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AMPARO Bachelor of Elementary Education

University of Makati FSIE


Fernanda Hellen Ribeiro Piske, Tania Stoltz, Jarci Machado
Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil

Abstract: Creativity is an essential attribute for the development of creative potential. However, it is not
always developed properly in the school context, especially when it is about gifted students’ education.
Because these children need a specialized service to attend their special needs. In this sense, this study
aims to contribute in order that education professionals reflect and become aware of the importance of
creativity in education. The method of this research was based on national and international studies
which focused on the area of High Abilities/Giftedness and creativity in the school context. The
conclusion is that the development of creativity depends on a good teacher education in preparing
activities that arouse curiosity and interest of each gifted, enabling the student creative and independent,
investigative and critical thinking. Furthermore, teachers should provide new opportunities of reflection on
the process of teaching and learning.


Gifted children are born with above-average natural abilities and demonstrate an advanced
ability or potential in one or more specific areas when compared to others of same age,
experience, or environment. They have high potentials in terms of learning, performing, and
creativity in intellectual, academic, leadership, psychomotor and arts singly or in combination.
Those who demonstrate an advanced ability in one or more specific areas have the capacity to
learn and process complex information rapidly and explores subjects in surprising depth and
insatiable curiosity. And, when they use imagination to create new and meaningful forms of
ideas when they can express more, take risks, be independent, and flexible instead of being
taught to reiterate what was learned, then, it is creative education. Creativity brings out their
emotions and feelings. It is considered and important aspect in the process of teaching and
learning particularly for gifted children. According to Martinez (1997), the complexity of the
psychological determination of creativity cannot be understood by partial psychometric or
experimental studies due to the fact that their quantitative or relatively artificial nature is too
limited to reveal its essence.

It is good research. Timely, important, and essential in order for the teachers to realize, consider
and at the same time be conscious of the importance of creative education specifically for the
gifted children. Its purpose of providing creative education for them is clearly stated and
worthwhile and that is to prepare teachers for their special needs which include teaching
methods, resources, and forms of learning. The learning process of gifted children becomes
effective when teachers begin to understand their needs and that they require activities that
represent challenges. Samples are adequate enough to compensate for the objectives of the
study. That 3-5% are likely have problems caused by inadequate performance expectations and
inclinations ignored by the school. These problems gave the gifted children boredom caused by
low level of mental stimulation. The procedures for this study were done at the level of
hypothesis analysis. Prejudice or bias is not shown as information and explanations are clearly
PIA MARGARET P. AMPARO Bachelor of Elementary Education
University of Makati FSIE

stated. The sampling and results indicate that the research outcome is generally positive and
likely. The findings based on sampling show that creativity of gifted children largely depend on a
good teacher and educational staff’s specialized training, additional materials for the gifted
student’s needs, enrichment and curriculum programs appropriate for them that are necessary
for efficient techniques of teaching. In the end, the learning process of gifted children becomes
effective when teachers begin to understand the needs of their students who have a high
potential and required activities that represent challenges. The conclusion follows from the
result as stated that the development of creativity depends on a good teacher education in
preparing activities of gifted children that instigate the curiosity and interest of each gifted child,
allowing the student to use creative, independent, investigative, and critical thinking (Burg,1992 At the same time, teachers should give favorable juncture of circumstances of insights on
the process of both teaching and learning. Details are explained and justified in such a way that
they are given and laid comprehensively, thoroughly, and definitely related to the stated
purpose. It also provides new opportunities and learning styles to reflect on the process of
teaching. An interesting study, well presented by the researcher.


The researchers generally concluded and pointed out the importance of more comprehensive
knowledge and trainings of teachers to attend to the needs of gifted children in terms of
developing and addressing creativity. The researchers are aware that giftedness is a
multidimensional phenomenon that includes their academic, motor, intellectual, social, and,
most importantly, artistic abilities. As such, thorough knowledge and training among teachers
are necessary to be given of outmost important. In my opinion, each point was presented
clearly and comprehensively.

The research and its theory of creative education, creativity per se allows us to view its need
and open our minds to the importance of creative education of gifted children in a different
perspective. It explains and make us understand that theoretical implications for teaching and in
education at large are suitable for understanding the research in order to address its need to fit
the gifted children’s necessity. Further studies suggest that creative education for gifted children
shall be performed by educators who specialized to teach gifted children.

In the Philippine setting, research and study are relevant and feasible in a way that it is also
applicable here knowing that Philippines has a lot of unidentified gifted children. With this
research, Philippine educators will become aware to give focus on identifying, developing,
addressing, and including creativity among them. There may be some problems and constraints
when applied due to the lack of government budget, teacher's eligibility, and scarcity of
educators who can teach gifted children or students.

As a future educator, the research information is both practical and valuable. They can be used
and practiced in my profession as future educator and to my profession and to the Philippines at
large since the data provided in the research are generally informative, interesting, and useful.

PIA MARGARET P. AMPARO Bachelor of Elementary Education
University of Makati FSIE

Piske, F. H. R. et al. (2014). Creative Education for Gifted Children. Creative Education, 5, 347-

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