Helping at Home

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1. Clean the bathroom : limpiar el baño

2. Look dinner: mirar la cena
3. Dry the dishes: secar la loza
4. Set the table : poner la mesa
5. make the bed: hacer la cama
6. put the rubbish out: poner la basura
7. sweep the floor : barrer el piso
8. tidy up my bedroom: ordenar mi dormitorio
9. wash my clothes : lavar mi ropa
10. water the plants ;regar las plantas

I. Read and complete the sentences .

Every morning .I get up.Then I…………………………………

My sister usually …………………………………….

My sister and I sometimes. ………………………………

Every day , my mum………………………………..

We ………………………………………………every week.

Sometimes I help my mum………………………………………

I play football and then I ……………………………………..

Sometimes I help my mum ……………………….

II.Complete the sentences..

Things you do in the Kitchen,

Thing you do in the bedroom

Things you do in the many rooms.


III. circle the odd ones out.

1. Tidy the ……………

a. living room b. basement c. desk d. football

2. Dry …….
a. your clothes b. a headache c. the dishes d. your hair

3. Clean the
a. boat c. bike d. talkative

4. Sweep the
a. floor b. garage c. stairs d, sunny


see: ver
take: tomar
brush: cepillar
tidy: ordenar
call: llamar
give: dar
play . jugar
make: hacer de crear, fabricar
dry: secar
sweep: barrer
catch: atrapar
buy : comprar
pass: pasar
come: venir
clean: limpiar
put: poner
listen: escuchar
watch: ver
play: jugar
swim: nadar
do; hacer de
have: tener
eat: comer
study; estudiar
go: ir
cook: cocinar
help: ayudar.
water: regar

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