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Honorable judges respect the audience and everyone here today Assalamu'alaikum

Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh. First of all I'd like to thank the Almighty God it is because of
him we are all able to attend this contest. Secondly may sholawat and salam always be delivered
to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, who had brought us from the darkness to this bright modern
era that we live in today. And last but not least I like to thank the judges for giving me this very
special opportunity to complete in this contest. Ladies and gentleman good afternoon my name
is Aghni Nurul Azizah and I'm from Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Cirebon standing here before
you all to deliver my speech. I will deliver my speech under the title "Build Creativity Beyond the
Ladies and gentleman i have 2 main points to deliver my speech:
1. The meaning of creativity
2. How to build creativity beyond pandemic
Do you know what the meaning of creativity? Well, Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or
recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating
with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. Three reasons why people are motivated to be
1. Need for novel, varied, and complex stimulation.
2. Need to communicate ideas and values.
3. Need to solve problems. In order to be creative, you need to be able to view things in new ways or
from a different perspective. Among other things, you need to be able to generate new possibilities or
new alternatives. Tests of creativity measure not only the number of alternatives that people can
generate but the uniqueness of those alternatives. the ability to generate alternatives or to see things
uniquely does not occur by change; it is linked to other, more fundamental qualities of thinking, such as
flexibility, tolerance of ambiguity or unpredictability, and the enjoyment of things heretofore unknown.
Before I talk more and more, I would like to ask you a little bit about the pandemic has affected every
single thing in life, isn't it? The pandemic has affected every single thing in life because, our activities are
limited only inside our home. Before the pandemic, we could go anywhere and do anything without
limitation. Because of this situation, we become less productive and creative. However, we need to
remember that this is our new normal. It is our new life. We have to adapt so we can survive in this
challenging situation. A lot of companies went bankrupt and the workers were laid off because the
company could not afford to pay the workers. Many schools were also closed and the students studied
at home. Such a horrific situation, isn’t it? Every single aspect of our life is falling apart. Therefore, as the
next generation of the world, we have to be creative to rebuild what has fallen. And what can we do?
Starting from the simplest thing, why don’t you find a creative way to spend time? During a pandemic,
we can only do our activities from home. Of course the source of entertainment is so limited, maybe
through phone, personal computer, or, if you are lucky enough, a game console. It is good for you who
do not live alone, you can still talk to real people in real life. Unfortunately, if you live alone, you may
find this to be a big struggle. Don’t be sad first, you can find a way for it. Yeah maybe it is important, the
world where we are living is not the same as before. Through all the losses, the world has changed
during the pandemic. The new normal starts now. It is a great chance to be creative, to try and fail. It is
the perfect time to try whatever you want even if it starts from zero. The future of this world is in our
hands. We need to keep this world living. No matter how hard and how impossible it is to recover from
the situation. We youth have the incredible creativity to make the world a better place. Let your young,
wild, and free soul explore your true potentional.
Finally ladies and gentleman, that's all for my speech. I hope we've all learned something new from it
and enjoyed it, thank you very much for your attention Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi

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