Ejemplo Essay Ingles

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Life is easier now than 10 years ago.

Nowadays everything evolutionates really fast. Life has changed a lot in the past 10 years, even
though it is a really small period of time compared to the immesity of the earth’s history.

We have a really confortable life thanks to all the improvements now introduced in our daily
lifes. Now, everything is much more digitized than a few years ago, mainly because of the
pandemic, and we can do almost everything online. Mobile phones already existed years ago,
but they were basically used to comunicate by calls or text messages. NOw phones are
essential in our day to day since they can develop a huge number of different functions. When
paying in a store or after eating at a restaurant, now we can use our phones instead of cash or
phisical credit cards to pay. We can even buy those things or order food online whithout
getting out of our houses. That is really useful for those who have a busy life. And so, there are
a lot of improvments that have made our lifes easier.

That’s great news! I told you your work was extremely Good and you were gonna win the
price. You deserved it!

Since a thousand dollars is a huge amount of money to be earnd suddenly, You can spend it in
different things.

You can either spend it on yourself or help others. The idea of giving some to your parents is
really generous. If i were you, I would definitely do it. It is a way of thanking them all the
support they have given you and a helpful action for them.

I would save some money as well, because you never know when you are going to need it.

But I also think it’s a Good idea to spend it on a cool trip to somewhere with nice views and
beutiful landscapes. It would be a great opportunity to take brilliant photos that you can’t take
in our home town, and win another competition with them, who knows!

Let me know what are you finally going to doing with the money, any decision will be okay.

Kisses, Laura

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