English Metodology Guide Unit 6: Always Tells The True

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Seventh Grade
Content: FREQUENCY ADVERBS Time: 27 hours

Achievement Indicators :
6.15 Appropriately matches words with definitions from authentic written sources
6.24 Writes an 8 to 10-line description of daily routines incorporating frequency adverbs and
affi rmative, negative and interrogative sentences in the present tense.


Frequency adverbs usually occur in the middle of a sentence and have special positions. as shown in examples

Subject + Freq. Adv. + Verb

Always tells the true

Frequency adverbs usually come between the subject and the simple present verb (except main verb be).

Subject + be + Freq. Adv.

Is Sometime angry

Frequency adverbs follow be in the simple present (am, is, are) and simple past (was, were).
Antes de continuar, leamos los indicadores de logro propuestos al inicio de esta .
. guía, revisando lo aprendido y aclarando las dudas con tu profesor/ profesora

Activity 1: Complete the sentences, using frequency adverbs.

1 My dog ______________ sleeps on my bed with me. ( 75 -- 90% )

2 She _________________ arrives to work on time ( 90 -- 99 )
3 My family ________________ goes on vacation ( 1 - 10 % )
4 ________________ He eat eggs for breakfast ( 25 - 50% )
5 I visit my parent _________________ ( 75 – 90 % )
6 We ____________ eat out ( 10 -- 25 % )
7 He ________ helps me clean the house. ( 0 % )
8. I __________ brush my teeth in the morning ( 100 % )
Antes de continuar, leamos los indicadores de logro propuestos al inicio de esta
. guía, revisando lo aprendido y aclarando las dudas con tu profesor/ profesora

Activity 2: make sentences, playing with dice, answer the questions.

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