2021 - 2022 Sharks Friendly Questions For LlFE Vrs Grace BEACON

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2021/2022 Sharks Friendly

Questions for Contest- Grace Beacon vrs LIS JHS I

Round One In this round, each team will be asked 8 questions within two minutes. There will be no
deductions at this point. Each correct answer attracts 10 points. Any questions that are skipped will
be re-posed to the Team if there is time. There is no need to press the buzzer in this round.
1. What is the full meaning of UNFPA?
Ans: United Nations Population Fund
2. Which chapter of the constitution deals with the National Commission for Civic education?
a. 22
b. 19
c. 30
d. 7
3. Which country’s capital is known as Sanaa?
a. Dubai
b. Bhutan
c. Yemen
d. Bahrain
4. What is the full meaning of UNEP? United Nations Environment Programme
5. Which former Chief Justice of Ghana served longest?
a. George Kingsley Acquah
b. Fred Kwesi Apaloo
c. Georgina Theodora Woode
d. Kobina Arku Korsah
6. Which Ghanaian Statesman instituted the National Service Scheme ?
a. Kofi Abrefa Busia
b. Dr. Hilla Limann
c. Ignatius Kutu Acheampong
d. Frederick William Akuffo
7. In which country can the city Jeddah be found? Saudi Arabia
8. Which SDG focuses on Responsible Consumption and Production
a. SDG 5
b. SDG 4
c. SDG 2
d. SDG 12

1. In which year, did the 1992 constitution of Ghana come into force? 1993
2. Which Ghanaian personality is the only female to have become Chancellor of a University in
a. Mme. Theodosia Okoh
b. Dr. Mary Chinery-Hesse
c. Charlotte Osei
d. Theodora Efua Sutherland
3. Where in Ghana is Fort Appolonia found?
a. Beyin
b. Butri
c. Sekondi
d. Shama
4. In which Chapter of Ghana’s Constitution is Fundamantal Human Rights and Freedoms
a. Chapter 6
b. Chapter 9
c. Chapter 5
d. Chapter 1
5. Which Ghanaian football team is synonymous with the slogan ‘Phobia’? Accra Hearts of
6. Which of the following Ghanaian military leaders came into office through a bloodless
a. General Joseph Arthur Ankrah
b. Jerry Rawlings
c. Ignatius Kutu Acheampong
d. Frederick William Akuffo
7. Which former President of Ghana was a Professor in French?
a. John Evans Atta-Mills
b. Kofi Abrefa Busia
c. Hilla Limann
d. Edward Akufo-Addo
8. Which country’s football Team is referred to as ‘Palancas Negras’ or the Sable
Antelopes? Angola

Round Two – In this round, Ten questions will be posed to both teams in turns. For each
question answered correctly, you get 10 points but any question answered wrongly will attract a
penalty of minus five points from earlier accumulated points. Any questions answered wrongly will
immediately be passed on to the opposing team to answer. They can also choose to pass or answer.
A wrong answer in this case also attracts minus five points while a correct answer sees a reward of
5 points being awarded. You will have 20 seconds within which to answer any questions posed
unless otherwise indicated.
Choose the option which best expresses the meaning of the UNDERLINED idioms in the
following sentences

1. He wanted the agreement in black and white.

a. In detail
b. In disclosure
c. Orally
d. In writing
Answer: D
2. The principal of my former school was a hard nut to crack.
a. Careless
b. Difficult
c. Kind
d. Generous
Answer: B
Choose the correct meaning of the idiom or phrase.
3. To read between the lines
Answer: To grasp the hidden meaning

4. To turn the other cheek

Answer: To respond to violence with non-violence

5. To plough the sands

Answer: To busy oneself in a way which cannot lead to any profit

5. The L.C.M. of two numbers is 48. If the numbers are in the ratio 2: 3, then the sum of the numbers
Ans. 40

10. Which bar graph shows data in intervals?

Ans. Histogram

11. If 2x+5y=18 and x=2, what is the value of 4x+5y:

Ans. 22

12. Find the angle of a sector whose radius is 21 cm and length of the arc is 66 cm.
Ans. 180
Round 3 Questions in this round will be posed to both teams. Each team is free to buzz in at any
time during the reading of the question to answer. Answering correctly gets each team 10 points
while a wrong answer attracts a penalty of 5 points. Wrongly answered questions are posed to the
opposing team to answer for 5 points. A wrong answer also attracts 5 points penalty while a correct
answer comes with bonus points of 5. You have 20 seconds to answer each question.
1. The elasticity of red blood cells helps them to
a. pass through capillaries easily
b. absorb oxygen easily
c. release carbon dioxide easily
d. move in the veins easily
Answer: A

2. Give the next three numbers in the sequence

1, 4, 9, 16, 25,...
ANS. 36, 49, 64
3. Give the next three numbers in the sequence
1, 8, 27, 64,...
ANS. 125, 216, 343

4. For purification water is passed through

a. sand
b. colander
c. strainer
Answer: A

5. The percentage of noble gases in air is

a. 0.2095
b. 0.78
c. 0.009
d. 0.0003
Answer: C

6. If the area of a rectangle is 18cm2 and one of its sides is 9cm long, find its perimeter.
ANS 22 cm

7. A square carpet of side 6m is to be cut into smaller squares of 60 cm. How many smaller squares
can be obtained from the bigger carpet?
ANS 100 smaller squares

8. The number of times a person breathes in a ___________ is termed as breathing rate.

a. Second
b. Minute
c. Hour
Answer: B

9. It takes 15 men, 48 days to weed a plot of land. How many men can weed the same plot of land in
16 days, if they work at the same rate?

10. If the ratio 9 : x is equivalent to 36 :20. What is the value of 2x?

ANS 10

11. Our ________ cells can respire anaerobically.

a. Nerve
b. Muscle
c. Blood
Answer: B

12. Though frogs have a pair of lungs, they can also breathe through their
a. Nose
b. Liver
c. Skin
Answer: C

Round 4 – This is the specialist one on one round. Points and penalty rules from round 3 apply in
round 4. You have 20 seconds to answer each question correctly.
1. The supervisor will ask the ………….to come and repair the pipe in the bath room.
a. mason
b. repairer
c. plumber
d. lumber
Answer: C
2. The stone fell into the river with a loud ………………
a. bang
b. crash
c. noise
d. splash
Answer: D

1. Marty has GHC80 to spend at a sporting goods store. He will spend GHC56 on a shirt, and then
buy some darts. Each box of darts costs GHC6. He wants to buy as many boxes as possible. Which
equation shows how to find the number of boxes of darts, x, he can buy?
a. 80 = 56 + 6x
b. 80 = 56 - 6x
c. 80 = (56) (6x)
d. 80 = 56/ 6x
Answer: A

2. Which expression represents 4 less than twice a number, n ?

Answer: 2n – 4
1. Muscle cramps occur due to accumulation of
a. Lactic acid
b. Acetic acid
c. Malic acid
Answer: A

2. Which of the following organisms can do anaerobic respiration?

a. Yeast
b. Leech
c. Amoeba
Answer: A

General Round
1. Who is the personality in the picture on your screen?
Ans: Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba

2. Identify the country this flag represents

Ans: Eswatini

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