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Name: juan Date: 14-03-2022

esteban ferreira

Persuasion Map
the fragment is located in a course of winstong history is 1a.
intrigued about the future of his society, winstong has a diary in which he
begins to write more personally and sincerely his thoughts and things that
happen to him in his history, so the fragment contains an important moment
of the formation of winstong's thoughts and forming his internal conflict in the
face of the party's repressive actions , then we can infer that the fragment is
the conflict of the plot because the beginning of this internal conflict within
wingston is the one that leads it to more facts in the future of the work such
as relating to julia think and attitude of rebellion frent to the party
Goal or Thesis: Conclusion:
The quat ” He took up his pen again and
Throughout the wrote: I understand HOW: I do not
2. 2a.
book, the rebellious understand WHY. He wondered, as he
had many times wondered before,
thoughts and whether he himself was a lunatic.
attitudes that Perhaps a lunatic was simply a minority 2b.
Winstong presented of one” explain the internal conflict of
winstong showing like the thinks that
towards his society his thoughts are strange and he does 2c.
can be evidenced. make him a lunatic

3. 3a.
At one time it had been a sign of
madness to believe that the earth goes round the sun;
today, to believe that the past is inalterable. He might
be ALONE in holding that belief, and if alone, then a
lunatic. But the thought of being a lunatic did not 3b.
greatly trouble him: the horror was that he might also
be wrong.”


Main Reasons: Briefly state three Conclusion: Conclude your

Goal or Thesis: A goal or Facts or Examples: Write
main reasons that would convince argument by summarizing the most
thesis is a statement that someone that your goal or thesis is three facts or examples to
describes one side of an important details of the argument
valid. support each of your main
and stating once again what the
arguable viewpoint. Write reasons and validate your reader is to believe or do.
your own goal or thesis here. goal or thesis.
• Was the Party’s hold upon the past less strong, he wondered, because a piece of evidence which existed no longer HAD ONCE existed? this quote shows the
restlessness and rebelliousness of wingstong abaut the party

• Was the Party’s hold upon the past less strong, he wondered, because a piece of evidence which existed no longer HAD ONCE existed? this quote shows the
restlessness and rebelliousness of wingstong abaut the party

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