LanguageCheatSheets 1

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Language Cheat-Sheets

These word and phrase translations can be used to communicate

with new English Language Learners (ELLs) who speak German,
Spanish, Italian, Korean, or French.

The first sheet can be used with English speaking classmates for
practice communicating with the new student.

The second sheet can be given to a new ELL who can read in their
first language. The blank spots leave room for any new word that
the student wants to record for future use.

Approximate phonetic pronunciation is included.

Some translation was completed through Google Translate, so it

may not be perfect. Even so, attempting to communicate through
one of these cheat-sheets will show your newcomer that you
respect and admire their language.

Thank you for helping ELLs feel comfortable in their new


Common Phrases in German

English German
Hello! Hallo!
How are you? / What’s up? Wie gehts?
“vee gates”
My name is… Ich heiße…
“ick hi-zuh…”
Excuse me Entschuldigung
Do you want to play? Willst du spielen?
“vilst do shpee-len?”
Do you need help? Brauchst du Hilfe?
“browst do hill-feh?”
My friend Mein Freund
“mine froint”
Good job! Gut gemacht!
“goot ge-mahht”
Bye! Tschüss!

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Wörter auf Englisch
Words in English

Deutsche Englisch
Hallo! Hello!

Wie gehts? How are you?

Entschuldigung Excuse me

Kann ich spielen? Can I play?

Hilf mir Help me

Ich verstehe nicht I don’t understand.

Toilette bathroom

Hausaufgaben homework

Examen test

Mittagessen lunch

Tschüss goodbye

Common Phrases in Spanish

English Spanish
Hello Hola
What’s up? ¿Que pasa?
“Kay pa-sa?”
My name is… Me llamo…
“May yamo…”
Excuse me Perdóneme
Do you want to play? ¿Quieres jugar?
“Kyeres who-gar?”
Do you need help? ¿Necesitas ayuda?
My friend Mi amigo
Good job! Buen trabajo
“bwen tra-ba-ho”
Bye Adios

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Palabras en ingles
Words in English

Español Inglés
Hola Hello

¿Cómo estás? How are you?

Perdóneme Excuse me

¿Puedo jugar? Can I play?

Ayuadame Help me

No entiendo I don’t understand.

baño bathroom

tarea homework

examen test

almuerzo lunch

adios goodbye

Common Phrases in Italian

English Italian
Hello Ciao
How are you? Come va?
My name is… Mi chiamo…
“Me kyamo…”
Excuse me Scusami
Do you want to play? Vuoi giocare?
“Voy joe-car-ray?”
Do you need help? Hai bisogno di aiuto?
“Eye biz-on-you dee eye-oo-toe?”
My friend Mio amico
“me-oh ah-me-ko”
Good job! Buon lavoro!
“Bwown la-vore-oh!”
Bye! Ciao
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Parole in inglese
Words in English
Italiano Inglese
Ciao Hello

Come va? How are you?

Scusami Excuse me

Posso giocare? Can I play?

Aiutami Help me

Non capisco I don’t understand.

gabinetto bathroom

compiti a casa homework

esame test

pranzo lunch

spuntino snack

Ciao Bye

Common Phrases in Korean

English Korean

Hello “an-young-ha-say-you”

How are you? “chai chee-nes-say-ah”

My name is… “nay ee-dyoh-men…”

Excuse me “shill-lay-ehm-me-dah”

Play “no dee”

Help “doe-oom”

My friend “nay ching-goo”

Good job! “chail hess-so!”

Bye! “an-young!”

영어로 된 단어들 Words in English

한국어 영어
안녕하세요 Hello
잘 지냈어요 How are you?
실례합니다 Excuse me
나는 놀 수 있니 Can I play?
도와주세요 Help me

나는 이해하지 못한다. I don’t understand.

화장실 bathroom
숙제 homework
시험 test
점심 lunch
간식 snack
안녕 Bye

Common Phrases in French

English French
Hello Bonjour
How are you? Comment vas-tu?
“Kommo vay two?”
My name is… Mon nom est
“Mon nway…”
Excuse me Excusez-moi
Do you want to play? Tu veux jouer?
“Two veh-shway?”
Do you need help? As-tu besoin d'aide?
“ah-two booze on-dead?”
My friend mon amie
“M’on ah-me”
Good job! Bon travail
“bon trav-eye”
Bye Au revoir
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Mots en anglais
Words in English

Français Anglais
Bonjour Hello
Comment vas-tu? How are you?

Excusez-moi Excuse me

Puis-je jouer Can I play?

Aidez moi Help me

Je ne comprends pas. I don’t understand.

toilette bathroom

devoirs homework

examen test

le déjeuner lunch

au revoir goodbye

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