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to the desk, taking the pen from his fingers son of Simon, but more commonly Iscariotes.
and urging Moore to stop work in order to The name Iscariot has received many inter-
play with the cat. One of Mr. Hilaire Bel- pretations more or less conjectural. The most
loc's most charming essays is called ' Conver- probable are (1) From Kerioth (Josh, xv, 25),
sation With a Cat,' and indeed, gives its name in the tribe of Judah. On this hypothesis

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to the volume. I believe that W. B. Yeats his position among the Twelve, the rest of
was also fond of cats, but I have lost the whom belonged to Galilee, would be excep-
reference. tional ; and this has led to (2) From Kartha
SAMUEL J. LOOKER. in Galilee (Kartan, A.V., Josh xxi, 32). (3)
From Scortea, a leathern apron, the name
fFHE WORKMAN FAMILY .(clxxxv. 258). being applied to him as the bearer of the
•*• —Members of the Worcestershire branch bag, and=Judas with the apron. Of the life
of this family were prominently associated of Judas, before the appearance of his name
with Evesham and its neighbourhood for in the lists of the Apostles, we know absolutely
many years in the nineteenth century nothing.
•and the name is still represented there. Ben- Kerioth (1) is the name of a town which
j amin Workman was Mayor of Evesham in occurs among the lists of the towns in the
1838, and Henry Workman also filled that southern district of Judah. According to the
office for five successive years, beginning in A.V. (" Kerioth and Hezron ") it denotes a
1851. Various references to Henry Workman distinct place from the name which follows
will be found in ' Evesham and Neighbour- it; but this separation is not in accordance
hood,' the official guide to Evesham, of which with the accentuation of the Rec. • Hebrew
the sixth edition, revised by Kenneth Gill text, and is now generally abandoned, and
Smith, was published in 1937. the name taken as " Keriyoth-Hezron, which
E. A. B. BABNABD. is Hazor."
St. Catharine's College, Cambridge. Dr. Robinson and Lieut. Van de Velde
propose to identify it with Kuryetein (" the
TUDAS ISCARIOT (clxxxv. 197, 266).—In two cities " ) , a ruined site which stands about
•** the British Weekly, Professor J. Alexan- 10 miles S. from Hebron, and 3 from Main
der Findlay answers questions raised by diffi- (Maon).
culties in the Bible. Recently, discursing the (2). A city of Moabj named by Jeremiah
case of Judas, he suggested that the word only. By Mr. Porter it is unhesitatingly
" Iscariot " represents the Latin sicarius, identified with Kureiyeh, a ruined town of
assassin, literally, " dagger-man." This was some extent lying between Busrah and Sulk-
applied to advanced revolutionaries who had, in the southern part of the Hauran. The
believed in violent action. According to this chief argument in favour of this is the
•solution of the personal name, Judas belonged proximity of Kureiyeh to Busrah.
to them and was addressed in Matt. xxvi. 50 In an ancient map of Palaestina (issued by
as'Eraipe, translated " f r i e n d " in the A.V.. Messrs. George Philip & Son, of London and
and R.V. A closer rendering would be " com- Liverpool), Kerioth is shown at 31.32N.,
rade," a word now familiar among members 35.8E. and Kerioth, Kureiyeh at 32.34N.,
•of the advanced Left in thought. But the 56.37E.
margin gives two references to the Psalms, JAMES SETON-ANDERSON.
passages which speak of attacks by a familiar Seton Cottage, Springholm-by-Castle-Douglas.
•companion one would naturally trust. This
point does not seem to me worth much. But p CATOCHE (clxxxv. 291).—" Cabo "
the Professor gives it in support of his ex- is Spanish for " Cape." " Catoche " is a
planation and it is well to consider what the Mexican colloquialism meaning " ill-
latest learning regards as probable. There humour " introduced into Spanish and recog-
are several difficulties about Judas but the nised by the Spanish National Academy.
text itself does nothing to remove them. SAYAH.
T. C. C.
On consulting Bensley's Spanish Dictionary
According to the ' Concise Dictionary of the I find that Catoche is a medical word mean-
Bible,' edited by Dr. William Smith, D.C.L., ing " the apopletic rigidity of the muscles."
LL.D., Judas Iscariot is sometimes called the I presume that the cape ie so named, because

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