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َ ‫”ر‬
ِ (RISALAH) AND “‫”رسُول‬

1- “Submission 2GodAlone Wed 02-28, 5:17 PM
Peace brother . I have a question about “message”. You have articles that
“Rasool” means “message “ not “messenger”
but what about the word “Risalat” which means “message”? One example is in
Ch 5:67 .
Thank you
Sent from my iPhone
2- Submission 2GodAlone
Today, 4:34 AM
Went back a read again I did see you mention “Risalat”.:.. so is that the
“messenger” and “Rasool” is the “message” is that correct ?
Sent from my iPhone”
Many thanks brother Steven for your one after another messages regarding
ُ ‫( ”ر‬Rasool) and “‫( ” ِرساله‬Risalah).
Quranic words “‫َسول‬

I must reiterate that explaining things again and again takes my time which
I spend on research and writing. Also, asking about something which I have
already written with substantial detail and explained in so many articles is a
sign that you’re stuck somewhere in your out of Quran beliefs and false
dogma which you don’t want to leave at any cost.
This is the reason why you don’t pay your attention to what has been
already explained in my numerous articles. Please keep your false
knowledge of the Quran aside and erase from your memory whatever you
have learned in the name of the Quran from our scholarly sources. This is
because it is all lie whatever has been transmitting to us in the name of the
Quran and religion of Islam. Whereas, the truth only exists in the Arabic
words of the Quran, which I have been striving to bring out through my
research articles.
If you carefully go through these evidence based research articles you
don’t need to ask any further question for not understanding what is written
in them in simple way.
Hence, if everything has already been explained in plain words, you don’t
need to convert things in your own words and repeatedly ask me whether it
is correct or not what you have understood!
Anyway, I did explain in my articles on “Rasool” that the root word “‫”رسل‬
(RSL) is a communication, means of communication or a way of delivering,
dispatching, posting and conveying something. Since, they are all areas of
communication therefore, “‫( ”رسل‬RSL) also includes delivering speech and
You can find in my articles that according to its grammatical formation “‫َسول‬
ُ ‫”ر‬
(Rasool) is the product of “‫ ”رسل‬that is in fact a consignment or a product of
communication, product of what is conveyed, product of what is addressed
and product of speech, which forms an overall shape of sent or delivered
“MESSAGE” that has been dispatched, sent, delivered or conveyed by
means of communication.
Hence, according to the grammar the word “‫َسول‬
ُ ‫( ”ر‬Rasool) is a delivered or
sent message. You can see in my articles so many examples of Arabic
words made on the same grammatical formation of the word “‫َسول‬
ُ ‫( ”ر‬Rasool).
Even a layman knows that Arabic word “‫( ” ِرساله‬Risalah) means a
‘compilation of communication’, a digest, a magazine or a publication
but our evil scholars replace this Quranic word “‫( ” ِرساله‬Risalah) with Persian
word “‫( ”رسالت‬Risalat) in the translation to falsely translate Arabic word “‫” ِرساله‬
(Risalah) to mean “Prophet Hood”, since the Persian word “‫( ”رسالت‬Risalat)
means “prophet hood”.

َّ ْ‫َاّللَوأ ِطيعُوا‬
Hence, to hide the actual meaning of Quranic order “َ‫َالر ُسول‬ ‫يعواْ ه‬ ِ
ُ ‫ ”أط‬both
the Quran Only (Quranist/Ahl-e-Quran) and traditional scholars destroyed
the actual meaning of Quranic words “‫( ” ِرساله‬Risalah) and “‫َسول‬
ُ ‫( ”ر‬Rasool).
Therefore, if you believe that the Quran was revealed in Persian language
you can certainly take Quranic words “‫( ” ِرساله‬Risalah) and “‫َسول‬
ُ ‫( ”ر‬Rasool) to
mean “Prophet Hood” and “Prophet” as they are the correct meaning of
Persian words “‫( ” ِرسالَت‬Risalat) and “‫َسول‬
ُ ‫( ”ر‬Rasool).
Kashif Khan

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