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a. PASTORAL ASSISTANCE. Willing to assist pastors, we are ardent cooperators of the local
church leaders. We respond generously to the needs of the Church giving priority to
apostolates in line with our charism.

b. COMMUNITY EDUCATION. We establish, nurture, develop and build evangelizing

communities. These communities adopt a ‘charismatic’ spirituality where experience of
the movements and promptings of the Holy Spirit are given primary importance. Our
apostolate will find its accomplishment in organizing the lay into well-formed,
covenanted and evangelizing communities of love. Our manner of forming the people
follows the PACEM formation program.

c. MISSION. We are a missionary and visionary Community. We take as our mission the
commandment of Christ when He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth was given
to me, go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them everything I have
commanded and behold I am with you always until the end of time.”


1. Our over-all direction as a Community is best expressed in a schematic diagram of Christian

life and summarized by the following directions:

a. Intimacy of relationship with God as we work our part to become real the image of
Christ in us;
b. Intimacy of relationship, in the Lord, among God’s people as we develop ourselves into
an evangelizing community of love; and,
c. Fitting environment for God’s people to live in as we envision a Community of justice,
order, peace, and love.


Our mission is to develop the person’s relationship with God and fellowmen. We preach Jesus, the
WORD, to people, making them accept Him as their God, Savior and King. We help them experience
the Holy Spirit, the source of power of God in them and form them into evangelizing communities of

1. Striving to become true Christians, we bind ourselves together with a committed love for
God and for one another. Heeding the words of St. Paul, we live in common, supporting one
another spiritually, materially and emotionally. “Through Him, the whole body grows, and
with the proper functioning of the members joined firmly together by each supporting
ligament, builds itself up in love.”


Our ministries are expressions of our love for Jesus as we respond to His love for us. Jesus asked
Peter, “Do you love me?” Then He followed the question with these commands, “Tend my lamb…
Tend my sheep… Feed my sheep.” As followers of the Good Shepherd, we will lovingly respond to
the needs of God’s people.

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