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Prepared By
Ehthashamuddin. J. Sheikh, M.A., M.ED, IIST
# 116, T.K.A.R Building, G. Block,
Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields,
Kolar District, Karnataka State.
Mobile Number: - 9738483214

ROMEO AND JULIET 11. How does Juliet want Romeo to be immortalised?
I. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase, How, according to Juliet, would Romeo be
or a sentence each: immortalised to the world?
Ans: - Juliet wants Romeo to be immortalised as stars in
1. Who, according to Romeo, teaches the torches to heaven.
bum bright?
Ans: - Juliet. 12. Why will the world be in love with night?
Ans: - Romeo will make the face of heaven so fine that
2. To what does Romeo compare the women in the the world will fall in love with night.
room other than Juliet?
Ans: - To crows. 13. Why will people stop paying attention to the sun?
Ans: - After being cut into little stars, Romeo will make
3. What does Romeo intend to do after the measure is the face of heaven so fine that the world will stop paying
done? attention to the sun.
What does Romeo want to do as soon as the dance is 14. “For/never saw true beauty till this night” What
over? does true beauty‟ refer to?
Ans: - Romeo intends to dance with her or at least touch OR
her hand in greeting and make his blessed. Whom does the phrase „true beauty‟ refer to in
„Romeo and Juliet‟?
4. What, according to Romeo, will happen when he Ans: - Juliet’s beauty.
touches Juliet‟s hand?
Ans: - Romeo imagines that his coarse hand will be 15. How does Juliet hang on the cheek of the night?
blessed when he touches Juliet’s hand. Ans: - Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear.

5. What, according to Romeo, was not seen by him 16. When, according to Romeo, would his hand be
until he saw Juliet? blessed?
Ans: - Romeo had not seen what true beauty was until he Ans: - When Romeo touches Juliet’s hand in the dancing
saw Juliet. hall.

6. What does Juliet ask the loving, black-browed night 17. Whose rude hand would be made blessed by
to do? touching Juliet‟s hand?
Ans: - Juliet asks the loving, black-browed night to bring Ans: - Romeo’s rude hand would be made blessed when it
her Romeo to her. touches Juliet’s hand.

7. When does Juliet want Romeo to be set up in 18. Who is „whiter than new snow on a raven‟s back‟?
heaven with the stars? OR
Ans: - Juliet wants Romeo to be set up in heaven with the Who, according to Juliet, is whiter than new snow?
stars after her death. Ans: - Romeo.

8. Why does Juliet call Romeo „day in the night‟? 19. Who is compared to a „rich Jewel in an Ethiope‟s
Ans: - Juliet calls Romeo ‘day in the night’ because his ear‟?
presence will shine out against the darkness. Ans: - Juliet.

9. Who will come gliding on the wings of the night? 20. Who is compared to a „snowy dove‟?
Ans: - Romeo. OR
Whom does the phrase „snowy dove‟ refer to?
10. What does Juliet want Romeo to be after her OR
death? Who looks like a snowy dove to Romeo?
Ans: - Juliet wants Romeo to be set up in heaven amidst Ans: - Juliet.
the stars.

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

21. Whom does Romeo address as „yonder lady‟? 33. Who, according to Juliet, will lie upon the wings of
Ans: - Juliet. the night?
Ans: - According to Juliet, Romeo will lie upon the wings
22. Who, according to Juliet, would the entire world of night and come gliding to her.
be in love with at night?
Ans: - Romeo. 34. Where, according to Juliet, will Romeo lie upon?
Ans: - According to Juliet, Romeo will lie upon the back
23. Who, according to Juliet, would make the face of of a raven.
heaven so fine?
Ans: - Romeo. 35. Who, according to Juliet, is whiter than new snow?
Ans: - According to Juliet, Romeo is whiter than new
24. When would people not worship the garish sun, snow on the back of a raven.
according to Juliet? OR
Ans: - After Juliet’s death, when Romeo goes to heaven Romeo looks whiter than snow on the back of a raven.
as a star, he will make heaven so fine that people will
stop worshipping the garish sun. 36. Who, according to Juliet, is „day in the night‟?
Ans: - According to Juliet, it is Romeo who is like ‘day in
25. What does Juliet teach to bum bright? the night’.
Ans: - Juliet teaches the torches to bum bright
37. When does Juliet want Romeo to be cut out in little
26. Who will come gliding on the wings of the night? stars?
Ans: - Romeo. Ans: - Juliet wants Romeo to be cut out in little stars after
her death.
27. When, according to Juliet, would the entire world
be in love with night? 38. What does Juliet want Romeo to be cut out into
Ans: - Juliet believes that Romeo, after being set up after her death?
among the stars in heaven, will make the face of heaven Ans: - After her death, Juliet wants Romeo to be cut out
beautiful and charming. Then, the whole world would fall into little stars.
in love with night.
39. What, according to Juliet, will Romeo make so
28. Who, according to Romeo, seems to hang upon the fine?
cheek of the night? Ans: - Once Romeo is set up in heaven as a star, he will
Ans: - According to Romeo, Juliet seems to hang upon make the face of heaven so fine or beautiful and charming.
the cheek of night, like a jewelled earring hanging against
the cheek of an Ethiopian lady. 40. When Romeo shines like a star in the face of
heaven, the world will ______ according to Juliet.
29. Whose beauty, according to Romeo, is too rich for (a) worship the garish sun
use? (b) fall in love with night
Ans: - According to Romeo, it is Juliet’s beauty that is (c) keep staring at heaven
too rich for use. Ans: - (b) fall in love with night.

30. After the dance is over, Romeo intends to 41. When, according to Juliet, would the entire world
(a) meet and talk to Juliet be in love with night?
(b) touch Juliet‟s hand. Ans: - According to Juliet, when Romeo is set up as a star
(c) watch Juliet‟s place of the stand. in the sky, he will make the face of heaven so fine that the
Ans: - (b) touch Juliet’s hand. world would be in love with night.

31. Who is compared to crows by Romeo? 42. When would the world pay no worship to „the
Ans: - Romeo compares Juliet to a white dove and the garish sun”, according to Juliet?
other ladies in the hall to a flock of crows. Ans: - According to Juliet, the world will pay no worship
to the garish sun, only when the face of heaven looks fine.
32. When does Juliet expect Romeo to come?
Ans: - Juliet expects Romeo to come in the night

2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

43. Whom does Juliet associate with the „coming of OR

the night‟? How did Romeo express his love for Juliet?
Ans: - Juliet associates Romeo with the ‘coming of the OR
night’. „Forswear it, sight
For I ne‟er saw true beauty till this night‟. Why does
44. Whose beauty, according to Romeo, is too rich for Romeo feel so? Explain.
use? Ans: - Romeo and Juliet happen to see each other for the
Ans: - According to Romeo, Juliet’s beauty is too rich for first time in the hall where the dancers have gathered. The
use. moment Romeo sets his eyes on Juliet, he is so charmed
by her beauty that he stands apart and rapturously praises
II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of her beauty. It is night and the room is lit with torches.
80-100 words each: Romeo is overwhelmed by the beauty of Juliet and so he
exclaims and says that Juliet is brighter than the blaze of
1. How does Romeo glorify Juliet‟s flawless beauty? the torches. Next, he compares Juliet to a jewelled earring
OR hanging against the cheek of an African. He then praises
How does Romeo describe Juliet? her beauty likening Juliet to a white dove in the midst of a
OR flock of crows.
How does Romeo describe Juliet‟s beauty?
OR He tells himself that he had never felt so much in love
How is Romeo mesmerised by the beauty of Juliet? because he had never seen anyone truly beautiful like
OR Juliet until that night. Romeo is so overwhelmed by her
Juliet‟s beauty was too rich for use. How does Romeo beauty that he tells himself that when that dance is over,
describe it? he will watch her where she stands and will touch her
Ans: - The moment Romeo catches sight of Juliet, he is hand and make his coarse hand blessed.
enchanted with her flawless beauty. Immediately he
exclaims in wonder and says that she teaches the torches 4. Why, according to Juliet, would all the world stop
(that have lit up the room) to bum bright. Then noticing paying worship to the garish sun? Explain.
her conspicuous brightness in the night, he says that she Ans: - Juliet, who has married Romeo in secret, is waiting
appears like a precious jewel hanging in the ears of an impatiently for the arrival of night and along with it her
Ethiopian. Finally, seeing that she outshone every other love, Romeo, when their marriage will get consummated.
lady in the room, he says that she was like a snowy white Now, Juliet is intensely in love with Romeo and feels
dove trooping with crows. He tells himself that he had passionate for him to possess her so that she can own
never felt so much in love because he had never seen ‘love’. But the ‘day’ appears to be moving very slowly
anyone truly beautiful like Juliet until that night. and she apparently blames the sun for delaying her union
with Romeo. Secondly, her natural longing to be with
2. How does Juliet want people to forget the shining Romeo makes her blame the sun for being ‘lurid’ and
sun? Why? obtrusively bright
Ans: - Juliet was eager to be with Romeo. So she invokes
both the night and Romeo to come along with it so that he Once the night arrives, and along with it Romeo, their love
comes to her unseen by others. She believes that Romeo gets consummated. After her death she expects Romeo to
is ‘day in the night to her and hence his presence alone go to the heavens like a star. She believes that her Romeo
will make her night bright to her. Then, once she is will make the face of heaven so fine that the whole world
possessed by Romeo, her ‘love’ will have been realized. will fall in love with night.
Later, after her death, she wants the ‘night to set up
Romeo amongst the stars so that he will make the face of 5. How is the intensity of love between Romeo and
heaven beautiful and make the people forget the shining Juliet brought out in the poem?
sun. This way she wants their love to be immortalized. OR
Feelings of Romeo and Juliet for each other are
3. Does Romeo claim to have never seen true beauty expressed with intensity. Discuss.
till he saw Juliet How does he justify this statement? Ans: - The intensity of love between Romeo and Juliet is
OR brought out in Juliet’s soliloquy in which she addresses
Why does Romeo say he never saw true beauty till Romeo as ‘day in the night’. She imagines night like a bird
that night? Explain. and believes that Romeo will come gliding on the wings of

3 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

a night like ‘new snow’ on a raven’s back. Then, the sun will no longer be worshipped. It also implies that
addressing the ‘night’ as ‘gentle night’ and ‘black-browed their love will end in their tragic death because of the
night, she implores it to bring her Romeo to her. enmity that exists between the two families. Consequently,
the world will come to know about the tragic death of the
Next, she asks the night to set Romeo up in heaven as a two lovers and thus Romeo will be immortalized.
star so that he will make the face of heaven beautiful and
charming. She hopes that when that happens, ‘all the III. Answer the following questions in about 200 words
world will be in love with night and will not pay attention each:
to the overbright or lurid sun’. In short, love belongs to
Juliet now that she is married, but she does not own it, 1. „Romeo and Juliet‟ provides an insight into the use
and she can’t own love until Romeo possesses her. That of poetic devices in expressing human feelings. Explain.
is why there are so much longing and impatience in her Ans: - In this lesson, there are two soliloquies, one by
request tonight. Romeo and the other by Juliet. The first soliloquy is taken
from Act I, Scene V and the second from Act III, Scene II
6. How does Juliet express her love for Romeo? of Romeo and Juliet1, a romantic tragedy by William
OR Shakespeare. The language used by Shakespeare in these
How does Juliet express her feelings about Romeo? soliloquies is exceptionally creative and provides an
Ans: - The intensity of love between Romeo and Juliet is insight into his use of poetic devices in expressing human
brought out in Juliet’s soliloquy in which she addresses feelings.
Romeo as ‘day in night1. She imagines night like a bird
and believes that Romeo will come gliding on the wings In Act, I, Scene V, Romeo is attending a dance party in
of the night like ‘new snow’ on a raven’s back. Then, disguise, as it is hosted by Old Lord Capulet. Romeo is
addressing the ‘night1 as ‘gentle night7 and ‘black- seen gazing at some dancers on the dance floor. When
browed night’, she implores it to bring her Romeo to her. Romeo sees Juliet, he is so fascinated by her beauty that
Next, she asks the night to set Romeo up in heaven as a he asks a servant who the lady is. When the servant tells
star so that he will make the face of heaven beautiful and him that he does not know who she is, Romeo stands apart
charming. She hopes that when that happens, ‘all the and rapturously praises her beauty.
world will be in life with the night, and will not pay In this soliloquy, one witness the ebullient outpourings of
attention to the overbright or lurid sun’. a dreamy, young lover who has fallen in love with a
beautiful, young lady, at first sight, Shakespeare captures
7. Why does Juliet want Romeo to be cut out in little both the excitement and wonder the lovers feel on this
stars? occasion, in an extraordinary language which abounds in
Ans: - Once Juliet gets her Romeo, she does not fear poetic devices.
death. Like all mortals, if she dies, Juliet begs fate to set
him in heaven with the stars. His presence will make the Line one is hyperbolic. The use of hyperbole is quite
face of heaven so beautiful that the world will fall in love appropriate in this context because it is the voice of a
with ‘night7, and the sun will no longer be worshipped. It young lover who sees before him a beautiful girl who
also implies that their love will end in their tragic death symbolizes his aesthetic sense of what beauty ought to be
because of the enmity that exists between the two like. Inline 2, Juliet is likened to an earring, thus making it
families. Consequently, the world will come to know a simile. The earring hangs upon the cheek of night. Here
about the tragic death of the two lovers and thus Romeo ‘night’ is personified as a black lady. Thus, we see the use
will be immortalized. of personification as a device. The meaning is stretched
further in the next line, and thus in lines 2 and 3, we see
8. How does Juliet glorify her love for Romeo through the use of enjambment as a poetic device. (‘Enjambment’
her address tonight? refers to the running over of the sense and grammatical
Ans: - Soon after her marriage to Romeo, Juliet comes structure from one verse line or couplet to the next without
home and waits anxiously for the arrival of the night so a punctuated pause.) The extended meaning is expected to
that their love is consummated. She implores night to further highlight the beauty of Juliet using a sharp contrast
come soon and along with it bring her Romeo. Once she in the description of the personified night as an Ethiopian
gets her Romeo she does not fear death. Like all mortals, lady’s ear-ring.
if she dies, Juliet begs fate to set him in heaven with the
stars. His presence will make the face of heaven so We find another instance of enjambment in lines 5 and 6.
beautiful that the world will fall in love with ‘night’, and Dove is a symbol of love and a snowy dove is a symbol of

4 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

peace. This highlights the pristine love of the two young 2. Juliet‟s love for Romeo finds an expression of
lovers. The snowy dove is trooping with ‘crows’ is again exaggeration. Explain.
a sharp contrast between the other ladies in the hall and Ans: - It would be very unfair to Shakespeare’s mastery of
the brightness of Juliet. This contrast is to present a poetic art and also to Juliet’s characterization if we were to
striking visual spectacle before the audience. conclude that Juliet’s love for Romeo finds expression in
exaggeration. It is worth noting that both the actions –
Thus, the whole stretch of this soliloquy is an extended Romeo meeting Juliet in the dance hall and Juliet waiting
metaphor expressing the emotional intensity of a lover for Romeo, happen at night Secondly, both the lovers are
who has fallen in love at first sight. In the next two lines, young, innocent, dreamy, and inexperienced in love. Both
in the phrases ‘my rude hand’ and ‘my heart we find the of them have entered a new world and until their love for
use of ‘synecdoche’. The word ‘rude’ is tactile imagery. each other is secured through consummation, the
In the last line, the word ‘Beauty’, is a metaphor for playwright cannot show them in any other mood other
Juliet. Finally, in the sentence ‘Did my heart love till than portraying their longing for each other in emotive
now?’ we find Romeo’s realization that his love for language. Moreover, both of them have fallen in love at
Rosaline was only infatuation – a sensual feeling for a first sight and naturally, their emotional outpourings must
lady and devoid of all emotions, whereas now he is in the contain a description of their physical beauty.
throes of real love.
Since it is a play, the playwright has to make his language
The next soliloquy is by Juliet (Act III Scene II). In this overcharged with emotion so as to dramatize the situation.
scene, Juliet is now waiting for Romeo. In this beautiful Naturally, Juliet’s language is hyperbolic. Though
speech, we begin to understand the fullness of Juliet’s ‘hyperbole’ is generally defined as ‘exaggeration’, it is not
love. in the ordinary sense. Here ’hyperbole’ is a poetic device
and it has been appropriately used for enhancing the
In the first line, Juliet is addressing ‘night’ as an entity; dramatic effect one must also remember that plays are
night is personified. Thus there are two poetic devices meant to be performed. Therefore, while reading a play
used here – an apostrophe and personification. The poet one must also visualize the action. Therefore, whatever
wants to highlight Romeo’s brightness as seen by Juliet Juliet says is not an exaggeration but the emotional
when he comes to visit her at the night. outpourings of a young lady who has met her lover for the
first time and that too only for a short time. In this context,
Inline 1, ‘come, night; come, thou day in the night there her longing for Romeo comes out in poetic language.
is a form of parallelism called ‘asyndeton’. (It is a form
of verbal compression which consists of the omission of In Juliet’s soliloquy in Act III scene II, Juliet is now
connecting words between clauses.) Next, Juliet calls waiting for Romeo. From this speech, we begin to
Romeo’s day-in-night’ which is a metaphor. understand the fullness of Juliet’s love. She desires the act
of love, not just for the physical pleasure, but because it
In the second line ‘night’ is personified as a bird. In the represents for her the pinnacle of marriage. Juliet has met
next line, the bird is mentioned as a ‘raven’, and Romeo’s a lover for the first time in her life and this experience of
brightness or white complexion is compared with new nascent love in an innocent, virgin maiden finds its best
snow on the raven’s back. Here, there is a simile. In the expression in this soliloquy.
fourth line also ‘night* is personified. Juliet describes the
night as having black eyebrows, like a human being. In the first line, Juliet is addressing ‘night’ as an entity and
Finally, in line 7, we see personification in the phrase night are personified. Thus there are two poetic devices
‘face of heaven’. Inline 8, we see the use of ‘metonymy’ used here – an apostrophe and personification. Here
in the phrase ‘all the world will be in love with the night’. Shakespeare is using them for contrast and emphasis. The
It means to say that all the people in the world will be in poet wants to highlight Romeo’s brightness as seen by
love with night Juliet when he comes to visit her at the night. Next, Juliet
calls Romeo ‘day-in-night’ which is a metaphor.
Thus Shakespeare uses emotive language to associate it
with the theme of love to demonstrate Romeo’s In the second line, ‘night is personified as a bird. In the
love/feelings for Juliet and to create drama. Thus one can next line, the bird is mentioned as a ‘raven’, and Romeo’s
undoubtedly say that ‘Romeo and Juliet’ provides an brightness or white complexion is compared with the new
insight into the use of poetic devices. snow on the raven’s back. Here, there is a simile. In the
fourth line also ‘night’ is personified. Juliet describes the

5 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

night as having black eyebrows, like a human being. In

line 7 we see ‘personification’ in the phrase ‘face of
heaven’. We see the use of‘metonymy’ in the phrase ‘the
world will be in love with the night’, which means to say
that all the people of the world will be in love with night
In view of the situation that is being presented,
exaggeration is quite appropriate.


6 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

TOO DEAR! Ans: - The Prince of Monaco monopolized the business of

gaming at the roulette table.
I. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase,
or a sentence each: 10. What unusual crime was committed in the kingdom
of Monaco?
1. Where is the kingdom of Monaco situated? Ans: - Once, a murder was committed in the Prince‟s
Ans: - Near the borders of France and Italy. domains.

2. How many inhabitants are there in the kingdom of 11. What was the hitch in the execution of the
Monaco? criminal?
What is the population of the kingdom of Monaco? Why couldn‟t the murderer be executed?
Ans: - About seven thousand. OR
Mention one of the reasons for altering the death
3. If the kingdom of Monaco were divided among its sentence to life imprisonment in „Too Dear!‟.
inhabitants, how much land would each inhabitant Ans: - The Kingdom of Monaco did not have either a
get? guillotine machine ora professional executioner.
Ans: - Each inhabitant would get less than an acre.
12. To whom did the ministers of Monaco write first to
4. How many men are there in the army of Monaco? help them with the execution?
OR Ans: - The ministers of Monaco wrote a letter of inquiry
How many soldiers were there in the kingdom of to the French Government to lend them a guillotine
Monaco in „Too Dear!‟? machine and the services of an expert and also inform
Ans: - There are only sixty men in the army of Monaco. them of the cost of doing so.

5. What are the items on which tax is levied in 13. How much did the French government expect for a
Monaco? guillotine machine and an expert?
Ans: - The items on which tax is levied are tobacco, OR
wine, and spirits. The people of Monaco also pay poll- How much would a guillotine and an executioner cost
tax. if supplied from France?
Ans: - The French Government offered to lend a guillotine
6. Name the special source of revenue in the kingdom machine and an expert for a price of 16000 francs.
of Monaco.
OR 14. Who, according to the Council, was a brother
Where does the special income mentioned in Too Monarch?
Dear!‟ come from? Ans: - The King of Italy.
Ans: - The large sum of money paid by the gaming
housekeeper, out of his profits from the gaming house. 15. How much did the Italian government demand to
supply a guillotine and an executioner?
7. How did the king of Monaco supplement the Ans: - 12000 francs.
kingdom‟s revenue?
Ans: - By keeping to himself the monopoly of the 16. What reason did the soldiers give for not accepting
gaming business. to execute the criminal?
8. Where was the only gambling establishment left in Why couldn‟t the soldiers undertake the job of killing
Europe located? the criminal?
OR Ans: - The soldiers said that they did not know how to do
Which was the only place of gambling in Europe as it and that was one thing that they had not been taught.
mentioned in „Too Dear!‟?
Ans: - Monaco. 17. Where was the criminal‟s food fetched from in „Too
9. What business does the Prince of Monaco Ans: - From the palace kitchen.

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

18. Who brought food from the palace kitchen for the Ans: - The Prince‟s kitchen/ the palace kitchen.
OR 27. The King‟s special revenue in „Too Dear!‟ came
Who fetched the criminal‟s food initially in „Too from
Dear!‟? a) gaming house
Ans: - The guard who was appointed to keep watch over b) poll tax
the prisoner brought food for him from the palace c) tax on tobacco.
kitchen. , Ans: - (a) gaming house.

19. What was the new item of expenditure noticed by 28. The people of Monaco mentioned in „Too Dear!‟
the Prince? were
Ans: - The new item of expenditure was the money spent a) sociable
on keeping a guard to watch the criminal and to feed the b) peaceable
criminal. c) fashionable.
Ans: - (b) peaceable.
20. What was the pension offered to the criminal?
Ans: - The king offered a pension of 600 francs to the 29. Name the „Toy Kingdom‟ mentioned in „Too
criminal. Dear!‟.
Ans: - Monaco is the „Toy Kingdom‟ mentioned in „Too
21. How much did the criminal receive as an advance Dear!‟.
of his annuity before leaving Monaco?
Ans: - One-third of his annuity. 30. Who is referred to as „a rascal‟ by the king in „Too
22. What work did the prisoner do after being Ans: - The criminal who committed a murder in Monaco
released from prison? is referred to as „a rascal‟ by the king in „Too Dear!‟.
How did the criminal start a new life after he 31. Where did the criminal settle after emigrating in
emigrated from Monaco? „Too Dear!‟?
OR Ans: - After emigrating, the criminal settled in a place just
What did the criminal do to earn his living after his across the frontiers, which could be reached by rail in only
release? a quarter of an hour.
Ans: - The prisoner bought a bit of land and started
market-gardening. 32. Which government is Republican and has no
proper respect for the King in „Too Dear!‟?
23. What business does the King of Monaco Ans: - In „Too Dear!‟, the French government is
monopolise? Republican and has no respect for the King.
Ans: - The King of Monaco monopolizes the business of
gambling. 33. How long was the criminal in the prison in „Too
24. What was the initial punishment given to the Ans: - The criminal remained in the prison watched by a
criminal by the council? guard for one year. Then, the guard was dismissed so as to
Ans: - The council suggested that the criminal‟s head be prompt him to run away. But he remained there on his
cut off as directed by law. own, unguarded until he was promised a pension.

25. “In war, they don‟t mind killing people”. Here, 34. What does the keeper of the gaming house pay the
the word „they‟ refers to Prince in „Too Dear!‟?
a) Council Ans: - The keeper of the gaming house pays a large sum
b) Soldiers to the prince, out of his profits from the gaming house.
c) Commission.
Ans: - (b) soldiers 35. Who gains more from the gaming house in „Too
26. Where did the criminal go to fetch his dinner in Ans: - In „Too Dear!‟, the prince gains more from the
„Too Dear!‟? gaming house.

2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

36. What was unusual about the murder committed in the work for 12000 francs which included the travelling
Monaco in „Too Dear!‟? expenses also.
Ans: - It was unusual for a murder to be committed in
Monaco because the people were peaceable and never If the king had accepted the offer, he would have been
had such a crime like „murder‟ happened before. forced to levy 2 francs per head on the whole population
to collect 12000 francs. The people would not have
37. The king had to find a special source of revenue accepted such a financial burden and that would have
because caused a riot. When the General of the Army also pleaded
a) the income from the taxes was insufficient his inability to get the criminal executed by the soldiers,
b) his people drank and smoked less. the ministers met again. They assembled a Commission,
c) the people of Monaco gambled a lot and a committee and a sub-committee to explore other
Ans: - (a) the income from the taxes was insufficient. ways of punishing the criminal at a cheaper price. They all
came to the conclusion that altering the death sentence to
38. The death sentence in „Too Dear!‟ was altered one of imprisonment for life was the best thing to do. They
because also felt that such a step would enable the prince to show
a) the king wanted to show mercy to the criminal. his mercy. The king too felt that it was not worth spending
b) doing so would not be expensive. so much money to execute a criminal. Therefore, the king
c) no one was willing to execute the criminal. changed the death sentence to one of imprisonment for
Ans: - (b) doing so would not be expensive. life.

39. When the guard was dismissed, the criminal in 2. Why did the criminal refuse to run away/escape
„Too Dear!‟ from the prison?
a) was happy and tried to run away. OR
b) worried about the guard‟s family What were the arguments put forth by the prisoner
c) did not show any sign of running away. for not running away from the prison?
Ans: - (c) did not show any sign of running away. OR
Why did the criminal refuse to escape from the prison
40. The criminal in „Too Dear!‟ agreed to go away in „Too Dear!‟?
from the prison after Ans: - When the king realized that it was a serious matter
a) he was offered a pension. to keep a criminal imprisoned for life and it would cause
b) he was allowed to emigrate. his people a huge financial burden, he summoned his
c) the guard was dismissed. ministers and asked them to find a cheaper way of
Ans: - (a) he was offered a pension. punishing the criminal. The ministers met and after several
deliberations suggested that they must dismiss the guard
41. Which kingdom in „Too Dear!‟ monopolised the and 6ave some money. The king agreed to their
gaming business? suggestion. Soon, the guard was dismissed and they
Ans: - In „Too Dear!‟, a tiny little kingdom called waited curiously to see what the criminal would do. The
Monaco monopolised the gaming business. criminal came out of his prison at dinner time, collected
his food from the palace kitchen, and returned to the
II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of prison, shut the door on himself, and stayed inside.
80-100 words each:
Later, the Minister of Justice asked him why he had not
1. Why was the murderer finally sentenced to run away, as there was no guard to watch over him. They
imprisonment for life? even told him that the prince would not mind if he ran
OR away. But the prisoner told them that he had nowhere to
Why was the death sentence of the murderer altered go as his character had been ruined and people would turn
to imprisonment for life? their backs on him. Moreover, he had forgotten the habit
Ans: - The king of Monaco sent two letters of inquiry to of working and so if he ran away he would be forced to
France and Italy so as to borrow a guillotine machine and work for earning his living. That is why the criminal
the services of an executioner to execute the criminal. refused to run away from prison.
The French Government wrote to Monaco that it would
cost them 16000 francs. The King of Italy offered to do 3. Why did the Council decide to offer the criminal a

3 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

OR and like any other real king, the kinglet lives in a palace
Why was the criminal finally offered a pension? How with courtiers, ministers, a bishop, generals, and a small
did this offer benefit him? army of only sixty men in all. The king lives by
Ans: - The Minister of Justice asked the prisoner why he collecting taxes from the people, on tobacco, wine, and
did not run away as there was no guard to watch over spirits and a poll tax. Besides, the king also received a
him. He also told him that the king would not mind if he large sum of money from a gaming housekeeper.
escaped. But the prisoner told him that he had nowhere to
go as his character had been ruined and the people would 6. Why was the criminal offered a pension finally?
turn their backs on him. Furthermore, as he had been How did this offer benefit him?
given food in the prison itself and by doing so he had OR
been prevented from doing any work to earn his living, he The criminal led a comfortable life after his release.
had become lazy. Therefore, he refused to go away. He Explain.
was also feeling bad that he had been treated badly. The OR
ministers met once more and discussed the matter How did the criminal benefit from the pension he was
seriously. It struck them that the only way to get rid of offered?
him was to offer him a pension. Ans: - The king‟s authorities could not get the criminal
executed as per the king‟s orders because there was
Not only would the criminal get some money to feed neither a guillotine for cutting heads off nor an
himself as long as he was alive, but there would not also executioner in their kingdom. Then, they tried hiring a
be any need to worry about him anymore. That is why the guillotine and an executioner from their neighbouring
council decided to offer the criminal a pension. The countries. When they realized that it would cost them a
criminal received one-third of his annuity in advance and large sum of money which had to be recovered from the
emigrated to another country just across the frontier. people through additional taxation, they decided to ask a
There he bought a bit of land and started market- soldier to cut off the criminal‟s head. But, when they
gardening. He visited the gaming tables and staked two or failed to find a soldier who would be ready to cut off the
three francs, sometimes winning and sometimes losing. criminal‟s head, they altered the death sentence to one of
He lived comfortably and peaceably like the others. imprisonment for life.

4. Why did the authorities in Monaco fail to carry out However, when they found that the cost of maintaining a
the death sentence? prisoner in prison with a guard on duty cost the king
Ans: - The authorities in Monaco failed to carry out the dearly, they dismissed the guard and asked the criminal to
death sentence because there was neither a guillotine for run away. But, when the criminal told them that he had
cutting heads off nor an executioner. Though they tried to nowhere to go and no work to do, they offered him a
borrow a machine and an expert from their neighbouring pension of 600 francs and sent him away. The criminal
countries France and Italy, they realized that it would cost received one-third of his annuity in advance and
the kingdom a huge sum of money and the king would be emigrated to another country just across the frontier.
forced to collect nearly two francs more per head on the There he bought a bit of land and started market-
taxes. Even if they were to get the machine, none of the gardening. He visited the gaming tables and staked two or
soldiers in the army was ready to cut off the criminal‟s three francs, sometimes winning and sometimes losing.
head because they had not been taught how to behead a He lived comfortably and peaceably like the others.
criminal. Therefore, the authorities gave up the idea of
carrying out the death sentence. 7. Describe the efforts of the ministers in carrying out
the death sentence in „Too Dear!‟.
5. How does the narrator describe the toy kingdom‟? Ans: - Soon after receiving the judgment given by the
OR court, the prince read out the sentence, confirmed it, and
Describe the kingdom of Monaco with reference to ordered the execution of the criminal. However, there
„Too Dear!‟. was a problem in executing the king‟s orders. Monaco
Ans: - The tiny little kingdom called Monaco lies near did not have either a guillotine or an executioner. The
the borders of France and Italy. There are only about ministers discussed the matter and sent a letter of inquiry
seven thousand inhabitants in it The kingdom is so small to the French Government asking whether they could
that if all the land in the kingdom were divided among its lend them a machine and an expert to execute the
inhabitants, there would not be even an acre of land for criminal and also inform the cost involved. The French
each inhabitant. But this toy kingdom has a real kinglet Government informed them that it would lend them a

4 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

machine and an expert as well and it would cost 16000 criminal. The next meeting was held between the king and
francs. the council of ministers to inform the king that the French
government had asked 16000 francs as a rental for the
When the ministers informed the king about it, he thought machine and the expert and to seek the king‟s consent
over it and felt that it would be too burdensome for his When the king asked them whether the job could not be
people to bear. Then a similar inquiry was sent to the done at a lesser price, the ministers held another meeting
King of Italy. The Italian government offered to lend a and decided to send a similar inquiry to the king of Italy.
machine and an expert at a cost of 12000 francs which
included travelling expenses also. Though the price When they learnt that the Italian government wanted
quoted by the Italian government was lesser than that of 12000 francs for the job, they held another meeting to
the French government, the king felt that the price was explore other ways of doing the job with less expense.
too much for a toy kingdom like theirs. Later, they consulted the Army General and requested him
to find a soldier who would do the execution. When they
Therefore, the council met discussed the issue and asked came to know that none of the soldiers would do it, the
the General of the Army whether a soldier in the Army authorities assembled a commission, a committee, and a
would be ready to cut off the man‟s head in a rough and sub-committee and finally came to the conclusion that the
homely fashion. When the General discussed this issue best way would be to alter the death sentence to one of
with his soldiers, no soldier agreed to do it because they imprisonment for life.
had not been taught how to behead a criminal.
11. How does the kinglet in „Too Dear!‟ feed his
8. How did the criminal spend his life after he was courtiers and officials and keep himself?
given a pension in „Too Dear!‟? Ans: - Though it was a tiny little kingdom, Monaco had
Ans: - When the criminal told the ministers that he had seven thousand inhabitants. Its kinglet lived like a real
nowhere to go and no work to do, they offered him a king in a palace with courtiers, ministers, a bishop,
pension of 600 francs and sent him away. The criminal generals, and an army of sixty men. The king managed his
received one-third of his annuity in advance and kingdom by collecting taxes from the people on tobacco,
emigrated to another country just across the frontier. wine, and spirits, and a poll tax. As the revenue so
There he bought a bit of land and started market- collected was inadequate, he permitted a gaming house to
gardening. He visited the gaming tables and staked two or function in his kingdom. Its keeper paid a large sum to the
three francs, sometimes winning and sometimes losing. kinglet. Since it was the only gaming house in the
He lived comfortably and peaceably like the others. continent, it fetched the King of Monaco enough revenue
to manage his kingdom. Thus he was able to feed himself
9. Where was the criminal in „Too Dear!‟ kept and and his people with this revenue.
what were the arrangements made for him?
Ans: - In „Too Dear!‟, as soon as the prince had agreed to III. Answer the following questions in about 200 words
alter the death sentence to one of imprisonment for life, each:
the ministers began making arrangements for imprisoning
the criminal. But, they did not find a prison suitable for a 1. Describe the various ways in which the Prince of
criminal sentenced to life imprisonment. Finally, they Monaco tried to get the criminal executed.
managed to find a place strong enough to keep the OR
criminal in it. They put the young criminal there and Describe the attempts made by the ministers in solving
placed a guard over him. They asked the guard to watch the problem of cutting off the criminal‟s head.
over the criminal and also to fetch his food from the Ans: - Soon after receiving the judgment given by the
palace kitchen. court, the prince read out the sentence, confirmed it, and
ordered the execution of the criminal. However, there was
10. Why were a series of meetings held in Monaco in a problem in executing the king‟s orders. Monaco did not
„Too Dear!‟? have either a guillotine or an executioner. The ministers
Ans: - In Monaco, a series of meetings were held to discussed the matter and sent a letter of inquiry to the
figure out the most prudent or the least expensive way of French Government asking whether they could lend them
executing the criminal. As there was no guillotine or an a machine and an expert to execute the criminal and also
executioner in Monaco, the council of ministers discussed inform the cost involved in it. The French Government
the issue and decided to request the French government to informed them that it would lend them a machine and an
lend them a machine and an expert to execute the expert as well and it would cost 16000 francs.

5 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

When the ministers informed the king about it, he thought Moreover, he had forgotten the habit of working and so if
over it and felt that it would be too burdensome for his he ran away he would be forced to work to earn his living.
people to bear. Then a similar inquiry was sent to the The ministers met once more and discussed the matter
King of Italy. The Italian government offered to lend a seriously. It struck them that the only way to get rid of him
machine and an expert at a cost of 12000 francs which was to offer him a pension. The king gave his consent and
included travelling expenses also. Though the price they finally got rid of him by offering a pension of 600
quoted by the Italian government was lesser than that of francs a year. The prisoner received one-third of his
the French government, the king felt that the price was annuity in advance and left the king‟s dominions. Thus, in
too much for a toy kingdom like theirs. spite of all their efforts, the king and his team failed in
punishing the criminal.
Therefore, the council met discussed the issue and asked
the General of the Army whether a soldier in the Army 3. The king of Monaco is a man without a decisive
would be ready to cut off the man‟s head in a rough and stand. Do you agree with this? Substantiate your
homely fashion. When the General discussed this issue answer with reference to „Too Dear!‟.
with his soldiers, no soldier agreed to do it because they Ans: - No, I do not agree with the statement, “The King of
had not been taught how to behead a criminal. Monaco is a man without a decisive stand” because there
is enough evidence to prove that he had to act according to
2. Explain how and why the Council got rid of the the needs of the situation.
OR The King of Monaco kept changing his mind in dealing
In spite of all their efforts, the king and his team failed with the criminal because, every time he took a decision,
in punishing the criminal. How is it narrated in the he faced a problem to execute it. First, the king accepted
story Too Dear!‟? the judge‟s verdict and ordered the execution of the
Ans: - Soon after the king had ordered imprisonment for criminal, but he cancelled it and changed the sentence to
life as the punishment, the ministers with great difficulty „imprisonment for life‟ because there was neither a
managed to find a place to keep the criminal imprisoned. guillotine machine nor an executioner in his country.
They put him in it and placed a guard to watch over him.
This way the criminal spent one year in prison. This Moreover, if he had decided to borrow one from the King
arrangement cost the king 600 francs a year. When the of Italy, he would have been forced to levy 2 francs per
king thought over it, it struck him that the criminal was person as additional tax which he did not like. Secondly,
young and may live for another fifty years. after keeping the criminal in prison for one year, he
realized that he had to spend 600 francs on the
The king became apprehensive about the cost of keeping maintenance of the criminal until his death, which would
the criminal imprisoned for life. Therefore, he summoned have proved to be again a financial burden to his people.
his ministers and asked them to find a cheaper way of
punishing the criminal. The ministers met and discussed Therefore, as advised by his council of ministers, he
the issue and came to the conclusion that the only way to dismissed the guard hoping that the prisoner would run
save money was to dismiss the guard. They believed that away. But the prisoner refused to run away because he had
the criminal would run away and their problem would be nowhere to go and he had got out of the habit of working.
solved. The king agreed to their suggestion and the guard Once again the king faced a new problem. Then, as
was dismissed accordingly. suggested by his council of ministers, the king ordered
payment of 600 francs a year as pension and got rid of the
However, they waited curiously to see what the criminal criminal.
would do. The criminal came out of his prison at dinner
time, collected his food from the palace kitchen, and 4. „Too Dear!‟ ridicules the foolishness of rulers.
returned to the prison, shut the door on himself, and Discuss.
stayed inside. Later, the Minister of Justice asked him Ans: - The story „Too Dear!‟ exposes the predicament of a
why he had not run away, as there was no guard to watch ruler who is forced to revise his own judgment not out of
over him. They even assured him that the prince would mercy but out of financial compulsions. The narrator
not mind his running away. But the prisoner told them seems to ridicule the foolishness of rulers who make rules
that he had nowhere to go as his character had been unmindful of the real situation in which they are placed.
ruined and people would turn their backs on him.

6 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

The story is thus a parody of one of the modern systems tobacco, wine and spirits and a poll tax. As the revenue
of governance. It ridicules the ways of bringing criminals collected from the people is too meagre to feed himself
to book and dispensing justice in modern states. Though and his people, the king permits a gaming house where
the story is narrated in a matter of fact tone, there is an people play roulette. From the profits of the gaming house,
undercurrent of sarcasm. the king gets a large sum of money.

Monaco is a tiny kingdom with only seven thousand It so happens that a crime is committed, and the king being
inhabitants. It has a real kinglet who lives in a palace with the moral authority has to exercise his authority. Herein
courtiers, ministers, a bishop, generals, and an army of lies the crux of the whole story. The king behaves like a
only sixty men in all. The king lives by collecting taxes king of a big kingdom in terms of both money and muscle
on tobacco, wine and spirits, and a poll tax. As the power and issues a death sentence, which cannot be
revenue collected from the people is too meagre to feed implemented and instead of punishing the criminal, ends
himself and his people, the king permits a gaming house up giving him a pension. This ironical situation is created
where people play roulette. From the profits of the because of the foolishness of the king. The king ought to
gaming house, the king gets a large sum of money. have arrived at the final decision only after examining the
ground reality.
This is the situation in which the king is placed. From this
one can infer that, based on the size of the population and That is why, the narrator says, “It is a good thing that the
the army, the king can only be a toy king or a dummy criminal committed his crime in Monaco” to ridicule the
who in reality cannot control the behaviour of the people king because despite being the king he has no power to
except through mutual understanding and ethical exercise his authority.

The system of governance is only a make-believe system

and it can boomerang or collapse at any point in time. As
long as life goes on smoothly, there is no need for the
king to prove to the people that he is their ruler and they
must obey him. But, it so happens that a crime is
committed, and the king being the moral authority has to **************
exercise his authority. Herein lies the crux of the whole

The king behaves like a king of a big kingdom in terms of

both money and muscle power and announces a death
sentence, which cannot be implemented and, instead of
punishing the criminal, gives him a pension. This ironic
situation is created because of the foolishness of the king.
The king ought to have arrived at his final decision about
the criminal only after examining the ground reality.

5. „It is a good thing that the criminal committed his

crime in Monaco‟. Why does the narrator in „Too
Dear!‟ feel so? Explain.
Ans: - The story „Too Dear!‟ exposes the predicament of
a ruler who is forced to revise his own judgment not out
of mercy but out of financial compulsions. The narrator
seems to ridicule the foolishness of rulers who make rules
unmindful of the real situation in which they are placed.

Monaco is a tiny kingdom with only seven thousand

inhabitants. It has a real kinglet who lives in a palace with
courtiers, ministers, a bishop, generals and an army of
only sixty men. The king lives by collecting taxes on

7 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

ON CHILDREN 11. What does the phrase’the bow that is stable’ refer
I. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase, Ans: - The phrase „the bow that is stable‟ refers to parents
or a sentence each: who serve God‟s wishes without fail and with conviction.

1. Who does the word “bows’ refer to in the poem? 12. In ‘On Children’, God loves the arrow that flies as
Ans: - To parents. well as the bow that
(a) does not bend
2. Who does ‘living arrows’ refer to in the poem? (b) breaks
Ans: - To children. (c) is stable.
Ans: - (c) is stable.
3. Who does ‘archer’ refer to in the poem?
Ans: - To God. 13. Who asked the Prophet to speak on children?
Ans: - A woman asked the prophet to speak about
4. Who does God use as his instrument to send living children.
arrows to the earth?
Ans: - Parents. 14. Where, according to the speaker, do the souls of
children dwell?
5. Why does God bend the parents with all his might? Ans: - According to the speaker, the souls of children
Ans: - God bends the parents with all his might to test dwell in the house of tomorrow.
them for stability and strength so that the arrows
(children) that they shoot travel far and reach their 15. What should parents not give their children?
destination. Ans: - Parents may give only their love for their children
and should not give their thoughts.
6. What brings children to the earth?
Ans: - Life‟s longing for itself. 16. What does not go backward, according to the
speaker, in ‘On Children’?
7. Who dwells in the house of tomorrow? Ans: - Life.
Ans: - Children.
17. Why does the archer bend his bow?
8. Who loves both the bow and the arrow? Ans: - The archer bends his bow so that His arrows might
OR go swift and far.
According to the speaker of ‘On Children’, the one
who loves both the arrow and the bow is 18. Whose sons and daughters are our children,
(a) the archer according to the speaker, in ‘On Children’?
(b) the parents Ans: - According to the speaker in „On Children‟, our
(c) the children. children are the sons and daughters of life‟s longing for
Ans: - God, the archer. itself.

9. What, according to the speaker, can parents not 19. Who, according to the speaker in ‘On Children’,
visit? have their own thoughts?
Ans: - The parents cannot visit the house/houses or the Ans: - According to the speaker in „On Children‟, the sons
world in which their children are going to live. They also and daughters of life‟s longing for itself have their own
can‟t visit their houses even in their dreams. thoughts.

10. In ‘On Children’, you may give them your love but 20. Who, according to the speaker in ‘On Children’,
not your are sent forth as living arrows?
(a) dreams Ans: - According to the speaker in „On Children‟, our
(b) thoughts children are sent forth as living arrows.
(c) gladness.
Ans: - (b) thoughts. 21. Where, according to the speaker in ‘On Children’,
does the archer see the mark?

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Ans: - According to the speaker in „On Children‟, the as much as they can and take good care of them as we do
archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite. to someone who is given to our charge. Parents should not
impose their thoughts and ideas on them because our
22. Who, according to the speaker in “On Children’, children belong to the future whereas we belong to the
sees the mark upon the path of the infinite? past generation.
Ans: - According to the speaker in „On Children‟, the
archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite. 2. How should parents raise their children, according
to the speaker?
23. According to the speaker in ’On Children’, life OR
does not go ______ How should parents take care of their children,
(a) swift according to the speaker in ‘On Children’?
(b) backward Ans: - Almustafa tells parents that they can only act as
(c) forth. „stewards‟ and their role is one of „stewardship‟; parents
Ans: - (b) backward. should not treat their children as their puppets but shower
their love as much as they can and take good care of them
24. Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for as we do to someone who is given to our charge. Parents
______. The right word from ‘On Children’ to fill in should take care of their needs only and should not impose
the blank is their thoughts and ideas on them. They should not do so
(a) gladness because our children belong to the future whereas we
(b) longing belong to the past generation.
(c) striving.
Ans: - (a) gladness. 3. What are the views of the Prophet on parents and
children in the poem ‘On Children’?
25. The house of tomorrow in ‘On Children’ cannot Ans: - According to the Prophet, a child is a gift from the
be visited even in _______ abundance of existence and it is eternal life itself. Children
(a) thoughts are born as sons and daughters as „life‟s longing for itself‟.
(b) ideas Parents do not create them and hence cannot possess them.
(c) dreams. Parents serve as a „passage‟ or vehicle to bring the
Ans: - (c) dreams. children to this world. Further, children have their own
thoughts because they have the free will to do as they
26. The’archer’in’On Children’refers to please. Whereas parents belong to the yesterdays, their
(a) child children belong to the future. The children will have their
(b) God own scriptures and saints; hence parents should only give
(c) Prophet. them as much love as they can and not their thoughts.
Ans: - (b) God. Parents should not thrust their past as an inheritance on
their children but should let them grow according to their
27. According to the speaker in ‘On Children’, life own potential.
does not tarry with
(a) today Gibran uses the metaphor of archer-bow-and-arrows to
(b) tomorrow explain the role of parents in bringing up children. In this
(c) yesterday. metaphor, God is the archer, the parents represent the bow,
Ans: - (c) yesterday. and the children are the living arrows. Like an archer, God
bends the bows testing them for stability to aid the arrows
II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of as they try to reach their destination. “It is the archer who
80-100 words each: decides the target, which is marked upon the path of the
infinite, and He bends the parents (bows) with His might
1. How, according to the speaker, should parents look that His arrows may go swift and far”.
upon their children?
Ans: - According to the prophet Almustafa, parents 4. How is the parent and children relationship brought
should never believe that they own or possess their out in Kahlil Gibran’s poem ‘On Children’?
children. They should behave as though their role is that Ans: - In his sermon „On Children‟, Gibran assumes the
of being guards and/or „stewards‟. Parents should not persona of Almustafa and speaks to the people with the
treat their children as their puppets but shower their love

2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

intention of enlightening them about „children‟ and to Since God is the creator and the final destination, God is
guide them as to how they should bring up their children. the archer, the parents his bow, and the children his
arrows. We only serve to send the arrows swift and far and
First, he says that „children‟ are born to fulfill the help it reach its destination. God loves both the bow and
„longing‟ of life itself. They are a gift from the abundance the arrows because God is the eternal creator of nature‟.
of existence. God, the supreme power, uses parents as a
vehicle or passage to bring children to this earth. Since 2. ‘On Children’ offers new insights into the parent-
parents do not create „life‟, parents do not own children. children relationships. Discuss.
They may house their bodies but not their souls. OR
‘On Children’persuades parents to see their children
Secondly, children have their own souls and are not non- in a new light Elaborate.
living things. Therefore parents cannot possess them as Ans: - „On Children‟ is a sermon given by Almustafa to a
puppets. Life‟s longing for itself brings forth children in woman holding a babe against her bosom. The fourteen-
the form of sons and daughters. Hence, our sons and line poem is in the form of an imaginary conversation
daughters do not belong to us though we have borne between a mother and the prophet Of the fourteen lines,
them. the first five lines are devoted to enlightening the parents
about who the children are and the remaining lines explain
Thirdly, since parents bring children to this earth, they the role of the parents in bringing up their children.
should also take care of children as „stewards‟ and protect
them, take care of their needs until they grow and mature „On Children‟ offers new insight into the parent-children
and become fully developed individuals. Parents should relationship, and rejects our traditional, time-honoured,
take care of their needs only and should not impose their and conservative ideas of bringing up children.
thoughts and ideas on them.
According to the speaker, a child is a gift from the
III. Answer the following questions in about 200 abundance of existence and it is eternal life itself. Children
words each: are born as sons and daughters as life‟s longing for itself.
Life longs to reproduce itself, and parents are its servants
1. “Your children are not your children’ How does who execute that master plan. God uses parents as his
the poet illustrate this truth in the poem? instrument to send living „arrows‟ to the earth. God, or the
OR Supreme Being, is the archer, the parents are the bows and
How does the poem bring out the relationship between the children are the living arrows. Parents do not create
parents and children? them and hence they cannot possess them.
Ans: - The poet firmly believes that life is a journey, and
God is both the „starting point‟ and the destination. This They are only the medium through which life expresses
journey is an inner one, a spiritual one and we are born to itself. Children have their own thoughts because they have
undertake this journey. The whole poem serves to express the free will to do as they please. Parents can only act as
this belief. The poet attempts to explain what role the „stewards‟ and their role is one of „stewardship‟. Parents
parents should play in bringing up their children. should not treat their children as their puppets but shower
as much of their love as they can.
The speaker says that a child is a gift from the abundance
of existence and it is eternal life itself. That is why the Parents should take care of their needs only and should not
poet says that „your children are not your children‟. Then impose their thoughts and ideas on them because our
he makes our role clear. He tells the parents that they children belong to the future, whereas the parents belong
have brought their children to this world because they to the past generation. Therefore, parents should also not
have been chosen to serve as a „passage‟ or vehicle to burden their children with their dead past, their scriptures,
bring them to this world. and their saints. Since life looks forward and does not
linger on, parents should let their children build their
Further, he tells us that since children belong to the future future, realize their potential, and resist the temptation to
they have their own thoughts and the free will to do as force their children to be like their carbon copy.
they please. Then he tells us that we have to take care of
our children as „stewards‟ and give them „love‟ and 3. The poem, ‘On Children’rejects conservative
physical nourishment so that they grow up to serve their upbringing of children. Explain.

3 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Ans: - „On Children‟ is a sermon given by Almustafa to a impose their thoughts and ideas on them because our
woman holding a babe against her bosom. The fourteen- children belong to the future, whereas parents belong to
line poem is in the form of an imaginary conversation the past generation.
between a mother and the prophet Of the fourteen lines,
the first five lines are devoted to enlightening the parents
As parents, our days are over. We may try to be like our
about who the children are and the remaining lines children, but our past acts like a barrier. Since parents
explain the role of the parents in bringing up their belong to the yesterdays and their children belong to the
children. tomorrows, parents cannot conceive of their future. The
children will have their own scriptures and saints. The
„On Children‟ offers new insight into the parent-children present is not only a meeting point but also a point of
relationship, and rejects our traditional, time-honoured departure. Every day the gap between parents and their
and conservative ideas of bringing up children. children will become wider and wider.

According to the speaker, a child is a gift from the The children have their own future and we should let them
abundance of existence and it is eternal life itself. grow according to their own potential. The children are
Children are born as sons and daughters as life‟s longing closer to existence than we are. Life looks forward and
for itself. Life longs to reproduce itself, and parents are does not linger on. Hence parents cannot keep pace with
its servants who execute that master plan. God uses our children‟s lives and thoughts. Parents should let their
parents as his instrument to send living „arrows‟ to the children build their future, realize their potential and resist
earth. God, or the Supreme Being, is the archer, the the temptation to force their children to be like their
parents are the bows and the children are the living carbon copy.
arrows. Parents do not create them and hence they cannot
possess them.

They are only the medium through which life expresses

itself. Children have their own thoughts because they
have the free will to do as they please. Parents can only
act as „stewards‟ and their role is one of „stewardship‟.
Parents should not treat their children as their puppets but **************
shower as much of their love as they can.

Parents should take care of their needs only and should

not impose their thoughts and ideas on them because our
children belong to the future, whereas the parents belong
to the past generation. Therefore, parents should also not
burden their children with their dead past, their scriptures
and their saints. Since life looks forward and does not
linger on, parents should let their children build their
future, realize their potential and resist the temptation to
force their children to be like their carbon copy.

4. We cannot keep pace with our children’s lives and

thoughts. How is this elaborated in ‘On Children’?
Ans: - According to the speaker in „On Children‟, a child
is a gift from the abundance of existence and it is eternal
life itself. Children are born as sons and daughters as
„Life‟s longing for itself‟. Parents may have brought them
to this world because they have been chosen to serve as
„passage‟ or vehicle to bring the children into this world.

Children are closer to the very source of life than old

people. Children have their own thoughts because they
have the free will to do as they please. Parents should not

4 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

A SUNNY MORNING Ans: - Laura Llorente.

I. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase, 10. Why do Laura and Gonzalo spin stories about
or a sentence each: themselves?
Ans: - To conceal each other‟s identity.
1. Laura Llorente was known as _______ in the
locality in her younger days. 11. According to Gonzalo, where did the young man go
(a) The Silver Maiden after the duel?
(b) Sovereign Beauty Ans: - To Seville and then to Madrid.
(c) Golden Lady
(d) dream girl. 12. What did Dona Laura carry every day to feed the
Ans: - (a) The Silver Maiden. pigeons?
2. Who had occupied Gonzalo’s usual bench in the What does Dona Laura feed the birds within the park?
park? Ans: - Dona Laura carried bread crumbs every day to feed
Ans: - Three priests. the pigeons.
3. What is the name of Laura’s maid? Dona Laura fed the birds with bread crumbs.
Ans: - Petra.
13. Where does the action of the play ‘A Sunny
4. What is the name of Gonzalo’s servant? Morning’ take place?
OR Ans: - The action of the play „A Sunny Morning‟ takes
Who is the caretaker of Gonzalo in the play? place in a retired corner of a park in Madrid.
Ans: - Juanito.
14. What establishes peace between Dona Laura and
5. How many priests were sitting on the bench usually Don Gonzalo?
occupied by Don Gonzalo? Ans: - A pinch of snuff establishes peace between Dona
Ans: - Three priests. Laura and Don Gonzalo.

6. What does Don Gonzalo use to clean the dust off his 15. What right does Dona Laura claim to have to
shoes? criticize Don Gonzalo?
Ans: - His handkerchief. Ans: - Dona Laura claims to have a neighbour‟s right to
criticize Don Gonzalo.
7. Where, according to Don Gonzalo, is one of his
estates located? 16. Who was called ‘The Silver Maiden’ in A Sunny
Ans: - In Aravaca. Morning’?
8. In which city was Don Gonzalo brought up? By what name was Laura Liorente known in her
OR locality?
‘Which is the native city of Don Gonzalo in ‘A Sunny Ans: - Laura Liorente was called „The Silver Maiden‟ in
Morning’? her locality.
Which city, according to Don Gonzalo, is he a native 17. On what condition does Don Gonzalo agree to meet
of? Dona Laura the next day?
Ans: - Don Gonzalo was brought up in Valencia. OR
In what condition do Gonzalo and Laura depart at the
8. Name the villa in Valencia where Dona Laura spent end of the play?
her youth. Ans: - Don Gonzalo agrees to meet Dona Laura the next
OR day if it is sunny.
Name the villa Laura Liorente lived in.
Ans: - In a villa called Maricela in Valencia. 18. In the play, ‘the silver maiden’ refers to
(a) Petra
9. What was Dona Laura’s original name? (b) Dona Laura

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

(c) the ballet dancer. 29. What right does Laura claim to have to criticize
Ans: - (b) Dona Laura. Gonzalo’s actions in ‘A Sunny Morning’?
Ans: - In „A Sunny Morning‟, Laura claims her right as a
19. Why did Don Gonzalo sit next to Laura in the neighbour to criticize Gonzalo‟s actions.
Ans: - Dona Gonzalo sits next to Laura on the bench in 30. What could Gonzalo show as evidence to prove his
the park because all the other benches were fully skill at hunting in ‘A Sunny Morning’?
occupied. Ans: - In „A Sunny Morning‟, Gonzalo could show a wild
boar‟s head (displayed in his study) as evidence to prove
20. Where, according to Gonzalo, did he meet his skill at hunting.
Ans: - According to Gonzalo, he met Campoamor in 31. What could Laura show as evidence to prove her
Valencia. skill at hunting in ‘A Sunny Morning’?
Ans: - In „A Sunny Morning‟, Laura could show a tiger‟s
21. Where did Gonzalo run off to with a ballet skin in her boudoir, as evidence to prove her skill at
dancer? hunting.
Ans: - Gonzalo ran off to Paris with a ballet dancer.
32. When, according to Gonzalo, did he compose some
22. Whose name, according to Gonzalo, was his cousin verses in A Sunny Morning’?
whispering at the time of his death? Ans: - In „A Sunny Morning‟, according to Gonzalo, he
Ans: - Laura‟s name. composed some verses in his youth.

23. Where do Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura meet 33. How old does Gonzalo say he was when he went to
after a long time? America the first time in A Sunny Morning’?
Ans: - After a long time, Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura Ans: - In „A Sunny Morning‟, Gonzalo says the first time
meet in a retired corner of a park in Madrid. he went to America, he was only six years old.

24. What did Dona Laura use as a cane in ‘A Sunny 34. Name the poet whom Gonzalo says, he first met in
Morning’? America in A Sunny Morning’.
Ans: - In A Sunny Morning‟, Dona Laura used a parasol Ans: - In „A Sunny Morning‟, Gonzalo says, he first met
as a cane. Zorilla in America.

25. Who accompanied Dona Laura when she came to 35. Where, according to Gonzalo, did he spend his
the park in A Sunny Morning’? early youth in A Sunny Morning’?
Ans: - In „A Sunny Morning‟ Petra, her maid, Ans: - In „A Sunny Mornmq‟, according to Gonzalo, he
accompanied Dona Laura, when she came to the park. spent his early youth in the city of Valencia.

26. Who, according to Petra, belongs to the park in A 36. Where, according to Laura, did she spend several
Sunny Morning’? seasons in A Sunny Morning?
Ans: - In „A Sunny Morning‟, according to Petra, the Ans: - In „A Sunny Morning‟, according to Laura, she
guard, with whom she used to chat, belongs to the park. spent several seasons in a villa called Maricela, not far
from Valencia.
27. Who accompanied Don Gonzalo when he came to
the park in A Sunny Morning’? 37. Who was called ‘The Silver Maiden’ in A Sunny
Ans: - In „A Sunny Morning‟ Juanito, Don Gonzalo‟s Morning?
servant accompanied him to the park. Ans: - In „A Sunny Morning‟, Laura Llorente was called
the „Silver Maiden‟.
28. According to Gonzalo, where ought Laura be
knitting and counting her beads? 38. According to Gonzalo, the gallant lover in A Sunny
Ans: - According to Gonzalo, Laura ought to be at home, Morning’ was his
knitting and counting her beads. (a) friend
(b) brother
(c) cousin.

2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Ans: - (c) cousin. about the story of Gonzaio from Laura Llorente, who was
her friend. Thus Dona Laura also conceals her identity.
39. Who, according to Gonzaio, was badly wounded in
A Sunny Morning? 2. How effectively does Gonzaio account for the love
Ans: - In A Sunny Morning‟, according to Gonzaio, the his cousin had for Laura’s friend?
merchant was badly wounded in the duel. OR
What account does Don Gonzaio give Dona Laura
40. Where did the gallant young man take refuge, about his cousin’s life after the duel?
according to Gonzaio in A Sunny Morning? OR
Ans: - In A Sunny Morning‟, according to Gonzaio, the What story does Don Gonzaio narrate to Dona Laura
gallant young man took refuge in Don Gonzalo‟s house. regarding his cousin?
41. Where did the silver maiden write her lover’s What fictitious story did Gonzaio spin about himself in
name, according to Laura, in A Sunny Morning? the name of his cousin?
Ans: - In A Sunny Morning‟, according to Laura, the OR
Silver Maiden wrote her lover‟s name on the sand. Describe how Don Gonzaio glorifies his cousin’s death.
Ans: - While telling Laura about the duel between the
42. Who, according to Gonzaio, did he run off to Paris merchant and the gallant lover, Don tells her that the
within A Sunny Morning? gallant lover was his cousin and he was very fond of him.
Ans: - In A Sunny Morning‟, according to Gonzaio, he Don Gonzaio tells her that after the duel the young man
ran off to Paris with a ballet dancer. took refuge in his house being scared of the consequences
of a duel with a person highly regarded in that locality.
43. What does Gonzaio pick up with great effort Then he tells her that from his home his cousin went to
before leaving with fuanito in A Sunny Morning? Seville and then came to Madrid. Then he wrote Laura
Ans: - In A Sunny Morning‟, before leaving the park many letters which were intercepted by her parents.
with Juanito, Gonzaio, with great effort, picks up the
violets dropped by Laura. He says so because he knows for sure that she did not
answer his letters at all. Don then concludes the story
44. Where, according to Dona Laura, had her best saying that, in despair, believing that he had lost his love
friend sat before being swept into the sea? forever he joined the army, then went to Africa and there
Ans: - According to Dona Laura, her best friend had sat is a trench, met a glorious death grasping the flag of Spain
down upon a rock on the sand before being swept into the and whispering the name of his beloved Laura.
3. How does Dona Laura describe the story ofher%
II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of best friend’s death?
80-100 words each: OR
How does Dona Laura describe her friend’s love story?
1. How do Laura and Gonzaio conceal their identity? Ans: - Dona Laura tells Don Gonzalo that her friend had
Ans: - While boasting about his keen eyesight, Don written to her that she had awaited news of Gonzalo for
Gonzaio incidentally mentions the names of some famous nearly a year. Later one afternoon, just at sunset, as the
Spanish literary figures. Then he states that he was a great first stars were appearing she left her house and went to
friend of Campoamor in Valencia, and also reveals that the beach where her beloved had risked his life. She wrote
he was a native of Valencia. Laura‟s interest being his name on the sand and then sat down upon a rock, her
kindled informs him that she had spent several seasons in gaze fixed upon the horizon. The waves murmured their
a villa called Maricela, in the city of Valencia. At this eternal threnody and slowly crept up to the rock where the
moment both of them understand that they are the maiden sat. The tide rose with a boom and swept her out
original lover‟s Laura and Gonzaio who had been to sea.
separated by fate.
4. When does Dona Laura realise that Don Gonzalo is
From then onwards, Gonzaio tells her that the gallant her former lover?
lover who was in love with the silver maiden Laura Ans: - After taking a pinch of snuff both Don Gonzalo and
Llorente was his cousin and conceals his identity. Dona Laura sneeze three times alternately. Dona Laura
Similarly, Laura tells Gonzaio that she came to know mutters to herself that the snuff has made peace between

3 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

them. Then, Don Gonzalo starts reading aloud. A little the name of his beloved Laura. Immediately, Dona also
later, Dona Laura sympathises with him for reading with concocts a story.
all those glasses. Their conversation turns to Gonzalo‟s
ability to compose verses. Incidentally, Gonzalo reveals She tells him that after waiting for a year for Gonzalo, she
that he was a great friend of Espronceda, Zorilla, Becquer went to the beach after sunset one evening. She wrote his
and others. Then while talking about Campoamor, Don name on the sand and then sat down on a rock, her gaze
Gonzalo tells her that he had met Campoamor in Valencia fixed upon the horizon. Then the waves slowly crept up to
and he was a native of that city. the rock where the maiden was sitting and the high rising
tide rose with a boom and swept her out to sea. Thus
This provokes both of them to talk about their earlier ended the sad love affair.
identities. When Dona tells him about the villa in
Maricella, Gonzalo tells her about the Silver Maiden and 6. What fictitious story did Gonzalo spin about himself
like a poet he describes her beauty. At that moment, Dona to hide his true identity?
Laura realizes that Don Gonzalo is her former lover. OR
How does Don Gonzalo try to hide his identity?
5. What are the’atrocious’ lies that Laura and Ans: - Don Gonzalo tells Dona Laura that his cousin took
Gonzalo make up about their lives after their refuge in his house fearful of the consequences of a duel
separation? with a person highly regarded in that locality. From his
OR home, he later went to Seville and then to Madrid. Since
Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura outwit each other in his letters to Laura were intercepted by her parents,
weaving stories about their own deaths. Elaborate. Gonzalo did not get any reply from her. He became
OR desperate. In despair, believing that he had lost his love
Narrate how, according to Dona Laura and Don forever, he joined the army.went to Africa, and met a
Gonzalo, the sad love affair of her friend and his glorious death in a trench, grasping the flag of Spain and
cousin ended. whispering the name of his beloved Laura.
Ans: - During the conversation with Dona Laura, Don
Gonzalo gives a romantic description of the silver 7. Bring out a few instances wherein Dona Laura
maiden. Dona Laura realizes that the old man is none ridicules Don Gonzalo in A Sunny Morning’.
other than her former lover Gonzalo. Then, both of them Ans: - In „A Sunny Morning‟, there are two instances in
together recount their romantic affair until they come to which Dona Laura ridicules Don Gonzalo.
the end of their story. Don Gonzalo rounds it off telling Both the instances occur when Dona Laura and Don
her that his cousin had to hide for a few days and later to Gonzalo meet face-to-face in the park as an old man and
fly. At this point, Dona tells him that he seems to know old woman and as total strangers to each other.
the story well. Don Gonzalo also tells her the same. Dona
Laura tells him that she heard the story from her friend. Don Gonzalo, soon after entering the park, discovers that
his usual bench has been occupied by three priests. He
Don Gonzalo picks up the same lie and tells her that he gets irritated and says aloud that the priests were idling
heard the story from his cousin. Both of them are now away their time instead of saying Mass in the church.
convinced that they were the former lovers of the Then, in a fit of anger, he rushes towards the bench on
romantic affair they had just reconstructed. Dona Laura which Dona Laura is sitting.
wants to probe further into the affair. Therefore she
demands an explanation about Gonzalo‟s vanishing from Dona Laura cries out aloud „Lookout‟, indignantly, and
Valencia. admonishes him for scaring away the birds. Don Gonzalo
replies that he would not care about the birds. When she
In reply, Don Gonzalo tells her that after staying hidden replies that she cared for them, Don Gonzalo tells her that
indoors in Valencia for some time, his cousin went to it was a public park. In retaliation, she asks him why he
Seville and then came to Madrid, where he wrote letters had complained that the priests had taken his bench. Don
to Laura. But, since the letters were intercepted by her Gonzalo, being cornered by his own remarks, snubs her,
parents, she did not get his letters at all and so she did not telling her that even though she was a total stranger she
write back to him. He tells her that Gonzalo, then in was taking the liberty to speak to him and walk away.‟
despair, believing that he had lost his love forever, joined
the army, went to Africa and there is a trench met a Dona Laura comments that he was an ill-natured old man
glorious death grasping the flag of Spain and whispering and people ought not to get so fussy and cross when they

4 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

reach a certain age. Later, when she notices him losing When Dona Laura angrily asks him to look out, Don asks
another bench, says mockingly “serves him right for Laura whether she was speaking to him. Then, when she
scaring the birds”. “Poor man! He is wiping the complains that he had scared the birds away, he answers
perspiration from his face”. Then, when she notices him rudely that he does not care about the birds. But she tells
walking back towards her bench, says, “A carriage would him that she cared for the birds and indirectly tries to
not raise more dust than his feet”. make him feel guilty. But he tells her rudely that it is a
public park suggesting that she was not right in
7. Describe how the ‘gallant young man’ was complaining about him about birds being scared away in a
separated from his lover in ‘A Sunny Morning’. public park. Dona tries to counter him asking why he –
Ans: - Gonzalo and Laura, the two former lovers, had to had complained that the priests had taken his seat.
separate from each other. In her youthful days, Dona
Laura was known in her locality as „The Silver Maiden‟. Feeling discomfited, Don Gonzalo tries to snub her telling
She was fair as a lily, with jet black hair and black eyes. her that she was a stranger and was not right in taking the
She was like a dream. She was in love with Gonzalo, the liberty to address him. A little later, Don Gonzalo sits at
gallant lover. He used to pass by on horseback every the extreme end of her bench and prepares himself to read
morning through the rose garden and toss flowers to her a book by wearing glasses and adjusting his lenses. Dona
balcony which she would catch. On his way back in the sympathises with him for having to read with all those
afternoon she would toss the flowers back to him. But glasses.
Laura‟s parents wanted to marry her off to a merchant
whom she disliked. 2. Trace the incidents where Laura and Gonzalo
secretly guess about each other’s identity.
One day there was a quarrel between Gonzalo and the Ans: - Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo come face-to-face in
merchant, the suitor. The merchant was badly wounded in a retired corner of a park in Madrid on a Sunday morning.
the duel and Gonzafo had to conceal himself for a few The strangers soon become friends without knowing that
days. Later he fled from his hometown to Seville and then they were lovers once. Then Gonzalo happens to tell her
to Madrid. Even though he tried to communicate with that he had spent his youth in Valencia city. Laura‟s
Laura through letters, all his attempts failed. He then curiosity having been provoked, she tells Gonzalo that she
joined the army and went to Africa. also had spent several seasons in Maricela, a villa near the
sea in Valencia.
III. Answer the following questions in about 200
words each: When Gonzalo is startled to hear the name „Maricela‟,
Dona Laura asks him whether the name is familiar to him.
1. Bring out the changes in Gonzalo‟s attitude before and Don Gonzalo tells her that he had seen a beautiful woman
after occupying the bench in the park. Laura Llorente living there. On hearing the name Laura
Ans: - As soon as Don Gonzalo enters the park along Llorente mentioned, Dona Laura shows her surprise. From
with Juanito, he discovers that his usual seat has been that moment onwards, it becomes clear that both of them
occupied by three priests. He is annoyed and comments know who they are and intentionally conceals their
rudely saying that the priests were idling their time away identity.
when they should be saying mass in the church. Then,
when Juanito suggests that he should sit on the bench When Dona Laura tells him that Laura Llorente was her
where Dona Laura was sitting, Don Gonzalo tells Juanito best friend and she was called the „Silver Maiden‟, Don
that he wants a bench to himself. Then Juanito informs Gonzalo endorses it and tells her that „Silver Maiden‟ was
him that there is no other bench vacant. her popular name in the locality. Further, he tells her that
she used to stand at a particular window. Then Dona Laura
Don Gonzalo points at the bench that he usually sat on. endorses his statement. Inadvertently, when Don Gonzalo
When Juanito tells him that there are three priests sitting tells her that he spent many hours there during his youthful
on that bench, Don asks him to send them away. Later, he days, Dona Laura gives a sigh and endorses his statement
comments bitterly saying that the priests were sitting and says “And in mine, too.”
there as if they were glued to the seat. Then he and his
servant walk towards the place where the birds are Then Don Gonzalo gives a description of her beauty and
feeding on the bread crumbs. expresses his admiration calling her a dream. Then Dona
Laura makes an aside remark and tells Gonzalo that if he
but knew that Laura was by his side he would realize what

5 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

dreams come to. This way, their conversation goes on him remarking that he was very polite. When Gonzalo
until the end, each speaking to the other in disguise. asks her apologetically not to interfere with what does not
concern her, she again tells him stubbornly that she
Though they appear to be concealing their identity, they generally says what she thinks. From then on their
know tacitly that they are the true lover‟s Laura and spontaneous exchange takes a positive direction and soon
Gonzalo of their youthful days. In the end, before leaving they become friends.
the park, Laura drops the violets, and when Gonzalo
stoops to pick up the flowers, Laura looks at him. Thus 4. ‘The ways of providence are strange’. How is this
they come to recognize each other. true in the case of Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura?
Ans: - „A Sunny Morning‟ presents the story of two young
3. ‘A Sunny Morning’ portrays wit and humour lovers who were once passionately attached to each other.
through Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura’s spontaneous Their love would have culminated in their marriage but
reactions”. Explain. they were separated by a cruel blow of fate. However, the
OR ways of providence being strange, these erstwhile lovers
Give instances of humorous situations in the play in happened to meet each other some fifty years later in a
your own words. park in Madrid. Both of them are in their 70s and have
Ans: - „A Sunny Morning‟ is a romantic comedy with changed a great deal in their appearance. Hence, they fail
only two main characters Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura to recognize each other in the park initially. But as they
who are in their seventies now. Their chance meeting on get acquainted they recall their youthful days.
a sunny morning in a park in Madrid gives the characters
an opportunity to relive the story of their love affair when Again, it is by a stroke of providence that Don Gonzalo
they were living in Marfcela. The whole story is built up happens to reveal that he once lived in Valencia. When
through witty, humorous, lively, and spontaneous they discover that they were lovers once in their youth,
interaction between them. they relive their romantic meetings as before and pretend
not to recognize their earlier selves. Like young people,
When the play opens, we find Dona Laura happily they live in a dream world of their own and are reluctant to
speaking to the pigeons which were feeding on the bread come back to the world of reality. They tell atrocious lies
crumbs. When Don Gonzalo comes there looking for a to defend their previous actions and exit with a promise to
bench, Dona Laura accuses him of scaring away her meet the next day. The ways of providence are strange and
birds. In reply, Don Gonzalo tells her that it is a public it is undoubtedly true in the case of Dona Laura and Don
park and he doesn‟t care about the birds. Dona Laura asks Gonzalo.
him why then did he complain that the priests had taken
his seat. Later, when Don Gonzalo comes back to the 5. A Sunny Morning’ revolves around concealing and
same place to sit, she asks him why he was seen there revealing Laura and Gonzalo’s identity. Elaborate.
again. But, when he tries to put her off saying that they Ans: - The play „A Sunny Morning‟ presents the story of
had not met, she tells him that she was only responding to two passionate lovers who were separated by a cruel blow
his gesture. of fate before their love could culminate in their marriage.
However, this story is presented nearly fifty years later
When he tells her that she ought to have only returned his when both Gonzalo and Laura are now in their old age.
greeting, she remarks that he should have taken her They happen to meet, as if it was providential, in a retired
permission to sit on that bench. Finally, with her witty comer of a park in Madrid one sunny morning. The first
remarks, she makes him tongue-tied and helpless. When part of the play seems an exposition introducing Don
he mutters to himself, saying that she was a senile old Gonzalo and Dona Laura. After a few witty exchanges
lady and she ought to be at home knitting and counting between the two, the playwright reveals their love story
her beads, she asks him not to grumble anymore. When concealing and revealing their identity.
she finds him cleaning his shoes with his handkerchief,
she taunts him asking whether one uses a handkerchief as Initially, Don Gonzalo reveals his identity unwittingly in
a shoe brush. In reply, when Gonzalo asks her what right his enthusiasm to tell her that he had met Campoamor in
she has to criticize his actions, she answers playfully that Valencia. Then he adds that he spent his early youth in
it was her right as a neighbour. Valencia. This is a hint to Dona Laura to reveal her
identity. She reminds him of a villa named Maricela near
When Gonzalo tries to put her off rudely saying that he the sea. From then on both of them rebuild their story,
does not care to listen to nonsense, she once again teases however concealing that they were the real actors in that

6 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

love story. On hearing the name Maricela mentioned, On hearing how Laura had died, Don Gonzalo tells
Don Gonzalo introduces Laura Llorente. Then Dona himself, “she lies worse than I do”. Then Dona Laura tells
Laura builds it further saying “Laura Llorente was herself that she will not tell him that she married two years
popularly called the Silver Maiden”. later while Don Gonzalo mutters that he had run off to
Paris with a ballet dancer in three months. By then it
Don Gonzalo recreates the scene for the readers becomes clear that both of them have recognized each
mentioning the window where she used to stand hours on other‟s identity.
end every day. Then Don Gonzalo gives a description of
her beautiful personality. Then both of them reveal to the 7. How do Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo annoy each
audience their identity by their (aside) remarks. other initially in the park?
Ans: - Soon after occupying her seat in the park, Dona
Now once they had revealed their identity, they try to Laura throws three handfuls of bread crumbs to a flock of
conceal it by replacing themselves in the story by a pigeons and sits watching them feeding on the bread
substitute. Dona Laura calls Laura of the original story as crumbs. Don Gonzalo and Juanito walk towards the birds.
her friend and Don Gonzalo calls the Gonzalo of the Immediately, Dona Laura shouts „lookout‟ so as to warn
original story as his cousin. Once again having concealed them. Then she tells Don Gonzalo that he had scared away
their identity they narrate how their love affair ended. the birds. Don Gonzalo brushes aside her remarks telling
Both of them tell lies to cover up what they did after her that he does not care about the birds as it was a public
Gonzalo had fled Valencia. This goes on until the end park. Dona Laura asks him why then did he complain
when Laura sees Gonzalo picking up the violets dropped about the priests occupying his usual bench if it was a
by her. Thus the whole play „A Sunny Morning‟ revolves public park.
around concealing and revealing Laura and Gonzalo‟s
identity. Again, Don Gonzalo tries to put her off rudely telling her
that since they had not met before she should not take the
6. Bring out the instances where Laura and Gonzalo liberty of addressing him. Dona Laura retaliates saying
realize each other’s identity. that he is an ill-natured old man. She wonders why a man
Ans: - There are several instances in „A Sunny Morning‟, like him should be so fussy and cross after reaching a
in which both Laura and Gonzalo recognize each others‟ certain age. Later, she sees him moving about without
identity. Soon after their initial outbursts of emotion, both getting a seat on the other side of the park. She enjoys his
Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo become friends. Next, both predicament saying that it serves him right for scaring the
of them enjoy a pinch of snuff and Don Gonzalo begins birds. Later, when Don Gonzalo sits at the extreme end of
to read aloud verses from Campoamor. Dona Laura‟s bench and greets her, she asks him
annoyingly why he was there again. Again, there is an
When Don Gonzalo mentions that he was a native of angry exchange of words.
Valencia and had met Campoamor there incidentally,
Dona Laura tells him that she had spent several seasons at When he fails to find a convincing reply to her question,
Maricela. When Don Gonzalo tells her that he had seen a he tells her that he has nothing more to say. Then he
beautiful woman by name Laura Llorente in Maricela, mutters to himself that she was a senile old lady and she
Dona Laura tells him that Laura was known by the name ought to be at home knitting and counting her beads.
„Silver Maiden‟ in that locality. When Don Gonzalo starts Again, Dona Laura tells him rudely not to grumble any
describing Laura Llorente, Dona Laura makes an aside more and she was not going to leave just to please him.
comment. We learn that Dona Laura has recognized his
identity. 8. Although the romantic affair between Laura and
Gonzalo lasts for a brief period of time, the intensity of
Later, when Laura tells him that her friend had told her their love lingers forever. Elaborate.
the story of the two lovers, Don Gonzalo recognizes her Ans: - „A Sunny Morning‟ reveals the romantic side of
identity. Then Dona Laura makes an aside remark, “Why both Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo. Elucidate. Laura and
tell him? He does not suspect”. Similarly, Don Gonzalo Gonzalo met each other in Valencia as gallant young
mutters to himself, “She is entirely innocent”. Then when lovers. They loved each other intensely. Gonzalo used to
Don Gonzalo tells her how his cousin had met a glorious toss a bouquet of flowers at Laura in the morning and he
death in Africa, Dona Laura mutters to herself that he was would receive a bouquet of flowers from her while
telling an atrocious lie. Don Gonzalo tells himself that he returning home.
could not have killed himself more gloriously.

7 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Unfortunately, her parents wanted Laura to marry a that they were lovers once in their youth, they relive their
merchant instead of Gonzalo. Once, the merchant insulted romantic meetings as before and pretend not to recognize
Gonzalo and it ended up in a duel between them. The their earlier selves. Like young people, they live in a
merchant was seriously injured in the duel. He was highly dream world of their own and are reluctant to come back
regarded in his place and, fearing action, Gonzalo hid in to the world of reality. They tell atrocious lies to defend
several places. He wrote letters to Laura but they were their previous actions and exit with a promise to meet the
intercepted by her parents and Laura did not get a chance next day.
to read them.
10. A Sunny Morning’ is a comic presentation of a
Two years later, she married someone else and settled serious human relationship. Explain.
down in her life. But, the brief romantic affair continued Ans: - „A Sunny Morning‟ tells the past love story of two
to linger in her heart of hearts. In the same way, Gonzalo ardent lovers – Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura in a comic
did not get any reply to his letters from Laura. So three way. It is a serious human relationship but was torn apart
months later, he married a ballet dancer and settled down in life by fate. However, the two lovers meet again when
in Paris. Here again, he could not completely forget the they are in their 70s, not as lovers, but as total strangers,
beautiful „Silver Maiden‟ that Laura was known as. When unexpectedly in a parkin Madrid.
they met in the park after a lapse of nearly 50 years, both
of them were able to recall the brief, but intense romantic Laura Llorente was known in her locality as „The Silver
affair in Valencia. Maiden‟. She was in love with Gonzalo, a gallant lover.
He used to pass by her house on horseback every morning
9. Everything is fair in love and war. How do you through the rose garden and toss up a bouquet of flowers
substantiate this statement relating to the attitudes of to her balcony which she caught. On his way back in the
Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo in the play? afternoon she would toss the flowers back to him. But
Ans: - „A Sunny Morning‟ presents the story of Don Laura‟s parents wanted to marry her off to a merchant
Gonzalo and Dona Laura, who were ardent lovers in their whom she disliked.
youth, but were tom apart in life by fate. They are now in
their 70s. The very lovers meet as total strangers One day there ensued a quarrel, leading to a duel between
unexpectedly in a park in Madrid. As the play begins, Gonzalo and the merchant, her suitor. The merchant was
Dona Laura is seen in the park feeding pigeons with seriously injured. Fearing serious consequences, Gonzalo
bread crumbs. It is at that point an old man enters with his fled from his house in the town to Seville and then to
attendant. The old man is none other than Don Gonzalo, Madrid. Even though he tried to communicate with Laura
who is seen to be quite irritated as he finds no bench in through letters, his attempts failed and he gave her up as
the park vacant. Quite grudgingly he comes near Laura lost forever and ran off to Paris with a ballet dancer.
and shares her bench. Laura gets infuriated as the old man Meanwhile, Laura waited for the news of Gonzalo, for one
has scared the pigeons she was feeding and calls him „an year and finally got married.
ill-natured man.‟ With her witty remarks, she makes him
tongue-tied and helpless. Both of them have changed a lot physically but they still
cherish the memories of their youth. However, When they
But, after a few moments of disagreement, both of them meet in the park, they appear to be cynical, fussy, and ill-
have a pinch of snuff and reconcile with each other. natured. The way they repartee and express their
Gonzalo says that he is from Valencia and to his surprise, resentment towards each other creates opportunities for
Laura reveals that she is from Maricela. Gonzalo is humour in the play. Finally, they become friends after
startled by the revelation and he says that he knows a sharing a pinch of snuff. They gradually come to realize
woman named Laura Llorente who lived in a villa there, that they are the very same lovers of yesteryears.
who was perhaps the most beautiful woman he had ever
seen. Both Laura and Gonzalo realize that they were the 11. Laura and Gonzalo recognize each other but
very same young lovers once. But they pretend not to conceal their identity. How does A Sunny Morning’
reveal their identities. Though both of them have changed present this?
a lot physically, they still cherish the memories of their Ans: - Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo come face-to-face in
adventurous youth. a retired corner of a park in Madrid on a Sunday morning.
The strangers soon become friends without knowing that
Though initially, they appear to be cynical, fussy and ill- they were lovers once. Then Gonzalo happens to tell her
natured, soon they become friends. When they discover that he had spent his youth in Valencia city. Laura‟s

8 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

curiosity having been provoked, she tells Gonzalo that would toss the flowers back to him. But Laura‟s parents
she also had spent several seasons in Maricela, a villa wanted to marry her off to a merchant whom she disliked.
near the sea in Valencia. When Gonzalo is startled to hear One day there was a quarrel between Gonzalo and the
the name „Maricela‟, Dona Laura asks him whether the merchant, the suitor. After the duel the young man fled
name is familiar to him. Don Gonzalo tells her that he from his hometown to Seville and then to Madrid, being
had seen a beautiful woman Laura Llorente living there. scared of the consequences of a duel with a person highly
regarded in that locality. Even though he tried to
On hearing the name Laura Llorente mentioned, Dona communicate with Laura through letters, all attempts
Laura shows her surprise. From that moment onwards, it failed.
becomes clear that both of them know who they are and
intentionally conceals their identity. When Dona Laura Once Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura realize that they are
tells him that Laura Llorente was her best friend and she the same old, young lovers of Maricela who were
was called the „Silver Maiden‟, Don Gonzalo endorses it separated in life by fate, they decide not to reveal their
and tells her that „Silver Maiden‟ was her popular name identity because they learn from each other in what high
in the locality. Further, he tells her that she used to stand esteem they held each other before they departed. come to
at a particular window. Then Dona Laura endorses his know that both of them had given up the other as lost
statement. Inadvertently, when Don Gonzalo tells her that forever. While Dona Laura techs herself that she had
he spent many hours there during his youthful days, Dona married someone else after waiting for him for one year,
Laura gives a sigh and endorses his statement and says Don Gonzalo tells himself that after fleeing from
“And in mine, too.” Valencia, then Seville and Madrid, he had run off to Paris
with a ballet dancer in about three months. Therefore, they
Then Don Gonzalo gives a description of her beauty and concoct fictitious stories so as to conceal their identities
expresses his admiration calling her a dream. Then Dona completely and to make the other believe that he or she
Laura makes an aside remark and tells Gonzalo that if he was dead.
but knew that Laura was by his side he would realize
what dreams come to. This way, their conversation goes Later, when they realize that they are alive, they do not
on until the end, each speaking to the other in disguise. want to shatter their mutual images in the eyes of the
Though they appear to be concealing their identity, they other. Therefore, Don Gonzalo tells himself that he will
know tacitly that they are the true lover‟s Laura and not reveal himself because he is grotesque. He wishes that
Gonzalo of their youthful days. In the end, before leaving she had better recall the gallant horseman who passed
the park, Laura drops the violets, and when Gonzalo daily beneath her window tossing flowers. Similarly, Dona
stoops to pick up the flowers, Laura looks at him. Thus Laura tells herself that “I am too sadly changed. It is better
they come to recognize each other. he should remember me as the black-eyed girl tossing
flowers as he passed among the roses in the garden.”
12. A Sunny Morning‟ presents a situation that is not so
sunny for Laura and Gonzalo. Do you agree? Give Thus one can conclude that though A Sunny Morning‟
reasons. presents a situation in which two old lovers are made to
Ans: - Yes. I totally agree with the statement. „A Sunny present a sunny situation of their past life, which is no
Morning‟ presents a situation that is not so sunny for longer sunny for them.
Laura and Gonzalo because they are the very same Don
Gonzalo and Dona Laura of yesteryears, who were ardent 13. “The one-act play, „A Sunny Morning‟ ultimately
lovers in their youth, but are now in their 70s. Their proves that ail love is sad.” Discuss.
romantic relationship was torn apart in life by fate. It is a Ans: - The inference, „all love is sad‟, with reference to
flashback scene, ironically re-narrated by the very same the one-act play, „A Sunny Morning‟ is an
lovers. overgeneralization. The comment attempts to universalize
the concept of love. The word „all‟ is an all-inclusive word
In her youthful days, Dona Laura was known in her and „all love‟ tends to put together all kinds of love like
locality as „The Silver Maiden‟. She was fair as the lily, the love between children and parents, love between
with jet black hair and black eyes. She was like a dream. teenagers, love between friends, love between husband
She was in love with Gonzalo, the gallant lover. He used and wife, and love between human beings and animals.
to pass by on horseback every morning through the rose
garden and toss up a bouquet of flowers to her balcony On the contrary, „all love is sad‟ is a comment made with
which she caught. On his way back in the afternoon she reference to an imaginative love affair supposed to have

9 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

taken place between two lovers who were in their prime

of youth and it gets re-enacted dramatically as a flashback
incident in the play during a conversation that takes place
in a retired corner of a park in Madrid on a Sunday
morning, between two old people an old lady named
Dona Laura and an old man named Don Gonzalo – who
are now in their 70s. The dramatic technique used in the
play is unique in its approach. The progression of events
moves from the present to the past. The flashback
technique highlights the intensity of the love between
Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo which exists between them
even „now‟ after the lapse of half a century.

Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo have zest in life. Dona

Laura loves birds and feeds them regularly. Gonzalo
loves books and he promises to feed the birds the next
time. There is no bitterness or regret or frustration about
the past incident. Both of them seem to cherish those
romantic moments they spent together during that phase
of their life. It is this positive attitude even after 50 years
of that incident that gives this play its vigour. Thus, „The
Sunny Morning‟ is a charming re-enactment of a
romantic love affair and there is not even an „iota‟ of
pessimism in it. Hence, the comment „all love is sad‟ is
not the correct inference in the context of the play „A
Sunny Morning‟.


10 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

WHEN YOU ARE OLD 9. According to the speaker, what will the woman
regret in her old age?
I. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase, Ans: - The woman will regret that she had rejected the
or a sentence each: speaker’s, true love.

1. To whom is the poem „When You Are Old‟ 10. What is meant by‟pilgrim soul‟?
addressed? Ans: - The phrase ‘pilgrim soul’ means the soul which is
Ans: - To a young lady with whom the speaker is deeply in quest of ‘true love’.
in love.
11. What look did the woman‟s eyes have once in
2. What does the speaker want his beloved to do ‟When You Are Old‟?
sitting by the fire? Ans: - Soft look.
What does the speaker want his beloved to do when 12. The speaker in „When You Are Old‟ addresses
she is old? (a) a young lady
Ans: - The speaker wants his beloved to sit by the fire (b) an old lady
and reminisce her memories of the past (c) a little girl.
Ans: - (a) a young lady.
3. Where, according to the speaker, had love hidden
his face? 13. When, according to the speaker in „When You Are
Ans: - According to the speaker, ‘love’ had hidden his Old‟, will the lady be „grey and full of sleep‟?
face amid a crowd of stars. Ans: - According to the speaker in ‘When You are Old’,
the lady will be grey and full of sleep when she sits
4. Who, according to the speaker, will be„nodding by nodding by the fire.
the fire‟?
Ans: - The speaker depicts his lady love as an old woman 14. According to the speaker in „When You Are Old‟,
sitting beside the fire, nodding her head. what did many admire the lady for?
Ans: - According to the speaker in ‘When You are Old’,
5. What does the speaker suggest his beloved to dream many suitors were mesmerized by her beauty and
of? elegance.
Ans: - When she is old and grey, the speaker wants his
beloved to dream of the soft look her eyes once had and 15. In the poem “When You Are Old‟ many loved the
the deep shadows they now have. lady‟s
(a) huge wealth
6. What does „the sorrows of your changing face‟ refer (b) physical beauty
to? (c) pilgrim soul.
Ans: - The sorrows of your changing face’ refer to the Ans: - (b) physical beauty.
changes seen in her face as she grows older. Her face will
have shrunk and wrinkles will have appeared on her 16. Who, according to the speaker in „When You Are
forehead and face depicting the difficulties and sorrows Old‟, loved the beloved‟s pilgrim soul?
faced by her over the years. Ans: - According to the speaker in ‘When You are Old’, it
was he (the speaker) who loved her pilgrim soul.
7. According to the speaker, in what way is his love for
the lady different from that of others? 17. Whose pilgrim soul did the speaker in „When You
Ans: - While many suitors loved her beauty and Are Old‟ love?
elegance, he alone loved her pilgrim soul as well as the Ans: - The speaker in ‘When You are Old’, loved the
sorrows of her changing face. pilgrim soul of a young lady whom he is addressing in the
poem and whose beauty and elegance mesmerized many
8. Mention any one aspect that the speaker loved in suitors.
his beloved.
Ans: - The speaker loved her ‘inner beauty’ and her 18. What did the speaker in “When You Are Old‟ love
‘pilgrim soul’. besides the pilgrim soul?

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Ans: - The speaker in ‘When You are Old’, loved the 2. Examine the theme of opposing stability of true love
pilgrim soul, as well as the changes that appeared in her and the fickleness of false love in the light of the poem.
face as she grew older. OR
How does the speaker express his longing for his
19. Who, according to the speaker in „When You Are beloved?
Old‟, fled and hid his face? OR
Ans: - According to the speaker in ‘When You are Old’, Whose love in „When You Are Old‟ is true and
‘Love’ (personified ‘love’] fled and hid his face. intense? Explain.
20. Where, according to the speaker in „When You How does the speaker in „When You Are Old‟ bring
Are Old‟, did love pace upon? out his love for his beloved against the changing
Ans: - According to the speaker in ‘When You are Old’, circumstances and ravages of time?
‘Love’ paced upon the mountains for a while and then Ans: - ‘When You Are Old’ presents the moral dilemma
disappeared. faced by a sincere lover. The speaker/narrator is the
sincere lover and his lady love is the one who is going to
21. What, according to the speaker in „When You Are make a decision. The lady has attracted many suitors
Old‟, did love hide amid a crowd of stars? including the speaker. The speaker believes that the other
Ans: - According to the speaker in ‘When You are Old’, suitors only love her physical charms, and not all of them
‘Love’ (personified love) hid his face amid a crowd of are sincere in their love towards her. He means to say that
stars. they are fickle-minded and once she loses her charms they
will desert her. On the other hand, he believes that he
22. The speaker loved the _____ of his beloved‟s loves her truly and according to him true love is the love
changing face in „When You Are Old‟. of the inner self and has a spiritual aspect in it. But, the
(a) grace lady has not responded to his love.
(b) sorrows
(c) soft look. He feels frustrated and as a last attempt, he tries to tell her
Ans: - (b) sorrows. the reality. He wants her to realize that physical beauty is
transient and love of the fickle-minded will also be
23. In „When You Are Old‟, the speaker suggests to transient. He wants to assure her that only his love will be
his beloved to slowly read his book when she is stable and if she ignores him and makes a wrong decision
(a) glad she will regret it later. Thus the speaker tries to persuade
(b) old his lover to make the right decision and receive his love,
(c) proud. which is true and intense.
Ans: - (b) old.
3. How does the poet express his feelings for his love in
II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of the poem?
80-100 words each: OR
How is love that is not reciprocated by the speaker‟s
1. Why does the poet ask his beloved to reflect upon beloved expressed in the poem?
the bygone days and the present moment? Ans: - The poet asks his love, who is still young, to
OR imagine a time when she is past her prime youth. She
What does the speaker in When You Are Old‟suggest would then be an old woman with grey hair and sleepy
to his beloved to reflect upon? eyes. When she is in such a state, he wants her to read a
Ans: - The poet asks his beloved to reflect upon the book of memories from her youth. As the woman sits
bygone days and the present moment because he seems to beside the fire, nodding her head and leaves through her
be apprehensive that she will continue to ignore him, her memories, she would recollect the ‘soft looks’ she once
beauty will vanish soon and she will be alone in her old had and the sorrows she had suffered until then. When she
age. That is why he is asking her to presume that she has recalls her faded beauty she would also recall how she was
grown old and grey and try to foresee her predicament in admired by many suitors who were infatuated with her
the future. He does so because he intends to persuade her physical charms. At the same time, she would also recall
to pay attention to his ‘value’ as a lover before it is too how there was one man who loved her unique soul which
late. was in search of true love. She would also realize that her

2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

true love has lingered on for a while, disappeared from OR

the earth and hid amidst a crowd of stars in heaven. „True love is related to the soul but not to the physical
beauty‟. How is this idea brought out in the poem
4. The poem ‟When You are Old‟highlights the „When You Are Old‟?
feelings of a true lover. Explain. OR
OR Whose love in „When You Are Old‟ is immortal? How
How is the speaker‟s passionate love for his beloved does the poem present this?
brought out in the poem? Ans: - ‘When You Are Old’ depicts the frustration and
Ans: - ‘When You are Old’ highlights the writer’s true anxiety of a sincere lover. At the same time, it also
and unforgettable love for a lady. It presents the concern presents the concern of sincere love for the future
of sincere love for the future predicament of his lady predicament of his lady love.
love. Instead of focusing upon the present or the past, the
poet looks to the future, a future in which the two people The lover’s frustration and anxiety for her future find
in the poem are destined to be forever apart. The poet expression only because his love is genuine and constant.
imagines that the woman he loved has become old and Though she has not responded to his ‘love’, the lover does
regrets her refusing his true love. not want to give up his attempts to persuade her. He tries
to place before her a realistic, projected picture of her
The poem begins with the presumption that an old and future only because he knows that she will be old, infirm,
grey lady is sitting beside the fire nodding her head. and companionless as years roll by. Furthermore, the poet
When she recalls her memories, she remembers the soft seems to understand that she is not a flirt and a worldly
look that her eyes had once, and the number of suitors lady who loves to indulge in the pleasures of life but one
who tried to court her, being charmed by her elegance who has also been looking for someone who really loves
and beauty. While admitting that many suitors were her inner self more than her physical charms. Only
attracted by her youthful beauty, the speaker tries to tell someone who has a similar state of mind, and beliefs, and
her that he was the only lover who loved the pilgrim soul who is also yearning for a spiritual union with his lady
in her. love alone can write so.

He wants her to know that unlike others he was attracted From this, one can infer that true love is indestructible and
by the beauty of her inner self and his love would remain constant. Had the speaker been interested in her physical
constant even in her old age. He assures her that he loves charms only he would not have bothered to foresee his
even the sorrows of her changing face. He wants her to own future as well as the predicament of his lady love
understand that over a period of time her beauty will have some twenty years hence. Thus it can be argued that the
faded away and she will have grown old, with her face poem ‘When You Are Old’ conveys the message that true
having shrunk and her skin has been wrinkled, indicating love is indestructible and constant and is not influenced by
that she has passed through many difficulties and the vicissitudes of fortune.
2. “But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you”. How
The speaker concludes visualizing that she is now does the speaker justify this?
bending down beside the dying fire, and she tells herself OR
in a whisper, in a regretful tone that her true love has fled How does the poem distinguish the speaker‟s love from
and is hiding his face amidst a crowd of stars. Thus, the that of others?
whole poem is the delineation of the intense feelings of a Ans: - ‘When You are Old’ is a love poem in which the
true lover. poet addresses his lady love in the present, takes her to an
unreal condition in the future, and asks her to recall her
III. Answer the following questions in about 200 past memories. He does so, in order to persuade her or
words each: warn her not to ignore him and make a wrong decision.
This timeframe is the most compelling point of the poem
1. The poem „When You Are Old‟ conveys the because he wants her to remember him for his unique and
message that true love is indestructible and constant. unconditional love for her.
OR The poet compares himself as a suitor with other suitors.
The poem „When You Are Old‟ brings out the feelings He says, ‘but one man loved the pilgrim soul in you’. He
of eternal love. Explain. tries to distinguish himself from all the other suitors who

3 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

tried to woo her. He argues that all the other suitors were woman regretful, but to keep a young woman from
only attracted by her physical and external beauty and ignoring the narrator and making the wrong decision.
naturally they would be put off by her looks of old age
and might stop showing any interest in her. On the other
hand, unlike other suitors, he loved her not for her
physical beauty but for her ‘pilgrim soul’. **************

The word ‘pilgrim soul’ has a reference to the biblical

belief that every soul is a pilgrim on the way to salvation
and redemption. The speaker, by referring to this aspect
of the beloved rather than to her beauty and fame, seeks
oneness with the inner spiritual self and not the external

3. „When You Are Old‟ makes the „beloved‟ look

back on her youth. Discuss.
Ans: - ‘When You Are Old’ is a short love poem in
which the poet uses a time frame in which the speaker
addresses his lady love in the present, takes her to an
unreal condition in the future, and asks her to recall her
past memories. He does so in order to persuade her or
warn her not to ignore him and make a wrong decision.

The poet’s point of view is the most compelling point of

the poem. The narrator is calling upon a woman who is
not yet through with youth to, once past her prime, recall
the days he was in her life and very much in love with
her. Obviously, he wants her to remember him for his
unique and unconditional love for her, and how she is
choosing to ignore it in the present. By writing this poem
in this fashion, the woman, when the poet hopes that she
grows old, will remember the days when she was young
with happiness but will grow regretful that she did not
take advantage of his love.

Alternatively, the woman, in the present will see what an

opportunity she is missing by ignoring his love for her
and leaving him to fade into the past. The speaker fears
that his lady love will not act upon his love for her and
that she will only remember him in the book of
memories. He hopes that if, once old, she puts down the
book of memories, she will grow chilly and sorrowful
that she did not foresee how steadfast his love was but
how foolish she was for taking no notice of it. He is
already fearful that she will grow old without him, and
this can be seen as he requests that she remember him a
‘little sadly’ and as a missed chance to have a happy

It is the time frame that the poet has used in this poem
that facilitates the poet to write this sad and reminiscent
poem which is not designed primarily to make an old

4 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

THE GARDENER 10. What was the theme of Tammanna’s songs?

I. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase, Whose cruelty and meanness did Tammanna’s songs
or a sentence each: make mention of?
Ans: - The theme of Tammanna‟s songs was cruelty,
1. When, according to the narrator, does man lose his meanness and the injustice done to him by Basavaiah.
Ans: - After a particular age. 11. Tammanna’s disease was Basavaiah’s
(a) health
2. When did Tammanna forget all his songs and (b) weakness
ballads? (c) sorrow.
OR Ans: - (a) health.
Whose death made Tammanna forget his songs and
ballads in ‘The Gardener’? 12. When, according to Tammanna, did Basavaiah
Ans: - After the death of Basavaiah/ Death of Basavaiah.
have no more reason to live?
Ans: - According to Tammanna, the moment he left the
3. Where was the coconut grove where the narrator town and disappeared from Basavaiah‟s sight, Basavaiah
met the old man? did not have any reason to live.
Ans: - Near Chennarayapatna.
13. What became the main reason of Tammanna’s life?
4. How big was the plantation when the old man took Ans: - Punishing or annihilating Basavaiah for the
over? injustice, cruelty, and meanness showed by him was the
Ans: - Ten acres. main reason of Tammanna‟s life.

5. What was the most important possession 14. Where did the narrator meet the old man by
ofTammanna? chance?
Whom did Tammanna consider as the most important Where did the author notice the old man standing with
among all his possessions? a spade in one hand and a newspaper tucked under his
Ans: - His rival Sangoji or Basavaiah. arm?
Ans: - The author or the narrator noticed the man standing
6. Who was Tammanna’s rival? in a coconut grove near Chennarayapatna.
Ans: - Basavaiah.
15. What had the old man tucked under his arm when
7. How much of Tammanna’s land did Basavaiah the narrator met him?
acquire forcibly at first? Ans: - The old man had a newspaper tucked under his
OR arm.
How many acres of land did Basavaiah encroach?
Ans: - Two hundred acres. 16. What came to an end after the old man’s arrival in
the garden?
8. When did the rivalry between Tammanna and OR
Basavaiah move from the visible to the abstract level? When did the petty thefts come to an end?
Ans: - When Tammanna composed ballads mentioning Ans: - The petty thefts in the garden came to an end after
Basavaiah‟s cruelty and his meanness and sang them, the the old man‟s arrival.
rivalry between Tammanna and Basavaiah moved from
the visible to the abstract level. 17. Who became apprehensive about the plantation
owner’s vices?
9. Mention one of the ways suggested by Tammanna’s Ans: - The owner‟s wife became apprehensive about the
followers to get back his encroached land. owner‟s adultery and his umpteen other vices, cultivated
Ans: - „Going to the court of law seeking justice‟ was one lately.
of the ways suggested by Tammanna‟s followers to get
back his encroached land. 18. How many acres of land did Tammanna finally

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Ans: - Tammanna finally had only eight hundred acres of 28. When would Basavaiah go on offering stiff
land. competition, according to Tammanna, in ‘The
19. What did Basavaiah do to counter Tammanna’s Ans: - According to Tammanna, in The Gardener‟,
fame as a poet? Basavaiah would go on offering stiff competition at the
Ans: - To counter Tammanna‟s fame as a poet, level of the body, until he died.
Basavaiah started inviting scholars, poets and musicians
to his place. 29. According to the old man, when did he conceive the
story of Tammanna and Basavaiah?
20. Who became lethargic after the arrival of the old Ans: - According to the old man, he conceived the story of
man in ‘The Gardener’? Tammanna and Basavaiah, one day, when he found the
Ans: - In The Gardener‟, the owner of the plantation in wife of the plantation owner in a fix, perturbed and
Chennarayapatna became lethargic after the arrival of the confused.
old man.
30. Who thought his death alone could destroy
21. Whose name is said to be Sangoji and later Basavaiah, in ‘The Gardener’?
corrected as Basavaiah in ‘The Gardener’? Ans: - In The Gardener‟, Tammanna thought that his
Ans: - In The Gardener‟, it is Tammanna‟s rival whose death alone could destroy Basavaiah.
name is said to be Sangoji and later corrected as
Basavaiah. 31. When did Basavaiah pass away, according to
Tammanna, in ‘The Gardener’?
22. Who hit upon the idea of composing and singing Ans: - According to Tammanna in The Gardener‟,
ballads in ‘The Gardener’? Basavaiah passed away after Tammanna had left his
Ans: - In The Gardener‟, Tammanna hit upon the idea of village.
composing and singing ballads.
32. Who says he avenged himself by becoming a non-
23. Who was felicitated as the best poet of his times in entity in ‘The Gardener’?
‘The Gardener’? Ans: - In The Gardener‟, Tammanna says that he avenged
Ans: - In The Gardener‟, it was Tammanna who was himself by becoming a non-entity.
felicitated as the best poet of his times.
33. Who, according to Tammanna the old man, is not
24. Who appointed a number of persons to praise him amenable to any advice in ‘The Gardener’?
in ‘The Gardener’? Ans: - In „The Gardener‟, according to Tammanna the old
Ans: - In The Gardener‟, it was Basavaiah who appointed man, the owner of the coconut grove (where he was a
a number of persons to praise him. labourer), was not amenable to any advice.

25. Whose palatial mansion looked dull and empty 34. How long does a man go on living for some revenge,
without Tammanna’s books in ‘The Gardener’? according to the old man, in ‘The Gardener’?
Ans: - In The Gardener‟, it was Basavaiah‟s palatial Ans: - According to the old man in „The Gardener‟, the
mansion which looked dull and empty without man goes on living for some revenge or the other till the
Tammanna‟s books. „ day of his death.

26. When did Basavaiah find the means of surpassing 35. Who paints well, according to the old man, in ‘The
Tammanna in ‘The Gardener’? Gardener’?
Ans: - In The Gardener‟, it was only when Tammanna Ans: - According to the old man in „The Gardener‟, the
fell ill, did Basavaiah find a means of surpassing young child of Lokya paints well.
36. What happened to Basavaiah after Tammanna
27. Whose disease was Basavaiah’s health, according gave up everything and went away?
to the narrator of ‘The Gardener’? Ans: - Basavaiah died a few days after Tammanna had left
Ans: - According to the narrator of The Gardener‟, the town giving up everything.
Tammanna‟s disease was Basavaiah‟s health.

2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

37. Who narrated his story to the wife of the Having come away from Basavaiah, to punish him with
plantation owner in Gardener’? the news of his death, Tammanna realizes that human
Ans: - In „The Gardener‟, Tammanna narrated his story nature is very strange. After the death of Basavaiah, he
to the wife of the plantation owner. realises that he had become a non-entity and had lost his
name and fame. He tells his own story along with the truth
38. What was the old man well versed in ‘The that he had realized, only to convince the owner‟s wife
Gardener’? that she needs to mend her husband.
Ans: - Agriculture.
2. What measures did Tammanna adopt to humiliate
39. When did Tammanna forget his songs and Basavaiah? Explain.
ballads? OR
Ans: - Tammanna forgot all his songs and ballads after Give an account of the strategies used by Tammanna
Basavaiah‟s death. to destroy Basavaiah in ‘The Gardener’.
Ans: - When Tammanna came to know that the rivalry
II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of between him and Basavaiah had reached a peak and that
80-100 words each: two hundred acres of his land had been forcibly taken
away from him and had been even fenced up, Tammanna
1. Why does Tammanna feel that human nature can hit on a plan of annihilating Basavaiah completely. He got
be strange? all his bitter experiences with Basavaiah composed in the
OR form of ballads and started singing them before the people,
‘Man goes on living for some revenge’. How is this announcing to everyone Basavaiah‟s cruelty and his
presented in ‘The Gardener’? meanness. This way his reputation as an artist started
Ans: - One afternoon, Tammanna finds the owner‟s wife spreading fast and critics and scholars of folklore thronged
coming towards the coconut grove. She looked worried him and translated his songs.
and anxious. However, Tammanna knew why she looked
so. Then, he narrates the story of Tammanna and As days rolled by, Tammanna‟s popularity increased, and
Basavaiah and finally confesses that he was Tammanna, Basavaiah began to shrink in humiliation. Basavaiah tried
Basavaiah‟s rival, and how he had given up all his to undo the damage to his self-esteem by showing more
property and come to Chennarayapatna. Before telling interest in acquiring all kinds of material wealth. He got a
her that Basavaiah had died, Tammanna tells her he had palatial mansion built for himself. Then he bedecked
come to realize that human nature is very strange. He himself with gold, diamonds, and other precious stones.
offers an explanation of why he thinks so. Then he started inviting scholars, poets, and musicians to
his place and tried to invest his home with meaning.
According to Tammanna, though man needs wealth, However, one-day Tammanna suddenly took ill. This
education, and many more things, they do not give him a news cheered up Basavaiah‟s spirits. Tammanna‟s disease
compelling reason to live. In his opinion „Man lives for became Basavaiah‟s health. Tammanna thought of yet
some kind of unbearable vengefulness‟. He arrives at this another method of punishing Basavaiah.
inference based on his own experience of life. As long as
he was staying in his village, Basavaiah had considered Tammanna thought Basavaiah could no longer compete
him his rival and had gone on trying to out beat him in with him if he came to know that Tammanna had died.
wealth, health, art, and so on. The very fact that there was Therefore, Tammanna avenged himself by leaving his
a rival to him and he had to strive to compete with him in town, abandoning all his property, and walking away
every aspect, gave him sufficient reason to live. It is here hundreds of miles. When Basavaiah came to know that
that one finds human nature strange. Tammanna was not there in the village, he had no more
reason to live and he passed away.
All through his life, though man struggles to earn wealth,
education, food, etc., he does not find real happiness in 3. Why did the plantation owner’s wife find it hard to
these things. But he derives a kind of pleasure when he decide whether the old man’s arrival was for the better
finds that there is someone competing with him in these or for the worse?
areas. Though it is the making of his own imagination yet Ans: - Before the arrival of the old man, the owner had
he finds pleasure accepting his imaginary rival as real and only ten acres of land. Though the owner himself was in
fighting to out beat him. This gives him the real reason charge of the work in the plantation, there used to be petty
for his existence. thefts and he could not prevent them. Secondly, he was

3 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

very busy and hard-working and hardly had any time to could not tolerate this. He sent word to Tammanna asking
spend with his friends. So, he had hardly any friends at him to sell two hundred acres to him. Tammanna did not
all. agree. On the contrary, he offered to buy all the land that
belonged to Basavaiah. Therefore, Basavaiah went along
Once the old man was appointed as an overseer on the with his people and acquired two hundred acres of
farm, the old man being well-versed in agriculture, Tammanna‟s land forcibly and got a fence built around it.
understood the problems of the workers and solved all the Tammanna could not tolerate this invasion. Later, when
problems. His efficient supervision resulted in a dramatic his supporters suggested to him that he could go to the
increase in the earnings of the farm. Consequently, the court of law or the police or use his own people to attack
owner expanded his farm, became lethargic, and shied him and forcibly wrest his land from him, Tammanna did
away from hard work, leaving the plantation in charge of not accept their suggestion.
the old man.
Tammanna probably thought that competing with
Furthermore, the owner‟s wealth and social prestige also Basavaiah by physical means has no end to it because it
increased. Along with that, he acquired a number of depends on who is able to muster more muscle power.
friends in the next town as well as in his own village. Muscle power has its own limitations. Secondly, muscle
Even though he had precious little to do, his life became power needs the involvement of many more people apart
crowded with colourful events. He also cultivated from Tammanna.
umpteen vices including adultery. These changes in her
husband‟s lifestyle made the wife wonder whether the old Moreover, as long as both of them were fighting by visible
man‟s arrival was for the better or for the worse. means people will not know who was trying to compete
with whom. Until then, Basavaiah was the first one to
4. How did the rivalry between Tammanna and show to the people he had more land, more friends, more
Basavaiah move towards an invisible, abstract wealth, etc. Tammanna never did anything to spite
domain? Basavaiah. Whatever Tammanna did, was on his natural
OR inclination and not to spite Basavaiah.
Trace the course of the rivalry between Tammanna
and Basavaiah that moved from a visible domain to Therefore, Tammanna realized the limitations of
an abstract domain. competing with Basavaiah by physical means. That is why
OR he thought of putting an end to the unhealthy rivalry of
Give an account of the strategies used by Tammanna Basavaiah by taking recourse to something invisible. He
to destroy Basavaiah. took recourse to singing ballads and telling the people
OR through them about the cruelty and the meanness of
Bring out the rivalry between Tammanna and Basavaiah.
OR 5. How did Basavaiah try to surpass Tammanna? Why
The rivalry between Tammanna and Basavaiah wasn’t he successful?
started moving from the visible to the invisible OR
domain. Explain. How did Basavaiah try to surpass his rival in ‘The
OR Gardener’?
Explain the methods adopted by Tammanna to OR
humiliate Basavaiah. How did Basavaiah react to Tammanna’s popularity?
Ans: - In the beginning, there appeared to be a healthy OR
competition between Tammanna and Basavaiah. How did Basavaiah start filling his life with all kinds of
Tammanna did not take Basavaiah as his rival at all. material wealth?
Therefore, when Basavaiah acquired fifteen admirers to Ans: - When Tammanna came to know that the rivalry
outdo Tammanna‟s ten friends, it did not come to between him and Basavaiah had reached a peak and that
Tammanna‟s notice at all. Tammanna did whatever he two hundred acres of his land had been forcibly taken
wanted without bothering about Basavaiah. But away from him and had been even fenced up, Tammanna
Basavaiah did not keep quiet. hit on a plan of annihilating Basavaiah completely. He got
all his bitter experiences with Basavaiah composed in the
When he came to know that Tammanna possessed one form of ballads and started singing them before the people,
thousand acres of land, and he had only eight hundred, he announcing to everyone Basavaiah‟s cruelty and his

4 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

meanness. This way his reputation as an artist started On the contrary, he offered to buy all the land that
spreading fast and critics and scholars of folklore belonged to Basavaiah. Therefore, Basavaiah went along
thronged him and translated his songs. with his people and acquired two hundred acres of
Tammanna‟s land forcibly and got a fence built around it
Basavaiah tried to surpass Tammanna‟s fame by filling Tammanna could not tolerate this invasion. Later, when
his life with all kinds of material wealth. He got a palatial his supporters suggested to him that he could go to the
mansion built for himself. He appointed a number of court of law or the police or use his own people to attack
persons just to praise him and bedecked himself with him and forcibly wrest his land from him, Tammanna did
gold, diamonds, and other precious stones. But he was not accept their suggestion. Tammanna realized the
not successful. We can conclude so because the visitors limitations of competing with Basavaiah by physical
to his house told him that without Basavaiah‟s books his means. That is why he thought of putting an end to the
house looked dull and empty. unhealthy rivalry of Basavaiah by taking recourse to
something invisible.
6. How does Tammanna take revenge on Basavaiah
through invisible means? 8. What did Basavaiah do to invest his home with
OR meaning in ‘The Gardener’? Explain.
Explain the invisible means by which Tammanna Ans: - As Tammanna‟s popularity increased, Basavaiah
decided to destroy Basavaiah. began to shrink in humiliation. Basavaiah tried to undo the
OR damage to his self-esteem by showing more interest in
What invisible means did Tammanna use to acquiring all kinds of material wealth. He got a palatial
annihilate Basavaiah completely? Explain. mansion built for himself. He appointed a number of
Ans: - When his supporters advised him to either go to persons just to praise him. Then he bedecked himself with
the court or seek the help of the police or ask some gold, diamonds, and other precious stones. Then he started
persons to attack Basavaiah and take back his land inviting scholars, poets, and musicians to his place and
forcibly, Tammanna hit upon a unique idea of tried to invest his home with meaning.
annihilating Basavaiah through invisible means. He
thought of getting all his experiences composed in the 9. Describe the circumstances that led Tammanna to
form of ballads and singing them before the public. become a non-entity in ‘The Gardener’.
Ans: - Tammanna is the protagonist in the story and he
When Tammanna started singing ballads through which tells the story of the rivalry between himself and
he told the people about Basavaiah‟s cruelty and his Basavaiah. Tammanna was a farmer, had ten acres of land,
meanness, he became very popular. Many scholars of a comfortable house, and people too ready to carry out his
folklore and literary critics translated his songs and orders. Besides, he also had a rival. It was Basavaiah.
earned their share of fame. All this made Basavaiah Tammanna did not perceive Basavaiah as his rival
shrink in shame. This way, Tammanna took revenge on initially. Tammanna led a normal life and became
Basavaiah through invisible means. prosperous gradually and came to possess 1000 acres of
land. Until some point whatever Basavaiah did to keep
7. How did Tammanna and Basavaiah manage their himself on par with Tammanna was seen as healthy
rivalry in the beginning in ‘The Gardener’? competition.
Ans: - In the beginning, there appeared to be a healthy
competition between Tammanna and Basavaiah. But, one day, Basavaiah asks Tammanna to sell him two
Tammanna did not take Basavaiah as his rival at all. hundred acres of his land and Tammanna refuses.
Therefore, when Basavaiah acquired fifteen admirers to Basavaiah takes the land forcibly. Though there were
outdo Tammanna‟s penfriends, it did not come to various options available for getting his land back,
Tammanna‟s notice at all. Tammanna did whatever he Tammanna searches for a method that could annihilate
wanted without bothering about Basavaiah. But Basavaiah completely. Instead of proving might is right or
Basavaiah did not keep quiet. When he came to know that seeking justice from the court of law, Tammanna uses a
Tammanna possessed one thousand acres of land, and he different strategy. He composes and sings ballads about
had only eight hundred, he could not tolerate this. He sent Basavaiah‟s meanness and cruelty. Very soon Tammanna
word to Tammanna asking him to sell two hundred acres becomes very popular and Basavaiah has no answer to his
to him. Tammanna did not agree. brainy ideas.

5 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Just when Basavaiah is contemplating what to do next to Ans: - In the beginning, there appeared to be a healthy
spite Tammanna, he comes to know that Tammanna is ill. competition between Tammanna and Basavaiah.
Basavaiah is pleased with the news. But their rivalry does Tammanna did not take Basavaiah as his rival at all.
not end there. Tammanna decides to out beat him by Therefore, when Basavaiah acquired fifteen admirers to
manipulating the situation itself. He gives up everything outdo Tammanna‟s ten friends, it did not come to
and goes away to Chennarayapatna so as to spread the Tammanna‟s notice at all. Tammanna did whatever he
news that Tammanna is dead. Later Basavaiah dies a wanted without bothering about Basavaiah. But Basavaiah
natural death. Though there is no cause-effect did not keep quiet. When he came to know that
relationship between the rumour of Tammanna‟s death Tammanna possessed one thousand acres of land, and he
and Basavaiah‟s real death, Tammanna is shaken out of had only eight hundred, he could not tolerate this. He sent
his senses. With the death of Basavaiah, Tammanna loses word to Tammanna asking him to sell his two hundred
his identity and he becomes a non-entity. acres to him. Tammanna did not agree. On the contrary, he
offered to buy all the land that belonged to Basavaiah.
10. What circumstances led to the unhappiness of the
owner’s wife in ‘The Gardener’? Therefore, Basavaiah went along with his people and
Ans: - The owner of the coconut plantation was quite a acquired two hundred acres of Tammanna‟s land forcibly
normal person. He was working hard to bring about and got a fence built around it. Tammanna could not
improvement in his earnings. Probably he had little tolerate this invasion. Later, when his supporters
expertise in managing agricultural workers. Therefore, he suggested to him that he could go to the court of law or the
was looking for someone who would help him. That is police or use his own people to attack him and forcibly
why the moment he spoke to the old man [Tammanna) he wrest his land from him, Tammanna did not accept their
felt that he had got the kind of man he wanted. His suggestion.
expectations proved right and the old man helped him in
every way and solved all his problems, which eventually Moreover, as long as both of them were fighting by visible
resulted in increasing his income. means people will not know who was trying to compete
with whom. Until then, Basavaiah was the first one to
Once his worries disappeared and he had hardly any work show to the people he had more land, more friends, more
to engage himself in, his personal attention went towards wealth, etc. Tammanna never did anything to spite
acquiring property and social prestige. It is quite natural Basavaiah. Whatever Tammanna did, was on his natural
that with social prestige follow certain vices among inclination and not to spite Basavaiah.
which adultery was one. Adultery affects any woman.
Therefore, Tammanna realized the limitations of
All along, her husband had been faithful to her and once competing with Basavaiah by physical means. That is why
his wife came to know that he was spending his money he thought of putting an end to the unhealthy rivalry of
and time with other women, she got seriously worried Basavaiah by taking recourse to something invisible. He
and was very unhappy. She found it hard to decide took recourse to singing ballads and telling the people
whether the arrival of the old man had done good or bad through them about the cruelty and the meanness of
for her husband. Basavaiah.

III. Answer the following questions in about 200 As days rolled by, Tammanna‟s popularity increased, and
words each: Basavaiah began to shrink in humiliation. Basavaiah tried
to undo the damage to his self-esteem by showing more
1. How did Tammanna and Basavaiah try to outdo interest in acquiring all kinds of material wealth. He got a
each other? palatial mansion built for himself. Then he bedecked
OR himself with gold, diamonds, and other precious stones.
Describe the rivalry between Tammanna and Then he started inviting scholars, poets and musicians to
Basavaiah. his place and tried to invest his home with meaning.
How did Tammanna avenge himself? However, one-day Tammanna suddenly took ill. This
OR news cheered up Basavaiah‟s spirits. Tammanna‟s disease
How does Tammanna successfully outsmart his rival became Basavaiah‟s health. Tammanna thought of yet
Basavaiah? another method of punishing Basavaiah. Tammanna
thought Basavaiah could no longer compete with him if he

6 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

came to know that Tammanna had died. Therefore, Tammanna was not there in the village, he had no more
Tammanna avenged himself by leaving his town, reason to live and he passed away.
abandoning all his property and walking away hundreds
of miles. When Basavaiah came to know that Tammanna 3. The arrival of the old man to the garden caused both
was not there in the village, he had no more reason to live good and bad things. How is this brought out in ‘The
and he passed away. Gardener’?
Ans: - The owner of the coconut plantation was quite a
2. ‘Without vengefulness, there would be no reason normal person. He was working hard to bring about
for man’s existence’. How does ‘The Gardener’ bring improvement in his earnings. Probably, as he did not have
this out? much experience and expertise in managing agricultural
Ans: - Tammanna did not take Basavaiah as a rival at all. work, he was not able to reap the benefits of his hard
But, Basavaiah took him as his rival seriously and tried to work. Often, there used to be thefts and worker-related
outdo Tammanna in everything. Therefore, when problems. He also felt that he needed the assistance of a
Tammanna bought four more acres adjacent to his land, person well- versed in dealing with such problems. Once
Basavaiah also did the same. If Tammanna had ten he had spoken to the old man for a few minutes, he was
friends, Basavaiah would acquire fifteen admirers. convinced that he had found the right person and so hired
Gradually, it rose to such a pitch that there was no land him immediately. Thus the old man became an employee
left in the village for them to buy. All land belonged to in the coconut grove and stayed on.
either Tammanna or Basavaiah. Tammanna owned one
thousand acres and Basavaiah eight hundred. Basavaiah The old man was so experienced in agriculture that he
could not tolerate this. He sent word to Tammanna asking easily understood the problems of workers. The petty
him to sell two hundred acres. thefts in the garden came to an end, and naturally, the
income from the garden increased dramatically.
Tammanna did not agree. He was prepared to buy all the Consequently, the increase in income brought a
land that belonged to Basavaiah. Basavaiah went mad perceptible change in the lifestyle of the owner. The
with rage. He went along with his people and acquired plantation expanded, but the owner became lazy and shied
two hundred acres of Tammanna‟s land forcibly. A fence away from hard work. Once his worries disappeared and
was built around that land. Tammanna could not tolerate he had hardly any work to engage himself in, his personal
this invasion. Though his supporters explained to him all attention went towards acquiring property, and fame. His
the means available to him, he was not satisfied with life became crowded with colourful events.
them because he knew that sooner or later Basavaiah
would again try to outdo him by hook or by crook. On account of his newly acquired clout, he cultivated
Tammanna did not want Basavaiah to trouble him again. umpteen other vices including adultery. He became a
source of worry to his wife. The owner‟s wife found it
As days rolled by, Tammanna‟s popularity increased, and hard to decide whether the old man‟s arrival was for the
Basavaiah began to shrink in humiliation. Basavaiah tried better or for the worse. On the whole, one can conclude
to undo the damage to his self-esteem by showing more that the arrival of the old man to the garden caused both
interest in acquiring all kinds of material wealth. He got a good and bad.
palatial mansion built for himself. Then he bedecked
himself with gold, diamonds, and other precious stones. 4. Rivalry can make one both aggressive and reflective.
Then he started inviting scholars, poets and musicians to How does Tammanna’s narrative in The Gardener”
his place and tried to invest his home with meaning. prove this?
Ans: - Yes. “Rivalry can make one both aggressive and
However, one-day Tammanna suddenly took ill. This reflective”.
news cheered up Basavaiah‟s spirits. Tammanna‟s In „The Gardener‟, Tammanna is both the protagonist as
disease became Basavaiah‟s health. Tammanna thought well as the narrator. He narrates the story of the rivalry
of yet another method of punishing Basavaiah. between two farmers Tammanna and Basavaiah. From his
Tammanna thought Basavaiah could no longer compete narration, one can easily infer how aggressively he has
with him if he came to know that Tammanna had died. fought with Basavaiah for saving his self-esteem.
Therefore, Tammanna avenged himself by leaving his
town, abandoning all his property and walking away In the beginning, he did not even imagine that he had a
hundreds of miles. When Basavaiah came to know that rival. But he becomes aware of the rivalry between
himself and Basavaiah when the latter takes his land

7 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

forcibly and he is made to feel helpless. He becomes alert

and starts planning strategies to out beat Basavaiah‟s
moves. He composes and sings ballads and publicizes
Basavaiah‟s meanness and cruelty. Very soon Tammanna
gains popularity and Basavaiah is made to feel that he has
been defeated in his own game. Soon after that, when
Tammanna falls ill, Basavaiah is pleased with the news.
But their rivalry does not end there. Tammanna‟s next
move shows how aggressive and vengeful he can be. He
gives up everything and goes away to Chennarayapatna
so as to spread the news that Tammanna is dead.

Later, Basavaiah dies a natural death. Though there is no

cause-effect relationship between the rumour of
Tammanna‟s death and Basavaiah‟s real death,
Tammanna is shaken out of his senses. He becomes
reflective. He understands that with the death of
Basavaiah, he had lost his identity and had become a non-
entity. Finally, he realizes that both he and Basavaiah had
indulged in rivalry only to satisfy their ego.


8 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.


Ans: - (c) gentle sun.
I. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase,
or a sentence each: 10. What could not be anywhere else but on earth,
according to the speaker, in „Heaven, If You Are Not
1. Where can heaven be found, according to Here On Earth‟?
Kuvempu? Ans: - According to the speaker in the poem „Heaven, if
OR You are not Here on Earth‟ it is heaven. If heaven is not
Where, according to the poet, did he see heaven? on the earth, it can be nowhere else.
Where does the poet create heaven in the poem 11. According to the speaker in „Heaven, If You Are
„Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth‟? Not Here On Earth‟, if we ourselves cannot be gods,
Ans: - On this earth itself. then there can be no
(a) gods
2. Where does the tender sunshine lean? (b) nymphs
Ans: - The tender sunshine leans on gardens green with (c) humans.
grass or other rich vegetation. Ans: - (a) gods.

3. How does the poet create heaven on earth? 12. When can there be no nymphs, according to the
Ans: - The poet creates heaven on earth by imbibing the speaker, in „Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth‟?
beauty of nature and spilling the nectar of heaven, on the Ans: - According to the speaker in the poem, there can be
earth, through his poetry. no nymphs if we ourselves are not heavenly nymphs.

4. What, according to Kuvempu, are only figments of 13. According to the speaker in „Heaven, If You Are
man‟s imagination? Not Here On Earth‟ if we ourselves aren‟t heavenly
Ans: - „Heaven‟, „God‟, and „nymphs‟ are not tangible nymphs, the nymphs are not
entities but are only figments of man‟s imagination. (a) everywhere
(b) nowhere
5. When, according to the speaker, can there be no (c) elsewhere.
Gods? Ans: - (c) elsewhere.
Ans: - According to the speaker, if we ourselves cannot
be gods, then there can be no gods. 14. Who, according to the speaker, imbibes and spills
the song of nectar in „Heaven, If You Are Not Here On
6. According to the speaker, heaven is Earth‟?
(a) on earth Ans: - According to the speaker in the poem, it is the poet
(b) not on earth who imbibes and spills the song of nectar.
(c) beyond earth.
Ans: - (a) on earth. 15. What does the poet create on earth, according to
the speaker, in „Heaven, If You Are Not Here On
7. Who creates heaven on earth? Earth‟?
Ans: - The poet. Ans: - According to the speaker in the poem, the poet
creates heaven on earth.
8. How does the poet imbibe and spill the „song of
nectar‟? 16. What quality of harvest causes heaven to lie all
OR over in ‟Heaven If you are not here on Earth‟?
What does the poet imbibe and spill to create heaven Ans: - In „Heaven, if you are not Here on Earth‟, the
on earth? splendour of harvest causes heaven to lie all over.
Ans: - The poet absorbs the beauty of nature through his
eyes and spills the „song of nectar‟ through his poetry. 17. “In the splendour of harvest and of moonlight
Heaven lies all over!” The phrase refers to
9. According to the poet makes this Earth heaven. (a) harvest and moonlight are no match to heaven
(a) heavenly nymphs (b) splendour is only in heaven
(b) gods (c) heaven can be seen in the harvest and moonlight

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Ans: - (c) heaven can be seen in the harvest and by the gentle sun during the day and cooled and covered
moonlight. by moonlight at night.

II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of III. Answer the following questions in about 200 words
80-100 words each: each:

1. Why does the speaker believe that heaven can be 1. „Heaven is a creation of one‟s own mind‟. Explain
created only by human effort in „Heaven, If You Are with reference to „Heaven, if you are not here on
Not Here On Earth‟? earth‟.
Ans: - The speaker convincingly argues that we do not OR
need to seek heaven in the skies because this very earth is Why does the speaker in „Heaven, If You Are Not Here
heaven-like in reality. He tries to prove this point by on Earth‟ say that heaven is nowhere else but on
describing a roaring stream and the sunlit verdant garden. earth?
The poet emphatically states that the bliss that one Ans: - The very title of the poem suggests the intention of
experiences while looking at the streams that are leaping the poet. The poet wishes to argue that concepts like
down, roaring from the top of the hills, the waves that „heaven‟, „god‟, nymphs, etc., are not tangible entities but
come rolling across the seas carrying surf at their edges, are only figments of man‟s imagination. On the other
the tender rays of sunlight falling on the sprawling green hand, all the imaginary comforts, pleasures, and bliss one
forests and the gentle sun warming up the earth make this believes to enjoy in heaven, can be got in reality on this
earth a heavenly place. earth. The poet presents a beautiful picture of the different
forms of nature which make this earth a heaven.
The poet presents two more pictures of heaven on earth.
They are the splendour of harvest and the beauty of the The poet claims that the roaring streams that tumble down
moonlit night. The poet wishes that the reader brings to fast from the top of the hills, the rolling surf at the edge of
mind the harvest season when in every bit of agricultural the waves that come rolling across oceans and seas, the
land do we see heaps of grains covering the land. Then he tender rays of the sunbathing the vast green forests, and
mentions the moonlit night on which the whole earth the gentle sun warming up the earth make this earth a
seems to be bathed in silvery light. Finally, the poet says heaven.
that we (the poets) who enjoy such heavenly sights,
imbibe the beauty of nature and spill the nectar of heaven 2. „Heaven lies all over‟. How is this brought out in
through our poetry and thus create heaven on earth. „Heaven, if you are not here on earth‟?
2. What image of heaven does the poem, „Heaven, If How does Kuvempu show that heaven is here on
You Are Not Here On Earth‟ create? earth?
Ans: - According to the speaker, the poem creates a OR
mesmerizing image of heaven which is reflected in the How does the poet recreate and capture the beauty and
description of pristine nature created by the poet. There splendour of heaven on earth?
are roaring streams leaping down from the top of the OR
hills. The waves come rolling across the seas carrying Describe how the poem „Heaven, if you are not on
surf at their edges. The tender rays of sunlight falling on earth‟ visualizes heaven in nature.
the vast expanse of green forests and the gentle sun OR
warming up the earth enhance the beauty of the Earth, Why does the speaker heaven, if you are not on earth‟
creating an image of Heaven on earth. The splendour of say that heaven is right here on earth?
harvest and the pleasant moonlight that bathes the earth OR
makes it all the more heavenly. How, according to the speaker, does one find heaven
on earth?
3. What are the requirements of heaven, according to OR
„Heaven, If You Are NotHere On Earth‟? “Heaven is not a separate entity but a part of the earth
Ans: - As expressed in the poem, Heaven is imagined to to be created by human endeavour”. How does the
be the abode of gods and heavenly nymphs. Besides, it poem „Heaven, if you are not here on earth present
must have roaring and leaping streams, waves rolling this?
with surf at their edge, the vast expanse of green forests Ans: - Having convincingly argued that we do not need to
being clothed by the tender rays of the sunlight, warmed seek heaven in the skies, and this very earth is heavenly in

2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

reality, the poet presents the splendour of harvest and the 4. Heaven is nothing but a replica of the best qualities
beauty of the moonlit night. The poet calls these chunks of Earth. How does the poem „Heaven, If You Are Not
of heaven. The poet wishes the reader to bring to mind Here On Earth‟justify this statement?
the harvest season when in every bit of agricultural land Ans: -” The poem „Heaven, if You are not Here on Earth‟,
do we see heaps of grains, covering the land. makes an attempt to argue that there is no „Heaven‟ in
reality. Entities like „God‟, „Heaven‟, and the „Nymphs‟
He then presents a beautiful picture of the different forms are merely figments of man‟s imagination. In response to
of nature which make this earth a heaven. The poet the belief that „Heaven‟ is mesmerizingly beautiful and is
claims that the roaring streams that tumble down fast the abode of „Gods‟ and the „Nymphs‟, the poem asserts
from the top of the hills, the rolling surf at the edge of the that „Heaven‟ is only a replica of the resplendent and
waves that come rolling across oceans and seas, the pristine Nature. When we are treated with kindness and
tender rays of the sunbathing the vast green forests, and compassion in times of distress and helplessness, we
the gentle sun warming up the earth make this earth a attribute it to the divinity of God. This is only a replica of
heaven. „Man‟ giving divine help to his fellow beings in times of
distress and saving them.
Secondly, he mentions the moonlit night on which, the
whole earth seems to be bathed in silvery light. Finally, We believe that nymphs are lesser goddesses of Nature
the poet tells the reader that the poets who enjoy such represented as young girls living in trees, streams,
heavenly sights imbibe the beauty of nature and spill the mountains, etc. They are none other than a replica of the
nectar of heaven through their poetry. This way the poet beautiful and charming girls living in the lap of nature of
creates heaven on earth and celebrates the joys of heaven this earth.
through his poetry.
Besides being the abode of the gods and nymphs,
3. How, according to the speaker, can we create „Heaven‟ is believed to be an incredibly beautiful place.
heaven on earth? The poem argues that the idea or concept of Heaven‟s
OR beauty is only an image of the beautiful earth which
Human effort alone can create heaven on earth. How abounds in roaring streams leaping down the mountains
is this brought out in „Heaven, If you are not here on and the rolling waves carrying surf at their edges. This
Earth‟? enchanting beauty of the earth is enhanced by the tender
Ans: - The poet Kuvempu convincingly argues that we sunshine clothing the vast expanse of green forests, and
do not need to seek heaven in the skies because this very the warmth of the gentle sunbathing the greenery. To top
earth is heaven-like in reality. He tries to prove this point all this is the moonlight, which makes our nights tranquil
by describing a roaring stream and the sunlit verdant and pleasant.
garden. The poet emphatically states that the bliss that
one experiences while looking at the streams that are On the whole, one can conclude that it is our human
leaping down, roaring from the top of the hills, the waves kindness and compassion that comes to be termed as
that come rolling across the seas carrying surf at their „divinity‟ and the pristine Nature that creates Heaven on
edges, the tender rays of sunlight falling on the sprawling earth.
green forests and the gentle sun warming up the earth
make this earth a heavenly place. The poet presents two 5. „It is not gods that make heaven but humans who
more pictures of heaven on earth. They are the splendour attain divinity‟. How is this brought out in „Heaven, If
of harvest and the beauty of the moonlit night. You Are Not Here On Earth‟?
Ans: - The idea that „it is not gods that make heaven but
The poet wishes that the reader brings to mind the harvest humans who attain divinity‟ is expressed in lines three and
season when in every bit of agricultural land do we see four:
heaps of grains covering the land. Then he mentions the
moonlit night on which the whole earth seems to be “If we ourselves cannot be gods
bathed in silvery light. Finally, the poet says that we (the Then there can be no gods!”
poets) who enjoy such heavenly sights, imbibe the beauty
of nature and spill the nectar of heaven through our According to the poet, heaven is only a replica of the
poetry and thus create heaven on earth. resplendent and pristine nature. There is no distinct or
substantial entity called „God‟ and it is the man who
makes the earth „Heaven‟. When „man‟ treats his fellow

3 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

beings with kindness and compassion in times of distress beautiful and is the abode of „Gods‟ and the „Nymphs‟, the
and helplessness, he attains divinity. He is as divine as poem asserts that „Heaven‟ is only a replica of the
God. This is only a replica of a man giving divine help to resplendent and pristine Nature. When we are treated with
his fellow beings in times of distress and saving them. It kindness and compassion in times of distress and
is such human beings with divine kindness and helplessness, we attribute it to the divinity of God. This is
compassion that make „Heaven‟ on earth. only a replica of „Man‟ giving divine help to his fellow
beings in times of distress and saving them.
6. „Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth‟ tries to
remove the traditional picture of heaven. Discuss. We believe that nymphs are lesser goddesses of Nature
Ans: -” The poem „Heaven, if You are not Here on represented as young girls living in trees, streams,
Earth‟, makes an attempt to argue that there is no mountains, etc. They are none other than a replica of the
„Heaven‟ in reality. Entities like „God‟, „Heaven‟, and the beautiful and charming girls living in the lap of nature of
„Nymphs‟ are merely figments of man‟s imagination. In this earth.
response to the belief that „Heaven‟ is mesmerizingly
beautiful and is the abode of „Gods‟ and the „Nymphs‟, Besides being the abode of the gods and nymphs,
the poem asserts that „Heaven‟ is only a replica of the „Heaven‟ is believed to be an incredibly beautiful place.
resplendent and pristine Nature. When we are treated The poem argues that the idea or concept of Heaven‟s
with kindness and compassion in times of distress and beauty is only an image of the beautiful earth which
helplessness, we attribute it to the divinity of God. This is
abounds in roaring streams leaping down the mountains
only a replica of „Man‟ giving divine help to his fellow and the rolling waves carrying surf at their edges. This
beings in times of distress and saving them. enchanting beauty of the earth is enhanced by the tender
sunshine clothing the vast expanse of green forests, and
We believe that nymphs are lesser goddesses of Nature the warmth of the gentle sunbathing the greenery. To top
represented as young girls living in trees, streams, all this is the moonlight, which makes our nights tranquil
mountains, etc. They are none other than a replica of the and pleasant.
beautiful and charming girls living in the lap of nature of
this earth. On the whole, one can conclude that it is our human
kindness and compassion that comes to be termed as
Besides being the abode of the gods and nymphs, „divinity‟ and the pristine Nature that creates Heaven on
„Heaven‟ is believed to be an incredibly beautiful place. earth.
The poem argues that the idea or concept of Heaven‟s
beauty is only an image of the beautiful earth which
abounds in roaring streams leaping down the mountains
and the rolling waves carrying surf at their edges. This
enchanting beauty of the earth is enhanced by the tender
sunshine clothing the vast expanse of green forests, and **************
the warmth of the gentle sunbathing the greenery. To top
all this is the moonlight, which makes our nights tranquil
and pleasant.

On the whole, one can conclude that it is our human

kindness and compassion that comes to be termed as
„divinity‟ and the pristine Nature that creates Heaven on

7. Both human nature and the natural world play a

vital role in the creation of heaven. Explain with
reference to „Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth‟.
Ans: -” The poem „Heaven, if You are not Here on
Earth‟, makes an attempt to argue that there is no
„Heaven‟ in reality. Entities like „God‟, „Heaven‟, and the
„Nymphs‟ are merely figments of man‟s imagination. In
response to the belief that „Heaven‟ is mesmerizingly

4 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

JAPAN & BRAZIL THROUGH A TRAVELER‟S Ans: - The pedestrian‟s life in Brazil is becoming more
EYE hazardous every day because the number of motor
vehicles is growing by leaps and bounds.
I. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase,
or a sentence each: 11. Which place in Brazil does the writer consider as
the worst for pedestrians?
1. What does Mikes call, „A man‟s castle‟ in Japan? Ans: - The author considers Avenida Presidente Vargas as
Ans: - A man‟s telephone receiver. the worst place in Brazil for pedestrians.

2. How long does it take in Japan to be convinced that 12. Which habit of the Japanese is referred to as mania
you are among exquisitely well-mannered people? by George Mikes?
Ans: - Only a quarter of an hour. OR
What does the Japanese mania refer to, according to
3. Whom do the Japanese stores employ to welcome Mikes?
customers? Ans: - George Mikes refers to the Japanese habit of
Ans: - Bowing girls. bowing‟ as mania.

4. What is the duty of the bowing girls in Japanese 13. Which place in Brazil is the worst with regard to
stores? traffic, according to George Mikes?
Ans: - The bowing girls have to bow deeply and Ans: - Avenida Presidente Vargas, known for its terrifying
deferentially to all and sundry that visits the Japanese speed of traffic on the road, is the worst place of all in
stores. Brazil.

5. Which places does the Tokaido Line connect? 14. Whose life is becoming more hazardous in Brazil
Ans: - Tokyo and Osaka. every day, according to George Mikes?
Ans: - According to George Mikes, the pedestrian‟s life is
6. Where did the writer Mikes meetadeerin Japan? becoming more hazardous in Brazil every day.
Ans: - The writer met a deer in one of the parts of Nara,
which is a wild deer park in Japan. 15. What, according to George Mikes, do the driver
and pedestrian finally do after the chase in Brazil?
7. What are the pavements in the streets of Ans: - According to George Mikes, the pedestrian does
Copacabana decorated with? not resent being chased by the driver. Both of them smile
Ans: - With beautiful black mosaics. amicably at each other.

8. What kind of people would take the trouble to 16. What does the speaker compare Japanese bowing
decorate the pavements they walk on? to?
OR Ans: - The speaker compares Japanese bowing to the
Who, according to the writer, would take the trouble ceremonious solemnity of a courtier.
to decorate the pavements they walk on?
Ans: - Only a people alive to beauty in their surroundings 17. Who are the drivers in Brazil on the lookout for?
and who have plenty of time for contemplation during Ans: - The drivers in Brazil are on the lookout for any
their meditative walking would take the trouble to pedestrians stepping off the pavement, who they regard as
decorate the pavements they walk on. a fair game.

9. Why are motor cars expensive in Brazil? 18. Which animal created the impression that it bowed
OR to George Mikes in Japan?
What is extremely expensive in Brazil? OR
Ans: - Motor cars are extremely expensive in Brazil Which animal bowed to the author at Nara?
because import duties are crippling and murderous. Ans: - At Nara in Japan, a deer created the impression that
it bowed to the author.
10. Why is the pedestrian‟s life in Brazil becoming
more hazardous every day? 19. What did the deer do after bowing to Mikes at

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Ans: - After bowing to the author at Nara, the deer 29. Who is transformed into savages as soon as a bus
jumped at him and snatched the little food-bag from his arrives in Japan?
hand. Ans: - As soon as a bus arrives in Japan, the bowing
gentlemen are transformed into savages.
20. Mikes describes Japan as being
(a) overconfident 30. George Mikes compares the act of two Japanese
(b) overcrowded bowing to
(c) overjoyed. (a) an early American traffic law
Ans: - (b) overcrowded. (b) page-boys turning revolving doors
(c) Tokaido line that connects Tokyo and Osaka.
21. An hour in Japan convinced Mikes that he was Ans: - (a) an early American traffic law.
(a) leisurely characters 31. What did the deer snatch from Mikes‟hand in
(b) ill-mannered louts Japan?
(c) well-mannered people. Ans: - The deer snatched the little food-bag from Mikes‟
Ans: - (c) well-mannered people. hand.

22. What do the people of Japan highly respect, 32. In Japan, as soon as the bus arrives, the bowing
according to Mikes? gentlemen are transformed into
Ans: - According to Mikes, the people of Japan highly
(a) savages
respect one another‟s privacy. (b) slaves
(c) servants.
23. As Mikes says, after a few hours in Japan, one Ans: - (a) savages.
starts _______
(a) thanking 33. What must one do while eating soup in Japan,
(b) bowing according to Mikes?
(c) kissing Ans: - According to Mikes, while eating soup one must
Ans: - (b) bowing. make a fearful noise.

24. Who bows to all brothers in a Japanese family, 34. In Japan, eating soup by making a fearful noise is a
according to Mikes? sign of
Ans: - According to Mikes, the sister bows to all brothers (a) depreciation
in a Japanese family. (b) appreciation
(c) disregard.
25. What do mothers in Japan carry their babies in, Ans: - (b) appreciation.
according to Mikes?
Ans: - According to Mikes, mothers carry their babies in 35. Who enters the carriage on the Tokaido line in a
little saddles. slightly theatrical scene in Japan?
Ans: - Two conductors enter the carriage on the Tokaido
26. The Japanese stores employ ______ to greet line, in a slightly theatrical scene.
(a) singing girls 36. According to Mikes, bowing girls in Japan are
(b) dancing girls equal to
(c) bowing girls (a) page-boys
Ans: - (c) bowing girls. (b) maidservants
(c) security guards.
27. Who enters the carriage in a slightly theatrical Ans: - (a) page-boys.
scene as noticed by Mikes in Japan?
Ans: - According to Mikes, two conductors enter the 37. The pavements in the streets of Copacabana in
carriage in a slightly theatrical scene. Brazil are often decorated with
(a) pink granite slabs
28. Which animal bowed to Mikes in Japan? (b) grey cobblestones
Ans: - A deer bowed to Mikes in Japan. (c) beautiful black mosaics.

2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Ans: - (c) beautiful black mosaics. OR

Why is bowing in Japan a complicated process?
38. As soon as a driver notices a pedestrian step off OR
the pavement in Brazil, he “The Japanese follow a complicated hierarchy in
(a) regards him as a fair game. bowing.” Explain with reference to „Japanese
(b) greets him and smiles. Manners‟.
(c) ignores him and moves on. Ans: - The writer George Mikes remarks that for the
Ans: - (a) regards him as a fair game. Japanese people „bowing‟ has become a mania. However,
he also speaks in an appreciative tone and says that the
39. „The Avenida Presidents Vargas‟ in Brazil is people bow to each other with the solemnity of a courtier
described by Mikes as yet with a great deal of natural and inimitable grace.
(a) a wonderful place. Besides, he also says that the Japanese follow a
(b) an auspicious place. complicated hierarchy in bowing. This system decides
(c) the worst place. who bows to whom, how deeply, and for how long.
Ans: - (c) the worst place. Though it is a little complicated to us, the Japanese
manage it without difficulty and subtly and reflect in their
40. When do the drivers of the motor cars in Brazil bowing even the smallest difference in rank, standing, age,
aim and accelerate? and social position in a split second.
Ans: - The moment a motor car driver in Brazil notices a
pedestrian stepping off the pavement, he regards the 4. How, according to George Mikes, do the bowing
pedestrian as fair game, takes aim, and accelerates his gentlemen turn into savages in Japan?
car. Ans: - The author George Mikes, having described in
detail how „bowing‟ is followed so ritualistically in Japan,
II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of towards the end of the article narrates an incident that
80-100 words each: happened in one of the parts in Nara, a deer park in Japan.
The author bought a pack of food for a deer. On seeing the
1. What makes Mikes feel that the drivers in Brazil pack of food, the deer went up to him, looked into his
are on the lookout for pedestrians? eyes, and bowed to him deeply. Then, almost immediately,
Ans: - George Mikes feels that the drivers in Brazil are it jumped at him and snatched the little food-bag from his
on the lookout for pedestrians because as soon as a driver hand.
notices a pedestrian step off the pavement, he appears to
regard him as a fair game and so he takes aim and Using this incident as an analogy, George Mikes makes
accelerates his vehicle. The pedestrian has to jump, leap, fun of the Japanese people, for their ugly behaviour while
and run for his/her dear life. boarding a bus. He tells the reader in a sarcastic tone that
we can often see the Japanese bowing to each other with
2. „People respect each other‟s privacy‟. Explain with ceremonious serenity even at bus-stops. Then he says, “as
reference to Japan in Mikes‟ travel writing. soon as the bus arrives, the bowing gentlemen are
OR transformed into savages, they push each other aside, tread
Explain how the people of Japan respect each other‟s on each other‟s toes and shove their elbows into each
privacy, according to George Mikes. other‟s stomachs”. The reader, who had all along been
Ans: - The people of Japan live on a hopelessly encouraged to develop a kind of admiration for the
overcrowded island where they have no privacy. Japanese habit of respectful bowing, is shocked or stunned
However, the people are so well-mannered that they are by this revelation.
courteous enough not to overhear a conversation when
they find anyone talking to someone else over the 5. Give an account of the Japanese mania for bowing
telephone. The speaker can consider the telephone as described by George Mikes.
receiver as his castle and conduct his most confidential OR
business transactions and intimate love-quarrels in public, What is unique about bowing in Japan?
yet in perfect privacy without becoming apprehensive OR
about anyone overhearing his conversation. What are the views of George Mikes about Japanese
„mannerism of bowing‟?
3. How does the writer explain the complicated Ans: - According to George Mikes, as soon as we land in
hierarchy in bowing? Japan, the first thing we notice is bowing is so ubiquitous

3 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

in Japan. The writer comments that it is the mania of the Ans: - The author George Mikes concludes his
Japanese. He remarks that everyone keeps bowing to observations with his comments on the Japanese way of
everybody else with the ceremonious solemnity of a eating soup. He remarks that eating soup has more dangers
courtier yet with a great deal of natural and inimitable than almost anything else. He opines so because eating
grace. If two Japanese bow, as a rule, neither is to soup in a Japanese house puts an outsider in a dilemmatic
straighten up before the other stands erect in front of him. situation. The Japanese host expects the „guest‟ to make a
He states that bowing is quainter, more formal, and more fearful noise to Show his sign of appreciation while eating
oriental and also infectious. soup. If the guest is a European and if he or she does not
make a fearful noise, then the host will think that their
Besides, he also says that the Japanese follow a guest is an ill-mannered lout. But, having knowledge of
complicated hierarchy in bowing. This system decides this custom, if a European visitor makes a fearful noise
who bows to whom, how deeply, and for how long. while eating soup to express his appreciation, then the host
Though it is a little complicated to us, the Japanese will think that he must be an ill-mannered lout because the
manage it without difficulty and subtly and reflect in their Japanese know that no reasonably well brought up
bowing even the smallest difference in rank, standing, European makes such disgusting noises when eating soup.
age, and social position in a split second.
8. Bring out the culture of the Japanese as explained by
Apart from saying that the Japanese follow a complicated George Mikes.
hierarchy in their bowing, the author says that the Ans: - In his travelogue, George Mikes narrates four
Japanese follow certain basic rules inside the family. anecdotes which will help any foreign visitor to
They are the wife bows to her husband, the child bows to understand the cultural traits of the Japanese people. The
his father, younger brothers to elder brothers, and the author first highlights how people‟s courtesy serves a
sister bows to all brothers of whatever age. double function in Japan. He assertively states that a
couple, with perfect confidence, can carry on even their
In Japanese stores, bowing girls stand at the top of intimate love quarrels in public, in perfect privacy, without
escalators and their only duty is to bow deeply and being apprehensive of any passerby overhearing them.
deferentially to all and sundry. Next, he talks about the bowing mania of the Japanese
people and how the Japanese manage to show even the
The ticket checking conductors on the fast Tokaido Line, slightest differences in their hierarchy with a great deal of
march to the middle of the coach and bow ceremoniously natural and inimitable grace.
in both directions before checking the tickets.
Then, he narrates how, the very same people who, a few
At Nara, a deer created the impression that it bowed to minutes ago had bowed to each other with such
the author. ceremonious solemnity would behave like savages, push
each other aside, tread on each other‟s toes and elbow
6. According to George Mikes, the people of Brazil are their way into the bus. Finally, he talks about soup-eating
both leisurely and speed-loving. Explain. in Japan. He says that, according to the Japanese, when
Ans: - According to George Mikes, the people of Brazil eating soup one must make a fearful noise so as to express
are both leisurely and speed-loving. He remarks that his appreciation, otherwise the guest will be considered an
however close by or far off their destination may be, ill-mannered lout.
Brazilians do not seem to bother about the time it might
take for them to reach their destination. They do not hurry 9. Why is a pedestrian‟s life hazardous in Brazil,
at all; they do not mind even if they reach their according to George Mikes?
destination either an hour too soon or a day late or may OR
not reach at all. But the very same leisurely people, as Elaborate on the plight of a pedestrian in Brazil.
soon as they get a steering wheel in their hands, no speed Ans: - According to George Mikes, the people of Brazil
is fast enough for them. If one looks at their driving are both leisurely and speed-loving. Then he says that the
speed, one would be inclined to believe that gaining a people love driving their cars at such speed that as soon as
tenth of a second is a matter of grave importance for all the drivers get a steering wheel in their hands, no speed is
of them all the time. fast enough for them. They seem to believe that gaining a
tenth of a second is a matter of grave importance for them
7. Why does George Mikes say that eating soup has all the time. The drivers usually lookout for pedestrians
more dangers for a European? who step off the pavement and regard such pedestrians as

4 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

a fair game. They take aim and accelerate their vehicle. George Mikes says that nobody hurries in Brazil and does
The pedestrians have to jump, leap, and run for their dear not seem to be worried whether they reach their
life. Naturally, on account of such speed-loving people, a destination an hour too soon, a day late, or not at all.
pedestrian‟s life is hazardous in Brazil. Though his statement appears to be an exaggeration,
George Mikes then tells us the reason. His inference seems
10. Explain how drivers in Brazil care about to be based on his imaginative assessment of the probable
pedestrians, as mentioned by George Mikes. time a pedestrian in Copacabana takes to move from one
Ans: - According to George Mikes, the people of Brazil end of a street to the next while walking on the pavement,
are both leisurely and speed-loving. Then he says that the enjoying the beauty of the black mosaics on the
people love driving their cars at such speed that as soon pavements. George Mikes says that the natives seem to
as the drivers get a steering wheel in their hands, no relish such beautiful decorations on the pavements and do
speed is fast enough for them. They seem to believe that not mind spending time meditating on the beautiful
gaining a tenth of a second is a matter of grave mosaics while walking on the pavements.
importance for them all the time. The drivers usually
lookout for pedestrians who step off the pavement and He then cites another instance which highlights the
regard such pedestrians as a fair game. They take aim and incredible size of the crawling traffic in Avenida
accelerate their vehicle. The pedestrians have to jump, Presidente Vargas. Imagining that a pedestrian standing on
leap, and run for their dear life. Naturally, on account of one side of the street, asks his friend on the other side,
such speed-loving people, a pedestrian‟s life is hazardous how he got there, his friend would reply that he was born
in Brazil. on that side and he did not go there crossing the street.
This imaginary incident would tell the reader about the
11. How do Mikes portray a view of Japanese culture size of the moving traffic in Brazil.
through their act of bowing?
Ans: - According to George Mikes, as soon as we land in III. Answer the following questions in about 200 words
Japan, the first thing we notice is the mania of bowing, each:
which is so ubiquitous in Japan. The writer comments
that it is the mania of the Japanese. He remarks that 1. How does the writer bring out the dilemma of
everyone keeps bowing to everybody else with the crossing the road in Avenida Presidente Vargas?
ceremonious solemnity of a courtier yet with a great deal OR
of natural and inimitable grace. If two Japanese bow, as a How does the writer bring out the humour in crossing
rule neither is to straighten up before the other stands the road in Avenida Presidente Vargas?
erect in front of him. He states that bowing is quainter, OR
more formal, and more oriental and also infectious. Why is it difficult to cross a road in Brazil? How is this
brought out in „Traffic in Brazil‟?
Further, he says that the Japanese follow a complicated OR
hierarchy in bowing. This system decides who bows to Describe the situation, one witness, while trying to
whom, how deeply, and for how long. Though it is a little cross the road in Brazil, as mentioned by George
complicated to us, the Japanese manage it without Mikes.
difficulty and subtly and reflect in their bowing even the Ans: - While recording his observations about the traffic
smallest difference in rank, standing, age, and social in Brazil, the author comments about the reckless driving
position in a split second. Apart from saying that the style of the Brazilian people. Then he expresses his
Japanese follow a complicated hierarchy in their bowing, surprise over the growing number of motor cars in Brazil,
the author says that the Japanese follow certain basic despite the fact that import duties charged by the
rules inside the family. They are the wife bows to her government for importing cars are crippling and
husband, the child bows to his father, younger brothers to murderous, then he gives the reader an anecdote to help
elder brothers, and the sister bows to all brothers of him visualize to himself the number of vehicles that are
whatever age. there and the way they move on the roads.

12. Why does George Mikes say that nobody hurries He tells the reader that one witness the worst traffic
in Brazil? What instances does he give to illustrate problems in Avenida Presidente Vargas. If a pedestrian
this? were to stand on one side of the road, trying to cross the
Ans: - While recording his observations about the road and contemplating the truly fascinating problem,
paradoxical behaviour of the people in time management, „How can crawling traffic proceed at such terrifying

5 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

speed?‟, he will be spending hour after hour without a ray Everyone keeps bowing to everybody else with the
of hope of an auspicious crossing. Then he rounds up his ceremonious solemnity of a courtier yet with a great deal
anecdote telling us that, the pedestrian will witness a of natural and inimitable grace. If two Japanese bow, as a
scene in which a man standing beside you, on your side rule, neither is to straighten up before the other stands
of the Avenida Vargas, suddenly catches sight of a friend erect in front of him. He states that bowing is quainter,
of his on the other side and starts waving to him. Then he more formal, and more oriental and also infectious.
will ask him, “How did you get there?” The other fellow
being surprised by this naive question will yell back, Besides, he also says that the Japanese follow a
“How? I was born on this side!” One can easily infer the complicated hierarchy in bowing. This system decides
author‟s intention in giving us this anecdote. who bows to whom, how deeply, and for how long.
Though it is a little complicated to us, the Japanese
2. How does George Mikes bring out the humour in manage it without difficulty and subtly and reflect in their
the Japanese mannerism of bowing? bowing even the smallest difference in rank, standing, age,
OR and social position in a split second.
Bowing in Japan is so infectious that it leads to a few
comic situations. How does Mikes bring this out? Apart from saying that the Japanese follow a complicated
Ans: - George Mikes narrates two very unique habits of hierarchy in their bowing, the author says that the
the people noticed by every tourist in Japan. One of them Japanese follow certain basic rules inside the family. They
is their mannerism of bowing. However, the author‟s are the wife bows to her husband, the child bows to his
description is quite packed with humour as well as father, and younger brothers to elder brother stand the
admiration. He calls the bowing habit of the Japanese a sister bows to all brothers of whatever age.
„mania‟ and says “everybody keeps bowing to everyone
else, with the ceremonious solemnity of a courtier yet 4. A natural behaviour looks peculiar when seen from
with a great deal of natural and inimitable grace”. an outsider% eyes. How does Mikes prove this with
Interspersed in his description of their bowing, there are reference to Japanese bowing?
certain statements which make the description sound Ans: - The excerpt titled „Japanese Manners‟ is a good
humorous in a subtle way. They are: specimen of travel writing, by George Mikes, a
Hungarian-born British travel writer. In this excerpt, the
After a few hours you start bowing yourself; you bow to author shares his experience of travelling in Japan and
the wrong man at the wrong time; you do not clasp your tries to draw the readers‟ attention to what is most striking
hands in front of you which is bad, or you do which is about the Japanese people as seen by a touring journalist.
If two Japanese bow, neither is to straighten up before the Though bowing to their fellowmen in Japanese society is a
other stands erect in front of him. normal trait of Japanese behaviour, to an outsider like
saw babies carried in Japanese style on their mothers‟ George Mikes, „bowing‟ appears to be an obsession with
backs in clever little saddles, and whenever the mother the Japanese. That is why George Mikes chooses to
bowed, the baby bowed too, somewhat condescendingly, comment about the bowing patterns of the Japanese in this
from his majestic height. piece of travel writing.
Bowing girls in Japanese stores stand at the top of
escalators and their only duty is to bow deeply and According to George Mikes, as soon as we land in Japan,
deferentially to all and sundry. the first thing we notice is bowing is so ubiquitous in
The ticket checking conductors on the fast Tokaido Line, Japan. The writer comments that it is the mania of the
march to the middle of the coach and bow ceremoniously Japanese. He remarks that everyone keeps bowing to
in both directions before checking the tickets. everybody else with the ceremonious solemnity of a
About the deer in „Nara‟, the author comments, “it is courtier yet with a great deal of natural and inimitable
something genetic and is in the blood of Japanese deer”. grace. If two Japanese bow, as a rule, neither is to
At the bus-stop, “the bowing gentlemen are transformed straighten up before the other stands erect in front of him.
into savages” as soon as a bus arrives. He states that bowing is quainter, more formal, and more
oriental and also infectious.
3. Bowing in Japan is quainter, formal, and oriental.
Why does George Mikes say so? Discuss. Besides, he also says that the Japanese follow a
Ans: - According to George Mikes, bowing is so complicated hierarchy in bowing. This system decides
ubiquitous in Japan, it is the mania of the Japanese. who bows to whom, how deeply, and for how long.

6 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Though it is a little complicated to us, the Japanese In the first excerpt, the writer gives his comments about
manage it without difficulty and subtly and reflect in their the Japanese habit of „bowing‟ and how they manage to
bowing even the smallest difference in rank, standing, respect each others‟ privacy even though they are living in
age, and social position in a split second. an overcrowded island.

Apart from saying that the Japanese follow a complicated In the second excerpt, the author tells us in a humorous
hierarchy in their bowing, the author says that the vein about their time consciousness and their craze for
Japanese follow certain basic rules inside the family. driving cars recklessly.
They are the wife bows to her husband, the child bows to
his father, younger brothers to elder brothers, and the However, he makes his travelogue memorable by
sister bows to all brothers of whatever age. highlighting the contrasting patterns of behaviour of the
people of Japan as well as the people of Copacabana in
5. George Mikes brings out the contrast between Brazil.
leisurely characters and dangerous drivers in Brazil.
Explain. While describing the Japanese, George Mikes tells the
Ans: - George Mikes is a keen observer of people‟s reader that within fifteen minutes after a tourist has landed
behaviour, customs, and traditions. In the excerpt titled in Japan, he or she will come to the conclusion that the
Traffic in Brazil‟, Mikes says very casually that nobody people of Japan are an exquisitely well-mannered people,
hurries in Brazil and remarks that it does not really matter who live on a hopelessly overcrowded island. Then, he
whether you reach your destination an hour too soon, a justifies his opinion by telling the reader how the people
day late, or not at all. Next, probably with the intention of respect each others‟ privacy by being courteous enough
finding a suitable explanation for the leisurely attitude of not to overhear a telephone conversation even though they
the people, he tells the readers about the „grey happen to pass by a telephone booth or a counter. Next, he
pavements‟ in the streets of Copacabana, which are describes the „bowing‟ mania of the Japanese people.
decorated with beautiful mosaics. Then he adds that „only Though he describes their bowing patterns in an
a people alive to beauty in their surroundings and who appreciative tone, he concludes his write up highlighting a
have plenty of time for contemplations during their contrasting behavioural trait of the Japanese.
meditative, ambulatory exercises would take the trouble
to decorate the pavements they walk on. Though Mikes is In a humorous tone, he tells the reader that the Japanese
appreciating the people for their aesthetic sensibility, hepeople who bow with such ceremonious serenity even at
is also satirizing the lethargic walking style and attitudebus-stops, exhibit flippant behaviour almost immediately.
of the people. He tells the reader that as soon as a bus arrives, the
bowing gentlemen become savage-like, push each other
However, in the very next sentence, he makes fun of aside, tread on each other‟s toes and shove their elbows
dangerous drivers in Copacabana. Mikes remarks that the into each other‟s stomachs to get into the bus.
very same leisurely characters, when they get behind a
steering wheel, drive very fast and are reckless. Having Similarly, in his travel write up titled „Traffic in Brazil‟,
made a comment about their time consciousness, now, he while narrating his experiences as a tourist walking
says, “gaining a tenth of a second is a matter of grave through the streets of Copacabana, he comments about the
importance for all of them all the time”. Thus, by time consciousness of the local people. He says very
juxtaposing two different traits of these people, George casually, “Nobody hurries in Brazil”, then he adds “it does
Mikes brings out the contrast between leisurely characters not really matter whether you reach your destination an
and dangerous drivers in Brazil. hour too soon, a day late, or not at all”. Then he narrates
how the people decorate the grey pavements in the streets
6. People display contrasting patterns of behaviour. with beautiful black mosaics. Then referring to their
Substantiate in the light of‟Japan and Brazil Through walking style he says, „Only a people alive to beauty in
A Traveller‟s Eye‟. their surroundings and who have plenty of time for
Ans: - In this lesson, there are two excerpts titled contemplation during their meditative, ambulatory
„Japanese Manners‟ and „Traffic in Brazil‟ chosen from exercises would take the trouble to decorate the pavements
George Mikes‟ book titled „The Land of the Rising Yen‟ they walk on.
and „How to Tango‟ respectively.
We should note that though he appears to be appreciating
the aesthetic sense of the people, there is also a tone of

7 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

satirising the sluggish walking style, or the lethargic

attitude of the people.

Almost immediately he juxtaposes a contrasting pattern

of their behaviour. He tells the reader that the very same
leisurely characters when they get behind a steering
wheel, drive very fast, and are reckless. He says, “gaining
a tenth of a second is a matter of grave importance for all
of them all the time”. The reader cannot but infer that the
people of Copacabana are very lethargic only while
walking but are reckless while driving a motor car. Thus,
in both the essays we find George Mikes highlighting
contrasting patterns of behaviour of the people.


8 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

THE VOTER Ans: - For Marcus Ibe.

I. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase, 12. What was Marcus Ibe before he joined politics?
or a sentence each: Ans: - A mission school teacher.

1. Where did Roof work as a bicycle repairer’s 13. Why did Marcus Ibe face the threat of being
apprentice? dismissed from service as a school teacher?
OR Ans: - A female teacher had complained against Marcus
What did Roof do in Port Harcourt? Ibe. Hence, his dismissal was imminent.
Ans: - Roof worked as a bicycle repairer‟s apprentice in
Port Harcourt. 14. What had Marcus named his new house?
Ans: - „Umuofia Mansions‟.
2. How long had Roof worked as a bicycle repairer’s
apprentice? 15. Who was the most trusted campaigner of Marcus?
Ans: - Roof worked as a bicycle repairer‟s apprentice for Ans: - Roof.
two years.
16. How much salary had Marcus withdrawn in
3. The roof had given up being a bicycle repairer’s advance?
apprentice in order to OR
(a) contest elections How much had Marcus Ibe drawn in advance for the
(b) guide his people election?
(c) campaign for Marcus. Ans: - Five months‟ salary.
Ans: - (b) and (c) guide his people/campaign for Marcus.
17. How much did Marcus offer the people at first to
4. Who had formed the Progressive Organisation vote for him?
Party? Ans: - Two shillings to each voter.
Ans: - The Progressive Organisation Party (POP) had
been formed by the tribes down the coast. 18. How much did Marcus offer the people finally to
vote for him?
5. To which village did Roof belong? OR
Ans: - To Umuofia. How many Shillings was finally accepted for the votes
by the elders?
6. Who was supposed to be very popular in his Ans: - Four shillings.
Ans: - Roof. 19. Who was the enemy Roof referred to when he
spoke to the elders?
7. According to the villagers, what was Roof’s Ans: - The Progressive Organisation Party.
motivation for leaving a promising career?
Ans: - The villagers believed that a strong desire to guide 20. Who is the leader of the Progressive Organisation
the people of Umuofia in difficult times was the Party?
motivation behind Roof‟s leaving a promising career. OR
Who had formed the POP?
8. Which political party did the people of Umuofia Ans: - Maduka.
Ans: - People‟s Alliance Party. 21. How much money did the POP offer Roof to vote
for Maduka?
9. To which party did Marcus belong? OR
Ans: - To the People‟s Alliance Party. How much does Roof get from the representatives of
10. What was Marcus in the outgoing government? OR
Ans: - Minister of Culture. How much did the POP campaign team offer Roof for
his vote?
11. Who did the Roof campaign for in the elections? Ans: - Five pounds.

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

22. What was the election symbol of the People’s Ans: - Marcus had wisely joined politics just in time to
Alliance Party? avoid imminent dismissal arising from a female teacher‟s
OR complaint.
What is the symbol used by Marcus in the election?
Ans: - A motor car. 31. What does PAP stand for?
Ans: - PAP stands for the People‟s Alliance Party.
23. What was the symbol of the Progressive
Organisation Party? 32. What does POP stand for?
Ans: - A man‟s head. Ans: - POP stands for Progressive Organisation Party.

24. What is ‘Umuofia Mansions’? 33. How much did Roof give the villagers to cast their
OR votes for Marcus?
Where did Marcus Ibe build his big mansion in ‘The Ans: - The roof gave four shillings to each of the villagers
Voter’? to cast their votes for Marcus.
Ans: - „Umuofia Mansions‟ is the name of the biggest
house in Umuofia, built by Marcus Ibe. 34. What was Roof made to swear on to ensure his vote
for Maduka?
25. Where, on the election morning, did Marcus Ibe OR
sit shaking hands with the villagers? What was Roof asked to swear on by the POP team?
OR Ans: - The roof was made to swear on the Iyi of Mbanta
Where was Marcus Ibe seated on the morning of the to ensure his vote for Maduka.
Ans: - On the election morning, Marcus Ibe sat in the 35. Who was PAP’s most illustrious son referred to in
„owner‟s corner‟ of his enormous green car, shaking ‘The Voter’?
hands with the villagers. Ans: - Marcus Ibe was PAP‟s most illustrious son referred
to in „The Voter‟.
26. What was Rufus Okeke called as?
OR 36. Who was the Minister of Culture in the outgoing
Who was addressed as Roof, for short? government in ‘The Voter’?
Ans: - Rufus Okeke was called Roof for short by the Ans: - Marcus Ibe was the Chief Honourable Minister of
people of his village. Culture in the outgoing government mentioned in the
27. What had Marcus promised the voters if he was
elected in the forthcoming election? 37. Name the man of high traditional title in Umuofia
OR mentioned in ‘The Voter’.
Mention the promise made by PAP if they were voted Ans: - Ogbuefi Ezenwa is the man of high traditional title
to power. in Umuofia mentioned in „The Voter‟.
Ans: - Marcus had promised to give pipe-borne water to
the village if he was elected in the forthcoming election. 38. Mention one of the honours/benefits politics had
brought to Marcus Ibe in ‘The Voter’.
28. Who competed against Marcus in the elections? Ans: - Some of the honours/benefits politics had brought
Ans: - Maduka, the leader of the POP, competed against to Marcus Ibe were wealth, chieftaincy titles, and
Marcus in the elections. doctorate degrees.

29. What warning did Roof give Marcus about the 39. Opposition to Marcus Ibe in ‘The Voter’ was like
coming elections? (a) a fly trying to move a dunghill.
Ans: - The roof had warned Marcus about the radical (b) the bird challenging his personal spirit
change that had come into the thinking of Umuofia since (c) a mortar turning its back on the ground.
the last national election. Ans: - (a) a fly trying to move a dunghill.

30. Why did Marcus Ibe join politics? 40. Who conducted the whispering campaign in ‘The

2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Ans: - Marcus Ibe‟s stalwarts conducted the whispering 2. How did the POP campaign team trap Roof?
campaign in „The Voter‟. OR
Describe the meeting held by the POP campaign team
41. The roof offered _____ shillings initially to the with Roof in ‘The Voter’.
elders for their votes in ‘The Voter’. OR
(a) four Describe the meeting held by the POP campaign team
(b) two with Roof in ‘The Voter’.
(c) five Ans: - In the story „The Voter‟, Roof is the election
Ans: - (b) two. campaign manager for Marcus Ibe, a candidate of the
People‟s Alliance Party. On the night before the election,
42. Where does the iyi come from, according to the the leader of the POP campaign team visits Roof‟s house.
POP campaigner, in ‘The Voter’? He places five pounds on the floor and tells Roof that he
Ans: - According to the POP campaigner in „The Voter‟, wanted his vote. Initially, Roof did not know what to say
the „iyi‟ comes from Manta. or do. But, when he gets up from his chair, closes the door,
and comes back, he gets enough time to weigh the
43. Whose election symbol was ‘man’s head’ in ‘The proposition. He craves to make such a huge amount, his
Voter’? own.
Ans: - In „The Voter‟, „Man‟s head‟ was the election
symbol of the Progressive Organisation Party (POP). However, his conscience pricks him and he tells in a
feeble voice that the other person knows that he works for
44. What precaution did Roof take while inserting the Marcus and it will be very bad on his part to accept a
ballot paper in ‘The Voter’? bribe, vote for Maduka, and deceive his own master. But
Ans: - In „The Voter‟, while inserting the ballot paper, when the other person tells him that Marcus will not know
Roof took the precaution of putting the first half into who he has voted for, Roof throws away his moral
Maduka‟s box. scruples to the wind and asks him whether anyone will
talk about him outside. When he assures him that they are
45. When did Marcus’s boys conduct whispering only interested in votes and not gossip, Roof‟s greed
campaigns in ‘The Voter’? tempts him to accept the offer. But, he also gets trapped.
Ans: - In „The Voter‟, Marcus‟s boys conducted The leader asks him to swear on the Tyi‟, that he would
whispering campaigns at night. vote for Maduka. The roof cannot go back on his promise.
So he swears to vote for Maduka.
46. How many elders were there when Roof conducted
the whispering campaign in ‘The Voter’? 3. Describe the last-minute election campaign in
Ans: - There were five elders besides Roof and his Umuofia.
assistant when Roof conducted the whispering campaign OR
in „The Voter‟. Give a picture of the activities on the election morning.
Ans: - On the day of the election, Chief the Honourable
II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of Marcus Ibe was doing things in a grand style. He had hired
80-100 words each: a highlife band from Umuru and stationed it at such a
distance from the voting booths as just managed to be
1. The roof was a very popular man in his village. lawful. Many villagers danced to the music, their ballot
Give reasons. papers held aloft, before proceeding to the booths. Marcus
Ans: - Roof Okeke was an energetic young man and had sat in the „owner‟s corner‟ of his enormous green car and
come back to his own village Umuofia, after working as a smiled and nodded. Some villagers came up to the car,
bicycle repairer‟s apprentice for two years in Port shook hands with the great man, and said in advance
Harcourt. It was true that he would have enjoyed a rich „Congrats!‟
life if he had stayed on in his job. But he came back to the
village and told the people that he wanted to guide them Roof and the other organizers were prancing up and down,
in difficult times. Later he became an „election campaign giving last-minute advice to the voters and pouring with
manager‟ for Marcus Ibe and over a period of five years sweat. Roof tried to guide illiterate women saying “Our
became an expert in election campaigning at all levels. sign is the motor-car”. Then he told them, “Don‟t look at
Hence he was a very popular man in his village. the other with the man‟s head: it is for those whose heads

3 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

are not correct”. Finally, he shouted, “Vote for the car He got a huge mansion built in Umuofia and named it
and you will ride in it!” „Umuofia Mansions‟ and got it opened by the Archbishop.
On the day of the opening, he hosted a grand lunch to the
4. How is Roof’s dilemma brought out in ‘The Voter’? people of his village slaughtering five bulls and countless
OR goats. After feasting in his house, people were full of
Roof’s dilemma on the day of the election is the result praise for him. They opined that he was a great man and
of his own misdeeds. Do you agree? Give reasons. does his things like a great man. He also owned two big
Ans: - On the day of the election, we see Roof in a moral cars.
dilemma. For the first time, his moral conscience pricks
him not to betray Marcus. But it is only a momentary 6. Account for Roof’s popularity in ‘The Voter’.
impulse and vanishes almost immediately when Roof OR
recalls the picture of iyi and the cocoa farmer harvesting The roof was a very popular man in his village. Give
his crop. Then he hits on an idea of deceiving both reasons.
Marcus and Maduka. He folds the ballot paper, tears it in Ans: - Rufus Okeke, called Roof for short, was a very
two at the crease, and drops the first half into the box popular man in his village. His popularity was due to the
meant for Maduka and the other half into the box meant fact that even after spending two years as a bicycle
for Marcus. Thus, the writer successfully delineates how apprentice in Port Harcourt, Roof had come back to
„money politics‟ can corrupt people at all levels. It also Umuofia of his own free will with the intention of guiding
reveals the contagious nature of an immoral attitude as his people in difficult times. If he had stayed on in his job
the villagers who feel they “have climbed the iroko tree he would have enjoyed a rich life. By this gesture, he wins
today and would be foolish not to take down all the the gratitude and admiration of his people.
firewood needed” blatantly ask for bribes.
7. What was the whispering campaign and how did
It is Roof who is responsible for this moral degradation. Roof conduct it in ‘The Voter’?
The fall of Roof demonstrates the deepening level of Ans: - A „whispering campaign‟ refers to secret meetings
corruption and the dimming of moral principles. held between the group of elders of a village and the
Although Roof overcomes his personal dilemma on election campaign manager of a political party. The
election day by tearing his ballot paper in two – one-piece election manager goes to such campaigns armed with
for Maduka, the opponent, and one for Chief Marcus Ibe, money bags and woos the voters offering money for votes.
his own employer his act illustrates the basic unreliability
and political dishonesty of people working for elections. In „The Voter‟, Roof, the most trusted campaigner of the
The plot of the story hinging on this man who bribes the PAP, conducted a whispering campaign in the house of
electorate and who is bribed in turn drives home the Ogbuefi Ezenwa, a man of the high traditional title.
deviant tendency of the political scene. Initially, Roof tried to kindle the pride of the people telling
them that the PAP had made Marcus Ibe, one of their own
5. What changes did politics bring in Marcus Ibe? sons, Honourable Minister of Culture in the outgoing
OR government, and offered them 2 shillings each initially.
Describe how Marcus Ibe in ‘The Voter’ had But, Ezenwa rejected it saying that two shillings were
managed to become a ‘successful’ politician. shameful and Marcus was a great man, who did his things
OR like a great man. Later, when Roof offered them 2 more
Everyone is full of praise for Marcus Ibe. What shillings each, they accepted it and agreed to cast their
qualities and achievements attracted the people to vote for Marcus Ibe. Thus, Roof conducted his whispering
praise him? campaign.
Ans: - Marcus Ibe was a not-too-successful mission
school teacher. When he was almost on the verge of 8. Why was Roof in a fix when putting in his ballot
dismissal on the basis of a female teacher‟s complaint, he paper, in ‘The Voter’?
joined politics, got elected as a representative of Ans: - As soon as Roof went into the voting booth, he was
Umuofia, and was made Minister of Culture. People confronted by the „car‟ on one box and the „head‟ on the
referred to him as Chief the Honourable Minister of other. He took out his ballot paper from his pocket and
Culture. In a period of five years Marcus became very looked at it. For a moment he found himself caught in a
wealthy, was given many chieftaincy titles and doctorate moral dilemma. He could not decide whether he should
degrees and several other honours. vote for Marcus Ibe of the PAP or Maduka of POP.

4 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

As the election campaign manager for Marcus Ibe, he had OR

worked enthusiastically urging the people to vote for Why does Roof tear the ballot paper into two?
PAP. He had also taken a lot of money and other gifts for Ans: - The main focus of Achebe in „The Voter‟ is the
his service. But, now he had put himself in a fix because satirisation of money politics and the contagious nature of
he had accepted five pounds from the POP and had sworn corruption. Roof, the protagonist of the story, is an
before the „iyi‟ that he would vote for Maduka. So he did energetic young man of Umuofia, who has come back to
not want to cheat, because his fear of „iyi‟ from Mbanta his village giving up a bright future in the city. People
troubled him seriously. On the other hand, he felt guilty believe that he has come back to guide them in difficult
for betraying Marcus Ibe. For a moment he felt like going times and so hold him in high esteem.
back to the campaign manager and returning his five
pounds. The village Umuofia already belonged en masse to the
People‟s Alliance Party and had elected Chief the
Finally, the moment he thought of the red notes, he Honourable Marcus Ibe as their representative in the
visualized the cocoa farmer busy at work and his previous election and nobody doubted his re-election this
swearing on that „iyi‟. Therefore, he folded the ballot time also. The man behind Marcus‟ success is Roof. He
paper, tore it into two along the crease, and put one half was his election campaign manager and had become a real
in each box. He put the first half into Maduka‟s box expert in election campaigning at all levels.
confirming his action verbally, “1 vote for Maduka”.
But towards the end of the story, we see that Roof is
9. Trace the behaviour of Roof on the day of voting. offered five pounds by the leader of the election campaign
Ans: - On the day of the election, Roof appears to be for a POP on condition that Roof votes for Maduka. A
seriously interested in ensuring that the voters know who roof does not hesitate at all but tries to tell them that he is
to vote for and how to exercise their choice. Along with working for Marcus. But they allay his fears telling him
others Roof prances up and down giving last-minute that Marcus will not be there to watch him when he drops
advice to the voters. As soon as the first rush of voters is his vote in the box. Roof accepts their offer and swears to
over, Marcus promptly asks his campaign boys to go one vote for Maduka in the presence of „iyi‟.
at a time and put in their ballot papers. He asks Roof to
go first. Roof‟s spirits fall, but he lets no one see it. Roof On the day of the election, Marcus wants to make sure that
dashes off in his springy fashion towards the booth. every one of his people votes for him. Therefore, he asks
Roof to cast his vote first. When Roof goes into the booth,
When Roof goes into the booth, he faces a moral he faces a moral dilemma. His conscience tells him that he
dilemma. But he overcomes his moral dilemma, cuts the ought not to betray Marcus. There is an impulse in him to
vote into two, and drops the two halves in the boxes, one run to the leader of the POP election campaign manager
half for Marcus and the other half for Maduka. While and return his money. But, when he recalls that he had
coming out, he looks as happy as he was when he went sworn to vote for Maduka in the presence of „iyi‟, he
in. Thus, by putting on a happy face and walking with a changes his decision in a split second and folds the ballot
lot of energy in his gait while going into the booth as well paper in two. He tears it into two halves and drops the first
as while coming out of the booth, Roof is able to conceal half into the box meant for Maduka and the other half into
his betrayal of Marcus in the election. Marcus‟ box. He also confirms his vote for Maduka by
saying aloud, “I vote for Maduka”, and then goes out
III. Answer the following questions in about 200 happily.
words each:
This act of Roof, of tearing the ballot in two, invalidates
1. Do you think Roof is right in tearing the ballot his vote. When a person tears it in two, it is clear that he
paper into two? Explain. has not chosen any person at all, though he may have
OR dropped the two halves of the paper into different boxes.
Do you agree or disagree with how Roof resolves his When Roof tears the ballot paper in two it is only to
dilemma regarding how to cast his resolve the moral dilemma he is facing and not with the
vote? intention of exercising his choice. If he puts two halves in
OR two different boxes, it does not mean that he has voted in
In the story, Roof has to make a difficult decision favour of both. Actually it is an invalid vote. This is
about how to cast his vote. Do you agree with the way against the spirit of elections and is condemnable.
he resolves this dilemma? Why or why not?

5 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

2. How does Roof conceal his betrayal of Marcus in they decided to demand a price for their vote. As expected,
the election? Elucidate. Roof, being an expert in election campaigning, comes
Ans: - On the day of the election, Roof appears to be armed with money to his whispering campaigns.
seriously interested in ensuring that the voters know who
to vote for and how to exercise their choice. Along with During his whispering campaigns, Roof uses a lot of
others Roof prances up and down giving last-minute political rhetoric and tells the people convincingly that
advice to the voters and pouring with sweat. As soon as PAP favours the people of Umuofia. He says, “What
the first rush of voters is over, Marcus promptly asks his greater honour can a village have? Do you ever stop to ask
campaign boys to go one at a time and put in their ballot yourselves why we should be singled out for this honour?
papers. He asks Roof to go first. Roof‟s spirits fall, but he Think of the pipe-borne water they have promised us …”
lets no one see it. Roof dashes off in his springy fashion This way Roof manages to mesmerize the naive people
towards the booths. When Roof goes into the booth, he into believing that Marcus is a great man and is going to
faces a moral dilemma. do great things for their village.

But he overcomes his moral dilemma, cuts the vote into Besides, Roof satisfies their desire for a share of Marcus‟
two, and drops the two halves in the boxes, one half for earnings by giving them four shillings each. On the day of
Marcus and the other half for Maduka. While coming out, the election, Marcus entertains the people hiring a highlife
he looks as happy as he was when he went in. Thus, by band from Umuru. He sits in an enormous car and tries to
putting on a happy face and walking with a lot of energy impress the people with his wealth and eminence. He
in his gait while going into the booth as well as while coins catchy slogans like „Vote for the car, and you will
coming out of the booth, Roof is able to conceal his ride in it‟. It is these strategies planned by Roof that ensure
betrayal of Marcus in the election. Marcus‟ victory in the elections.

3. Give an account of Roof’s role as an election 4. ‘The Voter’ ridicules the power and selfishness of
campaigner. Marcus Ibe. Explain.
OR Ans: - „The Voter‟ highlights what kind of people become
The roof is an expert election campaigner. people‟s leaders, how politics bestows wealth and power
Substantiate the statement. on them, and because of such people how elections
Ans: - The roof is an energetic young man of Umuofia, become farcical. The two main characters in the story are
who has come back to his village giving up a bright Marcus and Roof, and the voters are the people of
future in the city. People believe that he has come back to Umuofia. The whole focus of the plot is to ridicule greedy
guide them in difficult times and hence hold him in high and selfish politicians and to show how they manage to
esteem. When we read about the election, the writer tells corrupt the society also.
us that the village of Umuofia already belonged en masse
to the People‟s Alliance Party and had elected Chief the Marcus was a not-too-successful mission school teacher.
Honourable Marcus Ibe as their representative in the When he was almost on the verge of dismissal on the basis
previous election and nobody doubted his re-election this of a female teacher‟s complaint, he joined politics, got
time also. The man behind Marcus‟ success is Roof. elected as a representative of Umuofja, and was made
Minister of Culture. In about five years, people see a great
The roof was his election campaign manager and had many changes in Marcus‟ life. Their elected representative
become a real expert in election campaigning at all levels. becomes wealthy, is awarded chieftaincy titles and
Having already seen a change in Marcus‟ status and doctorate degrees besides many other honours. He also
wealth, Roof is able to gauge the people‟s mood and the builds a huge mansion in his native village.
change in people‟s perception of Marcus Ibe and had
conveyed to his leader that a radical change had come in In a satirical tone, the writer says that Marcus had
them. This way he prepares Marcus to plan his strategy to christened his new house „Umuofia Mansions‟ in honour
woo the voters in the coming elections. of his village and had slaughtered five bulls and countless
goats to entertain the people on the day it was opened by
After feasting in Marcus‟ house on the day of the opening the Archbishop. Marcus believed that, by entertaining
of his new house, people had realized what good things people thus, people would respect him and would hold
politics had showered on Marcus. They also regretted to a him in high esteem.
little extent that they had given their vote to Marcus free
of charge in the previous election. Therefore, this time,

6 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

But the people are not naive and ignorant. They know at this juncture that we see a dent in his loyalty towards
where his „power‟ and money come from. The people Marcus. Even though he knows that a half ballot paper is
know that he had acquired all this only after they had invalid as a person‟s mandate, he tears the vote in two and
elected him their representative giving their votes free of puts one half into each box, thus resolving the moral
charge five years ago. Even after five years, the people dilemma in his mind. This way he is only comforting his
and their village remained the same as before but Marcus conscience and does not remain functionally loyal to
had changed completely. Marcus.

When Roof tells Marcus that a radical change had come 6. Do you think ‘the voter’ is right in demanding
into the thinking of Umuofia since the last election, like money to vote for Marcus Ibe? Explain.
any other corrupt politician Marcus prepares himself to Ans: - The people of Umuofia give their mandate to
bribe the people. The people come prepared to demand Marcus and get him elected as their representative
their share of his wealth. Instead of demanding believing that he would work for their welfare and
developmental work for their village, the people tell Roof upliftment. However, as his term rolls by, they witness a
that two shillings are too shameful and settle the deal for substantial change in Marcus‟ status and wealth, while the
four shillings each. It is Marcus and Roof who blatantly people‟s status remains the same. People realize how
offer money, tacitly admitting that they have used the politics can make someone rich and powerful. They regret
public money selfishly for their own development, that that they had underrated the power of their mandate, and
the voter ridicules them by demanding more money for so decide to demand a share of his earnings to cast their
their vote, sending the message that real power to change vote.
the face of a village, town or country is in the hands of
the voter and not selfish politicians like Marcus. That is why, in the whispering campaign, when Roof
offers each one of the two shillings, they tell him that it
5. ‘Roof was the most trusted of the whispering was too shameful to accept just two shillings from Marcus
campaigners’. To what extent is this true in ‘The for their vote because Marcus was no longer a poor man
Voter’? and was doing great things like a great man. Then they
OR agree to cast their vote taking four shillings each.
To what extent was Roof the most trusted of the
whispering campaigners in ‘The Voter’? An election process in any democratic set up has high
Ans: - When the story opens, we learn that Marcus is intrinsic value because it symbolizes people‟s mandate
seeking re-election as a representative of Umuofia. and the elected representative becomes the voice of those
Secondly, we also know that it was Roof who had worked people. Naturally, when the voters of Umuofia demand
for his success in the previous election. As a trusted money to vote for Marcus, it only means that their real
whispering campaign manager of Marcus, he had been mandate has not given them what they needed and they
able to convince the people of Umuofia that Marcus remain in abject poverty as before. They have lost faith in
would work for the welfare of the people and they would elections as a means to achieve their welfare. The previous
get many amenities like running water and electricity. election may have failed them but they ought not to
Then, he had worked hard to get Marcus elected and had become corrupted. That will pave the way for further
kindled the expectations of the people. deterioration by building obstacles in the path to their own
development. They are not right in demanding money.
But, during the five years as people‟s representative,
Marcus proved to everyone how joining politics can be 7. ‘The Voter’ is a comment on the awareness of voters.
lucrative. He had also given gifts to Roof to retain him as Discuss.
his election campaigner for the coming election also. Ans: - In the story „The Voter‟, Chinua Achebe satirizes
However, Roof was clever enough to perceive a change „politicians‟ and makes an attempt to show how even in a
in the mood of the people and warned Marcus about it. democratic setup election can become farcical because of
That is why, in the whispering campaign, he goes armed ignorance, illiteracy, and corruption. The story also
with money bags to woo the voters. highlights how deep-rooted corruption in society can be.

Until the last day of the campaigning, Roof remains loyal Marcus Ibe, who was once a local mission school teacher,
and the most trusted of Marcus‟ whispering campaigners. was now Chief the Honourable Minister of Culture in the
But, the visitor from POP cleverly lures Roof to promise outgoing government. During his term as a minister, he
his vote for Maduka offering a huge sum of money. It is had amassed a lot of wealth. Thus, „politics‟ had brought

7 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

about a great change in the life of Marcus and Roof as build obstacles in the path to their own development. This
well. But, the people of Umuofia had remained the same way they make a mockery of the electoral system.
– poor, illiterate, ignorant, and naive – and their villages
remained dry and wretched without even the basic 8. Demanding money to vote for a particular person is
amenities. not wrong. How is this brought out in ‘The Voter’?
Ans: - „The Voter‟, a short story by Chinua Achebe,
Marcus, who is seeking a second term, is sure that he is happens in a village called Umuofia. It is a satirical and
going to get a landslide victory because of the absence of realistic portrayal of how corrupt politicians deceive
any strong opposition party worth taking into people in elections and what mediatory strategies they use
consideration. But, this time, there is a change in the to woo the voters and subvert the power of the people‟s
perception of the people. After feasting in Marcus‟ new mandate in choosing a leader df their choice. Incidentally,
house and noticing the increase in his wealth and power, the author also seems to question the very basis of societal
the poor people of Umuofia realize that elections do have and ethical norms, socio-economic conditions of the
a meaning and it is during elections that their votes have people, moral decadence, etc. The corrupt and greedy
value. political leader in the story is Marcus Ibe.

They also know that it is „politics‟ that has brought He is the Chief Honourable Minister of Culture in the
wealth and power to Marcus. They strike a bargain with outgoing government and is seeking re-election as a
Roof and agree to sell their vote for four shillings each. candidate of the PAR Soon after becoming the minister,
This way, the people of Umuofia shed their moral Marcus had made use of his political status for his self-
scruples and make up their minds to be satisfied with just aggrandizement. In a period of five years, he had managed
a little share of the thief‟s booty. Eventually, it is this to amass a great deal of wealth, power, status, and public
strain in the people‟s minds that helps a corrupt politician adulation. He had two long cars and had just built himself
like Marcus to win elections with the least resistance. the biggest house in those parts. To top it all, on the day of
the opening of his mansion, Marcus Ibe held a grand
Like Marcus, Roof also realizes how people‟s elected banquet for the people of the village slaughtering five
representatives can become rich in a very short time. bulls and countless goats. Thus, politics had made him
Having worked as his election manager, Roof extracts richer.
enough money as well as other benefits from Marcus
during his first term. In the second term. Roof‟s greed for On the other hand, the status of the people remained the
wealth is kindled by another political party – the POR same. They lived in abject poverty without even the basic
They know that it is Roof‟s expertise in election amenities like electricity and drinking water. Though they
campaigning that woos the voters of Umuofia and Roof is had been watching how politics had brought wealth and
amply compensated by Marcus for his efforts. power to Marcus, it had not dawned on them that it was
the power of their vote which had given him all the
The POP, with a view to making a dent in Marcus‟ comforts. After the feasting was over, the villagers told
electorate, lures Roof with an offer of five pounds just to themselves that they had underrated the power of the
cast his vote for Maduka. Their intention is only to win ballot paper before and should not do it again. His election
over Roof to their side with the‟ promise that he can manager Roof was shrewd enough to understand the
make much more money from POP than from PAP. Once change in the attitude of the people. Therefore, he went to
Roof bites the bait, they ensure that he is in their clutches, the whispering campaign armed with money and
by forcing him to swear on the „iyi‟. Though Roof is successfully bought their vote paying four shillings each to
caught in a dilemma, he solves the conflict in his mind by the leaders.
tearing the ballot paper into two and casting his vote for
both parties. The question that arises now, is, whether demanding
money to vote for a particular person is right? The author
Thus, both the episodes prove how „corruption‟ can ruin seems to argue that as long as politicians in a democratic
both the literate and the illiterate, the educated and the set up fulfill their promises to the people and take care of
uneducated, and make democratic processes ineffective their welfare, the question of buying votes does not arise
and farcical. The voters, who have been given the power at all. When politicians themselves flout all democratic
to elect a leader who can help them improve their lives, norms and ideals and work only for their aggrandizement,
use the very process of election to settle for a pittance and there is nothing wrong with people demanding some value
for their votes. This is brought out clearly in the story.

8 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Ezenwa, the highest traditional title holder, says, “Marcus set up fulfill their promises to the people and take care of
is a great man and does his things like a great man. We their welfare, the question of buying votes does not arise
did not ask him for money yesterday; we shall not ask at all. When politicians themselves flout all democratic
him tomorrow. But today is our day; we have climbed the norms and ideals and work only for their aggrandizement,
iroko tree today and would be foolish not to take down all there is nothing wrong with people demanding some value
the firewood we need”. Thus, one can rightly conclude for their votes.
that demanding money to vote for a particular person is
not wrong. This is brought out clearly in the story. Ezenwa, the
highest traditional title holder, says, “Marcus is a great
9. ‘The Voter’ presents the role of money and man and does his things like a great man. We did not ask
ridicules its power in an election. Explain. him for money yesterday; we shall not ask him tomorrow.
Ans: - „The Voter‟, a short story by Chinua Achebe, But today is our day; we have climbed the iroko tree today
happens in a village called Umuofia. It is a satirical and and would be foolish not to take down all the firewood we
realistic portrayal of how corrupt politicians deceive need”. Thus, one can rightly conclude that demanding
people in elections and what mediatory strategies they money to vote for a particular person is not wrong.
use to woo the voters and subvert the power of the
people‟s mandate in choosing a leader df their choice.
Incidentally, the author also seems to question the very
basis of societal and ethical norms, socio-economic
conditions of the people, moral decadence, etc. The
corrupt and greedy political leader in the story is Marcus **************
Ibe. He is the Chief Honourable Minister of Culture in the
outgoing government and is seeking re-election as a
candidate of the PAR Soon after becoming the minister,
Marcus had made use of his political status for his self-

In a period of five years, he had managed to amass a great

deal of wealth, power, status, and public adulation. He
had two long cars and had just built himself the biggest
house in those parts. To top it all, on the day of the
opening of his mansion, Marcus Ibe held a grand banquet
for the people of the village slaughtering five bulls and
countless goats. Thus, politics had made him richer.

On the other hand, the status of the people remained the

same. They lived in abject poverty without even the basic
amenities like electricity and drinking water. Though they
had been watching how politics had brought wealth and
power to Marcus, it had not dawned on them that it was
the power of their vote which had given him all the
comforts. After the feasting was over, the villagers told
themselves that they had underrated the power of the
ballot paper before and should not do it again. His
election manager Roof was shrewd enough to understand
the change in the attitude of the people. Therefore, he
went to the whispering campaign armed with money and
successfully bought their vote paying four shillings each
to the leaders.

The question that arises now, is, whether demanding

money to vote for a particular person is right? The author
seems to argue that as long as politicians in a democratic

9 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

WHERE THERE IS A WHEEL 10. When and why did Sheela Rani start the cycling
I. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase, Ans: - In 1991, Sheela Rani Chunkath started the cycling
or a sentence each: movement in the Pudukkottai district with the intention of
training female literacy activists so that literacy would
1. Name the person who wrote the famous cycling reach women in the interior.
OR 11. What did Sheela Rani add as a part of the literacy
Name the Arivoli activist who wrote/penned the drive?
famous cycling song. Ans: - Sheela Rani added „mobility‟ as a part of the
Ans: - Muthu Bhaskaran. literacy drive.

2. In which district of Tamil Nadu, according to P. 12. Why did Sheela Rani include mobility as a part of
Sainath, has cycling been a social movement? the literacy drive?
OR Ans: - Since lack of mobility among women played a big
Where was cycling started as a social movement, role in undermining their confidence, Sheela Rani
according to P. Sainath? included mobility as a part of the literacy drive.
Ans: - Pudukkottai district in Tamil Nadu.
13. In which year and on what occasion was the all-
3. What is Fatima by profession? women’s cycle rally held?
Ans: - A secondary school teacher. Ans: - The all-women‟s cycle rally was held on
International Women‟s Day in 1992.
4. What is the literacy movement of Pudukkottai
called? 14. Who is the owner of Ram Cycles?
Ans: - Arivoli Iyakkam. Ans: - S. Kannakarajan.

5. What does Arivoli Iyakkam mean? 15. Who was the male Arivoli activist who encouraged
Ans: - Light of Knowledge movement. the cycling movement?
Ans: - Muthu Bhaskaran was the male Arivoli activist
6. What is Arivoli Iyakkam mentioned in ‘Where who encouraged the cycling movement.
There is a Wheel’?
Ans: - Arivoli Iyakkam, which means, Light of 16. Who trains women in cycling in Kudimianmalai?
Knowledge movement, is the literacy movement of OR
Pudukkottai. Name the quarry worker and Arivoli volunteer who
trains other women.
7. Name one of the pioneers of the cycling movement OR
in Pudukkottai. Name one of the women who has trained young women
Ans: - N. Kannammal, the Arivoli central coordinator. from their community in the art of cycling.
Ans: - Manormani.
8. Who is the central coordinator of Arivoli?
OR 17. Who is Manormani?
Who was the central coordinator of the cycling Ans: - A quarry worker and an Arivoli volunteer.
movement in ‘Where There is a Wheel’?
Ans: - N. Kannammal. 18. Name the quarry worker and Arivoli volunteer
who trains other women to learn cycling.
9. Who was the brain behind the cycling movement? Ans: - Manormani is the quarry worker and Arivoli
OR volunteer who trains other women to learn cycling.
Who is Sheela Rani Chunkath?
OR 19. Which movement helped the ‘neo-literates’ to
Whose brainchild is the cycling movement, according become ‘neo-cyclists’?
to P. Sainath? Ans: - The literacy movement helped the „neo-literates‟ to
Ans: - Sheela Rani Chunkath, a former district collector, become „neo-cyclists‟.
was the brain behind the cycling movement.

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

20. Name the organization that sanctioned fifty Ans: - As stated in „Where There is a Wheel‟, tens and
mopeds for Arivoli women activists. thousands of neo-literate rural women in the Pudukkottai
Ans: - The UNICEF sanctioned fifty mopeds for Arivoli district took to „cycling‟ as a social movement.
women activists.
30. What, according to the speaker, has brought a
21. What is the chosen medium for the rural women of change in the lifestyle of the women of Pudukkottai?
Pudukkottai? Ans: - According to the speaker, learning to ride a bicycle
Ans: - Cycling is the chosen medium for the rural women has brought a change in the lifestyle of the women of
of Pudukkottai. Pudukkottai.

22. Why did some women prefer to buy gents’ cycles? 31. In which official position was Sheela Rani
Ans: - Some women preferred to buy gents‟ cycles Chunkath, according to P. Sainath?
because there was not only a shortage of ladies‟ cycles, Ans: - According to Sainath, Sheela Chunkath was then
but they could also seat a child on the additional bar. the district collector.

23. Name the male Arivoli activist who wrote the 32. Who was S. Kanakarajan mentioned in ‘Where
famous cycling song. There Is A Wheel’?
Ans: - Muthu Bhaskaran, a male Arivoli activist, wrote Ans: - As mentioned in „Where There is a Wheel‟, S.
the famous cycling song. Kanakarajan was the owner of Ram Cycles, a shop in
Pudukkottai which sold bicycles.
24. What had stunned the inhabitant’s of Pudukkottai
on International Women’s Day? 33. Mention one of the reasons for women buying
Ans: - The all-women‟s cycle rally in which 1500 female gents’ cycles, according to P. Sainath.
cyclists participated, had stunned the inhabitants of Ans: - According to P. Sainath, a shortage of „ladies‟
Pudukkottai on International Women‟s Day. cycles was one of the reasons for women buying „Gents‟
25. Which vehicle is called ‘humble’ in ‘Where There
is a Wheel’? 34. What led to a shortage of ladies’ cycles in
Ans: - The writer calls the bicycle a humble vehicle. Pudukkottai, according to P. Sainath?
Ans: - According to P. Sainath, „cycling‟ became a social
26. What is meant by ‘neo-cyclists’ mentioned in movement for the rural women in Pudukkottai district.
‘Where There Is A Wheel’? The district‟s literacy activists learned cycling. Then,
Ans: - The term „neo-cyclists‟ in the lesson „Where There every one of the neo-literates became a neo-cyclist. This
is a Wheel‟, refers to all those rural women in the encouraged „everywoman‟ in the district to learn cycling.
Pudukkottai district of Tamil Nadu, who have taken to Consequently, all the „ladies‟ cycles stocked in the market
bicycling as a symbol of independence, freedom, and got sold resulting in a shortage of „ladies‟ cycles.
35. Where did the rural women display their new
27. Name one of the three women who trained other cycling skills, according to P. Sainath?
women in cycling in ‘Where There Is A Wheel’. Ans: - According to P. Sainath, the rural women displayed
Ans: - Jameela is one of the three women who trained their new cycling skills in an all women‟s cycle rally held
other women in cycling, in the lesson „Where There is a in Pudukkottai on International Women‟s Day in 1992.
36. What did banks provide the women of Pudukkottai
28. Who has benefited the most by cycling, according with, according to P. Sainath?
to P. Sainath? Ans: - According to P. Sainath, banks provided loans to
Ans: - According to P. Sainath, the neo-literate rural the women of Pudukkottai for buying bicycles.
women in the Pudukkottai district have been benefited
the most by cycling. 37. What, according to P. Sainath, played a big role in
undermining women’s confidence?
29. Who took to ‘cycling’ as a social movement in Ans: - According to P. Sainath, lack of mobility among
‘Where There Is A Wheel’? women played a big role in undermining their confidence.

2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

38. Who gave social sanction to cycling in ‘Where produce in nearby villages, they had to carry their produce
there is a Wheel’? to the bus stop with the help of their menfolk.
Ans: - According to P. Sainath, it was the Arivoli that
gave social sanction to cycling. Secondly, they had to come back within a fixed time to
tend to little kids at home and to store or fetch water from
II. Answer the following questions in a paragraph of remote places. Naturally, though they were capable of
80-100 words each: doing all these duties on their own, their „immobility‟
created a big hurdle. They had to walk long distances to
1. Bring out the nature of freedom gained in fetch water and sell their produce. After learning cycling,
Pudukkottai with the introduction of the cycle. such women became free and independent. This gave
Ans: - The introduction of cycling has brought freedom, them a lot of confidence. Moreover, the ability to ride a
mobility, and independence to more than 100000 rural bicycle gave them a lot of self-respect.
women in the Pudukkottai district. There were quite a
few rural women who used to go by bus to sell their 3. Why does P. Sainath say that visiting an Arivoli
agricultural products within a group of villages. Now, cycling training camp is an unusual experience?
these women have learnt cycling can go to such places on Ans: - Sainath, the writer, says that visiting an Arivoli
cycle, and cut down on time, and also cover a larger area. „cycling training camp‟ is an unusual experience because
one day when he went to Kilakuruchi village to see the
Secondly, these women needed the help of menfolk to camp he was amazed to see all the prospective learners
reach even the bus stop. Moreover, they had to rush back turned out in their Sunday best. The writer tells us that one
early to tend to the children and perform other chores like cannot help being struck by the sheer passion of the pro-
fetching water. With the introduction of cycling, they cycling movement. There was a look of determination on
have become mobile and independent. They have a lot of their faces.
freedom to plan they‟re occupational as well as their
domestic duties and enjoy leisure too. 4. What role did Sheela Rani play in the cycling
2. How has the cycle transformed the lives of many OR
women in Pudukkottai? How did Sheela Rani promote the cycling movement?
OR Ans: - Sheela Rani Chunkath was the district collector of
Comment on how cycling reduced women’s Pudukkottai. In 1991 as a part of the female literacy drive,
dependence on men with reference to Sainath’s essay. she wanted to train female literacy activists so that literacy
OR would reach women in the interior. She had realized that
What benefits, according to P. Sainath, has cycling the lack of mobility among women played a big role in
brought into the lives of rural women? undermining their confidence. Therefore, she included
OR „mobility‟ as a part of the literacy drive.
How has a bicycle brought a total change in the lives
of rural women? Naturally, literacy activists learned cycling first. This
OR inspired the neo-literates also to learn cycling. This, in
How did cycling transform the lives of women in the turn, inspired every woman in the village to learn cycling.
Pudukkottai district and help them change with the The literates, having become neo-cyclists, encouraged
times? every woman in the district to learn cycling, by organizing
Ans: - The introduction of cycling in the Pudukkottai „cycle training camps‟. Thus, Sheela Rani Chunkath
district has brought about a tremendous change in the became instrumental in „cycling‟ becoming a social
lives of rural women. Cycling has offered a way out of movement in the Pudukkottai district.
enforced routines around male- imposed barriers. The
rural women, in particular, have gained a great deal of 5. How does the author show that cycling is linked to
confidence on account of their learning cycling. Earlier, the literacy movement in the district?
they used to be burdened with economic as well as social OR
or familial obligations. Many young mothers had to help How did Sheela Rani Chunkath empower the women
the menfolk in earning the family income as well as do of Pudukkottai by including cycling in the literacy
domestic chores like tending to children and fetching drive?
water from remote places. Even to sell their agricultural Ans: - Sheela Rani Chunkath was the district collector of
Pudukkottai in 1991. As a part of the female literacy drive,

3 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

she wanted to train female literacy activists so that 8. Why was there a shortage of ladies’ cycles in the
literacy would reach women in the interior. She had district of Pudukkottai? How was the problem
realized that the lack of mobility among women played a overcome?
big role in undermining their confidence. Therefore, she OR
included „mobility‟ as a part of the literacy drive. How did the women react to the shortage of ladies’
Naturally, literacy activists learned cycling first. This OR
inspired the neo-literates also to learn cycling. This, in Why was there a shortage of ladies’ cycles in
turn, inspired every woman in the village to learn cycling. Pudukkottai? How did the women react to it?
The literates, having become neo-cyclists, encouraged Ans: - Once the idea of learning cycling as a sign of
every woman in the district to learn cycling by organizing women‟s emancipation caught on among the womenfolk
„cycle training camps‟. Thus, cycling came to be linked to of Pudukkottai, there was a huge demand for „ladies‟
the literacy movement in Pudukkottai. cycles. Once the stocks of ladies cycles got exhausted
there was a shortage of „ladies‟ cycles. Consequently,
6. What are the economic implications of cycling? women did not hesitate to buy „gents‟ cycles as well. In
OR fact, some women even preferred „gents‟ cycles because
Discuss how cycling has had definite economic the gent‟s cycles have an additional bar from the seat to
implications on women’s status. the handle. That way the women realized that they could
Ans: - Cycling brought many benefits to rural women in seat a child on the bar. Consequently, the shortage of
Pudukkottai. Besides instilling a lot of confidence in rural ladies cycles was solved by going in for gents cycles.
women, it also helped them economically. A large section
of the rural womenfolk were small producers who used to 9. How has cycling inculcated a sense of self-respect in
wait for buses to carry their produce to sell in other the women of Pudukkottai?
villages. Ans: - The writer says that it would be very wrong to
emphasize only the economic aspect of learning cycling.
Even to carry their produce to the bus stop they had to He says that learning cycling brings a sense of self-respect
depend on fathers, brothers, husbands or sons. to the individual. He quotes the opinion of Fatima, a
Once these women learned cycling, they became mobile secondary school teacher. She opines that learning cycling
and independent. Learning cycling enabled them to visit a is not economic in her case at all. She cannot afford a
number of villages and sell their produce. Secondly, after bicycle, yet she hires one every evening just to feel the
learning cycling they were able to combine different tasks goodness, that independence. What she means to say is,
with nonchalance. Consequently, one can see many a when a woman learns to ride a bicycle, she enjoys a sense
young mother riding a cycle with a child on the bar and of achievement.
the produce on the carrier. She could also be seen
carrying two or three pots of water hung across the back Women do not need to depend on their husbands to help
and cycling towards work or home. them physically in carrying their produce to the market.
Secondly, nothing can bind them to their homes. They go
7. How has cycling swept across the district of out, fetch water and provisions, and come back home to
Pudukkottai? attend to their domestic duties and responsibilities at the
Ans: - It is not an exaggeration to say that cycling has right time. This way they enjoy a lot of freedom. It is this
swept across the district of Pudukkottai. It is not feeling that gives women a sense of self-respect.
surprising to see even rural agricultural workers riding a
bicycle carrying water, their products, and also their III. Answer the following questions in about 200 words
children on the bicycle. In fact, cycle-riding women have each:
become ubiquitous in the Pudukkottai district.
1. How has cycling become a metaphor for freedom in
Apart from women agricultural workers, quarry Pudukkottai?
labourers, and village health nurses have also taken to OR
cycling. Joining the rush are balwadi and Anganwadi How does the speaker highlight the freedom and
workers, gem cutters and school teachers, and also grama empowerment accomplished due to cycling?
services and mid-day meal workers as well. OR
In what different ways does the bicycle help rural
women in ‘Where There Is A Wheel’?

4 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Ans: - The idea of empowering women giving them way out of enforced routines around male-imposed
„mobility‟ came from Sheela Rani Chunkath, the District barriers.
Collector of Pudukkottai in 1991. She included „mobility‟
as a part of the literacy drive so as to facilitate female The rural women, in particular, have gained a great deal of
literacy activists to reach rural women in the interior. confidence on account of their learning cycling. Earlier,
Once the literacy activists learned cycling, they taught the they used to be burdened with economic as well as social
neo-literates cycling. Once the neo-literates learned or familial obligations. Many young mothers had to help
cycling, every other woman in the district volunteered to the menfolk in earning the family income as well as do
learn cycling. Later, the Arivoli activists organized a domestic chores like tending to children and fetching
„Cycling Training Camp‟ and created „Master trainers‟ water from remote places. Even to sell their agricultural
who in turn conducted several cycling training camps. produce in nearby villages, they had to carry their produce
This way, in a short period of time, over 100,000 rural to the bus stop with the help of their menfolk.
women in the Pudukkottai district learned cycling.
Secondly, they had to come back within a fixed time to
The author opines that „cycling‟ gave these women tend to little kids at home and to store or fetch water from
freedom, mobility, and independence. Consequently, remote places. Naturally, though they were capable of
these women stopped depending on the menfolk to doing all these duties on their own, their „immobility‟
transport their agricultural produce to bus stops. They created a big hurdle. They had to walk long distances to
themselves carried the produce and sold them in the fetch water and sell their produce. After learning cycling,
neighbouring villages and this way covered a larger area. such women became free and independent. This gave
Secondly, they also took care of the young ones at home them a lot of confidence. Moreover, the ability to ride a
and completed household chores in time as a result of the bicycle gave them a lot of self-respect.
proper utilization of time. They could also fetch water
from far off places and cart provisions on their bicycle. Apart from women agricultural workers, quarry labourers,
Thus, „cycling‟ empowered rural women in many ways. and village health nurses have also taken to cycling.
Furthermore, the ability to carry on all the duties and Joining the rush are balwadi and Anganwadi workers, gem
responsibilities on their own gave the women a sense of cutters, school teachers, grama services, and mid-day meal
achievement and self-respect. Thus, the author who workers as well.
witnessed this silent revolution concludes that the humble
vehicle – the bicycle – has become a metaphor for It would be very wrong to emphasize only the economic
freedom, in Pudukkottai. aspect of learning cycling. Learning cycling brings a sense
of self-respect to the individual. The writer quotes the
2. How does the essay ‘Where There is a Wheel’speak opinion of Fatima, a secondary school teacher. She opines
about women and empowerment? that learning cycling is not economic in her case at all. She
OR cannot afford a bicycle, yet she hires one every evening
How is ‘wheel’ symbolic of a change in ‘Where there just to feel the goodness, that independence. What she
is a wheel’? means to say is, when a woman learns to ride a bicycle,
OR she enjoys a sense of achievement. She feels that she does
A humble vehicle can be a tool for women’s not need to depend on her husband to help her physically
empowerment. Discuss. in carrying her produce to the market.
A humble vehicle can work wonders in empowering Secondly, nothing can bind her to her home. She becomes
rural women. Explain with reference to ‘Where There mobile. She goes out, fetches water and provisions, and
Is A Wheel’. comes back home to attend to her domestic duties and
Ans: - In this essay titled „Where There is a Wheel‟, responsibilities at the right time. This way she enjoys a lot
Sainath reports how learning to ride a bicycle became a of freedom. It is this feeling that gives a woman a sense of
social movement and eventually became a symbol of self-respect.
women empowerment in the Pudukkottai district of
Tamilnadu. Here, the „wheel‟ of the cycle has become a 3. Justify the statement ‘Wheel brings progresses with
symbol for the empowerment of women. The reference to ‘Where There is a Wheel’.
introduction of cycling has brought about tremendous Ans: - In „Where there is a Wheel‟, P. Sainath, the writer,
change in the lives of rural women. Cycling has offered a refers to the „wheel‟ of the bicycle to document the
spectacular progress achieved by rural women in the

5 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Pudukkottai district of Tamilnadu. The title symbolically The literates, having become neo-cyclists, encouraged
conveys the „progress‟ achieved by rural women over a every woman in the district to learn cycling, by organizing
period of one and a half years. „Wheel‟ is a commonly „cycle training camps‟. Thus, Sheela Rani Chunkath
accepted symbol for progress or movement or mobility. became instrumental in „cycling‟ becoming a social
„Wheel‟ also means continuous progress or movement. movement in the Pudukkottai district.
While stagnation indicates decay and deterioration,
mobility indicates dynamism. Cycling brought many benefits to rural women in
Pudukkottai. Besides instilling a lot of confidence in rural
The writer remarks that “people find curious ways of women, it also helped them economically. A large section
hitting out at their backwardness, of expressing defiance, of the rural womenfolk were small producers who used to
a hammering at the fetters that hold them”. All these wait for buses to carry their produce to sell in other
phrases make a reference to how the rural women of villages. Even to carry their produce to the bus stop they
Pudukkottai district defied the challenge of the male had to depend on fathers, brothers, husbands, or sons.
bastion and broke the fetters that chained them to the Once these women learned cycling, they became mobile
confines of their homes by learning to ride a bicycle. and independent. Learning cycling enabled them to visit
These rural women, which included agricultural workers, the number of villages and sell their produce. Secondly,
quarry labourers, village health nurses, ballad is and after learning cycling they were able to combine different
anganwadis, gem cutters, school teachers, mid-day meal tasks with nonchalance.
workers, and gram sevikas, had to depend on the male
persons at-home – brother, husband, father – to go to the Consequently, one can see many a young mother riding a
market to sell their produce and to go to their workplaces cycle with a child on the bar and the produce on the
in addition to doing household chores like carrying water carrier. She could also be seen carrying two or three pots
from the village well, cooking, taking care of infants and of water hung across the back and cycling towards work or
washing clothes and utensils. home. Besides helping the women economically, cycling
brought a sense of self-respect to them. He quotes the
Today, women can be seen doing many tasks on their opinion of Fatima, a secondary school teacher.
bicycles. They can be seen carrying water from the well
along with their small kids sitting on the bar of their cycle She opines that learning cycling is not economic in her
in the front. Many of them bicycle their way to villages to case at all. She cannot afford a bicycle, yet she hires one
sell agricultural products or to work in the quarries. every evening just to feel the goodness, that independence.
What she means to say is, when a woman learns to ride a
4. People find curious ways of hitting out at their bicycle, she enjoys a sense of achievement. Women do not
backwardness. How is this brought out in ‘Where need to depend on their husbands to help them physically
There Is A Wheel’? in carrying their produce to the market. Secondly, nothing
Ans: - P. Sainath, in his essay „Where There is a Wheel‟, can bind them to their homes. They go out, fetch water
remarks that “people find curious ways of hitting out at and provisions, and come back home to attend to their
their backwardness, of expressing defiance, a hammering domestic duties and responsibilities at the right time. This
at the fetters that hold them”. All these phrases make a way they enjoy a lot of freedom. It is this feeling that
reference to how the rural women of Pudukkottai district gives women a sense of self-respect.
defied the challenge of the male bastion and broke the
fetters that chained them to the confines of their homes
by learning to ride a bicycle.

Sheela Rani Chunkath was the district collector of

Pudukkottai. In 1991 as a part of the female literacy **************
drive, she wanted to train female literacy activists so that
literacy would reach women in the interior. She had
realized that the lack of mobility among women played a
big role in undermining their confidence. Therefore, she
included „mobility‟ as a part of the literacy drive.
Naturally, literacy activists learned cycling first. This
inspired the neo-literates also to learn cycling. This, in
turn, inspired every woman in the village to learn cycling.

6 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

READING COMPREHENSION (g) Which word in the passage means „new ideas or
I. Read the following passage and answer the (h) As the courier approaches the nearest foot-courier near
questions set on it. an inhabited village/city he
(i) shouts out loudly.
Over a hundred years ago, the carrying of mail was a (ii) shakes the whip.
hazardous venture; and the mail runner or „hirkara‟ as he (iii) whistles and sings.
was called, had to be armed with a sword or spear. That (i) Kings and emperors would successfully
was before railways and air services made the delivery of (communication/communicate) with each other through
mail a routine affair. Though the first public postal couriers.
service was introduced in India by Warren Hastings in (j) When was the Post Master General appointed?
1774, the kings and emperors of India had always
maintained their own personal postal system. Their rule Answers:
was effective partly due to excellent means of
communication by which dispatches were passed on from (a) The mail runner was called „Hirkara.
hand to hand either by runners or horsemen. When Ibn (b) Warren Hastings introduced the first postal service in
Batuta was travelling in India, in the middle of the 14th India.
century, he found an organised system of couriers (c) The kings and emperors preferred their dispatches to
established throughout the country by Mohammed Bin be passed on from hand to hand either by runners or
Tughlak. horsemen.
(d) Ibn Batuta travelled in India in the middle of the 14th
“There is a foot courier at a distance of every mile”, century.
wrote Ibn Batuta, “and at every three miles there is an (e) Mohammed Bin Tughlaq established an organised
inhabited village, and outside it three sentry boxes, where system of couriers.
the couriers sit. In the hands of each is a whip about two (f) The couriers sit in three sentry boxes outside every
cubits long, and upon the head of this are small bells. inhabited village.
Whenever one of the couriers leaves any city, he takes his (g) Innovations.
dispatches in one hand and the whip, which he keeps (h) – (ii) shakes the whip.
constantly shaking, in the other. In this manner he (i) Communicate.
proceeds to the nearest foot-courier and as he approaches, (j) The Post Master General was appointed during the
shakes his whip, upon this comes another man who takes administration of Warren Hastings.
the dispatches and proceeds to the next. It is for this
reason that the Sultan receives his dispatches in so short a II. Read the following passage and answer the
time.” This system was of course established for the questions set on it.
convenience of the Emperor and was continued with
various innovations by successive Moghul emperors in A ten-year-old boy saw a flying bird and shot it down. He
the 18th century. The East India Company established a ran and picked it up. The bird looked like a house sparrow,
postal system of its own to facilitate the conveyance of but it had a yellow patch on the throat. The child had not
letters between different offices; but it was only during seen such spots before. The puzzled boy took the sparrow
Warren Hastings‟ administration that a Post Master to his uncle Amiruddeen and asked him what kind of bird
General was appointed and the general public could avail it was. His uncle was not able to satisfy his curiosity. He
of the service, paying a fee on their letter. took the boy to the office of Bombay Natural History
Society and introduced him to W.S. Millard, the Honorary
Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a Secretary of the Society.
sentence each.
Millard was surprised to find such a young boy keen to
(a) What was the mail runner called as? know about the bird. He took him around the room and
(b) Who introduced the first postal service in India? showed him many stuffed birds.
(c) Whom did the kings and emperors prefer to deliver
their dispatches? The child became more curious about birds. Thereafter,
(d) When did Ibn Batuta travel in India? the boy started coming to his office frequently to learn
(e) What did Mohammed Bin Tughlak establish? about identifying and preserving birds. The boy was Salim
(f) Where do the couriers sit? Moizuddin Abdul Ali, later known as Salim Ali, the bird

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

watcher. Salim Ali was born on November 12,1896. He (d) W. S. Millard was the Honorary Secretary of the
did a course in Zoology and was appointed a guide at the Bombay Natural History Society.
museum of Bombay Natural History Society. During the (e) Salim was appointed as guide at the museum of
course of this work he became more and more eager to Bombay Natural History Society.
study the living conditions of the birds. With this aim he (f) Salim had been to Germany for one year.
went to Germany. After one year, he returned to India. In (g) Protection.
his absence, his post in the museum had been abolished (h) The Book of Indian Birds.
for lack of funds. (i) Ornithology.
(j) Padma Vibhushan was conferred on Salim Ali by the
He would sit under the trees throughout the day and write Government of India.
in his note book about the activities of the weaver bird. In
1930 he published a research paper on the nature and the III. Read the following passage and answer the
activities of the weaver bird. The published papers questions set on it.
brought him fame and recognition in the fields of
Ornithology. After this, he travelled to various places to A remarkable story of personal survival ever published
study about birds and wrote a book titled „The Book of was that of an American Corps pilot named Lieutenant
Indian Birds‟ which was published in 1941. The book Colonel William Rankin. It was on 26th July, 1959, that
gave information about 538 species of Indian birds. colonel Rankin was flying at an altitude of 47,000 feet
over South Carolina, when the red fire-warning light
Because of his deep knowledge about birds, people flashed on in the cock pit of his crusader jet fighter plane.
started calling him the moving encyclopaedia of birds. He At the same time he felt jerking and shaking. After
worked not only in the study of birds but also in the field communication with a companion aircraft on his radio,
of protection of nature. He was given an International Colonel Rankin decided to make an emergency exit from
award of Rs. 5,00,000 which he donated to the Bombay his falling plane by using the ejection seat.
Natural History Society. In 1983, he was awarded the
Padma Vibhushan by the Government of India. It is all the more of interest and essential to point out that
up to that moment, nobody had ever ejected from a plane
When this ninety-year-old ornithologist died oh 20 June flying at 500 miles per hour and at such an altitude.
1987, the birds lost their godfather and friend. Outside the protection of his pressurised cockpit, the pilot
had to face an air temperature of 70 degrees below zero,
Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a and a low atmospheric pressure which was liable to make
sentence each. his blood boil especially when he was wearing only flying
suit, helmet, gloves and ordinary footwear. His parachute
(a) Which bird had the boy shot down? was designed to open automatically at 10,000 feet but as
(b) What difference did the boy see about the bird? he glanced below, the colonel saw to his horror that he
(c) Name the boy‟s uncle. was falling straight into the centre of a huge, black thunder
(d) Who was W.S. Millard? cloud. Powerless to do anything he gritted his teeth and
(e) Where was Salim appointed as a guide? awaited the sudden jerk of his opening parachute. As its
(f) How long had Salim been in Germany? reassuring canopy blossomed out above him, he felt
(g) Salim was famous for his role in the another tremendous blast as the terrible forces of wind and
(protecting/protection) of nature. hail inside the thunder cloud battered his body.
(h) Mention the title of the book written by Salim.
(i) Pick out and write the word which means „Study of Instead of descending at a normal rate of about 1,000 feet
Birds‟ in the passage. per minute, a powerful up current of air sent him up, until
(j) Which award was conferred on Salim Ali by the he was floating on the clouds which enclosed him from all
Government of India? directions. Suddenly there was thunder and lightning. The
next instant, he would again be flying upwards until his
Answers: shoulders ached with the drag. Every second he feared his
parachute would tear into pieces.
(a) The boy had shot down a flying bird with a yellow
patch on the throat which looked like a house sparrow. After tearing winds and crashing sounds, the Colonel
(b) The bird had a yellow patch on the throat. gradually felt the turbulence lessening. Then, at last he
(c) Amiruddeen. caught a glimpse of green field below him. He had finally

2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

emerged from the giant thunder cloud which had held (j) – (ii) to be cold.
him prisoner for over half an hour. In fact, his descent,
which would normally have lasted ten minutes, had taken IV. Read the following passage and answer the
forty minutes. questions set on it.

Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a George Bernard Shaw, one of the greatest playwrights of
sentence each. all time, was born in Dublin on 26th July, 1856. As a
young man he was terribly shy and to hide his shyness he
(a) When did the incident mentioned in the passage take developed a very gruff manner and voice which some
place? people mistook as rudeness. However, his close friends
(b) Where was Colonel Rankin flying over at the time of understood him better as he was the very essence of
the accident? kindness to those whom he loved and associated with.
(c) What warned Rankin about the calamity?
(d) Mention any one of the problems faced by him when At the early age of fourteen, he obtained employment as a
he ejected out of the cockpit. junior clerk and though he was quite good at his work, he
(e) Where did the colonel land straight into? hated it. So he quit his job and went to London in search
(f) What battered his body inside the thunder cloud? of other employment. Before long a newspaper office
(g) Add suffix to the word „power‟ to make its antonym. hired him and he took up employment as critic of books,
(h) He caught a glimpse of green field below. Here the music and plays. His duty was to attend the various plays
word „glimpse‟ means staged and give his opinion on them for publication. It was
(i) caught sight of then that he decided to write his own plays. The plays he
(ii) couldn‟t see anything wrote and produced were a tremendous success. In no time
(iii) saw far of fire. he became world famous as a playwright. Many film
(i) How long was Rankin enclosed in the thunder cloud? companies approached him to use his plays for making
(j) The Colonel „gritted his teeth‟. The idiomatic movies, but he never liked the idea and turned them down.
expression means Finally, he consented to allow his play „Pygmalion‟ to be
(i) to be afraid made into a film. This play depicts the story of a little
(ii) to be cold flower girl, T chneb‟-Dy an‟Lnghsn professor to speak
(iii) to be angry. proper “English. In fact, the professor succeeded in
transforming her from an uneducated flower girl into a
Answers: refined lady. Years later, this play was made into a
musical hit – the legendary, „My Fair Lady‟. And it
(a) The incident mentioned in the passage took place on became a worldwide success. Shaw used the huge money
26 July 1959. earned from this, to worthy causes, such as the
(b) At the time of the accident, Colonel Rankin was enlargement of National Gallery of Ireland, the Royal
flying at an altitude of 47,000 feet over South Carolina. Academy of Dramatic Art and the British museum. The
(c) The red fire-warning light flashed on in the cockpit of film „My Fair Lady‟ is about how complicated English
Colonel Rankin‟s crusader jet fighter plane which warned language is and the difficulties faced by Eliza, the flower
him about the calamity. girl, to learn and master this language.
(d) When the pilot ejected out of the protection of his
pressurised cockpit, he had to face an air temperature of He lived long enough to see people all over the world
70 degrees below zero, and a low atmospheric pressure enjoy his plays. He died at the ripe old age of ninety-four.
which was liable to make his blood boil especially when
he was wearing only flying suit, helmet, gloves and Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence
ordinary footwear. each.
(e) The colonel landed straight into the centre of a huge,
black thunder cloud. (a) How did Bernard Shaw try to hide his shyness?
(f) The terrible forces of wind and hail inside the thunder (b) How old was Bernard Shaw when he took up his first
cloud battered the colonel‟s body. job?
(g) Powerless. (c) Where did Bernard Shaw go after quitting his job?
(h) – (i) caught sight of (d) Which of his plays was made into a film first?
(i) Colonel Rankin was enclosed in the thunder cloud for (e) Name the little flower girl who appears in the musical
over half an hour. hit „My Fair Lady‟.

3 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

(f) Add suitable prefix to the word „educated‟ to form its Apart from the great Sphinx of Giza, there are many other
antonym. Sphinxes in Egypt. Their heads represent different kings.
(g) Mention any one of the causes to which Shaw In ancient Egypt, kings were considered to be descendants
contributed the money earned by him. of the Sun God called Rio. When a king died, he himself
(h) Who trained the flower girl to become a refined lady? was supposed to become the Sun God. Kings were also
(i) How old was Shaw when he died? believed to have the strength of various beasts. So the
(j) English language is full of Egyptians sculpted their Gods and kings in the shape of
(complication/complications). half human and half beast.

Answers: There is another Sphinx with a female face. It is made

after the queen of Hatshepsut, who had seized the throne
(a) To hide his shyness, Bernard Shaw developed a very and ruled the country. This Sphinx has a beard which
gruff manner and voice which some people mistook for represents queen Hatshepsut‟s masculine powers.
(b) Bernard Shaw was fourteen years old when he took Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence
up his first job. each.
(c) Bernard Shaw went to London after quitting his job.
(d) „Pygmalion‟ was the first of his plays to be made into (a) Where can one come across the Sphinx?
a film. (b) What expression is seen on the face of Sphinx of Giza?
(e) Eliza. (c) Which leftover rock was used to carve the Sphinx?
(f) Uneducated. (d) Whose face does the Sphinx of Giza resemble?
(g) Enlargement of the National Gallery of Ireland. (e) Name the Sun God of Egypt mentioned in the passage.
(h) An English professor trained the flower girl to (f) Add suitable prefix to the word „Popular‟ to make its
become a refined lady. antonym.
(i) Shaw was ninety-four years old when he died. (g) Whose face does the Sphinx with female face
(j) Complications. resemble?
(h) The Egyptians………….(believe/belief) that Sphinxes
V. Read the following passage and answer the have mystical powers.
questions set on it. (i) Why is there a beard on the face of the female Sphinx?
(j) In what form were the Gods and kings in Egypt
If you visit the three pyramids of Giza, you will be sculptured?
surprised to see a colossal statue of a beast with a man‟s
head and a lion‟s body. This is the great Sphinx that sits Answers:
in the desert of Egypt, about 12 kms from Cairo. The
statue has mysterious eyes and an enigmatic expression. (a) One can come across the Sphinx in the desert of
It gazes over the desert with a kind of mystical Egypt, about 12 kms. from Cairo.
superiority. It is one of the most historical monuments in (b) An enigmatic expression is seen on the face of the
the world. Sphinx of Giza.
(c) The Sphinx was carved out of the hill rock leftover
The Sphinx was carved out of the hill rock leftover from from the building of the Great Pyramid.
the building of the Great Pyramid. It is about 20 m in (d) The Sphinx of Giza resembles the face of Chephren,
height and 70 m in length. According to popular belief, it a king of the fourth dynasty.
was made some 5000 years ago to resemble the face of (e) Rio.
Chephren, a king of the fourth dynasty. It was built (f) Unpopular.
during the reign of the Egyptian king Khafre. (g) The Sphinx with the female face resembles the queen
of Hatshepsut.
Why was the Sphinx built? The Sphinx was a mystical (h) Believe.
monster. The Greeks thought of it as having the head of a (i) The female Sphinx has a beard which represents
woman, and body of a lion with wings. The Egyptians queen Hatphepsut‟s masculine powers.
thought of ft as a wingless lion with the head and breast (j) The Egyptians sculpted their Gods and kings in the
of a man. It was believed that the Sphinx would ward off shape of half-human and half-beast.
all evils from the cemetery around the pyramids.

4 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

VI. Read the following passage and answer the (b) Who named him Confucius?
questions set on it. (c) For which government did he work as official?
(d) By whom were the provinces in China controlled?
Confucius was one of the greatest moral teachers and (e) What did he do after leaving Lu?
philosophers of China. He studied ancient Chinese (f) Mention any one of the elements of his teaching.
writings with great devotion. These works taught him (g) How old was he when he started teaching?
new ideas about character development. His actual name (h) Add a prefix to the word „morality‟ to form its
was „Kung fu-tzu‟, the Catholic missionaries called him antonym.
Confucius. (i) Confucius was very …….. (wise/wisdom) in his
Confucius was born in the state of Lu, now part of (j) Name the book written by his disciples about the
Shandong in China. His family belonged to the lowest sayings of Confucius.
level of aristocracy. His parents died when he was still
young and he grew up in poverty. Later, he became an Answers:
official in the government of Lu, and was much
respected. (a) Confucius came from the state of Lu, now part of
Shandong in China.
China, during those days, was ruled by an emperor with (b) The Catholic missionaries called him Confucius.
very little powers. The provinces were controlled by (c) Confucius worked as an official in the government of
corrupt and greedy feudal lords. The people were poor Lu.
and neglected. Confucius felt disgusted at this state of (d) The provinces in China were controlled by corrupt and
affairs and left Lu in 484 BC. He started preaching greedy feudal lords.
whatever he had learnt from the ancient Chinese writings. (e) Confucius started preaching whatever he had learnt
Human behaviour, morality and politics were the main from the ancient Chinese writings after leaving Lu.
elements of his teaching. At the age of twenty-two he (f) Human behaviour.
started teaching how to lead a happy life. He said, „Don‟t (g) Confucius started teaching at the age of twenty-two.
do to others what you would not wish them to do to you‟. (h) Immorality.
He taught, „Thou shall love thy neighbour as thyself‟. He (i) Wise.
was very modest and always said, „1 teach nothing new. I (j) „Lun Yu‟
only pass on the ancient wisdom‟.
VII. Read the following passage and answer the
On returning to Lu, he also held some important positions questions set on it.
in the local government of his province. When he was
made the Governor of a city, he cleared the state of Long before there were restaurants, there were taverns
robbers, reduced taxes, improved people‟s living where people gathered to talk, have something to drink
conditions and persuaded the ruling classes to lead and perhaps something to eat.
charitable lives. According to one account, he was also
made a minister. He tried his best to improve the evils In London there was another kind of place that was also
ingrained in all branches of social life. But soon he the forerunner of the restaurant. This was the „Cook
realized that they were deep-rooted. So he resigned in Shop‟. The chief business of these Cook Shops was sale of
disgust at the age of 54. cooked meals on the premises and was somewhat like a
restaurant. There were Cook Shops in London as long
Confucius‟ own sayings were collected by his disciples back as the 12th Century.
and written down much later, in the book „Lun Yu‟.
Confucius died in 479 BC. The religion founded by him The first place where a meal was provided every day at a
is known as Confucianism. It includes ancestor worship, fixed place was the tavern in England. They often became
belief in supreme God and belief in Nature Spirit. Even „dining clubs‟ and these existed in the 15th Century. By
today it influences millions of lives. the middle of the 16th Century, many town people of all
classes had got into the habit of dining out in the taverns.
Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a Most of the taverns offered a good meal for a shilling or
sentence each. less, with wine and ale as extras. Many taverns became
meeting places of the leading people of the day.
(a) Which country did Confucius come from?

5 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Shakespeare used to be a regular customer of the (g) A man named Boulanger introduced the word
Mermaid tavern in London. „restaurant‟ for the first time.
(h) Irregular
About 1650, coffee-houses also sprang up in England. (i) b) Philadelphia
They served coffee and tea and chocolate, which were all (j) successful
new drinks at that time. Sometimes they served meals
too. In 1765, a man named Boulanger opened a place in VIII. Read the following passage and answer the
Paris which served meals and light refreshments, and he questions set on it.
called his place a „restaurant‟. This was the first time this
word was used. It was a great success and many other Newspaper starts the day for many of us. To begin with,
places like it soon opened. the members of the newspaper staff make plans for the
contents of the next edition of the newspaper during their
In a short time, all over France, there were similar eating daily or weekly editorial meetings. They discuss upcoming
places called restaurants. But the word „restaurant‟ was news events and work out ideas for fresh stories. The
not used till the end of the 19th Century. editor then assigns stories for journalists and
photographers to work on and complete within the
In the United States, the first restaurant of which there are specified deadlines.
records was the Blue Anchor Tavern in Philadelphia
which opened in 1683. Journalists then carry out research to gather all the facts
that relate to the story they have been assigned. Besides
Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a collecting information from books, magazines, other
sentence each. newspapers and the „internet‟, journalists also conduct
interviews with people involved in the issue.
(a) Where did people gather to drink before restaurants
came into existence? Photographers are allocated stories for which they need to
(b) What did the Cook Shops sell? take photos that suit the style of the story. Sometimes, the
(c) When did dining places come into existence? editor or journalist selects suitable photos from the
(d) Which tavern did Shakespeare often visit? newspaper archives. The writing of the story begins when
(e) When did coffee-houses come into existence in the journalists have completed all their research. The
England? journalists type out their stories or articles on the
(f) Pick out the word which means „identical‟ in the computer. They must ascertain that their facts are accurate,
passage and write it. and they must write in clear and concise style.
(g) Who introduced the word „restaurant‟ for the first
time? The journalist‟s story reaches the editor via newspaper‟s
(h) Use the appropriate prefix to the word „regular‟, to computer system and he or she decides whether the angle
form its antonym. of the story is correct and whether the story is
(i) Blue Anchor Tavern is in ………. newsworthy. Once the story is approved by the editor, it
(a) Paris. (b) Philadelphia. (c) France. goes to the copy desk. A copy editor checks the story for
(j) Restaurants became …………….. in the 20th Century, grammatical errors and misspellings, and makes the story
(successful/success) easier to read. The copy editor looks for “holes” or gaps in
the story that might leave readers with too many
Answers: unanswered questions and cause miscommunication. If the
story or article is too long, it is edited down to the right
(a) Before restaurants came into existence, people size and also added is an eye-catching headline.
gathered at taverns to drink.
(b) Cook shops sold cooked meals. Editors also choose photos and decide on illustrations to
(c) Dining places came into existence in the 15th century. read with the story. Graphic artists are responsible for
(d) Shakespeare used to be a regular customer of the creating charts and illustrations that certain articles need.
Mermaid tavern in London.
(e) Coffee-houses came into existence in England in the The articles, photographs and advertisements are laid out
year 1650. on each page of the newspaper. Page layouts are done by
(f) Similar computer using special software for designing pages.

6 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

The finished layout of the newspaper is transferred In 1928 she achieved worldwide fame when she became
electronically from computers to the printing press. The the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean as a passenger
entire paper is printed, folded and put together. After on a plane piloted by Wilmer Stultz. Then in 1932 she
printing, the newspapers are bundled into groups, loaded became the first woman and the second person to fly solo
into trucks and sent out to be delivered. non-stop across the Atlantic. Although she was by then the
undisputed queen of the air, Amelia wanted to achieve
Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a more.
sentence each.
In March 1937, she flew to Hawaii intending to circle the
(a) What starts the day for many of us? globe with fellow pilot, Paul Mantz. Due to fire at take off,
(b) Who makes plans for the contents of the next edition? the plane ground-looped. In June, she made her second
(c) Mention any one of the sources from which a attempt at a roundthe-world flight, this time with Fred
journalist gathers facts related to the story. Noonan as her navigator. At that time, she left behind
(d) Where are suitable photos selected sometimes to suit important communication and navigation instruments,
the style of the story from? perhaps to make room for additional fuel for the long
(e) When does the writing of the story begin? flight. They departed Miami on June 1, and made it to
(f) Where is the approved story sent to? New Guinea in 21 days.
(g) Add suitable prefix to the word „communication‟ to
form its antonym. To begin the next leg of the trip, they departed New
(h) What decides the choice of the photos? Guinea for Howland Island on July 2, 1937. On Howland
(i) What purpose is special software used for? Island a runway had been hastily built just for Amelia
(j) A newspaper article should be free because she needed a place to land and refuel. Only two
of…………………….. (grammar/grammatical) errors. miles long and a half mile wide Howland Island sits in the
middle of the Pacific Ocean. It was such a tiny Island that
Answers: only the most highly skilled fliers could spot it from up in
the air. Therefore, the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC)
(a) Newspaper starts the day for many of us. Itasca was designated to communicate with Amelia‟s
(b) The members of the newspaper staff make plans for plane and guide her to the Island. At dawn, the ship‟s
the contents of the next edition. boilers were belching out thick black clouds of smoke as
(c) Books. visual signal to Amelia‟s plane just in case it arrived early.
(d) Suitable photos are sometimes selected from the Meanwhile the ship‟s radio stood ready to send and
newspaper archives or from photographers who are asked receive messages. Amelia and Noonan had little practical
to take photos for allocated stories to suit the style of the knowledge of the use of radio navigation and the crew at
story. Itasca weren‟t able to pick up the radio frequency Amelia
(e) The writing of the story begins when the journalists was broadcasting. After six hours of confusion, all contact
have completed all their research. was lost between Amelia and Itasca.
(f) The approved story is sent to the copy desk.
(g) Miscommunication. The U.S. navy led a massive search for Amelia and
(h) The editors choose the photos and decide on Noonan. Finally, President Roosevelt issued an order for
illustrations to read with the story. all search attempts to be terminated in 1937. No one
(i) The special software is used for designing the pages of knows for sure what happened to Amelia and Noonan.
the newspaper. Some believe she was captured by enemies.
(j) Grammatical.
Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence
IX. Read the following passage and answer the each.
questions set on it.
(a) What was Amelia‟s achievement that made her become
Amelia Earhart was a famous American aviation pioneer famous worldwide?
who set record after record during her flying carrier. She (b) Name the pilot who flew Amelia‟s plane across the
mysteriously disappeared while attempting a record Atlantic Ocean.
breaking flight around the world. (c) When did Amelia fly with Paul Mantz to Hawaii?
(d) What did Amelia leave behind during her second
attempt at a round-the-world flight?

7 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

(e) How long did the flight take to reach New Guinea? afterlife. From Egypt, cats spread to other parts of the
(f) How wide is Howland island? world. They were a great success in the East, where they
(g) Pick out the word from the passage that means „tool‟ were again thought to have magical and mystical qualities.
or „device‟. Artists in China and Japan celebrated these animals in
(h) Mention the mode of visual signal that was planned in their art. In Japan, cats are seen as lucky. One of the most
case Amelia‟s plane arrived early. known is the beckoning cat, often regarded as good luck
(i) Add a prefix to the word „disputed‟ to form its charm for both households and businesses.
(j) Who issued an order for terminating the search for “The cat spread across Europe during the Roman Empire.
Amelia and Noonan? The Romans kept the animals to be petted and for
companionship, as well as for controlling the rat and mice
Answers: population. Cats were represented mainly as working
animals in Roman art, and there is little indication of
(a) Amelia achieved worldwide fame when she became reverence or mystical powers given to them.
the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean as a
passenger on a plane. During the Middle Ages, however, cats became an object
(b) The pilot who flew Amelia‟s plane across the Atlantic of superstition and were associated with evil. They were
Ocean was Wilmer Stultz. often believed to be endowed with powers of black magic
(c) Amelia flew with Paul Mantz to Hawaii in March and suspected of being owned and used by witches. As a
1937. result, cats were beaten, killed and driven away from
(d) During her second attempt at a round-the-world flight, towns and villages. The destruction of cats was so
Amelia left behind important communication and extensive that disease-carrying rats flourished,
navigation instruments, perhaps to make room for contributing greatly to the wide spread of epidemics and
additional fuel for the flight. plagues throughout Europe.
(e) The flight took 21 days to reach New Guinea.
(f) Howland island was only two miles long and half a Not surprisingly, the Europeans once more began to
mile wide. realize the value of the cats in eliminating rodents and cats
(g) Instrument. gradually regained acceptance as household pets.
(h) At dawn, the ship‟s boilers were belching out thick
black clouds of smoke as visual signals to Amelia‟s plane In 1871, the very first cat show was held in London. A cat
just in case it arrived early. association was formed in 1887 in Britain called „the
(i) Undisputed. National Cat Club of Great Britain‟.
(j) President Roosevelt issued an order for terminating the
search for Amelia and Noonan. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence
X. Read the following passage and answer the
questions set on it. (a) Mention any one of the feelings of a man towards cats.
(b) When were cats first domesticated?
The story of the domestic cat‟s relationship with humans (c) What did the cats eliminate to win the appreciation of
is an interesting tale. The cat has been the object of Egyptians?
adoration, reverence, hatred and even persecution by (d) Egyptians shaved away their eye-brows when a cat
humans throughout time. (i) killed mice. (ii) passed away. (iii) eliminated rats.
(e) Mention one of the qualities that the East attributed to
Cats were first domesticated by the ancient Egyptians as cats.
early as 3000 BC. African wild cats started preying upon (f) Who celebrated cats in their art?
the mice and rats that filled the Egyptian grain stores and (g) In which art were cats represented as working
it didn‟t take long for the Egyptians to become animals?
appreciative of the cats‟ help in eliminating the rodent (h) Disease-carrying rats (contributing/contributed) to
population. Killing a cat, even when accidental, was widespread epidemics.
punishable by death. Egyptians shaved away their eye- (i) Name the cat association formed in Britain.
brows as a symbol of grief when their pet passed away; (j) Add a prefix to the word „lucky‟ to form its antonym.
they would even mummify the cat and bury it in a special
cemetery, with supplies of mummified rats for the

8 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.


(a) Adoration.
(b) Cats were first domesticated by the ancient Egyptians
as early as 3000 B.C.
(c) The cats eliminated the rodent population to win the
appreciation of Egyptians.
(d) iii passed away.
(e) Magical qualities.
(f) Artists in China and Japan celebrated cats in their art.
(g) Cats were represented as working animals in Roman
(h) Contributed.
(i) „The National Cat Club of Great Britain‟.
(j) Unlucky.


9 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

POETRY COMPREHENSION i) How does the caged bird sing?

ii) Where is the bird’s tune heard?
1. I met a traveller from an antique land iii) What does the bird sing of?
Who said: two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand
in the desert? Near them on the sand, 7. I passed along the waters‟ edge below the humid
Half sunk, a shatter‟d visage lies, whose frown trees.
My spirit rocked in evening light, the rushes round my
i) Where had the traveller come from? knees, My spirit rocked in sleep and sighs; and saw the
ii) What did the traveller see standing in the desert? moorfowl pace
iii) What was the expression on the shattered visage?
i) Where was the speaker walking?
2. Lord, I am so tired. ii) What rocked in evening light?
Tired I entered this world. iii) Who were chasing each other in circles?
Far have I wandered since the cock crew, And the
road to school is steep. 8. Not marble nor the gilded monuments
Of princes shall outlive this pow‟rful rhyme:
i) Who is the speaker addressing? But you shall shine more bright in these contents Than
ii) The time of the day ‘since the cock crew’ suggests is unswept stone, besmear‟d with sluttish time.
a) early morning. b) evening. c) noon.
iii) How is the road to school according to the speaker? i) What cannot outlive this powerful rhyme?
ii) These monuments are erected by __ _
3. Barefoot, I want to tread the red-hot paths, That a) common people. b) princes. c) the locals.
boil in midday sun, And then lie down to sleep iii) How is time personified?
beneath a Mango tree.
9. At the corner of Wood Street, when daylight
i) How does the speaker want to tread the red-hot paths? appears, Hangs a thrush that sings loud, it has sung for
ii) What boil in midday sun? three years:
iii) Where does the speaker want to lie down? Poor Susan has passed by the spot, and has heard In
the silence of morning the song of the Bird.
4. Child,
Child, how happy you are sitting in the dust, playing i) Where does Susan come across the thrush?
with a broken twig all the morning! I smile at your ii) How long has the thrush been singing?
play with that little bit of a broken twig. I am busy iii) When has Susan heard the song of the bird?
with my accounts, adding up figures by the hour.
10. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I
i) Where is the child sitting? could not travel both
ii) What is the child playing with? And be one traveller, long I stood And looked down
iii) What is the speaker busy with? one as far as I could To where it bent in the
5. Child, I have forgotten the art of being absorbed in
sticks and mud-pies. i) What colour is the wood?
I seek out costly playthings, and gather lumps of gold ii) The speaker sees before him
and silver. With whatever you find you create your a) a dense forest. b) two roads diverging in a forest.
glad games. c) a crossing.
iii) How many travellers are there?
i) What has the speaker forgotten?
ii) What wealth does the speaker gather? 11. Seven years I could not walk a step. When I to the
iii) Who does ‘you’ in the last line refer to? great physician came He demanded: Why the
crutches? And I told him: I am lame.
6. The caged bird sings with a fearful trill of things
unknown but longed for still and his tune is heard on i) For how many years could the speaker not walk?
the distant hill for the caged bird sings of freedom. ii) Whom does the speaker meet?
iii) Why does the speaker use crutches?

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

12. This above all is precious and remarkable, How 17. Four Seasons fill the measure of the year;
we put ourselves in one another‟s care, There are four seasons in the mind of man: He has his
How in spite of everything we trust each other. lusty Spring, when fancy clear
Takes in all beauty with an easy span:
i) Where do we put ourselves?
ii) The above lines talk about i) How many seasons are in the mind of man?
a) human goodness. b) sea of life. c) miracles. ii) The season mentioned in the above lines is _________
iii) Mention the word from the third line that keeps iii) Here spring is described as being
everyone united. a) very short and happy b) sad and dreaming
OR c) idle
In spite of everything, what do we do with each other?
13. Bangle sellers are we who bear
Our shining loads to the temple fair... Who will buy 1. i. An antique land
these delicate, bright Rainbow-tinted circles of light? ii. He saw two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Lustrous tokens of radiant lives, iii. There was a frown in the visage
For happy daughters and happy wives.
2. i. The God
i) Where are the bangle sellers taking their shining loads ii. Early Morning
to? iii. The road is Steep
ii) How are the hawkers describing the bangles?
iii) Whom are they urging to buy bangles for? 3. i. Bare foot.
ii. The paths boil in midday sun.
14. That murmur, soon replies: “God doth not need iii. The speaker wants to lie down beneath a mango tree.
Either man‟s work or his own gifts: who best Bear His
mild yoke, they serve Him best 4. i. In the dust.
ii. A broken twig.
i) What does God not need? iii. The speaker is busy with his accounts and adding up
ii) In ‘Bear His mild yoke’, His refers to _____________ figures.
iii) How do they serve the God?
5. i. The art of being absorbed in sticks and mud-pies.
15. Rose a nurse of ninety years, ii. Lumps of gold and silver.
Set his child upon her knee— iii. The Child
Like summer tempest came her tears—
“Sweet my child, I live for thee.” 6. i. With a fearful trill
ii. On the distant hill
i) How old was the nurse? iii. Freedom
ii) Her tears are compared to _____________
iii) Who does the mother want to live for? 7. i. The speaker was walking along the waters’ edge
below the humid trees.
16. Some words have different meanings, and yet ii. His spirit rocked in the evening light.
they‟re spelt the same. iii. The moor fowls were chasing each other in circles.
A cricket is an insect, to play it — it‟s a game.
On every hand, in every land, it‟s thoroughly agreed, 8. i. Not marble nor the gilded monuments
the English language to explain is very hard indeed. Of princes
ii. Princes
i) What have different meanings yet spelt the same? iii. Than unswept stone, besmear’d with sluttish time.
ii) A game which is mentioned in the above lines is
_____________ 9. i. At the corner of Wood Street.
iii) What is very hard to explain? ii. For three years.
iii. In the silence of the morning.

2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

10. i. Yellow
ii. (b) Two roads diverging in a forest
iii. Only the speaker

11. i. Seven years.

ii. The great physician.
iii. The speaker uses crutches because he is lame.

12. i. We put ourselves in one another’s care.

ii. (a) human goodness.
iii. We Trust each other.

13. i. To the Temple Fair

ii. Delicate, bright
iii. For happy daughters and happy wives.

14. i. God does not need man’s labour or his gifts.

ii. God’s.
iii. They serve God by bearing patiently the burden God
has placed on them.

15. i. Ninety Years

ii. Summer Tempest
iii. Sweet

16. i. Some words in the English language.

ii. Cricket
iii. The English language.

17. i. Four Seasons

ii. Spring
iii. a) very short and happy


3 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

PASSIVE VOICE Answer: was summoned; was instructed; were prepared.

1. A few years ago a murder _____ (commit). The 9. The Prince agreed to this, and the matter ______
case _____ (try) in the most judicial manner. The (arrange). There was a small lock-up where people
criminal _____ (sentence) to death. ____ (keep) temporarily. The young fellow _____ (put)
Answer: was committed; was tried; was sentenced.
Answer: was arranged; were kept; was put
2. A letter _____ (send) to the French government A
prompt reply _____ (receive). It said that a machine 10. After the duel, the gallant lover fled Valencia.
and an expert ____ (could supply) but the cost would Many letters ______ (write) by him to his beloved.
be 16,000 francs. Since no reply ______ (receive), he thought that they
______ (intercept) by her parents.
Answer: was sent; was received; could be supplied.
Answer: were written; was received; had been
3. The general _____ (call). He _____ (ask) to find a intercepted.
soldier who would cut the man’s head off. The
general talked it over with the soldiers. But the 11. When Gonzalo entered the park, his usual bench
soldiers said, “It is not a thing we ______ (have, ______ (occupy) by the priests. He _____ (annoy) and
teach). his servant, Juanito ______ (ask) to rout them out.

Answer: was called; was asked; have been taught Answer: had been occupied; was annoyed; was asked.

4. The guard ______ (dismiss). It _____ (decide) to 12. One afternoon, just at sunset, as the first stars were
offer the criminal a pension. The pension fixed was appearing, the silver maiden ______ (seen) leaving the
600 francs. This _____ (announce) to the prisoner. house. She sat upon a rock and her gaze ______ (fix)
upon the horizon. The tide rose with a boom and she
Answer: was dismissed; was decided; was announced. ______ (sweep) out to sea.

5. The crime was reported to the Prince of Monaco. Answer: was seen; was fixed; was swept.
The Prince _____ (amaze), for a murder _____
(commit) in his toy kingdom. The ministers _____ 13. Laura got up to go home. She ______ (support) by
(summon) to discuss the matter. her maid. She turned her head and ______ (surprise)
to see Gonzalo picking up the violets which ______
Answer: was amazed; had been committed; were (drop) on the ground.
Answer: was supported; was surprised; had been dropped.
6. In the toy kingdom, a council _____ (call) to
consider what _____ (could do). It _____ (decide) to 14. Tammanna came to the plantation after walking
send a letter to the king of Italy. hundreds of miles. He _____ (appoint) to look after the
garden. The workers were happy as their problems
Answer: was called; could be done; was decided. _____ (solve). The income improved dramatically but a
change in the owner’s lifestyle _____ (notice) by his
7. The king of Italy was a brother monarch, and wife.
______ (might, induce) to do the thing cheaper. So the
letter _____ (write), and a prompt reply _____ Answer: was appointed; had been solved; was noticed.
15. Basavaiah had 200 acres less land than Tammanna.
Answer: might be induced; was written; was received. So Tammanna _____ (ask) to sell his 200 acres to
Basavaiah. This _____ (reject) by Tammanna. Instead,
8. The Council met again. The General _____ a demand _____ (place) that Tammanna was ready to
(summon) and he _____ (instruct) to ask his soldiers buy all his land.
if they _____ (prepare) to cut the criminal’s head off.

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Answer: was asked; was rejected; was placed. advance. His campaign boys _____ (arm) with eloquent
little jute bags.
16. Basavaiah tried to outshine Tammanna in his own
way. A palatial house _____ (build) by him. A number Answer: was warned; was drawn; were armed.
of persons ____ (appoint) just to praise him. Scholars,
poets and musicians _____ (invite) to his place. 23. Marcus Ibe was extremely generous to Roof. He
______ (ask) to lend one of his many robes by Roof.
Answer: was built; were appointed; were invited. When Marcus Ibe’s wife objected, she ______ (rebuke)
publicly by him. Roof won a land case because he
17. Privacy had a double function in Japan. Mikes _____ (drive) by a chauffeur to the disputed site.
______ (surprise) to notice the Japanese attitude
towards privacy. Though telephones ______ (situate) Answer: was asked; was rebuked; was driven.
in the open, confidential business transactions ______
(conduct) with ease. 24. The roof received a strange visit from the POP
campaigner. Though the campaigner and Roof ______
Answer: was surprised; were situated; were conducted. (know) to each other, his visit was cold and business-
like. No words _____ (exchange) between them. When
18. Bowing in Japan was closely observed by Mikes. the visitor placed five pounds on the floor, Roof ______
Bowing ______ (do) in an oriental and formal (mesmerize) by the picture of the cocoa farmer.
manner. One’s social rank and status ______ (reflect)
when two persons bowed to each other. In many cases, Answer: were known; were exchanged; was mesmerized.
there were clearcut rules and they _____ (observe)
without difficulty. 25. Marcus was doing things in a grand style. A high
life band from Umuru ______ (hire) by him and it
Answer: was done; were reflected; were observed. ______ (station) at a distance from the voting booth.
Marcus sat in his car when last-minute advice ______
19. Mikes visited a Japanese house. He _____ (offer) a (give) to voters by Roof and others.
bowl of soup. While eating soup it ______ (expect)
that he should make a fearful noise. He knew that if Answer: had been hired; was stationed; was given.
Europeans made sounds, they _____ (considered) to
be ill-mannered louts. 26. The man nudged his companion and he brought
forward an object that ______ (cover) with a red cloth.
Answer: was offered; was expected; were considered. It was a fearsome little affair. It _____ (keep) in a clay
pot and feathers ______ (stick) into it.
20. Drivers in Brazil were very dangerous. Once they
______ (seat) behind the steering wheel, no speed was Answer: was covered; was kept; were stuck.
fast enough for them. If a pedestrian stepping off the
pavement ______ (notice), he _______ (regard) as fair 27. The rural women of Pudukkottai found a way of
game. hitting out at their backwardness. Cycling ____
(choose) as a medium in doing so. Cycling ______
Answer: were seated; was noticed; was regarded. (learn) by over one-fourth of all rural women. The new
skill _______ (display) by over 70,000 of these women.
21. The roof was a young man. He ______ (know) to
everyone in Umuofia. The POP campaigner met him Answer: was chosen; was learnt; was displayed.
at night. No words _____ (waste) between them. Roof
_____ (give) five pounds to vote for Maduka. 28. Arivoli played an important role in the cycling
movement. A number of training camps _____
Answer: was known; were wasted; was given. (arrange) by Arivoli. In order to encourage bicycling,
songs _____ (sing) by neo-cyclists. The UNICEF
22. Marcus Ibe was the PAP candidate. He ______ ______ (impress) and sanctioned fifty mopeds for
(warn) about the radical change in the thinking of Arivoli women activists.
Umuofia. So five months’ salary _______ (draw) in
Answer: were arranged; were sung; was impressed.

2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

29. Cycling gained momentum gradually. Though 35. The District Collector’s main aim was to make
dirty remarks _____ (make), women paid no literacy reach the interior. So mobility _____ (include)
attention. Scores of young women _____ (train) by as a part of literacy drive. Loans _____ (provide) by
Jameela and her friends. A direct link ______ (see) by banks for women to buy cycles. Specific duties ______
a neo-cyclist woman between cycling and her personal (allot) to each block to promote this drive.
Answer: was included; were provided; were allotted.
Answer: were made; were trained; was seen.

30. Now we often see a woman doing a four-kilometre

stretch on her bicycle to collect water. Even carting *****************
provisions from other places ____ (do) on their own.
But, when this began, filthy remarks ______ (make).
Even then social sanction ______(give) to cycling by

Answer: was done; were made; was given.

31. Gents’ cycles have certain advantages. These

______ (prefer) by some women as these have an
additional bar from the seat to the handle. A child
_____ (can, seat) on it. Carting provisions _____ (can,
do) on their own.

Answer: are preferred; can be seated; can be done.

32. It was the occasion of International Women’s Day

in 1992. Pudukkottai _____ (take) by storm. The
town’s inhabitants _____ (stun) by the all-women’s
cycle rally. However, it ______ (approve) by all males.

Answer: was taken; were stunned; was approved.

33. In no time cycling became a way of life in

Pudukkottai. It _____ (introduce) as a tool of social
change. Mobility, facilitated by cycling _____
(include) as a part of literacy drive. The idea ______
(propose) by Sheela Rani Chunkath, the district

Answer: was introduced; was included; was proposed.

34. Cycling brought a mighty change in the life of

women in Pudukkottai. They started moving on their
own. Dependence on men _____ (reduce) to some
extent. Provisions too _____ (cart) from one place to
another and a four-kilometre stretch ____ (cover) on
their cycles to fetch water.

Answer: was reduced; were carted; was covered.

3 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

REPORTED SPEECH Dona Laura: Wait a moment.

Petra: What does the senora wish?
1. Minister: Why do you not run away? There is no
guard to keep you. The Prince will not mind. Answer:
Criminal: I know it. But I have nowhere to go.
Petra said that she could see him there waiting for her.
Answer: In response, Dona Laura requested Petra not to remain for
more than ten minutes.
The minister asked the criminal as to why he didn’t run Petra assured Dona Laura that she would be back soon.
away. He added that there was no guard to keep him. He Dona Laura requested Petra to wait a moment.
further added that the prince would not mind. Referring to Dona Laura as senora, Petra asked her what
The criminal replied that he knew it, but he had nowhere she wished.
to go.
5. Don Gonzalo: I want a bench to myself.
2. Minister: The cost of execution will be 16,000 Juanito: There is none.
francs. Don Gonzalo: That one over there is mine.
Prince: The wretch is not worth the money. Can’t it Juanito: There are three priests sitting there.
be done, somehow cheaper? 16,000 francs is more Don Gonzalo: Rout them out.
than two francs ahead on the whole population. The
people will not stand it. Answer:

Answer: Don Gonzalo said in a demanding manner that he wanted

a bench to himself.
The minister informed the prince that the cost of Juanito replied that there was none.
execution would be 16,000 francs. Don Gonzalo stated that the one over there was his.
The prince remarked that the wretch was not worth the Juanito pointed out that there were three priests sitting
money. He asked the minister whether it couldn’t be there.
somehow done cheaper. He added that 16,000 francs Don Gonzalo ordered Juanito to rout them out.
were more than two francs ahead on the whole
population. He further said that people would not stand it. 6. Dona Laura: Do you use a shoe brush as a
3. Prince: You must find some cheaper way of dealing Don Gonzalo: What right have you to criticize my
with this rascal. The present plan is too expensive. actions?
First Minister: In my opinion, we must dismiss the Dona Laura: A neighbour’s right.
guard. Don Gonzalo: I do not care to listen to nonsense.
Second Minister: Then the fellow will run away. Dona Laura: You are very polite.
First Minister: Let him run away.
Dona Laura asked Don Gonzalo whether he used a shoe
The prince remarked to the ministers that they must find brush as a handkerchief.
some cheaper way of dealing with that rascal. He added Don Gonzalo asked her what right she had to criticise his
that the plan they had then was too expensive. actions.
The first minister stated that in his opinion they must Dona Laura replied that she had a neighbour’s right.
dismiss the guard. Don Gonzalo replied rudely that he did not care to listen to
The second minister continued saying that in such a nonsense.
situation the fellow would run away. The first minister Don Laura sarcastically replied that he was very polite.
replied that they could let him run away.
7. Don Gonzalo: Do you mind my reading aloud?
4. Petra: I see him over there waiting for me. Dona Laura: You can read as loud as you please.
Dona Laura: Do not remain for more than ten Don Gonzalo: Can you read without glasses?
minutes. Dona Laura: I can.
Petra: I will be back soon. Don Gonzalo: I envy your wonderful eyesight.

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Answer: Roof informed the POP campaigner that he worked for

Marcus Ibe.
Don Gonzalo asked Dona Laura whether she minded his The POP campaigner remarked that they had plenty of
reading aloud. work to do that night. He further asked Roof whether he
Dona Laura replied that he could read as loud as he was taking that or not.
pleased. Roof asked cautiously whether it would be heard outside
Don Gonzalo further asked Dona Laura whether she that room.
could read without glasses. The POP campaigner stated that they were after votes and
Dona replied in the positively. not gossip.
Don Gonzalo remarked that he envied her wonderful
eyesight. 11. Roof: Do not forget. Our sign is the motor-car.
Woman: Is it like Marcus’s car?
8. Dona Laura: Will you go to your bench tomorrow? Roof: It is the same car. Don’t look at the other with
Don Gonzalo: I will come to your bench. the man’s head.
Dona Laura: Do bring something for the pigeons.
Don Gonzalo: I will surely bring the crumbs. Answer:
Dona Laura: Thank you.
Roof implored the woman not to forget that their sign was
Answer: the motor-car.
The woman wanted to know whether it was like Marcus’s
Dona Laura asked Don Gonzalo whether he would go to car.
his bench the next day. Roof replied that it was the same car. He also asked the
Don Gonzalo replied that he would come to her bench. woman not to look at the other with the man’s head.
Dona Laura reminded him to bring something for the
pigeons. 12. POP campaigner: The iyi comes from Mbanta.
Don Gonzalo assured her that he would surely bring the Swear on it.
crumbs. Roof: I will cast my paper for Maduka. But Maduka
Dona Laura thanked him. has no chance against Marcus.
POP campaigner: Maduka gives out pounds, not
9. Dona Laura: Have you been in America? shillings.
Don Gonzalo: Several times.
Dona Laura: You must have gone with Columbus. Answer:
Don Gonzalo: I am old. But I did not know Ferdinand
and Isabella. The POP campaigner informed Roof that the iyi came
from Mbanta. He asked him to swear on that.
Answer: Roof told him that he would cast his paper for Maduka.
But he added that Maduka had no chance against Marcus.
Dona Laura asked Don Gonzalo whether he had been in In response, the POP campaigner remarked that Maduka
America. gave out pounds, and not shillings.
Don Gonzalo replied that he had been to America several
Dona Laura observed that he must have gone with
Columbus. *****************
Don Gonzalo said that he was old, but he hadn’t known
Ferdinand and Isabella.

10. Roof: I work for Marcus Ibe.

POP campaigner: We have plenty of work to do
tonight Are you taking this or not?
Roof: Will it not be heard outside this room?
POP campaigner: We are after votes, not gossip.


2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

DIALOGUE WRITING 3. (Two friends at a hotel)

Ravi: John, …………..for breakfast? (Enquiring)
1. (At a store) John: What ……………..? (Asking for preference)
Chandru : ………………, do you work here? Ravi: I prefer dosa. Shall …………? (Offering
(Starting conversation with stranger) choices)
Assistant : Yes, I do ………….? (Offering help) John: I don’t like masala dosa. I would prefer set
Chandru : Do you have children’s sweaters? dosa.
Assistant : Yes, they are over there by the wall. Ravi: …………..I will order set dosa. (Accepting)
Chandru : ………………. (Asking for price)
Assistant : It’s 300 rupees. Answer:
Chandru : Here you are.
Assistant : ……………. (Expressing gratitude) Ravi: John, what is there for breakfast? (Enquiring)
John: What would you like to have? (Asking for
Answer: preference)
Ravi: I prefer dosa. Shall I order masala dosa or set dosa?
Chandru: Excuse me, do you work here? (Starting (Offering choices)
conversation with stranger) John: I don’t like masa la dosa. I would prefer set dosa.
Assistant: Yes, ¡ do. How may I help you? (Offering Ravi: Ok then I will order set dosa. (Accepting)
Chandru: Do you have children’s sweaters? 4. (Two strangers on the road)
Assistant: Yes, they are over there by the wall. Salim: …………… Is there a medical store nearby?
Chandru: How much do they cost? (Asking for price) (Starting conversation)
Assistant: It’s 300 rupees. Sharat: Yes, there is one right across the street.
Chandru: Here you are. Salim: How …………….. (Asking for distance)
Assistant: Thank you Sir. (Expressing gratitude) Sharat: …………… (Giving information)
Salim: ……………… (Expressing gratitude)
2. (In a library)
Librarian: Hi, …………? (Offering help) Answer:
Student : I am looking for a book, but I could not find
it. Salim: Excuse me. Is there a medical store nearby?
Librarian: ……….. (Asking for book name) (Starting conversation)
Student: God of Small Things. Sharat: Yes, there is one right across the street.
Librarian: Do you remember the author? Salim: How far is it from here? (Asking for distance)
Student: ………………………….. (Giving author Sharat: You just have to walk for two minutes. (Giving
name-Arundhati Roy) information)
Librarian: The book is on the second floor in Salim: Thank you for your help! (Expressing gratitude)
Indian literature section.
Student: ……………… I will go there. (Expressing 5. (Two friends at college)
gratitude) Mohan: Hi Ramesh. Good morning.
Ramesh: ………….. (Responding to greeting)
Answer: Mohan: ……………. your cell phone for a moment?
Librarian: Hi, how may I help you? (Offering help) Ramesh: Sure, no problem ………….(Offering)
Student: I am looking for a book, but I could not find it. Mohan: It will only be a minute or two.
Librarian: What is the name of the book? (Asking for Ramesh: Take your time. No rush.
book name) Mohan: …………….. (Expressing gratitude)
Student: God of Small Things.
Librarian: Do you remember the author? Answer:
Student: Yes. It’s Arundhati Roy. (Giving author name
— Arundhati Roy) Mohan: Hi Ramesh. Good morning.
Librarian: The book is on the second floor in Indian Ramesh: Good morning Mohan. (Responding to greeting)
literature section. Mohan: Can I borrow your cell phone for a moment?
Student: Thank you. I will go there. (Expressing gratitude) (Requesting)

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Ramesh: Sure, no problem. You can use it. (Offering) Prabhu: Good morning madam. Is this VIMS hospital?
Mohan: It will only be a minute or two. Clerk: Good morning. This is VIMS. Who’s calling?
Ramesh: Take your time. No rush. Prabhu: .................... from Koppal. (Introducing)
Mohan: Thank you. (Expressing gratitude) Clerk: ................... (Offering help)
Prabhu: I have an appointment with Dr. Narayan on
6. (Two friends discussing homework) 27th of this month would ………………….?
Rama: Hey, ………… with the homework? (Requesting another appointment)
(Requesting) Clerk: just a minute. I will check. .............. (Enquiring)
Susan: I'd be glad to help out ……………. (Enquiring Prabhu: My patient ID is VIMS1774, madam.
about difficulty) Clerk: Is 29th of this month OK?
Rama : I don't understand this equation. Would you Prabhu: It’s OK, madam. Thank you.
mind explaining it to me?
Susan : ……………. Don’t worry. (Assuring help) Answer:
Rama : ………………. (Expressing gratitude)
Prabhu: Good morning madam. Is this VIMS hospital?
Answer: Clerk: Good morning. This is VIMS. Who’s calling?
Prabhu: I am Prabbu speaking from Koppal. (Introducing)
Rama: Hey, can you help me with the homework? Clerk: How may I help you? (Offering help)
(Requesting) Prabhu: I have an appointment with Dr. Narayan on 27th
Susan: I’d be glad to help out. Which part doyou find of this month. Would you please reschedule my
difficult? (Enquiring about difficulty) appointment for another day? (Requesting another
Rama: I don’t understand this equation. Would you mind appointment)
explaining it to me? Clerk: Just a minute. I will check can you please give your
Susan: I will definitely help you. Don’t worry. (Assuring patient ID? (Enquiring)
help) Prabhu: My patient ID is V1MS1774, madam.
Rama: Thanks a lot! (Expressing gratitude) Clerk: Is 29th of this month OK?
Prabhu: It’s OK. Madam. Thank you.
7. (Two friends talking about an unpleasant event)
Vinay: Hi, Shankar. 9. (Between a son and mother)
Shankar: ............... (Responding to greeting) Mother: What about your day at college, son?
Vinay: Shankar, our friend Mahesh met with an Son: It was great, mom. I have been selected captain of
accident this morning. the college Hockey team.
Shankar: ............. Where did it happen? (Expressing Mother: .......................(Congratulating)
sympathy) Son: ........................(Expressing gratitude)
Vinay: ............ (Giving information) Mother: By the way, did you pay the electricity bill on
Shankar: Shall we go and see him this evening? your way home?
Vinay: ................. (Accepting) Son: ............................ (ApologIzing)
Mother: It’s OK. Don’t forget to pay it tomorrow.
Answer: Son: ....................... (Accepting)

Vinay: Hi, Shankar. Answer:

Shankar: Hi Vinay. (Responding to greeting)
Vinay: Shankar, our friend Mahesh met with an accident Son: It was great, mom. I have been selected captain of the
this morning. college Hockey team.
Shankar: Oh! That is sad. Where did it happen? Mother: Oh wow. That is great. Congratulations!
(Expressing sympathy) (Congratulating)
Vinay: It happened near our apartment. (Giving Son: Thanks mom. (Expressing gratitude)
information) Mother: By the way, did you pay the electricity bill on
Shankar: Shall we go and see him this evening? your way home?
Vinay: Yes. Let’s go this evening. (Accepting) Son: Oh sorry. I forgot about It. (Apologizing)
Mother: It’s OK. Don’t forget to pay it tomorrow.
8. (A telephone call) Son: ok mom. (Accepting)

2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

10. (Two friends)

Mala: ....................... (Greeting)
Mary: I’m fine. What about you?
Mala: Fine. I learnt that you have got a special
scholarship…………… (Congratulating)
Mary: Yes, Mala, thank you. It’s given taking into
consideration my contribution to theatrical activities.
Mala: Don’t you feel that theatre has lost its
relevance? Mary: ...................... (Disagreeing)
Mala: Anyway, your achievement is unmatched.
Mary: Thank you…………………. (Leave taking)


Mala: Hi Mary. How are you? (Greeting)

Mary: I’m fine. What about you?
Mala: Fine. I learnt that you have got a special
scholarship. Congratulations! (Congratulating)
Mary: Yes, Mala, thank you. It’s given taking into
consideration my contribution to theatrical activities.
Mala: Don’t you feel that theatre has lost its relevance?
Mary: No, not at all. I think it is still guite relevant.
Mala: Anyway, your achievement Is unmatched.
Mary: Thank you. I have to leave now. See you soon.
(Leave taking)


3 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

EXPRESSIONS Gonzalo does not know that she knows every word
_____. (come to, by heart, take refuge)
1. The kinglet would _______ the account of his
income and expenditure at the end of every year. Answer: come to; by heart.
When he noticed new items of expenditure, he would
the cost of each item. (reckon up, gave up, look over) 8. Both Gonzalo and Laura believe in destiny. They
affirm that they were separated from each other after
Answer: reckon up; look over. the duel since destiny had decided to _____ in their life.
Laura’s parents kept a close watch on her and Gonzalo
2. The council suggested that the only way _______ had to flee and ______ in his cousin’s house.
the criminal was to dismiss the guard. The guard was (Makepeace, take refuge, play havoc)
dismissed but the criminal did not run away. So one of
the ministers decided to tell him ______ to do so. Answer: play havoc; take refuge.
(straight out, to look over, to get rid of)
9. The quarrel between Tammanna and Basavaiah rose
Answer: to get rid of; straight out to such a pitch that it started to ______ all their
supporters. When Basavaiah forcibly acquired
3. The criminal was asked to run away. But the Tammanna’s land, Tammanna was advised by his
criminal said that people would ______ on him if he supporters to ______ to the police. (take recourse, push
did so. He also said that he had ______ of working. in, suck in)
(got out of the way, turn their backs, be hanged)
Answer: suck in; take recourse.
Answer: turn their backs; got out of the way.
10. Tammanna ______ everything and went to a far off
4. There were about 7000 inhabitants in Monaco. The place. Basavaiah was left with no reason to live. After
taxes fetched meagre income. Therefore the kinglet some time Basavaiah ______. (gave up, chance upon,
was _____ to feed his courtiers and himself. But he passed away)
found a new source of income by which he could
______ money and lead a luxurious life. (rake in, hard Answer: gave up; passed away.
put to it, straight out)
11. ‘Tammanna was ______ in agriculture. As a result,
Answer: hard put to it; rake in. the owner of the garden started to _____ from hard
work. (shy away, well versed, better at)
5. Three priests were sitting on Gonzalo’s usual bench
in the park and talking. Gonzalo said that they were Answer: well versed; shy away.
_____ time. He could not tolerate their sitting on his
bench and _______ (resign himself, idling away, take 12. The narrator says he conceived the story The
liberty) Gardener’ ______. The old man he met in a coconut
grove had come to the garden seeking work. The owner
Answer: idling away; resigned himself. needed a man exactly like him and asked the old man
to ______. (in a flash, stay on, vanish into thin air)
6. Gonzalo and Laura were annoyed with each other
in the beginning. Gonzalo told Laura that she could Answer: Min a flash; stay on.
not _____ and comment on his actions. However, the
pinch of snuff he offered her tried to ______ between 13. Tammanna thought of yet another method of
them. (know by heart, take the liberty, Makepeace) punishing Basavaiah. He wanted to separate his songs
from his own _____. He wanted his fame to ______.
Answer: take the liberty; make peace. Therefore he gave up everything and became a non-
entity. (flesh and blood, vanish into thin air, out of
7. Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo fail to realize what hand)
dreams ______. However, they try to impress each
other. When Laura seems to read without glasses, Answer: flesh and blood; vanish into thin air.

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

14. In Brazil, the number of motor vehicles is growing 21. It was the time of the election. The campaign in
by _______, almost as if cars were distributed free of Umuofia was ____. All knew that the honourable
charge to ______. (all and sundry, turn a deaf ear, minister would have a _____. (in a soup, landslide
leaps, and bounds) victory, in full swing)

Answer: leaps and bounds; all and sundry. Answer: in full swing; landslide victory.

15. In Brazil, the pedestrians are, in fact, on the _____ 22. The roof was disturbed on the morning of the
for drivers. As soon as a driver notices a pedestrian election. Suddenly a thought _______ his mind and he
step off the pavement, he regards him as ______. (fair _______ in his springy fashion towards the booth.
game, to get into, lookout) (leapt into, gave out, dashed off)

Answer: lookout; fair game. Answer: leapt into; dashed off.

16. The deer looked into Mikes’s eyes and bowed 23. Roof’s heart nearly ______ when he saw the iyi.
deeply. It was no ______. He thought that if they see Indeed he knew the fame of Mbanta in these things.
people bowing all the time, they _______ the habit too. What could a single vote cast in secret for Maduka
(get into, come up, chance gesture) ______ from Marcus’s certain victory? (get a few, few
out, take away)
Answer: chance gesture; get into.
Answer: flew out; take away.
17. The war between drivers is murderous but good-
tempered. They ________, overtake on both sides and 24. Sheela Rani Chunkath included mobility ______
force you to brake violently. Therefore a pedestrian, the literacy drive. People made dirty remarks but the
while crossing a road, has to jump, leap and run for neo-cyclists _____ to these remarks. (turned a deaf ear,
______. (dear life, fair game, cut in) to come off, as a part of)

Answer: cut in; dear life. Answer: as a part of; turned a deaf ear.

18. Marcus knew that he would win but didn’t want 25. A lot of women were unable to wait for ladies’
_______ a single vote. So he asked his campaign boys cycles. Therefore they had to _____ men’s cycles. They
to go one at a time and put in their ballot papers. At knew that bicycles would ______ time wasted in
this time Roof was weighed down by guilt but waiting for buses. (cut down on, put up with, go in for)
pretended ______. (to be in high spirits, to throw
away, pass by) Answer: go in for; cut down on.

Answer: to throw away; to be in high spirits. 26. Cycling has _____ Pudukkottai. It has become a
movement. It was the ______ of Sheela Rani Chunkath
19. The roof was ______ as he had sworn on iyi that who was the former District Collector. (brainchild,
he would vote for Maduka. However, on the day of the swept across, go out)
election, he wanted to hide it. Therefore he did not
______ his calm and confidence. (give up, face lit up, Answer: swept across; brainchild.
in a fix)
27. In the heart of rural Pudukkottai, young women
Answer: in a fix; give up. _____ the roads on their bicycles. Jameela Bibi, who
has ______ cycling, told the reporter that it was her
20. In Umuofia, everyone was _____ for Marcus Ibe. right. (taken to, give up, zip along)
He was not like the mortar which as soon as food
comes its way ____ on the ground. (looks down at, Answer: zip along; taken to.
turns it is back, full of praise)
28. In Kilakuruchi village all the prospective learners
Answer: full of praise; turns its back. had in ______ their Sunday best. You can’t help ____

2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

sheer passion of the pro-cycling movement. (a way 6. The gardener started narrating the story of
out, being struck by, turned out) Tammanna and Basavaiah to the owner’s wife. ______
proceeding with the story, he started fumbling for
Answer: turned out; being struck by. words ______ he had made a mistake. The owner’s
wife was not interested in the story. She felt like going
LINKERS away ______ stayed back ______ she did not want to
hurt the old man. (but, after, as though, as)
1. The special revenue came from a gaming house,
_____ people played roulette. Some of the little Answer: After; as though; but; as.
German Sovereigns used to keep gaming houses of
the same kind _____ some years ago they were 7. The rivalry between Tammanna and Basavaiah
forbidden to do so. The reason they were stopped was looked like healthy competition in the beginning. _____
____ these gaming houses did so much harm. A man it rose to such a pitch _____ they started competing in
would come and try his luck. _____ he would risk all buying each acre of land in the village. _____ no land
he had and lose it. (because, then, where, but) in the village was left for buying. Even then Basavaiah
was not happy ______ he had 200 acres less than
Answer: where; but; because; Then. Tammanna. (because, finally, gradually, that)

2. The criminal refused to go away _____ they had Answer: Gradually; that; Finally; because.
ruined his character _____ people would turn their
backs on him. ____ he had got out of the way of 8. Basavaiah sent word that he was prepared to buy
working. He said they might do as they liked, ____ he Tammanna’s 200 acres of land. This made Tammanna
would not go away. (but, for, besides, and) furious. _____ he said he was prepared to buy all the
land ______ belonged to Basavaiah. _______ Basavaiah
Answer: for; and; Besides; but. forcibly acquired 200 acres of Tammanna’s land.
________ the enmity between them became fierce and
3. The criminal received one-third of his pension in sucked in all their supporters. (as a result, in turn,
advance ______ left the kingdom. _____ crossing the which, instead)
frontier, he settled down on a bit of land. ______ he
started market gardening ______ fetched him good Answer: In turn; which; Instead; As a result.
profit and he lived peacefully and well. (and, later,
after, which) 9. Japanese who live on a hopelessly overcrowded
island have to respect one another’s privacy _____
Answer: and; After; Later; which. rather, would have to _____ they had any privacy.
_____ they don’t. ______ courtesy has a double
4. The criminal remained in prison for a year. _____ function in Japan. (but, if, or, so)
when a year had passed, the kinglet was shocked to
see the amount spent for his keep. _____ he Answer: or; if; But; So.
summoned his council to consider the matter. The
council considered ____ reconsidered. _____ they 10. Japanese are said to be well-mannered ______ they
decided to dismiss the guard who watched over the respect each other’s privacy. You can conduct your
criminal. (finally; but, therefore, and) most confidential business transactions and love-
quarrels in public ______ in perfect privacy. Anybody
Answer: But; Therefore; and; Finally. could listen in _______ nobody does. _____ a
telephone-receiver is a man’s castle in Japan. (yet,
5. The death sentence was altered to life therefore, but, because)
imprisonment. This would enable the Prince to show
his mercy ______ it would come cheaper. _____ there Answer: because; yet; but; Therefore.
was no strong prison fit for permanent use. _____
they managed to find a place ____ would serve the 11. Nobody hurries in Brazil. The people of Brazil are
purpose. (but, and, which, however) leisurely ______ they seem to have all the time in the
world ______ decorate the pavements they walk on.
Answer: and; But; However; which. ______, the drivers in Brazil drive so fast _______

3 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

every tenth of a second is of grave importance. (in 17. Roof’s heart nearly flew out _____ he saw the iyi
order to, and, however, as though) ______ he knew the fame of Mbanta well. ____ he was
certain that a single vote would not defeat Marcus.
Answer: and; in order to; However; as though. _____ he agreed to swear on the iyi. (hence, when,
however, as)
12. Bowing in Japan is not only quainter but
infectious. ______ spending some time in Japan, one Answer: when; as; However; Hence.
starts bowing ______ he or she has been there forever.
______ when a person bows, it is too deep or not too 18. Cycling made women independent _______ it
deep enough _____ the outsider is not familiar with reduced their dependence on men. _____ it gave them a
the complexities of bowing. (as though, after, however, sense of freedom. _____ they had to put up with vicious
because) attacks on their character. _____ all women in
Pudukkottai learnt cycling. (moreover, as, even then,
Answer: After; as though; However; because. but)

13. Motor cars are extremely expensive in Brazil Answer: as; Moreover; But; Even then.
______ of crippling and murderous import duties.
______ almost everyone owns a car here. ______ the 19. Cycling has had very definite economic
roads in Brazil have heavy traffic. ______ the implications. It boosts their income. ______ for sellers
pedestrian’s life is becoming more hazardous every it cuts down on time wasted in waiting for buses.
day. (thus, hence, yet, because) ______ it gives them much more time to focus on
selling their produce. _______ it enlarges the area they
Answer: because; Yet; Thus; Hence. hope to cover. _____ it increases their leisure time, too.
(thus, first, furthermore, on top of that)
14. The roof was a young and energetic man. He never
left his village _______ to seek work in the towns Answer: First; Furthermore; On top of that; Thus.
_____ decided to remain to guide his people. _____ he
was very popular. ______ he was an expert in election
campaigning. (moreover, but, in order to, so)

Answer: in order to; but; So; Moreover.

15. Everything was moving according to the plan.
______ Roof had received a strange visit from the
leader of the POP campaign team. ______ he and
Roof were well-known ______ might even be called
friends, the visit was business-like. He placed five
pounds on the floor before Roof. ______ Roof spoke,
his eyes never left the red notes on the floor. (and,
although, then, as)

Answer: Then; Although; and; As.

16. The roof was a very popular man in his village.

______ the villagers did not explain it in so many
words, Roof’s popularity was a measure of their
gratitude to an energetic young man ______ unlike
most of his fellows nowadays, had not abandoned the
village _____ seek any work in the towns. And Roof
was not a village lout ______. (who, although, either,
in order to)

Answer: Although; who; in order to; either.

4 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.


1. Hundreds of islands lie in the Caribbean Sea, east of the United States of America and stretch west into the
Atlantic Ocean. These Caribbean islands, also known as the West Indies, take their name from the Caribs, the
original inhabitants of the region until the Spanish arrived in 1492. The inhabitants of most islands today are
descendants of African slaves brought to work in plantations between the 16th and 19th centuries. The islands
have a tropical climate, turquoise waters, and fine beaches and have developed booming tourist industry. Many
people here depend on farming for their living.


1. The Caribbean Sea

2. The Atlantic Ocean
3. The West Indies
4. The Caribs
5. Tropical climate
6. Turquoise waters
7. Tourist industry
8. Farming.

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

2. Our earliest ancestors, the hominids, lived in Africa as they evolved into an upright posture and learned to
make tools, around 10,00,000 years ago. They became known as modern people or Homo sapiens. These people
are sometimes called prehistoric because they lived long before recorded history. From fossil evidence, we know
they found food by gathering and hunting, made simple clothes and built shelters out of local materials. People
lived like this for thousands of years. Around 9000 B.C., for the first time, people in West Asia started to
produce their food by farming.


1. The hominids
2. Africa
3. Modern people
4. 10,00,000 years ago
5. Homo sapiens
6. Hunting
7. Food
8. 9000 B.C.

2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

3. South America’s habitats include tropical forests of the north, grasslands of the centre and South, tributaries
of the Amazon, the Andes Mountains in the west, deserts fringing the west coast, and wetlands of Brazil. South
America is rich in wildlife, much of it found in the rain forests. The distinctive animals of South America,
including anteaters, sloths, opossums and new world monkeys, evolved when South America was separated
from North America and got isolated from the rest of the world.


1. Tropical forests of the north

2. Grasslands of the centre and south
3. Tributaries of the Amazon
4. The Andes Mountains in the west
5. Wetlands of Brazil
6. Anteaters
7. Sloths
8. New world monkeys.

3 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

4. Mongooses belong to a group of carnivorous mammals that also include civets, genets, the fossae and
binturong (or bear-cat). Mongooses live in southern Europe, southern Asia and much of Africa. The banded
and dwarf mongooses live in family groups, and are very sociable. Each one of them has a special duty and
enables the group to work together harmoniously. Female mongooses remain close to their nest and look after
the young, while males go hunting for food. These mongooses live in burrows, which they dig themselves or take
over from other animals such as termites.


1. Carnivorous mammals
2. Civets
3. Genets
4. Binturong
5. Southern Europe.
6. Southern Asia
7. Family groups
8. The young.

4 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

5. There are three components of population growth. They are births, deaths and migration. The rates of these
components are measured per 1000 people per year and they vary from one country to another. The average
birth rate of the world is 19.14. Niger has the highest birth rate in the world with 51.76 births and Japan has the
lowest with 7.64. The average death rate of the world is 8.37. Sierra Leone ranks first with 18 deaths and Qatar
has the least death rate with just 1.53.


1. Births
2. Migration
3. One country to another
4. 8.37
5. Niger 6. Sierra Leone
7. Japan
8. Qatar.

5 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

6. Human Development Index has three dimensions. The countries of the world are ranked based on their
performance in the areas of health, education and access to resources. In order to measure the performance in
health, life expectancy is taken into account whereas to measure the performance in education, rate of literacy
is considered. The standard of living is appraised while measuring the performance in respect of access to
resources. It is measured in terms of purchasing power in US dollars.


1. Human Development
2. Health
3. Education
4. Access to resources
5. Life expectancy
6. Rate of literacy
7. Purchasing power
8. US dollars.

6 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

7. There are three methods of rice cultivation. They are broadcasting, drilling and transplanting. The
broadcasting method involves scattering of seeds by hand and it is practiced in less fertile hilly areas. In drilling
method, seeds are drilled into the soil. This method is confined to peninsular India. The transplanting method
uses seedlings grown in seed beds for four weeks. It requires abundant supply of labor and water but gives
higher yields.


1. Broadcasting
2. Drilling
3. Transplanting
4. Seeds
5. Hand
6. Peninsular India
7. Four weeks
8. Higher yields.

7 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

8. Coffee is a tropical plant. It is the second most popular beverage crop of India, the first being tea. Coffee
plant was first introduced in India by a Muslim Fakir called Bababudan Sahib. He brought some seeds of coffee
from Mecca during the 17th century. He planted them in the Chandragiri hills presently in the Chikmagalur
district. The cultivation of coffee crops started in the 19th century on a large scale. Gradually it spread to Tamil
Nadu, Kerala and other parts of our country.


1. India
2. A Muslim Fakir
3. Bababudan Sahib
4. Mecca
5. Chandragiri hills
6. Chikmagalur
7. Tamil Nadu
8. Kerala.

8 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

9. Energy is the primary input in the production of goods and services. The wheels of progress move with the
flow of energy. On the basis of their nature, the sources of energy are of two types: conventional and non-
conventional. Coal, petroleum, natural gas and electricity are the conventional energy sources. These are limited
and exhaustible in nature. The sun, wind, tides, geothermal energy and bio-gas are the sources of non-
conventional energy. These sources are renewable in nature.


1. Conventional
2. Coal
3. Petroleum
4. Electricity
5. Sun
6. Tides
7. Bio-gas
8. Renewable

9 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

10. Geographer have found that there are some important differences between the northern and solar polar
regions of the earth. The Arctic region in the north is mostly sea surrounded by masses of land. South Pole, on
the other hand is a land mass, surrounded by oceans; in fact, Antartica is regarded as a continent by itself. Both
the regions have cold climate, but the winter in the Arctic is not so severe or as long as that in the Antartica.
Antartica is snow bound almost throughout the year but the snow in the Arctic melts in summer. There is some
vegetation in the Arctic, but Antatica is a desert with virtually no plant or animal life.


1. Geographer
2. Solar Polar Regions
3. By Land
4. By Oceans
5. Antartica
6. Artics
7. Summer
8. Winter


10 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.


1. Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement which appeared in „The Hindu‟
dated 20th March, 2021. (Write XXX for NAME and YYY for ADDRESS.)


Applicants should be GRADUATES with minimum ONE YEAR experience.
Apply Within one week to:
202 - KV ROAD
BENGALURU -560 003




21st March, 2021.


202- KV ROAD
BENGALURU -560 003

Respected Sir,
Sub: - Application for the post of Assistant Public Relations Officer.
Ref: - Your advertisement in “The Hindu’ dated 20th March, 2021.

In response to your advertisement mention above, I am applying for the post of Assistant Public Relations Officer.

I have passed my Graduation with a First Class. I am fluent in English and local languages. Besides I have an
experience of one year as an Assistant Public Relations Officer. I have enclosed my resume with this application. I
hope it will meet your requirement.

Thank You,

Yours Faithfully,

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.


Name : XXX
Father’s Name : XYZ
Date of Birth : ZZZ
Permanent Address : YYY
Nationality : Indian
Knowledge of Languages : English & other local languages
Educational Qualification

Name of Examination Board / University Year / % Subject

S.S.L.C K.S.E.E.B 2015 / 80% Kannada, English, Hindi, Maths, Science &Social Science.
II P.U.C Pre - University 2017 / 85% History, Economics, Business, Accountancy & Languages
B.Com Bangalore 2020 / 90% Accounts, Economics, Business, Maths / Computer

Experience : 1Year
Other Hobbies : Reading, Singing etc.

Place : YYY
Date : 21st March, 2021.

2. Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement which appeared in „The Deccan
Herald‟, dated 10th March, 2021. (Write XXX for name and YYY for address.)

Apollo Hospitals
Qualification : B.Sc / Diploma in General Nursing
Fluency in English and the local language essential
Send in applications within 7 days
Apply to : The Managing Director
Apollo Hospitals (Personnel Department)
No. 29, Gokul Road
Hubballi - 580115




11th March, 2021.


HUBBALLI - 580115

Respected Sir,
Sub: - Application for the post of Staff Nurses.
Ref: - Your advertisement in “The Deccan Herald’ dated 10th March, 2021.

2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

In response to your advertisement mention above, I am applying for the post of Staff Nurses.

I have passed my Graduation with a First Class. I am fluent in English and local languages. Besides I have an
experience of one year as a Staff Nurses. I have enclosed my resume with this application. I hope it will meet your

Thank You,

Yours Faithfully,

Name : XXX
Father’s Name : XYZ
Date of Birth : ZZZ
Permanent Address : YYY
Nationality : Indian
Knowledge of Languages : English & other local languages
Educational Qualification

Name of Examination Board / University Year / % Subject

S.S.L.C K.S.E.E.B 2015 / 80% Kannada, English, Hindi, Maths, Science &Social Science.
II P.U.C Pre - University 2017 / 85% Physics, Chemisry, Mathematics, Biology & Languages
B.Sc Bangalore 2020 / 90% Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics & Biology

Experience : 1Year
Other Hobbies : Reading, Singing etc.

Place : YYY
Date : 11th March, 2021.

3. Write an application in response to the following advertisement that appeared in „The Indian Express‟ on 10th March,
2021 (Write XXX for name and YYY for address.)

Oxford Higher Primary School Dharwad

Qualification : I Class in PUC with Diploma in Education
Knowledge of Kannada and English necessary
Send in your resume within 10 days

The Headmaster
Oxford Higher Primary School, Saptapur, Dharwad - 580001




11th March, 2021.


3 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.



Respected Sir,
Sub: - Application for the post of Teacher.
Ref: - Your advertisement in “The Indian Express’ dated 10th March, 2021.

In response to your advertisement mention above, I am applying for the post of Teacher.

I have passed my PUC with a First Class. I am fluent in English and local languages. Besides I have an experience of
one year as a Teacher. I have enclosed my resume with this application. I hope it will meet your requirement.

Thank You,

Yours Faithfully,

Name : XXX
Father’s Name : XYZ
Date of Birth : ZZZ
Permanent Address : YYY
Nationality : Indian
Knowledge of Languages : English & other local languages
Educational Qualification

Name of Examination Board / University Year / % Subject

S.S.L.C K.S.E.E.B 2015 / 80% Kannada, English, Hindi, Maths, Science &Social Science.
II P.U.C Pre - University 2017 / 95% Physics, Chemisry, Mathematics, Biology & Languages
D.Ed Bangalore 2019/ 97% Psychology, English, Maths, Art Education Etc..

Experience : 1Year
Other Hobbies : Reading, Singing etc.

Place : YYY
Date : 11th March, 2021.

4. Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement which appeared in 'The Times of India' dated
10th March, 2021. (Write XXX for name and YYY for Address.)

Accounts Assistants
Applicants should have passed PUC Commerce Computer
Basics with Tally Compulsory

Apply within one week to:

The Regional Manager Karnataka Financial Ltd.
Kasturba Road Mangalore – 1



4 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.


11th March, 2021.



Respected Sir,
Sub: - Application for the post of Accountant Assistant.
Ref: - Your advertisement in “The Times of India’ dated 10th March, 2021.

In response to your advertisement mention above, I am applying for the post of Accountant Assistant.

I have passed my PUC with a First Class. I am fluent in English and local languages. Besides I have an experience of
one year as a Accountant Assistant.I have enclosed my resume with this application. I hope it will meet your

Thank You,

Yours Faithfully,

Name : XXX
Father’s Name : XYZ
Date of Birth : ZZZ
Permanent Address : YYY
Nationality : Indian
Knowledge of Languages : English & other local languages
Educational Qualification

Name of Examination Board / University Year / % Subject

S.S.L.C K.S.E.E.B 2015 / 80% Kannada, English, Hindi, Maths, Science &Social Science.
II P.U.C Pre - University 2017 / 85% History, Economics, Business, Accountancy & Languages
COMPUTER Aptech 2019 / 100% Tally, Java etc..

Experience : 1Year
Other Hobbies : Reading, Singing etc.

Place : YYY
Date : 11th March, 2021.

5. Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement which appeared in the „The Deccan
Herald‟ dated 10th March, 2021. (Write XXX for name and YYY for address.)

5 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.


High School Teachers to teach English, Maths and

Kannada Applicants should be trained graduates
Should be able to teach in both Kannada and English
Apply within 15 days to
The Secretary Sagar Education Trust
Vinobha Road, Shivaram Pet Mysore – 1




11th March, 2021.


Respected Sir,
Sub: - Application for the post of High School Teacher.
Ref: - Your advertisement in “The Deccan Herald’ dated 10th March, 2021.

In response to your advertisement mention above, I am applying for the post of High School Teacher.

I have passed my B.Sc + B.ed with a First Class. I am fluent in English and local languages. Besides I have an
experience of one year as a High School Teacher. I have enclosed my resume with this application. I hope it will meet
your requirement.

Thank You,

Yours Faithfully,

Name : XXX
Father’s Name : XYZ
Date of Birth : ZZZ
Permanent Address : YYY
Nationality : Indian
Knowledge of Languages : English & other local languages
Educational Qualification

Name of Examination Board / University Year / % Subject

S.S.L.C K.S.E.E.B 2011 / 80% Kannada, English, Hindi, Maths, Science &Social Science.
II P.U.C Pre - University 2013 / 85% Physics, Chemisry, Mathematics, Biology & Languages
B.Sc Bangalore 2016 / 90% Physics, Maths, Biology and Languages
B.ed Bangalore 2019 / 97% Psychology, Educational Evaluation & Assessments Etc
6 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T
#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Experience : 1Year
Other Hobbies : Reading, Singing etc.

Place : YYY
Date : 11th March, 2021.

6. Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement which appeared in „The Times of
India‟ dated 10th March, 2021. (Write XXX for name and YYY for address.)

Sogo Retail Management Pvt. Ltd.

Sales Assistants
Qualification : PUC pass
Fluency in English is essential
Working knowledge of computer is a must.

Apply within a week to :

The Director,
Sogo Retail Management Pvt. Ltd.
Ramnagar, Bellary - 560015




11th March, 2021.


Respected Sir,
Sub: - Application for the post of Sales Assistant.
Ref: - Your advertisement in “The Times of India’ dated 10th March, 2021.

In response to your advertisement mention above, I am applying for the post of Sales Assistant.

I have passed my PUC with a First Class. I am fluent in English and local languages. Besides I have an experience of
one year as a Sales Assistant. I have enclosed my resume with this application. I hope it will meet your requirement.

Thank You,

Yours Faithfully,

Name : XXX
Father’s Name : XYZ
Date of Birth : ZZZ
Permanent Address : YYY
Nationality : Indian

7 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Knowledge of Languages : English & other local languages

Educational Qualification

Name of Examination Board / University Year / % Subject

S.S.L.C K.S.E.E.B 2015 / 80% Kannada, English, Hindi, Maths, Science &Social Science.
II P.U.C Pre - University 2017 / 85% Physics, Chemisry, Mathematics, Biology & Languages
COMPUTER Aptech 2019 / 100% Tally, Java etc..

Experience : 1Year
Other Hobbies : Reading, Singing etc.

Place : YYY
Date : 11th March, 2021.

7. Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement which appeared in „The Indian
Express‟ dated 10th March, 2021. (Write XXX for name and YYY for address.)

First Division Assistants
Qualifications: B.Com. Should know both Kannada and
English typewriting. A Good knowledge of computer is required.

Apply immediately to
The Manager
Laxmi Finance Company
No. 166, Chennamma Circle Belagavi - 583421




11th March, 2021.


Respected Sir,
Sub: - Application for the post of First Divison Assistant.
Ref: - Your advertisement in “The India Express’ dated 10th March, 2021.

In response to your advertisement mention above, I am applying for the post of First Divison Assistant.

I have passed my B.Com with a First Class. I am fluent in English and local languages. Besides I have an experience
of one year as a First Divison Assistant. I have enclosed my resume with this application. I hope it will meet your

Thank You,

Yours Faithfully,
8 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T
#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.


Name : XXX
Father’s Name : XYZ
Date of Birth : ZZZ
Permanent Address : YYY
Nationality : Indian
Knowledge of Languages : English & other local languages
Educational Qualification

Name of Examination Board / University Year / % Subject

S.S.L.C K.S.E.E.B 2015 / 80% Kannada, English, Hindi, Maths, Science &Social Science.
II P.U.C Pre - University 2017 / 85% History, Economics, Business, Accountancy & Languages
B.Com Bangalore 2020 / 90% Accounts, Economics, Business, Maths / Computer

Experience : 1Year
Other Hobbies : Reading, Singing etc.

Place : YYY
Date : 11th March, 2021.

8. Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement which appeared in „Indian Express‟
dated 10th March, 2021. (Write XXX for name and YYY for address.)

Qualification : P.U.C. or above with minimum 60% marks
Good communication skill in English and
Hindi, Kannada knowledge essential
Experienced candidates preferred
Apply to:
The Manager, Shewtha
312 / A, Jnanabharathi,
B.R. Ambedkar Road,
Bangalore – 560014




11th March, 2021.

BANGALORE – 560014

9 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Respected Sir,
Sub: - Application for the post of Project Assistant.
Ref: - Your advertisement in “India Express’ dated 10th March, 2021.

In response to your advertisement mention above, I am applying for the post of Project Assistant.

I have passed my PUC with a First Class. I am fluent in English and local languages. Besides I have an experience of
one year as a Project Assistant. I have enclosed my resume with this application. I hope it will meet your requirement.

Thank You,

Yours Faithfully,

Name : XXX
Father’s Name : XYZ
Date of Birth : ZZZ
Permanent Address : YYY
Nationality : Indian
Knowledge of Languages : English & other local languages
Educational Qualification

Name of Examination Board / University Year / % Subject

S.S.L.C K.S.E.E.B 2015 / 80% Kannada, English, Hindi, Maths, Science &Social Science.
II P.U.C Pre - University 2017 / 85% Physics, Chemisry, Mathematics, Biology & Languages
COMPUTER Aptech 2019 / 100% Tally, Java etc..

Experience : 1Year
Other Hobbies : Reading, Singing etc.

Place : YYY
Date : 11th March, 2021.

9. Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement which appeared in “The Indian
Express” dated 10th March, 2021. (Write XXX for name and YYY for address.)

Sales Representatives
Qualification : PUC or Diploma in Agriculture
Marketing Age : 21-30 years
Language : Fluency in English, Hindi
Apply within 10 days to:
Manager (HR)
Mahiko India Pvt.
Ltd.. Fort Road
Chitradurga - 570101

10 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.




11th March, 2021.



Respected Sir,
Sub: - Application for the post of Sales Representative.
Ref: - Your advertisement in “The India Express’ dated 10th March, 2021.

In response to your advertisement mention above, I am applying for the post of Sales Representative.

I have passed my PUC with a First Class. I am fluent in English and local languages. Besides I have an experience
of one year as a Sales Representative. I have enclosed my resume with this application. I hope it will meet your

Thank You,

Yours Faithfully,

Name : XXX
Father’s Name : XYZ
Date of Birth : ZZZ
Permanent Address : YYY
Nationality : Indian
Knowledge of Languages : English & other local languages
Educational Qualification

Name of Examination Board / University Year / % Subject

S.S.L.C K.S.E.E.B 2015 / 80% Kannada, English, Hindi, Maths, Science &Social Science.
II P.U.C Pre - University 2017 / 85% Physics, Chemisry, Mathematics, Biology & Languages
COMPUTER Aptech 2019 / 100% Tally, Java etc..

Experience : 1Year
Other Hobbies : Reading, Singing etc.

Place : YYY
Date : 11th March, 2021.

10. Write a letter of application in response to the following advertisement which appeared in The Deccan
Herald‟ dated 10th March, 2021. (Write XXX for name and YYY for address.)

11 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Student Coordinator
Qualification: Any Degree with B.Ed
Should be good in English Communication

Apply immediately:
The Administrator
Global Minds Education Pvt. Ltd.
8th Mile, Hesaraghatta Road, Bengaluru - 560057




11th March, 2021.


Respected Sir,
Sub: - Application for the post of Student Coordinator.
Ref: - Your advertisement in “The Deccan Herald’ dated 10th March, 2021.

In response to your advertisement mention above, I am applying for the post of Student Coordinator.

I have passed my B.Sc + B.ed with a First Class. I am fluent in English and local languages. Besides I have an
experience of one year as a Student Coordinator.I have enclosed my resume with this application. I hope it will meet
your requirement.

Thank You,

Yours Faithfully,

Name : XXX
Father’s Name : XYZ
Date of Birth : ZZZ
Permanent Address : YYY
Nationality : Indian
Knowledge of Languages : English & other local languages
Educational Qualification

Name of Examination Board / University Year / % Subject

S.S.L.C K.S.E.E.B 2011 / 80% Kannada, English, Hindi, Maths, Science &Social Science.
II P.U.C Pre - University 2013 / 85% Physics, Chemisry, Mathematics, Biology & Languages
B.Sc Bangalore 2016 / 90% Physics, Maths, Biology and Languages
B.ed Bangalore 2019 / 97% Psychology, Educational Evaluation & Assessments Etc

12 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Experience : 1Year
Other Hobbies : Reading, Singing etc.

Place : YYY
Date : 11th March, 2021.


13 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, „G‟. Block, Champion Reef‟s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.


1. Imagine that you are required to speak on the occasion of Independence Day on ‘Integrity and
Development’. Using the hints given below, write a speech in about 100 words.

Importance of unity and integrity – Integrity: social and cultural dimensions – Threats to unity and integrity
– obstacle to development – Measures to be taken to preserve unity in diversity – Inclusive development –
need of the hour.


Happy Morning

On the occasion of Independence Day on ‘Integrity and Development’, as the Secretary of our college Union, it's my
privilege to address you.

Independence Day is a day of introspection. Even as we salute the great leaders who freed us from the colonial rule of
the British, it is important that we take stock of the present situation to see in what way we can take our nation
forward. When we look around, we see that the internal problems we now have are as bad as or even worse than the
problems we had in the pre – independence era. Communal feelings are running high and once again there is a threat
to our unity and integrity. It is now, more than ever, that we should remain strong as one nation of great strength. We
should rise above our personal differences of caste, creed, community and culture and look at ourselves as
IndiAnswer: This will ensure the development of our country. India is marching forward with great confidence in the
field of IT, sports and entrepreneurship. But all this can come to naught if there is internal strife. Also, development
has no meaning if it is not inclusive and doesn’t offer equal opportunity to all sections of society. So, on this
Independence Day, let us take a pledge that we will preserve our unity in diversity and make our society egalitarian in
its existence.

Thank you.

2. Imagine that you are the president of your college union. You must deliver a speech on Gandhiji on Gandhi
Jayanti Day. Prepare a speech of about 100 words, based on the points given below:

Gandhiji - greatest Indian of 20th Century – leadership of freedom movement – weapons – truth and non –
violence – led simple life – fought for social and economic equality – relevance of Gandhism – in an age of
consumerism and globalization.


Happy Morning

On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, as the President of our college Union, it's my privilege to address you.

I’m given the opportunity to address you in my capacity as president of the college union. I would like to speak about
a great Indian of the 20th century who is an inspiration to millions of leaders all over the world. I am sure you have
already conjectured rightly that my reference is to Mahatma Gandhi. The epithet Mahatma is the most appropriate one
for him because he is an iconic leader who won freedom from British rule using the harmless weapons of non –
violence and non – cooperation. Truth was always his trump card. Sarvodaya – universal uplift was his vision as he
strove hard for sociai and economic equality. He had the credibility to do it as he himself led a very simple life. He
walked the talk. That is why to this day the Gandhian ideology has remained relevant. In fact, Gandhi’s simple living
and high thinking, his focus on cottage industry, his call for non – violence are the ideals that we have to uphold now,
in an age of consumerism and globalisation. Just as we say, ‘Go green,’ we should also say, ‘Go Gandhian.

Thank you.

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

3. Imagine that you have been invited by a local science club to speak on superstitions. Prepare a speech in
about 100 words on the basis of the points given below:

Traditional beliefs – irrational feeble minds – fear – ignorance – illiteracy – lack of scientific attitude –
Common beliefs – cat crossing one’s path – presence of owls in the courtyard. – Measures to eradicate –
scientific clarifications – creating awareness – literacy drive.


Happy Morning

Many of you are members of Science Club. Yet, I can challenge you and say that none of you is totally free of
superstition. This is owing to the fact that superstition and faith have a very thin line of demarcation. Throughout our
life we are taught how to value and revere faith. We are so immersed in this world of faith that even when faith
transgresses into the arena of superstition, we fail to realise the truth. But it is not merely traditional beliefs, but also
feeble minds, irrational fear, ignorance, illiteracy and lack of scientific attitude that have promoted and spread
superstition far and wide. It’s quite confounding that even in this scientifically and technologically advanced age, we
still get affected by the possibility of something inauspicious happening if a cat crosses our path or an owl is found in
our backyard. That is why it is important that rationalist groups come together to hold meets and create awareness to
weed out superstition from society and make it healthy.

Thank you.

4. You have invited the District Superintendent of Police as the Chief Guest for your College Day programme.
As the secretary of the College Union, you have to introduce the guest at the function. Using the details given
below, write a speech in about 100 words.

Name: Sheela Patil

Birth Place: Gulbarga Educational
Qualification: M.A. from Gulbarga University – I.P.S. – 2005 Batch.
Profile: Started career as lecturer – passed IPS – posted as DSP to Haveri – nightmare to anti – social elements
– known for courage and honesty – Now SP in your district.


Happy Morning

Dignitaries on the dais and off the dais, It is a significant day today.

College Day is the most important day on the calendar ofevents of an educational institution and it is with great
pleasure that I take the mike to introduce to you the Chief Guest. Since ours is a women’s college, it is with added
pride that I place before you the impressive details of Ms. Sheela Patil, District Superintendent of Police. Ms. Patil
hails from Gulbarga and has an M.A. from Gulbarga University. When it comes to the coveted IPS, I’m glad to
announce that she is a rank holder of 2005 batch. The way she has ascended the career chart is remarkable. From the
position of a lecturer she steadily rose to the level of IPS officer and became the favourite of all law – abiding citizens
of Haveri but a nightmare for anti – social elements. Her fearlessness and fairness have made her the most popular
leader. Her courage and honesty are exemplary. I’m sure many students will take her as their role model after listening
to her message. May I request you to address the audience?

5. Your college is celebrating ‘Karnataka Rajyotsava’. You are asked to speak on the occasion. Write a speech
in about 100 words. Your speech should include the following. Points:

2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Kannada speaking people – after independence – under several provinces – Struggle for unification – Linguistic
province called Mysore State formed in 1956. Renamed Karnataka – 1973. Present day status: hub of IT
industries, tourist attractions.


Happy Morning

On the occasion of Kannnada Rajyosava, as the Secretary of our college Union, it's my privilege to address you.

Kannada Rajyotsava, it is important that we take stock of the historical events that led to the formation of Karnataka.
After independence the states were reorganised on linguistic basis. As a result, all the Kannada speaking people who
were spread in different provinces were brought together with the formation of Mysore State in 1956. After more than
one and a half decades, in 1973 the state was renamed as Karnataka. Now Karnataka is one of the most progressive
states in India. It is an IT hub and its capital Bangalore has earned for itself the name ‘Silicon Valley’. Karnataka is
also a favourite haunt of tourists because there are many spots of scenic beauty and historical importance. The people
of Karnataka are mature, sensible and sensitive and we should be the torch bearers of India.

Thank you.

6. Imagine you have been asked to deliver a speech on Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on the occasion of the celebration of
‘Ambedkar Jayanti’ in your locality. Prepare a speech of about 100 words based on the points given below:

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar – architect of Indian Constitution – born 14th April, 1891. sought Maharaja of Baroda’s
help – went to USA – higher studies in Columbia – London School of Economics – got M.Sc., D.Sc. – voracious
reader – wrote articles on many topics – journalist – reformer – fought for equality – awarded Bharat Ratna –
passed away in 1956.


Happy Morning

On the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti, as the Secretary of our college Union, it's my privilege to address you.

Let me begin by stating that the Constitution of India is the supreme law of India. It lays down the framework defining
fundamental political principles, establishes the structure, procedures, powers and duties of the government. All over
the world, it is acknowledged that the Constitution of India is one of the best crafted political and administrative
treatises. That is why we should remember Dr. B.R. Ambedkar who is the architect of the Constitution of India, with
deep veneration. Ambedkar, who was born on 14 April 1891, was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He
sought the help of Baroda’s Maharaja to go to the U.S.A. and study in Columbia University. He got his M.Sc., D.Sc.
from London School of Economics. He was a voracious reader and turned out to be a great journalist and reformer.
More importantly, he fought for the uplift of Dalits. His dream was for a society that was free of class and caste
distinctions. Before he passed away in 1956, he had realised his dream of a nation that was independent and self –
sufficient. He is the most deserving recipient of the highest civilian award of India – Bharath Ratna.

Thank you.

7. You are the general secretary of your college cultural association. You have invited a musician to inaugurate
the college cultural fest. Based on the artist’s details given below, write a speech of introduction in 100 words.

Name: Prasanna kumar

Birth Place: Sirsi (Uttara Kannada)

3 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

Profile: Born into poor family – school dropout – had great passion for music – went to Mumbai. Worked as
labourer – found music teacher – put in vigorous practice – now famous all over the country – Rajyotsava


Happy Morning

Dignitaries on the dais and off the dais, It is a significant day today.

This Cultural Fest is our attempt to tap and honour talent and that is why we are very happy to have Mr.
Prasannakumar, who has come up in life because of his talent, as our Chief Guest. Mr. Prasannakumar’s life is a true
story of adventure, grit and determination. Mr. Prasannakumar underwent a lot of hardships as his family was poor.
Born at Sirsi in Uttara Kannada, he was even forced to drop out of school as his father could not afford to pay the fees.
Amidst all this, he kept his passion for music alive and went to Mumbai in search of greener pastures. He worked as
labourer and saved enough money to find a music teacher. Hard work never fails and his vigorous practice slowly but
steadily turned him into a successful and renowned musician. Today, the world recognises him as the recipient of
Rajyotsava Award. . I am proud to present to all of you, a self – made artiste of par excellence, Mr. Prasannakumar.

8. You are celebrating ‘World Environment Day’ under the auspices of your college Eco Club. The chief guest
of the function is a rustic man who has played a vital role in conservation of nature. His profile is given below.
Based on the details, write a speech of 100 words which introduces the guest.

Name: Hanumanthappa
Profile : Born in a small village – frequently drought – hit – poor family – no schooling – worked as cattle
herder – had love for trees – planted saplings on the slope of hill – took care – in course of time – large area
covered with trees – ground water increased – now tourist attraction.


Happy Morning

Dignitaries on the dais and off the dais, It is a significant day today.

On World Environment Day, it is a great honour that we have with us a man who has dedicated his whole life to
preserve the environment. My reference is to Sri Hanumanthappa, a true rustic who worships nature. Born in a small
village, Hanumanthappa faced hardships as his place was often hit by drought. He could not go to school; instead he
worked as cattle herder. Perhaps it was while grazing the cattle that his love for nature in general and for trees in
particular increased. He started planting trees on the slope of a hill and even took care of them. In due course of time, a
large area was covered with trees, and what is more, the ground water also increased. Now, this green stretch is a
tourist attraction. If each one of us emulates Hanumanthappa, we need to have absolutely no fear of any environmental
crisis. While presenting Hanumanthappa to all of you, I pray for his long life and health.

9. Imagine that you are celebrating ‘International Women’s Day’ and you are required to speak on the
occasion. Using the hints given below, write a speech in 100 words. Women empowerment – Importance of
education – Eradication of dowry system – Ensuring safety at workplaces – Treating women with respect –
Gender equality.


Happy Morning

On the occasion of ‘International Women’s Day’, as the Secretary of our college Union, it's my privilege to address

4 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

As I stand here to address you all, the first thought that comes to my mind is that the International Women’s Day is a
symbol of the long and difficult struggle of women for equality. Even as we celebrate the day, what we have to reckon
with is the truth that women have come a long way and enjoy many rights and privileges; yet they still have a long
way to go if they have to consider themselves truly empowered. Danger to the safety of women, including at
workplace, is still a sordid reality. Unless each man respects each woman, problems will persist. Thus, though the lot
of women has improved in.

10. You have invited the Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Panchayat as the Chief Guest for your College
Annual Day programme. As the secretary of the Student Union, you have to introduce the guest at the
function. Write a speech in 100 words using the details given below.

Name : Kiran Shetty

Birth Place : Kundapur Educational
Qualification : M.Com from Mysore University - I.A.S. – 2011 Batch
Profile : Started career as accountant in private company - passed IAS - posted as CEO to Gulbarga –
implemented several developmental schemes – eliminated rural unemployment – effectively managed
drought condition - Now ZP CEO in your district


Happy Morning

Dignitaries on the dais and off the dais, It is a significant day today.

It is a great honour for me to introduce our Chief Guest Ms. Kiran Shetty, an IAS Officer of 2011 batch. Hailing from
Kundapur, Ms. Kiran Shetty started her career as accountant after her M.Com from Mysore University. After her IAS,
she was posted at Gulbarga and it was here that she exercised many of her innovative ideas. She implemented many
developmental schemes and her focus was on eliminating rural unemployment. She also efficiently tackled the
problem of drought - hit areas.

Naturally, she turned out to be the most popular Zilla Panchayat Chief Executive Officer and the citizens of Gulbarga
honoured her with the award ofAdarsha Jana Sevaki' when she was transferred from Gulbarga. Now, it is our good
fortune that she is posted in our District.

Today, we have the honour of having such an illustrious person as our Chief Guest and I joyously invite Ms. Kiran
Shetty to address the audience.


5 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

PRONOMINAL WORDS whom: ......................... them: . .........................

1. Whenever one of the couriers leaves any city, he takes 6. Confucius was born into a family of lowest level of
his dispatches in one hand and the whip with bells in the aristocracy. They led a poor and miserable life.
other, which he keeps shaking. Upon hearing the sound, Unfortunately his parents died when he was very
another man comes out in the next city and takes these young. Their death completely shattered his life and he
dispatches so that he can deliver them to the next city. As was forced to grow up in poverty, which taught him the
a result the Sultan receives his dispatches in a very short hard realities of life.
a time.
They : ......................... his : .........................
he : ............................. which : ......................... their : ......................... which: .........................
them : ......................... his : ...............................
7. Dining places provided meals every day at a fixed
2. Salim took the rare looking bird to his uncle and place. These were started in the 15 th Century. By the
asked him what kind of bird it was. His uncle middle of the 16th century, town people made it a habit
examined it and was unable to satisfy Salim’s to dine out. They paid a shilling, which was quite
curiosity. He took Salim to W.S.Millard, who was affordable. Many taverns became the meeting places of
surprised to see such a young boy keen about birds. leading people. Shakespeare, who lived in London, was
Millard took Salim and showed him many stuffed birds a regular customer of Mermaid tavern.
at the society, where he worked.
These : ......................... They : .........................
Him: ........................... It: ......................... which : ......................... who: .........................
who: . ......................... where: .................
8. A copy editor checks grammatical errors and
3. Colonel Rankin opened his parachute, it blossomed misspelling that might lead to confusion. He corrects
out over him, and another tremendous blast battered them and makes the story easier to read. If the story is
his body, with wind and hail. He could withstand its too long it is again edited down to the right size. An eye
force, suddenly he felt being pulled up by a current of catching headline is added to make the reader interested
air and he was floating in the clouds, which enclosed so that he will further recommend the story to his
him from all directions. associates.

It: . ....................... His:......................... that : . ......................... He : .........................

its: ......................... which: .................... it : ............................... his : .........................

4. Bernard Shaw’s legendary musical hit became a 9. Amelia chose Fred Noonan as her navigator in her
popular film. It is the story of an English professor second attempt, because he was skilled and
who meets a young flower girl in a train, where she experienced. They departed on June 1st from Miami
was singing and selling flowers. He was fascinated by where she left behind some things, to make room for
her voice and appearance. So he decided to train her additional fuel which was essential for them to fly on
and teach her English. Very soon he transformed her long route.
into a refined lady.
her: . ......................... he: .........................
It : . ......................... where : ...................... where: ...................... which: ......................
her : ......................... he : ............................
10. In Egypt, wild cats preyed upon rats that were
5. There are many Sphinxes in Egypt, and their heads destroying grains which were stored in granaries. In
represent the kings who had once ruled over the land. Rome, cats were treated as working animals and not
When a king died he himself was supposed to become much respect was given to them. The Europeans
the ‘Sun God’. The Egyptians worshipped and had owned cats for fancy. They started breeding them at
great faith in the Sun God, whom they trusted would home. In Japan, the beckoning cats were seen as lucky
protect them from evil powers. since their charm was believed to protect households.

Their: ......................... himself: ................ which: ......................... them: .........................

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

They: ......................... their: .........................


1. 1. courier 2. the whip with bells

3. dispatches 4. Sultan’s.

2. 1. uncle 2. the bird

3. W. S. Millard 4. the society.

3. 1. the parachute 2. Colonel Rankin’s

3. blast’s 4. clouds.

4. 1. the film 2. train

3. the young flower girl’s 4. the English professor.

5. 1. Sphinxes’ 2. King
3. Sun God 4. Egyptians.

6. 1. aristocracy 2. Confucius
3. parents 4. Poverty

7. 1. Dining places 2. town people

3. a shilling 4. Shakespeare

8. 1. grammatical errors and misspellings

2. a copy editor 3. the story 4. reader’s.

9. 1. Amelia’s 2. Fred Noonan

3. Miami 4. fuel.

10. 1. grains 2. cats

3. Europeans 4. beckoning cats’.


2 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

JUMBLED SEGMENTS 6. The Earth University is inspired by Tagore.

7. Dona Laura was a white-haired old lady.
Rewrite the jumbled segments to form a meaningful 8. Don Gonzalo used his handkerchief as a shoe brush.
sentence. 9. The snuff has made peace between Laura and Gonzalo.
10. Dona Laura was called the silver maiden.
1. a real /there is / this/ in / toy kingdom / kinglet 11. Three priests are sitting on the bench.
2. can’t earn / labour / you / stone palaces / by honest 12. The old man was well versed in agriculture.
3. they /mind /killing people /in /war /don’t 13. Tamanna forgot all his songs after Basavaiah’s death.
4.1994/Navdanya farm/ started/ was / in 14. The child’s foot wants to become an apple.
5. teaches / Earth University/ the / Earth Democracy 15. Grimm’s Fairy Tales was Borges’ first literary reading.
6. by / inspired / is/ Tagore / the earth University 16. Borges’ mother was an extraordinary person.
7. old lady/ white haired/ Dona Laura/ a /was 17. Poetry is an aesthetic act.
8. Don Gonzalo/ handkerchief / his / used / as a shoe 18. All that is far becomes near.
brush 19. Bowing is a natural practice in Japanese culture.
9. has made/ the snuff/ peace / Laura and Gonzalo/ 20. Motor cars are expensive in Brazil.
between 21. Roof was a popular young man.
10. silver maiden /the / called/ Dona Laura/ was 22. Cycling is a social movement.
11. the bench / are /three priests/ on/ sitting 23. I believe that books will never disappear.
12. agriculture / was / in / well versed /the old man 24. Gonzalo was fond of good verses.
13. all/forgot / Basavaiah’s death/ his songs/ after / 25. There were five elders in the room besides Roof and
Tammanna his assistant.
14. apple/ to become /the child’s foot /an /wants 26. Roof got up again and gave each man another shilling.
15. first literary/ Borges’/reading/ Grimm’s Fairy tales/ 27. He himself had lately been taking down a lot of
was firewood.
16. person/extraordinary / an/ was / mother / Borges’ 28. The great day every five years when the people
17. aesthetic / is /poetry/ act / an exercise power.
18. that is/ near/ far / all /becomes 29. Roof went out of the booth as jauntily as he had gone
19. Bowing / in/ Japanese culture /a natural practice/ is in.
20. expensive / in/ are /Motor cars/ Brazil 30. He wrote the famous cycling song that has become
21. young man/ popular / a/ Roof/ was their anthem.
22. movement/ is /cycling/ a/ social
23. books/ that/ never/ will/ I/ disappear/ believe
24. fond/ Gonzalo/ good/ of /verses/ was
25. his assistant / Roof / five elders / besides / in the *****************
room / and / were / there
26. another shilling / got up / gave / Roof / each man /
again / and
27. a lot of / had lately been / he / firewood / himself /
taking down
28. every five years / exercise power / the great day / the
people / when
29. he / of the booth / had gone in / Roof / as jauntily as /
went out
30. the famous / wrote / cycling song / he / that has
become / their anthem


1. There is a real kinglet in this toy kingdom.

2. You can’t earn stone palaces by honest labor.
3. They don’t mind killing people in war.
4. Navdanya farm was started in 1994.
5. The Earth University teaches Earth Democracy.

1 Ehthashamuddin J Sheikh M.A., M.ED., I.I.S.T

#116, T.K.A.R. Building, ‘G’. Block, Champion Reef’s (P.O), Kolar Gold Fields - 563117
Kolar District, Karnataka State.

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