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Competency Goal 1

To establish and maintain a safe, healthy learning environment.

Functional area one: Safe

Within the functional area of safe, the goal I want to achieve is the goal of injury

prevention, and to reduce injuries while children are put into my care. The importance of this

goal is monumental because young children do not always understand that certain behaviors

could cause injury, and that there could be hazards within the environment. One of the ways I

will accomplish this goal, is to ensure children are never left alone, and always in an

environment with authorized adults always. The authorized adults in this facility will be trained

in basic first aid and CPR certified. I will teach the children appropriate safety practices, I will

model safe ways to use equipment and review safety rules before the beginning of any activity.

Finally, I will ensure that no child is given any small foods or toys that would create a choking

hazard. All these elements will be utilized to create a safe and environment for children in my

childcare facility.

Functional area two: Healthy

Within the functional area of healthy my goals are the prevention of the spread of germs

in my childcare facility. This goal is important for the age group of children in my care because

they are at a stage where the children are ready to learn about health and how to take care of

themselves. Also, a healthy environment reduces sickness for children. One way I will ensure

achievement of this goal is by making sure materials, equipment and environments are clean and

produce good health. I will have a designated area for cleaning products that are out of reach
from the children. These materials will be used to sanitize play areas and play materials daily.

Furthermore, I will ensure that health information about the children is maintained and up to

date. This information will consist of any food allergies, health records, and emergency contact

information. I will implement hand washing procedures and techniques while providing the

children with clean bathrooms and sinks. At the sinks will be illustrations of how to properly

wash your hands that children can look at to learn from.

Functional area three: Learning Environments

Within the functional area of learning environment, my goal is to provide the children

with multitudes of varied opportunities for learning through play. This is an important goal for

the age group of children in my care because their learning environment will facilitate the

development of new language skills, physical control, and awareness of themselves and others.

My learning environment will be organized to meet the developmental needs of all children in

the facility. One example of how I will accomplish this is by having a print rich environment to

stimulate new language skills. My learning environment will have a home like feeling for the

children so that they can feel comfortable. Materials will inspire child-initiated exploration and

opportunities interact with their environment, dependent or independently. These materials will

be developmentally appropriate and provide the necessary the tools for children to grow in their

learning. The materials will be utilized to show acceptance of each child's gender, race, family

and culture.

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