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The kinds of sport and its benefits

ORI : hello guys


ORI: Can I join you?

YABES : Yes, of course

ORI : hmm, introduce my name ori imannuel duha . Hmm, what's your name?

YABES : my name is yabes varel fanolo wau

ORI : btw, what are you doing here ?

YABES : I will run

ORI: That sounds fun, then let's run together

Yabes : Yes, Let’s go

(run together)

ORI: very draining


ORI: This is my first time running, is my way of running correct?

YABES: Hmm, maybe something can be improved a bit

ORI : whatever it is, can you help me so that I can run well?

YABES : of course the first one we can keep the body position relaxed, then look straight ahead,
then the chest is straightened, the fourth is to do regular breathing, the fifth is the movement of the
isosceles legs must be in harmony

ORI: oh so how do you do it right


ORI: in your opinion how to increase running speed?

YABES : I suggest we need to train the leg muscles by doing a squat jump

ORI : and then the benefits of running?

YABES: in my opinion it can increase body stamina and can also be healthy for the heart

ORI : Oh, I see

YABES: yes

ORI: how long have you been exercising like this

YABES : yes, about 2 months

ORI : oh, what achievement did you get

YABES: I won a gold medal in running a marathon

ORI : wow cool, congratulations on your achievement

YABES: okay thank you


Dhea: hello friends

Angel: hello too

Dhea: what's your name?

Angel : introduce, my name is angel ayuanda duha

Dhea: how about you?

Devi : introduce, my name is Devi Shinta wau

Angel : if you, what's her name?

Dhea : introduce, my name is Dhea epriana Sihura?

Dhea : may i come to play badminton?

angel: yes of course

(They play badminton together)

Dhea : Badminton is very fun,

Devi : yes

Angel : is this your first time playing badminton?

Dhea: hmm yes, is there something wrong friend?

Angel : maybe there is a little that needs to be fixed. But it's okay.

Dhea : will you help me in playing badminton?

Angel and devi : yes of course we will help you

Dhea: thank you

(Here Devi and angel help Dhea how to play badminton)

Dhea : ohh so that's how it works, thank you for helping me

Devi : okay dhea

Dhea: by the way, have you been playing badminton for a long time?

Devi : yes, around 1 year, and we keep practicing seriously

Dhea: What are the benefits of playing badminton?

Devi : Yes, the benefits of strengthening joint muscles and maintaining mental health

Dhea: No wonder you're good at playing like an athlete.

Devi: hehehe there's only you

Dhea : what is your achievement in badminton game

Devi : yes, we both won a gold medal in the Asian games competition

Dhea: wow you are so amazing, congrats

Dewi : Thank you

Basket ball

(Angel, Devi, Dhea walk together to visit Samuel, Yabes Ori who are playing basketball)

Devi : hello everyone

Samuel : hello too

Devi : What are you three doing?

Samuel : yes we are playing basketball

Devi : can we join you guys to play basketball or not?

Samuel : yes of course why not

Devi: what is your name?

Samuel : my name is samuel

Angel : if you (pointing towards Yabes)

Yabes : my name is yabes

Dhea: if you, what his name?

Ori : my name is ori emanuel zebua

Ori: You guys said you wanted to play too right

Dhea: yes, but we don't know how to play it yet. Would you three not mind teaching us how to play

Ori : Of course not

(Here Yabes, Samuel, Ori teach and play basketball at the same time)

Angel : Wow, I'm tired of playing basketball too. What are the benefits of playing basketball?

Yabes : well the benefits of developing muscle strength, and can elevate the body

Angel: no wonder your body is healthy and tall

Devi : btw, so what was our game like earlier, is it correct?

Samuel : hmm, it's pretty good, there's just something that needs to be fixed. but it's okay

Dhea : How long have you been playing basketball?

Samuel : Yes, more or less 3 years

Devi : what is your greatest achievement during playing basketball

Samuel : Yes, we entered the last 16 of the Red Bull Championships 2023 Bali series

Devi : Wow, you guys are not only talented but also make Indonesia proud. Congratulations

Samuel : ok thanks

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