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Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000–000


Procedia Engineering 205 (2017) 2118–2125

10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, ISHVAC2017, 19-
22 October 2017, Jinan, China

Energy Consumption Investigation and Data Analysis for one

university of Guangzhou
Lu Lia, Zong Tongb, Zhang Linhuac, Sun Hongchangd,*
a,d Shandong Dawei Int. Architecture Design Co. Ltd, Jinan 250101, China
bShandong Commercial Group Co.Ltd, Jinan 250101, China
Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan 250100, China


Energy audit is considered as an important aspect for building energy saving, and the significant building energy saving is
conducted in university first.According to a survey of the end-use energy of various premises in the college, a detailed study of
building energy audit is conducted. An excellent array of energy use data are provide and,the characteristics of building energy
consumption for the university are shown. More data about the lighting, equipment and air conditioning system loads of the
typical buildings in various premises are also gathered for the analysis, the comparison between the results and the energy
efficiency of other 7 buildings of Guangzhou is presented based on the definited energy efficiency. The energy-saving potential
for the typical buildings is analyzed, and then some effective measures are proposed to increase energy efficiency.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
© 2017 The Authors.
Peer-review Published by
under responsibility ofElsevier Ltd. committee of the 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air
the scientific
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning.
Keywords: energy audit; energy efficiency; energy saving measures

1. Introduction

Energy audit is a kind of scientific management method which is effective in building energy saving. The
quantitative analysis of building energy use status is made according to both on-site measurement and a survey of
energy use, water use and gas use of energy units. Energy efficiency, consumption levels, energy economy and
environmental effects of buildings are audited, monitored, diagnosed and evaluated. The potential of building energy
efficiency was explored through energy audit [1] .

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +0086-18660433625,+0086-13969106308; fax: +86-0531-68626969.

E-mail address:,

1877-7058 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning.

1877-7058 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning.
Lu Li et al. / Procedia Engineering 205 (2017) 2118–2125 2119
2 Lu Li et al./ Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000–000

In 1976 the United Kingdom began to conduct energy audits, the main purpose is to study the building's energy-
saving potential and to conduct the building's transformation [2] . The United States has made great achievements in
the building energy consumption statistics database [3] , such as CBECS of US Department of Energy and CEUS of
California, whose data are mainly used for the development of building energy consumption benchmarking tools.
Long Weiding et al [4] investigated the annual energy consumption of 9 office,commercial and residential buildings
in Shanghai, they analyzed the energy consumption of public buildings and pointed out that building energy
efficiency is a reasonable evaluation index of building energy efficiency. Lou Chengzhi, Yang Hongxing and others
[5] conducted an energy audit of a comprehensive commercial building in Hong Kong, and put forward targeted
energy-saving measures on the basis of the results of the study. Qian Huanqun et al [6] conducted a detailed energy
audit of a university comprehensive Building in Jinan, analyzed the energy-saving potential of university buildings,
pointed out that university buildings can save 8% to 12% through various types of energy-saving technologies。
At this stage, domestic and foreign energy audits are mainly conducted for large commercial buildings, office
buildings, research for the University campus building is little, energy-saving work which take the lead in the
university campus building is very meaningful, can make students to cultivate a strong awareness of energy
conservation during school. In this paper, energy consumption structure and end-use energy distribution of Jinan
University in Guangzhou are investigated and measured, and the energy consumption problems of the school are
analyzed. Some suggestions are put forward, and references are provided for the energy conservation of university
campus buildings.

2. Overview of the audited building

The school is a comprehensive university, the campus covers a total area of 1695200m2 including 637087m2
building area. 7 buildings employ central air conditioning and 8 buildings have no air conditioning units, and the rest
of the buildings installed split air-conditioning units. Central air-conditioning system is a single cold, in addition to
work needs (such as vacation classes, laboratory needs), central air conditioning system is not opened in the winter
and holidays. In the non-air-conditioned season, wet weather whose humidity up to 90% will also appear in
Guangzhou, the air conditioning system may also be opened for ventilation and dehumidification.
Considering that the buildings have different natures, the most representative three buildings are selected for
energy audit: Teaching Building, School of Management Office Building and student apartment Jianyangyuan 19#.
Among them, the first two buildings which employ central air conditioning systems are mainly used for office and
teaching, and the third building using a split air-conditioning system is a student apartment.
Since energy-using equipment in the building is mainly a power-consuming device, the power consumption
accounts for the major part of the energy consumption of the whole building. The electric energy is used for the
building's lighting, office equipment, water dispenser, elevator, air conditioning system, ventilation and smoke
extraction system, water supply and drainage system, as shown in Figure 1 below.

Fig.1. Schematic diagram of electricity system

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3. Illustrations

3.1. Analysis of power consumption

The audit statistics the annual electricity consumption data from 2007 to 2009. The university campus measure the
total electricity consumption with only two total meter, each building does not have an independent meter to measure,
so the university's electricity consumption statistics and calculation is the school's total power consumption.
The power consumption curve during the audit period is shown in Figure 2:
6000000 2009






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Fig. 2. Monthly power consumption of three years from 2007 to 2009

Figure 2 describes that the annual July or August power consumption is nearly the peak value, and the annual
October reveals another peak period. Meteorological data show that the weather in July is hot weather in Guangzhou,
and the weather gradually cools after September, the weather is hot and dry due to subtropical high pressure weather
by October, the weather is cool after November, 2 peak power consumptions show a great impact on air conditioning,
but also explain that the opening of air-conditioning equipment makes power consumption increased significantly.
The school's power consumption per unit area in the audit time, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. The power consumption of per unit area

construction area/m2 The annual power Electricity The Annual cost of The annual power consumption
consumption/kWh price/Yuan electricity/Yuan of per unit area/(kWhm-2)
637087 In 2007 38754648 0.8226 31879573 60.83
In 2008 45527212 0.61 27771599 71.46
In 2009 52331140 0.61 31921995 82.14
Note: Construction area is the total area of buildings on campus.

As can be seen from the table 1, the school's average annual power consumption of per unit area is about 70kWh /
m2, the annual electricity consumption of per unit area of buildings without air-conditioning is the smallest. The
annual electricity consumption of per unit area of buildings installed split air-conditioning unit is slightly higher, the
annual electricity consumption of per unit area of buildings installed central air-conditioning unit is the highest. In
addition, the table 1 shows that the power cosumption increased year by year due to both the increase of electrical
equipment and improper management measures.

3.2. Analysis of the power of electrical equipment

The university campus measure the total electricity consumption by means of only two total meters, there is no
independent meter used for measure for each building. The audit identified the contribution of various electrical
equipment to power consumption through the analysis of the power of electrical equipment of the selected three types
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of buildings, and analyzed the potential for energy savings on the basis of the audit.
Figure 3 depicts the ratio of the power consumption of each electric equipment for the Teaching Building and the
School of Management Office Building.

The ratio of the power consumption

The ratio of the power consumption

of each electric equipment/ %

of each electric equipment/ %

50 The Teaching 50
Building Dormitory
40 The School of 40
Management Office
30 Building 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
air conditioning equipment
fan elevator lighting device
office equipment
illuminationelevator pump airfan
conditioning equipment
Electric equipment
Electric equipment

Fig. 3 The ratio of the power consumption of each electric

Fig. 4 The ratio of the power consumption of each electric equipment of
equipment of The Teaching Building、 the School of
Jianyangyuan 19#
Management Office Building

It can be observed from the Figure 3 that the proportion of the power consumption of air-conditioning equipment
is about 50% which is the largest, it can also be reflected from the increase in seasonal air-conditioning power
consumption; followed by the power of office equipment, 15%; this shows that the biggest potential energy-saving
equipment in the two buildings is air-conditioning equipment, energy saving of air conditioning equipment can
significantly reduce the building's electricity consumption. The proportion of power consumption of office equipment
is not too high, but office equipment’s running time is relatively long, it will inevitably lead to the ratio of actual
power consumption is greater than the proportion of installed power consumption, so office equipment’s energy-
saving can not be ignored.
Figure 4 indicates that both the dormitory computers and small appliances ’ (such as washing machines,
refrigerators, etc.) large-scale use result in a relatively high proportion of the part of energy consumption, 59%;
Student dormitory installed split air-conditioning equipment, and students open the split air conditioning equipment
only in hot weather, it results in a relatively small proportion of the part of energy consumption, only 30%, in a
secondary position.
Overall, the proportion of the power consumption of air-conditioning equipment in the school is the highest. The
power consumption of various parts of the devices of air-conditioning equipment was subdivided, as shown in Figure
5 and Figure 6.

Fig. 5 The proportion of the power consumption of air- Fig. 6 The proportion of the power consumption of air-conditioning
conditioning equipment of The Teaching Building equipment of the School of Management Office Building

The power consumption of Chiller played a decisive role, and the ratio is from 50% to 60%. The energy-saving of
chillers is an important part of the energy-saving of air-conditioning system; Followed by the transmission and
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Lu Li et al./ Procedia Engineering 00 (2017) 000–000 5

distribution system, about 20%, the proportion of chilled water pumps, cooling water pumps and cooling towers were
respectively 9%, 9%, 2%; The proportion of energy consumption of terminal equipment accounted for about 20%.
The proportion of energy consumption of split air - conditioning units accounted for only 1% to 3% because the
number of split units is smaller.

3.3. Energy consumption index

The energy consumption indexes of the school are calculated and shown in Table 2 below:

Table 2. Table of energy consumption index

Area/m2 Year Total population power consumption of per
capita /(kWh/(a·p))
1.6952 million square 2007 26126 1483.37
2008 26997 1686.38
2009 28889 1811.46

Comparison of the energy consumption indicators of the school in 2008 and the energy consumption indicators of
the other seven universities in Guangzhou in 2008 (As shown in Table 3 [7] ): The school's power consumption of
per capita in 2008 is 1686.38kWh/(a·p), the school's power consumption of per capita is even higher than South
China University of Technology's power consumption of per capita. The school's area is the largest in the eight
universities, the school needs more electricity to maintain the operation of the school, but the power consumption of
per capita is higher than the other seven colleges’, it shows that the school's power consumption is serious, the
school has considerable energy saving potential.

Table 3. Table of Energy efficiency of other seven universities in Guangzhou

Serial Name of university Area/m2 Total power Address
number populatio consumption
n of per capita /
( kWh/
1 South China University 118.4 35627 1415.70 No. 381, Wushan Road, Tianhe
of Technology ( North million District, Guangzhou, Guangdong
Campus) Province, China.
2 Sun Yat - sen 117.0 41307 1222.13 No. 135, Xingangxi Road, Guangzhou,
University ( South million Guangdong Province, China.
3 Guangdong University 161.6 41370 1222.10 No. 100, Waihuanxi Road, Guangzhou
of Technology million College town, Guangdong Province,
(College town) China.
4 Guangzhou City 18.7 million 8300 1146.35 No. 248, Guangyuanzhong Road,
Polytechnic Baiyun District, Guangzhou,
Guangdong Province, China.
5 Guangdong University 88.0 million 22892 852.09 No. 230, Waihuanxi Road, Guangzhou
(College town) College town, Guangdong Province,
6 South China Normal 46.9 million 32104 795.50 Tianhe District, Guangzhou,
University ( Shipai Guangdong Province, China.
7 Zhongkai University of 22.0 million 10753 707.27 No. 24, Dongsha Street, Haizhu
Agriculture and District, Guangzhou, Guangdong
Engineering Province, China.

3.4. Analysis of Energy Efficiency of Air Conditioning System

During the audit, air conditioning system of the Teaching Building is not opened, the audit team tested some of the
operational parameters of the air-conditioning system of the Management School office building, field test data are
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shown in the following table.

Table 4. Test results of water system of School of Management Office Building(May 11)
frozen water Cooling water
Water supply/℃ Return water/℃ flow/(m h )3 -1 Water supply/℃ Return water/℃ flow/(m 3 h -1 )
9.1 10.8 140.6 24 22.9 252

According to the operating parameters, the actual cooling capacity of Chiller is 278kW, Chiller’s COP is only 18%
and this value is relatively low. After testing, in normal work mode, the required head of chilled water pump is lower
than the selected head, chilled water pump head is high; Resulting in the current working conditions, the pump’s
operating point offset, operating efficiency is reduced, energy consumption increased. The operating efficiency of the
cooling tower is 50%.

Table 5. Test results of wind system of School of Management Office Building(May 11)
Type of unit The temperature Humidity of the The opening of Remarks
of the air air supply/% the valve/%
AHU-1F-3 15.3 96.2 100 A total of four units, open one
PAU-4F-2 20 - 28.3 A total of five units, open one
PAU-5F-1 21.3 - 100 A total of four units, open one
PAU-6F-2 19.3 - 5.3 A total of four units, open one
PAU-7F-2 19.9 - 21.8 A total of four units, open two
PAU-7F-4 20.7 - 14.9
Note: The set air supply temperature of air-conditioning equipment on first floor is 10℃, the other is 20 ℃
Obviously, the opening of air conditioning unit’s (AHU-1F-3, PAU-5F-1) valve on the first and fifth floor has
reached the maximum, but the actual supply air temperature is still higher than its set air supply temperature, it shows
we need to increase the number of air conditioning units to open. The opening of air conditioning unit’s (PAU-4F-2)
valve on the fourth floor was relatively small, it is because the outdoor weather is relatively cool on the test day. The
air conditioning unit (PAU-6F-2) on the sixth floor has a rated cooling capacity of 40% greater than that of the air
conditioning unit (PAU-5F-1) on the fifth floor, and the opening of the water vavle of the PAU-6F-2 is only 5.3%. In
operation, the actual supply air temperature is lower than the set air supply temperature, it shows that the cooling
capacity of the unit is too large. The two units on the seventh floor had the similar cooling capacity, but the difference
of the opening between the two valve is 7%, this shows that the distribution of chilled water flow is uneven, there is
the phenomenon of hydraulic imbalance.

3.5. Indoor lighting and air quality

To create a healthy and comfortable indoor air environment, it is necessary to evaluate the indoor air quality [8] .
Because the main function of audit building is office and teaching, the CO2 is one of the main pollutants in indoor air,
so choose CO2 as the evaluation factor, National standard provided that the limit of the concentration of CO2 in
indoor air is 1000μg / g(Hourly average), clean air usually contains 300 ~ 400μg / g of CO2. The temperature and
humidity range in the Indoor air quality standard is: temperature range from 22 to 28℃、humidity range from 40 to
80%, temperature and humidity parameters in this range can meet the requirements of the human thermal comfort. To
save energy and protect the visual health of staff, the illuminance of office buildings should comply with the《Civil
Architectural Lighting Design Standards》’s requirement.
Test room selected the corridor and the eastern room, the western room, the middle room on the bottom floor, the
standard floor and the top floor in the 3 typical buildings, The number of layout points measured are different as the
areas of each room are different; The method used to arrange the points can be summarized into the following items:
(1)the central point is suitable for small space (such as ≤ 16m2);
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(2)two points (divide the diagonal of the room into three equal parts and select two equal points as the measuring
points) are suitablefor medium rooms(the room area between 16m2 to 30m2),
(3)three points (divide the diagonal of the room into four equal parts and select three equal points as the measuring
points) are suitable for medium rooms(the room area between 30m2 to 60m2).
(4)five points(divide the two diagonals of the room into four equal parts and select five equal points as the
measuring points) are suitable for large rooms (such as ≥ 60m2).
The measuring points are arranged on the working surface from the ground 1 ~ 1.2m height, and the distance
between the working surface and the wall or the heat source is not less than 0.5m.
Air temperature of the test room is generally 26 ~ 28℃, it can meet people's thermal comfort requirements.
Humidity of the test room is generally 90%, it’s larger, the room air needs to dehumidified and the humidity should
meet the human’s requirements. The central air conditioning system of the School of Management Office Building
has just been commissioned in the morning, the air conditioning equipment is not open for a long time when we test,
indoor humidity parameters do not meet indoor air quality standards. The indoor wet environment in all the buildings
tested is at a lower level. The values of concentration of CO2 in the room being tested are mostly below 200μg / g,
the values of concentration of CO2 in a few rooms are between 200 and 400μg / g, so the indoor air of the test room
belongs to clean air, indoor air quality is excellent. The illuminance value of the test is compared with the
corresponding national illumination standard. Except for an unmanned dormitory, the illuminance value of each room
is higher than that of the corresponding standard. So in the daytime, most rooms can reduce the number of lights to
save energy.

3.6. Analysis of the Control Mode of Fan Coil

Room air conditioning system is the fan coil plus the fresh air system, the fan coil installed automatic control
system and the effect is very good. Room temperature is usually set at 26℃, the solenoid valve automatically shut
down when the room temperature is higher than 26℃, and therefore the air supply is stopped. When the room
temperature is lower than 26 ℃, fan coil began to send air. According to the survey results, most people open air
conditioning equipment all day, and some people did not turn off the fan coil after get off work, it resulted in a certain
waste. According to the survey, more than 80% of the office staff still open the window when fan coil was open , it
increased the indoor load. In addition, the Atrium of the School of Management used glass roofs, it resulted in the
higher summer cooling load, and increased energy consumption.

4. Suggestions on energy-saving renovation

The energy consumption can not be quantitatively decomposed into systems in the absence of detailed itemized
measurement data, It is only proposed the following energy-saving measures:
(1)The transformation of the power grid within the campus, the implementation of "one building a meter" can
achieve the data of the energy consumption of each building can be investigated.
(2)Lighting control system should be automated, intelligent, The school should make full use of natural light to
reduce energy consumption of lighting systems, and reduce a cooling load which was produced by the use of the
summer lighting system.
(3)Advocate personnel on the third floor and below the third floor should use elevators less frequently, the power
consumption of the elevator can be reduced by 30%.
(4)Transform the central air conditioning system. In actual operation, the unit’s load rate is below 70% for most
of the time, the chilled water pump, the cooling water pump, the cooling tower fan and the fresh air unit should set
the frequency conversion control system, the operation of pumps and fans is controlled by the load rate, the power’s
saving rate is 40% or more, the soft start of the motor reduces the impact of the high current on the motor when the
motor is started; The above energy-saving measures reduce the chilled water flow, increase the chilled water
temperature difference, improve the COP of the chiller, improve the efficiency of chilled water pump; the chilled
water pipelines of the whole building should be debugged, the failure valves and instruments should be replaced; In
the transitional season, the school can install the heat exchanger in the engine room, use cooling towers for free or
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open fresh air units only, use the new air system.
(5) Window magnets can be installed on the windows, this measure can save a great deal of energy consumption
caused by the open window when the air conditioning equipment is open.
(6)The rules and regulations should be improved, the daily management should be strengthened. According to the
nature of each department, the school should use the management of hydropower indicators, this measure can inspire
and constrain managers to achieve the purpose of energy conservation.

5. Conclusions

The characteristics of the energy consumption of typical buildings were obtained, and the indoor air quality was
evaluated by means of the energy audit of the university. The university’s power consumption of per capita is
1686.38kWh / year, which is higher than that of other universities, this indicates that the system does not work
effectively and the operating efficiency of the system is low, the school should take the energy conservation measures
proposed in the text to improve energy efficiency. Air-conditioning system and indoor office equipment are major
factors in power consumption, the transformation of air-conditioning systems and the management of office
equipment can greatly reduce power consumption. If there are sub-measurement data, the energy audit will be able to
carry out a detailed analysis of energy consumption of various systems, energy-saving measures will be more
accurate and effective.


This work is supported by the Key Program of Shandong Provincial Major research and development plan
Foundation, China (No. 2016GGX103031).


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