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vSim Health Assessment Case 9: Edith Jacobson

Guided Reflection Questions

Opening Questions

How did you feel throughout the simulation experience?

What do you think went well?

Scenario Analysis Questions*

EBP What priority assessment needs did you identify for Edith Jacobson?

S Describe assessment findings that might concern you regarding the use of morphine.

EBP Why is it important to continue doing neurologic assessments in a patient with an unremarkable
computed tomography (CT) scan?

EBP Describe assessment findings specific to Edith Jacobson’s situation that would indicate
significant alteration in neurologic status.

S Describe the safety measures that should be incorporated in Edith Jacobson’s care.

S What is the rationale for increased safety measures for Edith Jacobson?

Concluding Questions
Describe how you would apply the knowledge and skills that you acquired in Edith Jacobson’s case to an
actual patient care situation.

What opportunities for improvement should you address?

* The Scenario Analysis Questions are correlated to the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)
competencies: Patient-Centered Care (PCC), Teamwork and Collaboration (T&C), Evidence-Based Practice
(EBP), Quality Improvement (QI), Safety (S), and Informatics (I). Find more information at:

From vSim for Nursing | Health Assessment. © Wolters Kluwer.

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