Introduction of Criminology

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Introduction of Criminology

Harry M. Calalo
Registered Criminologist
Learning Objectives
• Defined Criminology
• Explain Criminology as a Science
• Identify the Branches of Criminology
• Tell Nature of Criminology
• Etylomogical Definition- Criminology is derived from Latin word
crimen, means “Accusation”; and Greek word logia, which denote “
the study of”. The term “Criminology”(in Itallian Criminologia) was
coined in 1885 by Raffael Garofalo, an Italian law professor.
Antropologist Paul Topinard use it for the first time in French
(Criminologie) in 1887.
• Classic Definition – According to Edwin Sutherland and Donald
Cressey: Criminology is a body of knowledge regarding crime as social
phenomenon. It includes within its scope the processes of making
laws, of breaking laws, and of reaction towards breaking laws.Making Laws
• Law is passed because of the consensus of the will of the public. In
the Philippines, we have bicameral system of legislation. It is called
bicameral because it is composed of two houses; the Senate and the
House of Representatives. We have three major divisions or branches
of the government; the executive, vested in the office of the
president; the legistative, cited and explain above; and the judiciary
vested on the supreme court. We are being represented by the
legislative branch in making laws.
Breaking Laws - All violation of law are violations of the will of the majority in the society.
Violations of the provisions of the criminal laws are created by the public
thru representation is called CRIME.
Crime is act or omission in violation of criminal law.
Act is outward movement tending to produce effect.
Omission is the failure to perform an act is bound to do.
Criminals – In legal sense, is any person who has found committed a wrongful act in the
course of standard judicial process and has received a final verdict of guilt.
Reaction of the society towards breaking the laws
Society either react positively or negatively when someone commits
crimes. However, seldom has the society reacted positively; it reacts
negatively by imposing punishment on the law breaker.
Phenomenon – observable; something can be observed; any fact,
circumstances, or experiences which can be explained scientifically.


• Etiology of Crimes – the scientific analysis of the causes of crimes and
criminal behavior.
• Sociology of Law – refers to the investigation of the nature of criminal
law and its administration.
• Penology – the study of the control of crimes and the rehabilitation of

- Generally Criminology cannot be considered a science because it has not yet
acquired universal validity and acceptance, it is not stable and varies from
one time and place to another. However, considering that science is
systematic objective study of social phenomenon and other bodies of
knowledge, Criminology is a science itself when applied to law enforcement
and prevention of crimes under following nature;
• 1. It is an “APPLIED SCIENCE” – Criminology used different sciences.
• 2.It is a “ SOCIAL SCIENCE” – Crime is a social creation and it exist in a
society being a social phenomenon.
• 3. It is “DYNAMIC” – Criminology changes as social condition changes.
• 4. It is “NATIONALISTIC” – The study of crimes must be in relation with
existing criminal law within the territory or country.
1.Study the causes of crimes and the development of criminals.
2. Study of the origin and development Criminal laws.
3. Study of the different factors that enhances as;
a) Criminal Sociology- study the effects of social conditions on crime
and criminals/
b) Criminal Psychiatry – study of human mind in relation to
criminalityc) Criminal Ecology – study of criminality in relation to spatial
distribution on a community.
d) Criminal Demography – study of relationship between criminology
and population.
e) Criminal Epideomology – study of the relationship b/w environment
and criminality.
f) Criminal Physical Anthropology – study of criminality in relation to
physical constitution of men.
g) Victimology – study of role of the victim in the commission crime.
• CRIMINOLOGIST – attempt to build theories that explain why crimes
occur and test those theories by observing behavior( Oscar G.
• CRIMINOLOGIST – a person who study Criminology, causes of crimes,
theories that deals with criminals,victims and society. Also includes
proper prevention, suppression, and recommendation for the proper
and effective means of preventing crimes.(Ingcad)
• CRIMINOLOGIST – any person who is a graduate of the Degree in
Criminology, who has passed the examnation for criminologists and is
registered as such by the Board.( sec.22,R.A. 6506)

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