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Quick Reference Guide

Choosing the Best

Scan Option for the Patient
Selecting a Protocol - Dose Control
After an exam is scheduled in either SmartScan STUDIO Manager or Dexis Imaging Software, you will be
given the opportunity to choose an imaging protocol in SmartScan STUDIO. When selecting the protocol,
keep the following in mind:
• Multiple low dose scan settings provide
responsible patient-focused care.
• Choose a height to narrow the image and the
applied dose to only the anatomy of interest.
• Preset fields of view simplify the imaging
process to more efficiently focus on capturing
the anatomy to fit each patient’s unique case.
Target specifically desired views including
maxilla or mandible single arch, both arches,
and temporomandibular joints, cephalometric
views, and full skull.
• Customize the scan so patients’ anatomy
is not exposed outside the selected field of
view. This may easily be done by adjusting the
shutters after a scout view is taken and prior to
the scan.
• Capture information critical to treatment
through a clinically responsible approach that
controls radiation exposure to the patient.
Note: Use the Pan 2D panoramic imaging when
CT 3D information is not required.
• You can build a custom protocol for a CT scan
and save it as a favorite, as described in Build
a Custom Protocol Workflow in SmarScan
STUDIO of the i-CAT FLX User Manual.
• Default PAN protocols have both an enhanced
and non-enhanced version. The enhanced
protocols apply a filter during image
processing and typically provide a better image. If you reprocess any PAN scan, this filter will not be
• You can add or remove protocols from the protocol menu. Refer to Using Favorites Manager in the
i-CAT FLX User Manual.

Choosing the Best Scan Option

To acquire the best scans, select the appropriate scan protocols and options for the patient and the case,
Use the following guidelines when selecting scan options:
Product indications for use at


Quick Reference Guide

Choosing the Best Scan Option (continued)

• A longer scan time results in theory, better image detail, but more dose to the patient. Also, longer
scan times can introduce more patient movement which can lead to loss of detail..
• A shorter scan time results in less dose to the patient.
• Collimate down whenever possible for optimal image quality.
• Use a Quick Scan option if the patient is prone to movement during the scan.
• For pediatric patients, use a Quick Scan or Quick Scan+ option to reduce the scan time and dose.
Select a protocol that provides adequate image quality at the lowest possible dose.
• For Ears, Nose, Throat Imaging, use 3D Ceph (Standard, Expanded, or Quick Scan). For Nose only
imaging, use Arches/TMJ (Standard or Quick Scan).
• One option does not fit all: keep dose as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA principal).
• Always choose scan options before positioning the patient.

Choosing the Best Scan Option - Recommendations

The chart below will show a range of scanning options for different dental procedures. An asterisk will
indicate a suggested option based upon the experience of i-CAT users across a broad range of dental
disciplines. However, as you use your i-CAT, you will discover what works best for you - what gives you
the best diagnostic information for certain procedures based upon the patients’ anatomy and age.

NOTE: See the i-CAT website for information about the use of 3rd Party software with the i-CAT

For additional information please consult the I-CAT FLX User Manual. For any unanswered questions call i-CAT
technical support at (800) 205-3570.
Product indications for use at


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