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Student's name:
Cristian Osvaldo Durán Chávez
Marlon Vladimir Álvarez Aguilar
Krissia Lorena Martínez Rodríguez
Jessica Alexandra Alberto Torres
Tamara Ivette Martínez López
Ashley Melissa Monterrosa Marroquín

Global Environment

Teacher's name:
Alejandrina María José Sanabria Córdova,

Antiguo Cuscatlán, October 04, 2023

Global Environment

How is the stability of the global environment affected or benefited?

It is important to highlight that every economic decision taken will have a social and economic
impact, and this will reflect the stability that a country represents.

Stability gives us a parameter at a general level of how a country is, and if it is convenient to
invest in that country, so it is important the credibility of stability that we project to our
environment, a clear example of how the environment affects or benefits, is the pandemic
COVID-19 El Salvador as the pandemic progressed had to prepare to deal with the
consequences that this would bring, for example the total or partial closure of stores, which
meant that the population would no longer receive an income to meet their needs, therefore the
government had to provide food security to the population, This is a clear example of how the
stability of a country can be affected by the global environment, since the state had to put aside
projects that were already planned to cover the need of the moment, following the example of
the pandemic we can see how the image and credibility of the country benefited, since El
Salvador was projected as the Central American country that kept under control and contained
the pandemic, making other countries want to imitate the actions that the country took. On the
other hand, covid 19 made the country take an important step forward with e-commerce, since
the population, seeing the need to have an income to meet basic needs, had to find ways to
distribute and market their products.

In a certain way, the decisions that are taken will have great importance and impact within
society, as could be seen in the pandemic, which partially affected all countries, because no
country is prepared for a crisis of that magnitude, because the decisions taken in many countries
were effective but in others it did affect, for example, the closure of many national and
international companies, which affected many families, both saviors and from many countries,
many of the families were affected.

The global environment affects our reality either positively or negatively, as we are a country
susceptible to change. To prevent extreme changes from affecting our society, it is necessary to
establish economic policies to protect the interests of a particular country or region.
Global Environment

How does the political relationship in El Salvador give stability or instability to the
Salvadoran economy?

A state can strengthen the economic progress of society through the decisions it makes in favor
of its society, since a state or government that makes decisions in favor of the whole society
generates growth and social development, on the other hand, if the state makes decisions in a
capricious way only to favor one sector it makes a society go backwards economically,
stagnation and in general there is a malaise in society.

When in country decisions are made thinking about the common good and favoring everyone
equally, it sends a positive image to the rest of the world because it shows that there is equity of
legislative powers, there must be checks and balances in a political system and in this way the
rest of the world will know that there is a stable political and economic system.

If there is political stability in the country and good relations with all the powers of the state,
then it will work for the benefit of society and this, as already mentioned, will be positive for
the country because decisions will be made with a view to growth in society and therefore in the

In El Salvador there has been a trend of economic policies that favor the general population
rather than companies, a clear example of this was during the COVID-19 crisis.

During this time the government had to implement economic policies to protect the economy of
Salvadoran families.

in money policy has affected financial stability, for example in the adoption of bitcoin as a
currency legal in El Salvador, due fluctuation, and there’s no authority to regulate the correct
use of the platform to avoid money laundry and other cyber-crimes.

In conclusion, economic policies are necessary to maintain stability in a given country or region
because they serve as barriers so that changes in the global environment do not fully affect the
stability of the country or region.
Global Environment
In conclusion, economic policies are necessary to maintain stability in a given country or region
because they serve as barriers so that changes in the global environment do not fully affect the
stability of the country or region.

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