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DCS2105 Business Intelligence

Decision Support Science

(Part 2)

The list of OLAP operations:

 Roll-up

 Drill-down

 Sliceand dice
 Pivot (rotate)
Common OLAP Operations
1.Roll-up: Move up the

 By dimension reduction.
 When roll-up is
performed, one or more
dimensions from the data
cube are removed.
 E.g. Given total sales by

city, we can roll-up to get

sales by state or by
ROLLUP example

The Rollup is an extension of Group by clause.

OLAP Operations

2.Drill-down: Move down the


 By introducing a new
 Lowest level can be the
detail records (drill-
 It navigates the data from
less detailed data to
highly detailed data.
 E.g., Given total sales by

state, can drill-down to

get total sales by city.
3. Slice & Dice :- Select and Project on one or more dimensions. The user
can view the data from many angles.
 The slice operation selects one particular dimension from a given cube
 WHERE clause in SQL
 Dice selects two or more dimensions from a given cube and provides a
new sub-cube.
 GROUP BY clause in SQL

customer = “Smith”
OLAP Operations: Slice

 Performs a selection on one dimension of a cube, resulting in

a subcube
Milan 24 18 28 14
ity e
(C tor

Rome 33 25 23 25

Q1 21 10 18 35

Time (Quarter)

Nice 12 20 24 33
Paris Q2 27 14 11 30

Q1 21 10 18 35
Time (Quarter)

Q3 26 12 35 32


Slice on Store.City = ‘Paris’

Q2 27 14 11 30
Q4 14 20 47 31

Q3 26 12 35 32 33 games DVDs

Q4 14 20 47 31 books CDs
Product (Category)
games DVDs
books CDs
Product (Category)

OLAP Operations: Dice

 Defines a selection on two or more dimensions, thus again

defining a subcube
Milan 24 18 28 14
ity e
(C tor

Rome 33 25 23 25

ity e
(C tor

Nice 12 20 24 33 Nice 12 20 24 33




Q1 21 10 18 35
Dice on Store.Country = ‘France’
Time (Quarter)

Q1 21 10 18 35



and Time.Quarter= ‘Q1’ or ‘Q2’
Q2 27 14 11 30 12 Q2 27 14 11 30
Q3 26 12 35 32 games DVDs

books CDs
Q4 14 20 47 31
Product (Category)
games DVDs
books CDs
Product (Category)

4. Pivot(Rotate):-
 Changing the dimensions.
 It rotates the data axes in
view in order to provide an
alternative presentation of
What is multidimensional model?

 Logical view of the enterprise

 Shows main entities of the enterprise business and
relationships between them
 Not tied to a physical database and tables
 Not E-R diagram
Dimensional Model in Data Warehouse
 What is Dimensional Model?
 A dimensional model is a data structure technique

optimized for Data warehousing tools.

 The concept of Dimensional Modelling was developed by
Ralph Kimball and is comprised of "fact" and
"dimension" tables.
 A Dimensional model is designed to read, summarize,
analyze numeric information like values, balances,
counts, weights, etc. in a data warehouse.
 In contrast, relation models are optimized for addition,
updating and deletion of data in a real-time Online
Transaction System.

Why need multidimensional modelling?

 An electronic gadget distributor company “ElectronicsForAll” is based out of

Delhi, India.
 The company sells its products in north, north-west, and western regions of
India. They have sales units at Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Delhi, and
 The President of the company wants the latest sales information to measure
the sales performance and to take corrective actions if required.
 He has requested this information from his business analysts

Sales Report of ElectronicsForAll

Multidimensional view of data
 This method of analyzing a performance measure ( in
this case the number of units sold) by looking at it
through various perspectives.
 Dimensional modeling is a logical design technique for
structuring data so that it is intuitive to business users
and delivers fast query performance.
 Dimensional modeling is the first step towards building a
dimensional database, i.e. a data warehouse.
 It allows the database to become more understandable
and simpler.

Elements of Dimensional Data Model
 Facts are the measurements/metrics or facts from your
business process. For a Sales business process, a
measurement would be quarterly sales number
 Dimension provides the context surrounding a business
process event.
 In the Sales business process, for the fact quarterly
sales number, dimensions would be
 Who – Customer Names

 Where – Location

 What – Product Name

Question to ponder

 To better understand the fact (measurement)—dimension

(context) link, let us take the example of booking an airlines
 Determine the facts and dimensions in this situation.

Elements of Dimensional Data Model

 The Attributes are the various characteristics of
the dimension.
 In the Location dimension, the attributes can be
 State
 Country
 Zipcode etc.
 Attributes are used to search, filter, or classify
 Dimension Tables contain Attributes

Elements of Dimensional Data Model

Fact Table
 A fact table is a primary table in a
dimensional model.
 A Fact Table contains

 Measurements/facts

 Foreign key to dimension table

 Data columns (usually numeric) that can be used to perform
calculations needed to answer business questions.
 Facts are stored in Fact Tables
 Facts can be aggregated on different levels:

Aggregated on
Aggregated on
Region level
Country level
Facts (continued)
 Same facts can be represented by different column name in the
DW due to various historical and design reasons.
 In the example below the same fact has two different names:

 Facts are cross-dimensional, not limited to one dimension

only. In the example above, the same fact crosses two
dimensions: Geography and Time.
Facts (continued)

 Facts are used to create metrics.

 Metrics - business measurements (i.e. Dollar Sales, Units Sold,
Gross Margin and etc.) used by businesses to analyze and report
their performance.
 Metrics are usually a fact that has a mathematical function
applied to it (sum, average, max, min and etc.)
 More on metrics in a separate presentation
Elements of Dimensional Data Model

Dimension table
 A dimension table contains dimensions of a fact.
 They are joined to fact table via a foreign key.
 Dimension tables are de-normalized tables.
 The Dimension Attributes are the various columns in a
dimension table
 Dimensions offers descriptive characteristics of the facts
with the help of their attributes
 No set limit set for given for number of dimensions
 The dimension can also contain one or more hierarchical

Five Steps of Dimensional Modelling

 Identify Business Process

 Identify Grain (level of detail)
 Identify Dimensions
 Identify Facts
 Build Schema

Identify the business process

 Identifying the actual business process a data warehouse

should cover.
 This could be Marketing, Sales, HR, etc. as per the data
analysis needs of the organization.
 To describe the business process, you can use plain text or
Unified Modelling Language (UML).

Identify the granularity

 The Grain describes the level of detail for the business

 It is the process of identifying the lowest level of information
for any table in your data warehouse.
 If a table contains sales data for every day, then it should be
daily granularity.
 If a table contains total sales data for each month, then it has
monthly granularity.

Identify the grain cont….
 During this stage, you answer questions like
 Do we need to store all the available products or just a

few types of products?

 Do we store the product sale information on a monthly,
weekly, daily or hourly basis?
Example of Grain:
 The CEO at an MNC wants to find the sales for specific
products in different locations on a daily basis.
 So, the grain is "product sale information by
location by the day."

Identify the dimensions
 Dimensions are nouns like date, store, inventory, etc.
These dimensions are where all the data should be
stored. For example, the date dimension may contain
data like a year, month and weekday.
Example of Dimensions:
 The CEO at an MNC wants to find the sales for specific
products in different locations on a daily basis.
 Dimensions: Product, Location and Time

 Attributes: For Product: Product key (Foreign Key),

Name, Type, Specifications
 Hierarchies: For Location: Country, State, City, Street
Address, Name

Identify the Fact
 This step is co-associated with the business
users of the system because this is where they
get access to data stored in the data warehouse.
 Most of the fact table rows are numerical
values like price or cost per unit, etc.
Example of Facts:
 The CEO at an MNC wants to find the sales for
specific products in different locations on a daily
 The fact here is : Sum of Sales by product by
location by time.
Build Schema
 A schema is nothing but the database structure
(arrangement of tables).
 There are two popular schemas:

Star Schema
 The star schema architecture is easy to design.

 It is called a star schema because diagram

resembles a star, with points radiating from a
 The center of the star consists of the fact table,
and the points of the star is dimension tables.

The “Classic” Star Schema

 In the Star schema, the center of the star can have one fact
tables and numbers of associated dimension tables.
 A single fact table, with detail and summary data
 Fact table primary key has only one key column per


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