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K: Hi Sara, how are you?

I'll tell you the latest news

S: Hi Katty, everything's fine, I'm listening.

K: I bought an Ipad and I've been watching some international news.

S: Great! I've been watching some news too, especially about my favorite actors and singers.
But tell me, what's new?

K: Do you remember the movie we saw last week? Blended?

S: Of course, starring by my star actor, Adam Sandler.

K: Yes. Well, it turns out that your favorite actor went to a restaurant with his daughters, asked
for a table and the waitress told him there wasn't one and practically threw him out of the

S: How is this possible? He is a well-known actor, screenwriter and film producer. How could
she not recognize him? She is so distracted and stupid! xdxd

K: hahaha I know. Then the girl apologized to him through a tik tok that went viral and Adam
accepted the apology in the best way.

S: Well, yes, he's not grumpy. He is an intelligent, funny and friendly person, as far as I know.

K: I found this situation uncomfortable but funny. Now tell me what news you bring.

S: ok. I was checking my Facebook and I found that the singer and actress Greeicy is pregnant.

k: I'm happy for her, she's a good singer. who is the father of her baby?

s: the father is Mike Bahía, he is also a singer.

K: wow!! fantastic. if you listen to some of her songs. Do they already know the sex of the

S: It is not known yet, but I had a presentiment that she would be a girl. good friend, I say

K: bye friend, it was a pleasure talking to you.

S: Bye, see you soon.

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