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Aaron Raphael D.


Physical Science


1.Atom It is the basic unit of matter, which makes up the physical world.
2. Gamma Decay In this decay, electromagnetic radiation is released.
3. Radio Active atoms Atoms that are unstable wherein the nucleus decays spontaneously, releasing its
surplus of energy, matter, or both in the form of three types of radiation.
4. The Nucleus It contains the positively charged particles called protons and the neutral particles called
5. Magnetic Force Present in the attraction and repulsion of electric charges as well as magnets.
6. Physics Study of the physical world, involving matter and energy.
7. Gamma Rays It has the highest penetration power among the three radiation types, which makes it the
most dangerous if its source is outside the body.
8. Beta Particles Present in beta decay, it is an energetic, high-speed electron or positron.
9. Beta Particles It has greater penetration than alpha particles. It can pass through the skin and into the
10. Alpha Articles It consists of two protons and two neutrons.
11. 1669 - Hennig Brand invented the Philosopher's Stone, which could turn metals into pure gold.
12. 1680 - Robert Boyle also discovered phosphorus without knowing about Hennig Brand's discovery.
13. 1809 about 47 elements had been discovered and named. Scientists began to see patterns in their
atom structures.
14. 1863 - John Newlands organized the 56 then known elements into eleven separate groups based upon
their atom structure.
15. 1869 - Dimitri Mendellev used John Newlands' grouping and organized the elements into what is
now known as the periodic table.
16. 1932 - Ernest O. Lawrence, Milton Stanley Livingston and Milton White worked on the first
cyclotron at the University of California in Berkeley.
17. 1932 - J. D. Cockroft and Ernest T. S. Walton worked together in splitting the atom when
working with lithium which they bombarded with protons. The lithium nucleus was divided into
two helium nuclei.
18. 1914 - Henry Moseley labeled the elements with atomic numbers based upon the number of electrons
in an atom rather than on their atomic mass.
19. 1914 - Ernest Rutherford discovered protons in the nucleus.
20. 1913 - Niels Bohr discovered the electrons' orbits and that there were more electrons in the outer
orbits than in the inner orbits.
21. 1911 - Ernest Rutherford and Hans Geiger discovered that electrons moved around the nucleus of
the cell's atom much like planets orbit the sun.
22. 1903 - Ernest Rutherford decided that radioactivity is what caused atoms to be broken down.
23. 1900 - Antoine Becquerel discovered that electrons and beta particles were the same thing.
24. 1897 - John Sealy Townsend and Robert A. Millikan further investigated electrons and were able
to determine their exact charge and mass.
25. 1897 - J. J. Thomson discovered electrons which were small negatively charged particles.
26. Sir William Ramsay - Neon element number 10 on the periodic table – is an inert gas discovered
27. Elements are formed deep within the cores of certain types of star.
28. Scientists discovered that, by allowing fast neutrons to collide with the common isotope of uranium
known as U- 238 in a nuclear reactor, the ‘new’ element plutonium was made.
29. Flood The most frequent type of natural disaster and occur when an overflow of water submerges
land that is usually dry.
30. Nuclear Radiation Is energy released as high-speed charged particles or electromagnetic waves.

30. industrial pollution The pollution spread by industries in the form of solid, liquid, and/or harmful
gases into the environment.
31. Phenomenon are natural, but the disasters are produced by human action in his environment.
32. Hydrological. as a sudden and violent event caused due to the change in the quality, distribution or
movement of water below the surface or in the atmosphere.
33.Nuclear Radiaton Is energy released as high-speed charged particles or electromagnetic waves.
34. Toxic Wastes . it is poisonous, radioactive, explosive, carcinogenic (causing cancer), mutagenic
(causing damage to chromosomes), teratogenic (causing birth defects), or bioaccumulative (that is,
increasing in concentration at the higher ends of food chains).
35. Dam Failures Collapse or movement of part of a dam or its foundation, so that the dam cannot retain
36. Flood The most frequent type of natural disaster and occur when an overflow of water submerges
land that is usually dry.
37 Cyclones are large revolving tropical storms caused by winds blowing around a central area of low
atmospheric pressure.
38. Volcanoes Is an opening in a planet or moon's crust through which molten rock, hot gases, and other
materials erupt.
39. Earthquake Is a weak to violent shaking of the ground produced by the sudden movement of rock
materials below the earth's surface.
40. Fires A state, process, or instance of combustion in which fuel or other material is ignited and
combined with oxygen, giving off light, heat, and flame.

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