Stith Thompson - Motif-Index of Folk-Literature, Revised and Enlarged Edition (A To Z) - Indiana (1955) - LT

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A1.1. †A1.1. Sun-god as creator.--Egyptian:

Müller 69; Persian: Carnoy 260.
-Stith Thompson - Mo…Z)-Indiana (1955), p.1

A74.2. †A74.2. Creator repents of creating

things. Jewish:
The Three Neuman.
Golden Sons. The queen bears
-Stith Thompson
marvelous -…Z)-Indiana
children. (1955),
They are stolen p.8 The
queen is banished. The quest for the speaking
bird, the singing tree, and the water of life.
All snakes
-(Folklore but Co…nnica
Fellows one placated by music. p.238
(1961).pdf, In snake
den prisoner fails to placate one snake and loses
his life. Hdwb. d. Märchens I 437a.
-Stith Thompson - Mo…ndiana (1955), p.2465

D962. †D962. Magic vineyard.

Jewish: Neuman.
-Stith Thomp…(1955), p.601

†Z356. Unique survivor. Only one person left

from destruction of his community.
-Stith Thompson - Mo…ndiana (1955), p.2465

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