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NIM : 11221127

Kelas : R2/B1

Jurusan : Teknik Informatika

1. Mention tenses on the text and show a word from each tense!

the device is capable(V1) of connecting to the Internet and instantly downloading any print
media that is available (Simple Present Tense)

These reading devices also have (V1) special screens that, instead of looking like computer
screens, use "electronic ink" that mimics the look of a page in a book (Simple Present Tense)

This is intended to prevent (V1) eye strain and virtually eliminate glare if reading in a bright or
sunny location. (Simple Present)

Most wireless reading devices are capable (V1) of storing hundreds to more than a thousand
books, which means that you can take your entire library with you wherever you go (Simple
Present Tense)

Commonly, specific buttons allow (V1) you to turn the page or increase the font size, (Simple
Present Tense)

and the device will also feature a small keypad or touch screen for typing (Simple Future Tense)

Some have(V1) the capability to read out loud to you, or to play an audiobook. (Simple Present)

A wireless reading device allows(V1) users to read magazines and newspapers online. (Simple

Many companies allow(V1) subscribers the opportunity to cancel their print subscription, and
instead automatically receive the latest issue right to their wireless reading device daily, weekly,
or monthly (Simple Present Tense)

These reading devices also commonly allow(V1) the user to view blogs or personal documents as
well. (Simple Present Tense)
2. Is there any passive form? If there is, please mention all!

A computer is not required when using a wireless reading device; the device is capable of
connecting to the Internet and instantly downloading any print media that is available. (Passive

This is intended to prevent eye strain and virtually eliminate glare if reading in a bright or sunny
location (Passive Voice)

Books not loaded onto the device can be stored online or on your computer's hard drive for later
use; they are not lost or deleted (Passive Voice)

The devices are designed to be thin and light, to fit easily into a bag or purse, and to be easy to
hold (Passive Voice)

Though not all books, magazines, or newspapers are available to be downloaded to a wireless
reading device, there are already hundreds of thousands of options, with more being added
every day. (Passive Voice)

In addition, books and other media purchased for a wireless reading device are generally
substantially cheaper than their printed versions (Passive Voice)

3. Please make 7 question by using WH and Yes-No Question and its answer!

- What is the meaning of Ebook Reader….?

- Is A wireless reading device a small……..?
- Is A computer required when using a wireless reading device….?
- Is the device capable of connecting to the Internet …..?
- Do devices have special screens…….?
- Are Most wireless reading devices capable of storing hundreds to more than a thousand
books ……..?
- Are The devices designed to be thin and light…..?

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