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Histopathology II


Discuss the use of PAS and DPAS in the differentiation of squamous cell carcinoma from

PAS stains the glycogen used in the diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma. Adenocarcinoma is a
mucinous tumor, so the target molecule is mucin, not glycogen, and since glycogen is also PAS
positive, digesting it away with diastase before staining with PAS leaves only the mucin to
absorb the stain to diagnose the tumor.

A level 300 Medical laboratory Science student of Baldwin University college who was on
attachment at the histopathology laboratory in Korle-Bu teaching hospital decided to perform a
periodic acid Schiff’s (PAS) staining technique on a paraffin processed colon tissue section using

Protocol A below PROTOCOL A

1. Treat section with 10% periodic acid for 5 minutes
2. Rinse slides in distilled water
3. Treat section with schiff’s reagent for 15 minutes
4. Rinse slides in running tap water for 3 minutes
5. Stain in Mayer’s haematoxylin for 2 minutes
6. Blue in tap water for 5 minutes
7. Dehydrate in absolute alcohol for 2 minutes
8. Dehydrate in absolutes alcohol for 2 minutes
9. Clear in xylene for 5 minutes
10. Mount with DPX

Study the protocol carefully and answer the following questions.

What is the reason for the application of periodic acid in the protocol?

To oxidize the carbon-to-carbon bonds(glycol groups) in the glycogen to form aldehydes.

Mention two (2) other reagents that can be used in place of Periodic acid.
1. Lead tetra-acetate
2. Sodium bismuthate

Comment on the suitability of this protocol for good staging result

The sections weren’t dewaxed and brought to water before staining. They should’ve also been
rinsed in water for longer after being treated with Schiff’s reagent for the magenta color to
properly develop.

Suggest your own protocol for performing PAS staining technique.

1.Dewax and hydrate to distilled water.

2. Place slides into 1% Periodic acid for 10 minutes. 3. Rinse in tap water.
4. Schiff's Reagent for 15-30 minutes.
5. Wash in running tap water for 5 minutes.
6. Counterstain in hematoxylin for 5 minutes.
7. Wash in tap water, differentiate, blue and wash in distilled water. 8. Dehydrate in alcohol,
clear, and coverslip.

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