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Email: Telp. 085234415957



Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Islam Ibnu Mas’ud No. Soal : 1

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Bentuk Soal : UO
Materi Kls :7 Aspek Kognitif : C1
Uraian materi: Indikator:
My favorite book Disajikan sebuah paragraph, peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi isi
Descriptive Text paragraph dengan tepat.

Butir soal no : 1
My favorite book
My name is Dina. My hobby is reading books. I love it because it makes me feel relaxed and broaden my
knowledge as well. My parents always buy me books because they have a similar hobby as I do.
I have plenty always of books in my room and most of them are about animals and nature. My favorite
ones are books about animals. I will feel like staying in a jungle whenever I am reading such books. That’s
why, I have remarkable scores in biology. I am so proud of my understanding of animals and nature.
Someday, I would like to be a biologist. I would like to make an adventure in the middle of wild nature to
do research about animals.

1. What is Dina’s hobby?

Kunci jawaban: Reading books Bobot : Mudah
Skor : 5



Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Islam Ibnu Mas’ud No. Soal : 2

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Bentuk Soal : UO
Materi Kls :7 Aspek Kognitif : C1
Uraian materi: Indikator:
My favorite book Disajikan sebuah paragraph, peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi isi
Descriptive Text paragraph dengan tepat.

Butir soal no : 2
My favorite book
My name is Dina. My hobby is reading books. I love it because it makes me feel relaxed and broaden my
knowledge as well. My parents always buy me books because they have a similar hobby as I do.
I have plenty always of books in my room and most of them are about animals and nature. My favorite
ones are books about animals. I will feel like staying in a jungle whenever I am reading such books. That’s
why, I have remarkable scores in biology. I am so proud of my understanding of animals and nature.
Someday, I would like to be a biologist. I would like to make an adventure in the middle of wild nature to
do research about animals.

2. Where does Dina get those books?

Kunci jawaban: Dina’s parents buy those books for her Bobot : sedang
Skor : 5

Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Islam Ibnu Mas’ud No. Soal : 3

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Bentuk Soal : UO
Materi Kls :7 Aspek Kognitif : C1
Uraian materi: Indikator:
My favorite book Disajikan sebuah paragraph, peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi
Descriptive Text keinginan penulis dengan tepat.

Butir soal no ; 3
My favorite book
My name is Dina. My hobby is reading books. I love it because it makes me feel relaxed and broaden my
knowledge as well. My parents always buy me books because they have a similar hobby as I do.
I have plenty always of books in my room and most of them are about animals and nature. My favorite
ones are books about animals. I will feel like staying in a jungle whenever I am reading such books. That’s
why, I have remarkable scores in biology. I am so proud of my understanding of animals and nature.
Someday, I would like to be a biologist. I would like to make an adventure in the middle of wild nature to
do research about animals.

3. Why does Dina want to be a biologist?

Kunci jawaban: She would like to make an adventure in Bobot :sulit

the middle of wild nature to do research about animals.
Skor : 5



Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Islam Ibnu Mas’ud No. Soal : 4

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Bentuk Soal : UO
Materi Kls :7 Aspek Kognitif : C1
Uraian materi: Indikator:
My favorite book Disajikan sebuah paragraph, peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi
Descriptive Text mengapa penulis menyukai hobby membaca dengan tepat.

Butir soal no : 4
My favorite book
My name is Dina. My hobby is reading books. I love it because it makes me feel relaxed and broaden my
knowledge as well. My parents always buy me books because they have a similar hobby as I do.
I have plenty always of books in my room and most of them are about animals and nature. My favorite
ones are books about animals. I will feel like staying in a jungle whenever I am reading such books. That’s
why, I have remarkable scores in biology. I am so proud of my understanding of animals and nature.
Someday, I would like to be a biologist. I would like to make an adventure in the middle of wild nature to
do research about animals.

1. Why does Dina love to read books?

Kunci jawaban: It makes her relaxed and broaden her Bobot : sedang
Skor : 5

Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Islam Ibnu Mas’ud No. Soal : 5

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Bentuk Soal : UO
Materi Kls :7 Aspek Kognitif : C1
Uraian materi: Indikator:
My favorite book Disajikan sebuah kalimat, peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi arti
Descriptive Text dari kata dengan tepat.

Butir soal no : 5
My favorite book
My name is Dina. My hobby is reading books. I love it because it makes me feel relaxed and broaden my
knowledge as well. My parents always buy me books because they have a similar hobby as I do.
I have plenty always of books in my room and most of them are about animals and nature. My favorite
ones are books about animals. I will feel like staying in a jungle whenever I am reading such books. That’s
why, I have remarkable scores in biology. I am so proud of my understanding of animals and nature.
Someday, I would like to be a biologist. I would like to make an adventure in the middle of wild nature to
do research about animals.

5. ‘ I have remarkable scores in biology’

What does ‘remarkable’ mean?

Kunci jawaban: amazing/great = luar biasa Bobot : sedang

Skor : 5

Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Islam Ibnu Mas’ud No. Soal : 6-10

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Bentuk Soal : UO
Materi Kls :7 Aspek Kognitif : C1
Uraian materi: Indikator:
Fill in the blank Disajikan dialog rumpang, peserta didik mampu menulis kata sifat
Dialog ‘adjective’ dengan tepat.
Butir soal no : 6-10
Fill in the blanks with suitable adjective.
Sari : HI. Dani! How are you?
Dani : Hi, Sari. I am (6)_______,thanks and you?
Sari : I am feeling (7)______today. You know, I’ve been informed that my sister have birth last night. I
cannot wait to see my new nephew.
Dani : Oh, congratulations! I am (8))______to hear that. The baby must be (9)________.
Sari : thank you. From the photograph, I can tell you that the baby indeed looks cute.
Dani : once again, congratulations on your newborn nephew. Anyway, I’m a bit (10)_____. Would you like
to go to the canteen with me?
Sari : thank you, but I need to go back to class now.
Dani : It’s okay
Kunci jawaban: Bobot : sedang
a. fine
b. wonderful/glad/ fine
c. glad/happy/pleased
d. cute/beautiful/handsome
e. hungry
Based on the students answer
Skor : 25

Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Islam Ibnu Mas’ud No. Soal : 11

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Bentuk Soal : UO
Materi Kls :7 Aspek Kognitif : C6
Uraian materi: Indikator:
Descriptive Text Disajikan sebuah gambar, peserta didik mampu membuat 4 kalimat
dengan tepat.
Butir soal no : 11
Create a short paragraph (consisting of 4 sentences) about animal’s behavior with suitable adjectives!

Kunci jawaban: The giraffe is pretty tall, nearly 6 meters Bobot : sulit
tall. It lives in a Savannah area and stays in a flock. It has
a long neck that functions to a tiny leaves on top of trees.
On its head is a tiny horn with only 15 centimeters long
for protecting its head when fighting.

Based on the students answer

Skor :25

Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Islam Ibnu Mas’ud No. Soal : 12

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Bentuk Soal : UO
Materi Kls :7 Aspek Kognitif : C6
Uraian materi: Indikator:
Descriptive Text Disajikan sebuah kalimat acak, peserta didik mampu menyusun
kembali paragraph dengan tepat.
Butir soal no : 12
Re-arrangement the sentence below into good sentences!

1. The feathers help it warm and support it in flying using small wings.
2. It has clean white feathers or sometimes in brown or gray color
3. Its legs have thin membranes to help it swim faster.
4. The duck is swimming in the pond
5. It eats any kind of food such as corn, oats, and small grains.

Kunci jawaban: 4-2-1-3-5 Bobot : Sulit

Skor : 25

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