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Anger Management

A strong feeling of being upset and annoyed because of something wrong or bad; the
feeling that makes someone want to hurt other people, to shout, etc.: the feeling of being angry.
Anger becomes a problem when, felt too intensely, felt too frequently, or expressed
inappropriately, resulting in negative consequences, resulting in negative self-confidence.
Difference between anger and aggression. Anger is an emotion while aggression is acting out
inappropriately. Learn to check your aggression and express your anger appropriately.
Anger Management is a systematic method of cognitively recognizing anger and
managing its effects; it does not involve getting rid of all anger, but using anger to enhance your
life. The positive aspects of anger are that you have increased energy, can communicate your
feelings, can problem solve, and can take charge of the situation. The negative aspects of anger
are that you can have a disruption of thinking, unnecessarily defend yourself, become aggressive
and become known as an angry person. It would be seen then as increasing the positive aspects
or functions of anger and decreasing the negative functions of anger.
Skills needed in dealing with your anger; identify a range of feelings including anger,
identify aggressive acts by self and others, identify the potential consequences to self and others
from these aggressive acts, identify self-destructive behavior, identify thoughts before aggressive
acts, identify internal cues to feelings of anger, develop a coping mechanism for dealing with
anger, express anger without loss of control.
I manage my anger by not saying words that could hurt other people but I tell God to
purify my heart and forgive me for being angry with that specific person and that person to
forgive me as well and try to forget everything and my reason for being angry.

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