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EE 477: Optimization Techniques

• What is optimization?

• What real life situations give rise to optimization problems?

Handout #1 • When is it easy to optimize?

• What are we trying to optimize?

Introduction • What can cause problems when we try to optimize?

• What methods can we use to optimize?

Prof. Mohamed Zribi

1 EE477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi 2

What is Optimization?

• Optimization is derived from the Latin word “optimus”,

the best.

What is Optimization? • Optimization characterizes the activities involved to

find “the best”.

• People have been “optimizing” forever, but the roots

for modern day optimization can be traced to the
Second World War.

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What is Optimization? What is Optimization?

• Optimization: The act of obtaining the best result Optimization is defined as the process of finding
under the given circumstances.
the conditions that give the minimum or
• Design, construction and maintenance of
maximum value of a function, where the function
engineering systems involve decision making both
at the managerial and the technological level represents the effort required or the desired

• Goals of such decisions : benefit.

– to minimize the effort required or
– to maximize the desired benefit

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What is Optimization? What is Optimization?

• Optimization is the act of obtaining the best result under given • operational research (OR is an interdisciplinary branch of
circumstances. mathematics which uses methods like:

– mathematical modeling
• Optimization can be defined as the process of finding the conditions
– statistics
that give the maximum or minimum of a function.
– algorithms to arrive at optimal or good decisions in complex problems
which are concerned with optimizing the maxima (profit, faster assembly
• The optimum seeking methods are also known as mathematical line, greater crop yield, higher bandwidth, etc) or minima (cost loss,
lowering of risk, etc) of some objective function.
programming techniques and are generally studied as a part of
operations research.
• The eventual intention behind using operations research is to elicit a
best possible solution to a problem mathematically, which improves or
• Operations research is a branch of mathematics concerned with the optimizes the performance of the system.
application of scientific methods and techniques to decision making
problems and with establishing the best or optimal solutions.

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Historical Development

• Existence of optimization methods can be traced to the days

of Newton, Lagrange, and Cauchy.

• Development of differential calculus methods of

Historical Development optimization was possible because of the contributions of
Newton and Leibnitz to calculus.

• Foundations of calculus of variations, dealing with the

minimizations of functions, were laid by Bernoulli Euler,
Lagrange, and Weistrass

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Historical Development Historical Development

• The method of optimization for constrained problems, • Isaac Newton (1642-1727)

(The development of differential calculus
which involve the inclusion of unknown multipliers, methods of optimization)
became known by the name of its inventor, Lagrange.
• Joseph-Louis Lagrange (1736-1813)
(Calculus of variations, minimization of functionals,
method of optimization for constrained problems)
• Cauchy made the first application of the steepest descent
• Augustin-Louis Cauchy (1789-1857)
method to solve unconstrained optimization problems. (Solution by direct substitution, steepest
descent method for unconstrained optimization)

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Historical Development Historical Development

• Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) • George Bernard Dantzig (1914-2005)

(Linear programming and Simplex method (1947))
(Calculus of variations, minimization of
functionals) • Richard Bellman (1920-1984)
(Principle of optimality in dynamic
programming problems)
• Gottfried Leibnitz (1646-1716)
• Harold William Kuhn (1925-)
(Differential calculus methods
(Necessary and sufficient conditions for the optimal solution of
of optimization) programming problems, game theory)

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Historical Development

• Albert William Tucker (1905-1995)

(Necessary and sufficient conditions
for the optimal solution of programming Engineering Applications
problems, nonlinear programming, game
theory: his PhD student
was John Nash) of Optimization
• Von Neumann (1903-1957)
(game theory)

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Engineering Applications of
Engineering Applications of Optimization
• Design of structural units in construction, machinery, and in
• Architecture
space vehicles. • Nutrition
• Maximizing benefit/minimizing product costs in various • Electrical circuits
• Networks
manufacturing and construction processes.
• Optimal Control
• Optimal path finding in road networks/freight handling • Economics
processes. • Transportation
• Scheduling
• Optimal production planning, controlling and scheduling.
• etc.
• Optimal Allocation of resources or services among several
activities to maximize the benefit.
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What do we optimize?

• A real function of n variables

f ( x1 , x2 , , xn )
What do we optimize? with or without constrains

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Unconstrained Optimization Optimization with Constraints
min f ( x, y ) x2 2 y2
x 0

min f ( x, y ) x2 2 y2 min f ( x, y ) x2 2 y2
2 x 5, y 1

min f ( x, y ) x2 2 y2
x y 2

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What do we optimize? What do we optimize?

Optimization is a process by which a desired solution
(max/min) of the problem can be found while satisfying all its
constraint or bounded conditions.

Optimum solution is found while

satisfying its constraint (derivative must
be zero at optimum).

Optimization problem could be linear or non-linear.

Nonlinear optimization is accomplished by numerical ‘Search
Search methods are used iteratively before a solution is achieved. Global versus local optimization.
The search procedure is termed as algorithm.
EE477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi 23 EE477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi 24
What do we optimize? What do we optimize?
Linear problem – solved by Simplex or Graphical methods.
The solution of the linear problem lies on boundaries of the feasible

Solution of linear problem Three dimensional solution of non-

linear problem
Local point is equal to global point if the function is convex.
Non-linear problem solution lies within and on the boundaries of the
EE477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi 25
feasible region. EE477 Dr. Mohamed Zribi 26

What do we optimize? max-min for R

Single Objective function f(x)
• Maximization • What is special about a local max or a local min of a
• Minimization
Design Variables, xi , i=0,1,2,3….. function f (x)?
• Inequality at local max or local min f’(x)=0
• Equality
Optimal points f”(x) > 0 if local min
• Local minima/maxima points: A point or Solution x* is at local point
if there is no other x in its Neighborhood less than x* f”(x) < 0 if local max
• Global minima/maxima points: A point or Solution x** is at global
point if there is no other x in entire search space less than x**

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Max-min for R3 Max-min for R3
• Second Derivative Test

• Local min, local max, saddle point

• Gradient of f – vector (df/dx, df/dy, df/dz)

direction of fastest increase of f

• Global min/max vs. local min/max

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Search Methods

• Minimize function
f ( x, y ) 0.5( x y ) 2 2

11 x, y 11 Classification of
Minimize function
f ( x, y ) cos( x) cos( y )
Optimization Methods
4 x, y 4

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Classification of Optimization Methods Classifications of Optimization Methods
• Single variable optimization
• Multi-variable optimization
• Linear optimization
• Nonlinear optimization
• Constrained optimization
• Non-constrained optimization
• Single objective optimization
• Multi-objective optimization

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Classification of Optimization Methods

Optimization and

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Optimization and Computers The Computer and Linear Programming
It is generally accepted that without computers, optimization would not be what Consider the case of Linear Programming:
• The first large scale computer became a practical reality in 1946 at the
it is today. University of Pennsylvania.

• Earlier mathematical models (such as calculus, Lagrange multipliers) relied

• This was just one year before the development of simplex.
on sophistication of technique to solve the problem classes for which they
were suited. • The simplex method for linear programming consists only of a few steps and
these steps require only the most basic mathematical operations which a
computer is well suited to handle.
• Methods of mathematical optimization (e.g., Linear Programming) rely far
less on mathematical sophistication than they do on an unusual “adaptibility • However, these steps must be repeated over and over before one finally obtains
an answer.
to the mode of solution inherent in the modern digital computer”.
• Particularly striking is the simplicity of these methods of mathematics • The first successful computer solution of a LP problem was in January 1952 on
coupled with their iterative processes (i.e., the repeated performance of a the National Bureau of Standards SEAC computer.
relatively simple set of operations)

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This has (in principle) nothing to do with modern day
You will often hear the phrase “programming” as in: computer programming.

Mathematical programming,
Linear programming, In the early days, a set of values which represented a
solution to a problem was referred to as a “program”.
Nonlinear programming,
Integer programming, However, nowadays you program (software) to find
a program!
mixed integer programming, etc.

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