signed by the FUNERAL GRANT i : is to be completed by the Perso applying for the benefit” he Applicant. ion B: is to be completed by the Employer of the deceased if neccastry, @ What are the Time Frames for Claim Submission? @ Within 3 months from date of death of deceased insured: Claim is ON TIME. Over 3 months: Claim is LATE. A written explanation from the applicant is required to accompany the claim. Over 12 months: Loss of benefit if the claim is submitted outside this period. @ Can a Claim be Made if the Insured Person Abroad? O° “neral Grant may be claimed for the ' expenses of a deceased insured t who died in a foreign country, ed that all other qualifying criteria a et and supporting, documentary ‘ce is accurate. on this application form must be initialed Re by the respective Party to which the section relates For more information contact customercare@nibtt, net NATIONAL INSURANCE BENEFITS Employment Injury Benefits: -Injury Benefit Disablement Pension There are 23 Benefits that may be accessed, provided that certain criteria are met: “Disablement Grant «Medical Expenses Sickness Benefit “Death Benefit - Widow Invalidity Benefit = Widower Child Maerity Bene = Dependent Parents ‘allowance’ = Remarriage Grant Special Maternity Grant Survivor's Benefit: Funeral Grant * Widow’s Pension - Widower’s Pension Se * Child’s Allowance Grant + Orphan's Allowance + Dependent Parents + Remarriage Grant fib The National Insurance Board of Trinidad and Tobago Customer Care Centre 625 ANIS (4647) Disclaimer: The content of this publication should be used for general guidance and reference only, fib More Than Ji The National Insurance Board of Trinidad and Tobago A Pension Provi There are seven sacraments Bapkisa Contirmation Eucharist Penanee / Contession Holy Orders Marriage Anointing ofthe Sick, these can be divided at three gous: Sacraments OF Teton: Hiptism, Coatimaton aiid Eucharist. Sacraments of heal Penance / Confession ay Anointing ofthe Sick, Sacraments of service: Holy Orders and Martiage Baptism: This isthe fst sacrament in the Chistian Initiating niles. 1s, therefore, the doorway to faith and the other ‘acraeats, Vality ofthe sacrament of baptism dewands thy tse of water (forthe cleansing front tin) and the Tvitaan invocation (Cbaptize you in the name of the Patera of the Son and of the Holy Spit), ¢ Confirmation: Those baptized received this sacrament crcinasity fom the bishop. Confirmation strengthens the grace of baptisin. Validity demands the laying on of hands and tho = anointing with oil of chris. Buchari ‘uchatist is both a sacrament and a sacrficg,,It ‘completes the sites of Christian Initiation, While baptism and confirmation are received only once, Eucharst canbe received daly. Validity demands unleavened bread anid grape wine, an the words of consecration 1 Penauce/ Confesson: Reggnce tress ua from sn and burden tee baptisin. Validity demands a confession ofall sins in umber and kind, an act 9f penance and an absolution. Anointing of the Sick: [Extreme Onction. 1 sted j e the sacrament, which may be {peated a5 often as is negegsary. Validity demands the laying of hands aid asointing With olfve oi, Viaticum is the Dcrameat ofthe dying. Moly Orders: This sacrament distinguishes clerics from the Inity. Meu are orddined deagons, priests and bishops. Deacons Foclaim and preach the Wrd of God, baptize and witness at ‘Jariages, Press hear cagigssions, celebrate Lucha snd ‘hoint the sick, Bishops codfer tho saccaments of confirmation ‘nd ordination. Validity demands the laying on of hands and ‘Anointing withthe ol of chrism, Marriage: ‘hiss a sacrament whereby a man and woman fr into a life-long matrimonial covenant. Two characteristics gf marriage are unity aud ingissolublty. Validity demands the hange of consent, vows and rings GE i The sacraments lare for the wel: being “and spiritual development of ail ‘Catholics. Baptism initiates, us ‘into faith, Penance helps us to ¢niaintain holiness. Confirmation celebrates becoming an: adult in faith. Marriage honours healthy, eflusive, life-giving relationships. Holy Orders is a vocdtion in service to the entire comm ty. Eucharist i is our food for eternal life. Parents and Godp ‘erits ovight to eisre that those who are baptized vetie all the sncraitehts that correspond to them. | Children should fecsive the sacfament of Eucharist when they have réached the age ofirtason (7yrs +), and confession on a régular basis (for ‘bitter spiritual grow and maturity). Teenagers should receive thé sacrament of confirmation. : Adultsitay’ receive the sacrament bf mariage or Holy Orders, The sick, aged and those preparllif fr surgery should receive the sacrameiit of the sick.

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