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Explain: Differentiate virtue as habit from happiness as virtue.

Virtues are habits. Once they are performed or done, they become characteristic
of a person.Just like a person who has gained the virtue of being helpful is often
referred to as a helpful and kind person because he or she tends to be kind and
helpful in all circumstances.Virtue is a rule to act ethically, You help people, do
not lie, do not steal. Do not kill, you harm no one. Not behaving in a wrong way
that may affect people is a virtue and doing it from the time you were born will be
a habit and will be your definition.

“Happiness as virtue” is what we acquire or gain as a result of virtue as a

habit. Living a good, peaceful and ethical life, we will be happy as well as
people around us will be. We and people are likely to be happier than if we
hurt ourselves and others. On the other hand of “happiness as virtue” it could
also be a happiness that came from virtue, people tend to seek for pleasure,
achievements and other things, they do it always so that they will be at ease.
In that case, it becomes a virtue that results in happiness.

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