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Volume 5 - March 2022

Triputra Agro Persada Tbk (TAPG) is an oil palm, rubber, and processing industries company, with 24 oil palm
plantation estates, 1 rubber plantation, 17 palm oil mills and 1 Ribbed Smoke Sheet factory located in Jambi, Central
Kalimantan and East Kalimantan (Including associate company). In developing its business TAPG uphold the
sustainability commitment by adopting world recognized standards and deployment of state-of-the-art technology in
operational activities.

Descriptions FY2021 FY2020 % Revenue ▲ 19,2% due to higher in average

selling price and stable production despite the
Revenue 6.278.123 5.265.785 19,2% negative impact of the water deficit in 2019.
Cost of Goods Sold (4.662.334) (3.872.987) 20,4% TAPG benefiting higher CPO price despite
Gross Profit 1.615.789 1.392.798 16,0% the negative offset from hedge.
Margin 25,7% 26,4%
Operating Profit 1.248.668 1.007.383 24,0% Cost of Goods Sold ▲ 20,4% due to increase
Margin in FFB 3rd Parties purchased. While
19,9% 19,1%
production cost still controllable in 2021.
Profit Before Tax 1.421.264 1.070.884 32,7%
Margin 22,6% 20,3% Continuous growth driven by increased in
Profit After Tax 1.198.747 932.735 28,5% higher selling price, controllable production
Margin 19,1% 17,7% cost and lower in finance cost
Core Income 1.223.363 1.002.526 22,0%
Margin Core Income excluding forex loss and tax
19,5% 19,0%
implication for currency translation.
EBITDA 2.153.059 1.836.118 17,3%
Margin 34,3% 34,9% Forex Loss 2021 Rp 31,6 bill and Forex Loss
2020 Rp 89,5 bill (▼64,7%)
Descriptions FY2021 FY2020 %
Total Assets 12.446.909 12.323.970 1,0%
Total Liabilities 4.650.315 5.667.688 -18,0%
Total Equity 7.796.011 6.656.282 17,1%
In IDR Mio

Stable Production, Higher Selling Price and Controllable Cost Age Profile December 2021
Including associate company
During the FY 2021, TAPG booked a net profit Rp 1,19 trill, ▲28,5% Total : 160.143Ha

higher against last year. Driven by stable production, higher average Immature
Old Mature
selling price, controllable production cost, lower in finance cost (▼48%) (0-3 Years)
(> 20 Years) 7% Young
and foreign exchange (Forex Loss 2021 ▼64,7%) 8%
Mature (4-6
Despite of impact of water deficit in 2019, CPO production in FY2021
reached 850 thousand tons slightly increased ▲1,1% from FY2020
due to the age of the plants are mostly productive (average age 11,3
year). Additional 1 new palm oil mill operating in December 2021 thereby Average Age
increasing production capacity to 950 tons/hour. 11.3 Year

Mature (7-
20 Years)
4Q 2021 4Q 2020 YoY% FY2021 FY 2020 YoY%
Plantation Performance FFB Production (Tons)
FFB Nucleus 582.954 826.538 -29,5% 2.640.399 2.646.224 -0,2%
FFB Plasma 70.498 91.868 -23,3% 303.029 278.633 8,8%
Mill Performance
FFB Processed (Tons) 840.617 1.138.250 -26,1% 3.686.556 3.645.134 1,1%
CPO Production (Tons) 194.949 259.228 -24,8% 849.688 841.474 1,0%
PK Production (Tons) 41.855 53.629 -22,0% 174.273 174.743 -0,3%
OER (%) 23,2% 22,8% 1,8% 23,0% 23,1% -0,2%
KER (%) 5,0% 4,7% 5,7% 4,7% 4,8% -1,4%
Including associate company

Average Age Planted Area (‘000 Ha)

(Yrs) Additional Information
Mature Total
Nucleus 11,2 130 138 As of December 2021, total planted area including
nucleus and plasma reached 160 thousand hectares
Plasma 11,9 19 22 and Mature 149 thousand hectares.
This including planted area for associate company 58
Total 11,3 149 160 thousand hectares.

Rubber Segment
Rubber segment income in FY2021 increased ▲78% compared to last year. Supported by increased in RSS sales
and higher in selling price.

4Q2021 4Q2020 YoY% FY 2021 FY 2020 YoY%

Rubber Sales (Tons)
Slab 95 93 2,2% 409 404 1,2%
RSS 55 77 -28,6% 431 205 110,2%

Even though there is an impact of the 2019 dry season, production is relatively stable due to the age of plants that
are in productive period. TAPG benefiting higher commodity price especially CPO and PK despite the negative offset
from hedge.

2021 still a challenging year for all industry due to continuous COVID 19 pandemics. TAPG estate operation, mill
processing, and delivery are operated under strictly COVID 19 protocol. We understand safety and healthy for our
employee is our priority. By doing that we can ensure company to keep operate and achieve higher standard to fulfill
the target. The Covid-19 pandemic is not over yet, we must keep the same pace to make sure driving sustainable
and inclusive growth.
“The best fertilizer is our footprint in the block,” is a popular quote within planters of palm oil plantations. What is
meant is the importance of building a culture of to achieve Wildly Important Goals (WIG) of the company, which are
increased yields, efficient costs, and sustainability, the estate quality and operation must be in top condition every
single day, and for that, a culture of control must be built thoroughly and continuously.

Started in 2015, TAPG has built the gadget-based MOBILE INSPECTION application as the partner of our Field Staff
in control activity. With it, they don’t need to do manual record-keeping as the MOBILE INSPECTION application has
it all in the palm of their hands


The control activity must be done every day to ensure harvest quality, fertilization, and upkeep are always top-notch
and the estate costs are always under control. The Field Staff are equipped with MOBILE INSPECTION with its user-
friendly interface, ease of use, intuitiveness, and built with the latest technology.

Through MOBILE INSPECTION, daily control is done with comprehension and the everyday proper sequence/cycle
from Plan, Do, Check & Action (PDCA)

MOBILE INSPECTION is designed to give a clear view to Management at the Head Office regarding field conditions
in their entirety. The information is served in various forms, such as charts, spreadsheets, pictures, and maps that
can be accessed by mobile, thus any decision-making can be done accurately and timely.

GPS-tracked Inspection Routes Monitoring of Inspected Areas from Most Often to Never Green: Current Month’s Inspected Areas, Yellow: Not
Inspected for 1 Month, Red: Not Inspected for More
Than 2 Months

Since the implementation of TAPG MOBILE INSPECTION, it has recorded thousands of inspection data and findings,
which are used to prepare the next stage of TAPG technology, which utilizes AI and Machine Learning for human
behavior analysis to increase productivity.
We, at PT Triputra Agro Persada Tbk (TAP Group), recognize our impact on the environment and our role in
conserving natural species and ecosystems in the Indonesian landscape. As a business engaging in palm oil sector,
through its subsidiaries, TAP operates 24 palm oil plantations and 17 palm oil mills processing facilities, employing
more than 10.000 workers, buying from more than thousands of palm fruit suppliers, and engaging with hundreds of
villagers surrounding our operations, we also have a responsibility for developing ethical interactions and producing
positive social impacts. We make sure to always produce quality palm products under internationally recognized and
independently verified sustainability standards and to collaborate with partners and stakeholders to guide us in our
sustainability journey, hoping that we are well-regarded by peer plantation companies and the market.

To achieve our sustainability commitments, we need solid collaboration both for internal TAP operations and with
external parties. As the first step in this process, in 2020 we engaged Daemeter Consulting, an independent consulting
firm in the field of sustainability, to provide strategic advice, technical support, and oversee the implementation of
our policy. TAP and Daemeter have developed a work plan for 2021-2026 which outlines the milestones and action
points required to implement the new policy, further align with global sustainability indices, and enhance TAP’s
general vision on sustainability. Through this partnership, we aim to Achieve 100% RSPO/ISPO certification for
all unit operations, 100% traceable to plantation and externally verified, reduce carbon footprint and work towards
carbon neutral, listed on the global sustainability indices, (e.g. DJSI, SRI, SPOTT), and plasma and smallholder

For our environmental management in 2021, in which we focus our efforts on no deforestation, protecting High
Conservation Value (HCV) areas, High Carbon Stock (HCS) forests and peatlands, we have started renewing HCV
and HCS assessments for all our operations with assessors licensed under the HCV Network. We continue our
efforts to comply with the RSPO Remediation and Compensation Procedures by seeking appropriate conservation
areas and opportunities. We also continue our greenhouse gas emission reduction programs across operations. We
conducted a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) which assessed the environmental aspects and impacts of our operations.

TAP Group takes responsibility to ensure human and labour rights are protected throughout our value chain. No
discrimination or harassment of any kind is tolerated in our operations. We respect the rights of local and indigenous
communities and follow Free, Prior, Informed Consent (FPIC) principles prior to new developments. In 2021, as our
social management, we continue our efforts to plan and establish plasma plantations for surrounding communities.
We continue our third-party traceability to plantation implementation by meeting suppliers in the field and collecting
their location information. We have reviewed and renewed our procedures for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
to align better with the needs and resources of communities, community empowerment aims, and long-term planning
for social impacts. We also continue to contribute towards COVID-19 relief and support for local communities. As a
strategy to improve village’s economic growth, we provide Forest and Land Fire Free Village Awards (DBK Awards)
for surrounding villages that have successfully defended their areas from fire disasters throughout the year and this
year we have 29 villages awarded around our concession area with zero burning status.

We are implementing a traceability system for our third-party suppliers. We have been improving our systems and
applications to detect and manage independent farmer data and its traceability. Our traceability is at 86% of the total
processed FFB originating from the nucleus, plasma nucleus and third parties. We are aiming for 100% traceability
by 2025.
Activity Biodiversity survey on HCV-HCS Area

Socialization and Training Best Management Practices to

Independent Smallholders

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed here contain information derived from publicly available source that have not been independently verified. No representation
or warranty is made as to the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information. Any forward-looking information in this presentation has been prepared
based on several assumptions which may prove to incorrect. This presentation should not be relied upon as a recommendation or forecast by PT Triputra Agro
Persada Tbk. Nothing in this release should be construed as either an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell shares in any jurisdiction.

TAPG Investor Newsletter – For further information, contact corporate secretary (
PT Triputra Agro Persada Tbk
The East Building, Lantai 23
Jl. DR Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung, Kav E3-2, No.1
Jakarta 12950 - Indonesia

tap.agri tap_agri Tap.agri Triputra Agro Persada

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